Star Army

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What Is The Legal status of NovaCorp?


Inactive Member
What is actualy the legal status of NovaCorp? I didn't actualy think it was part of the Yamatai government, but someone has said it is. I was under the possibly foolish impression (given that I have been at this long and only know about NovaCorp what Rob has deemed me worthy of) that it was an independant company. Please can someone (anyone), but preferably Wes or anyone that knows anything about the legal system of Yamatai, tell me what the actual situation was.

And also, one way or another, what does that mean NovaCorp's rights would be? If it was part of the government (as someone has suggested), how much independance would it be allowed. If it is an independant company, what does that mean its rights are? Are their certain lines of research that are forbiden, legal rights of preotection in place, what are the rules of selling military ships to independant parties, and is their a minimum wage?

Can someone help me out here.
NovaCorp is a private Yamataian corporation.

It's allowed to build and sell military ships to anyone, provided they don't have any of the restricted technogies. Since it's not one of the "Major Corporations" (which are expected to give a large portion of their end products to the government), they'll also probably get paid for ships by the government

There is no minimum wage in the YSE. In fact, a large portion of the jobs available have no salary at all, just the basic supplies for living. Other entities work on the pretige-request system, where there is no regular pay, but a worker can ask for items based on their performance (like a car, etc.) Items come from a corporation's central pool of resources.
NovaCorp is a private Yamataian corporation.

It's allowed to build and sell military ships to anyone, provided they don't have any of the restricted technogies. Since it's not one of the "Major Corporations" (which are expected to give a large portion of their end products to the government), they'll also probably get paid for ships by the government

There is no minimum wage in the YSE. In fact, a large portion of the jobs available have no salary at all, just the basic supplies for living. Other entities work on the pretige-request system, where there is no regular pay, but a worker can ask for items based on their performance (like a car, etc.) Items come from a corporation's central pool of resources.
I don't think NovaCorp has anything the Mishu would be intrested in. But on this point, can someone tell me who the StarArmy is currently at war with or hostile with so NovaCorp won't trade with them. Someone said something about selling cheap weapons to the Elysian government being a good thing for a corporation to do, would this be frowned upon?
Unless I'm mistaken, which happens often, Elysia is being a good semi-independent client state right now. It took one long, bloody war to cause that to happen, too.

We're at war with:
- Mishu
- Ralfaris/QIS [extrauniversal] (?)
- Jaaq'tah [extrauniversal] (unspoken truce?)
- Sentinels [extrauniversal] (dead RP plot?)
Although I have no idea who any of those people are other than the Mishu, and would welcome anyone telling me, there is one thing that I really want to know and that is: who are the sentinels, how are they extrauniversal, and what are they guarding? Also what sort of technology and stuff do they have?
Extrauniversal means it's something out of this (RP) universe. The Star Army's TTD tech lets SA ships visit other RP settings (for instance, Ayenee). It's mainly because back in the old days, the SA universe was pretty small and static.
Those are some pretty nasty bits of machinery. Apparently NovaCorp has very little (or could develop very little) that would intrest such powers. Ah well we can but try.

What actions that NovaCorp could do other than aiding an enemy that would bring the Star Armies agression against it? Might be best to know so I don't suddenly find a fleet ripping up the Fenyar Cloud (where the bulk of NovaCorp is at the moment.)
If you suspect that something's subversive, it probably is. :p

But, since you asked what is frowned upon around here, let's see: god-moding (or just a lot better than everyone else), attacking Yamataian or allied ships, and just general OOC jerk-hood.

Nobody seems to mind your post flooding though.

Excercise your own judgement on what it means to be a good corporate citizen. ^_^ (My goodness, that should be a government slogan or something.)

A list of Yamatai's treaties with foreign governments can be found in the Legislature section. Let me know if you get info overload there and need help.
I don't particularly care for the post flooding. I mean, you've been here a week or so and you have as many posts as me. :lol: Seriously, you're asking questions and that's cool, because it'll probably avoid some trouble down the line. This is a bit off subject but I felt like saying it.
For a while NovaCorp got picked up by Tahahagane (basically so that Nashoba could maintain it) but now that Nashoba passed away it might be available to another player to manage it. If you're interested, let me know.