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What is Yamatai's religious makeup?

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
A quick search for religion brought up two topics that referenced religions within the Yamataian culture.

As you can see, the first isn't so helpful -- Fred says that Yamataian culture disdains religion, which promotes the ease of transferring bodies.

In the second one though, we get this idea from Wes that Yamatai has religion much like early 13th-centry Japan had -- A Shinto-esque religion of nature spiritualism, some Buddhist-like polytheism, ancestor worship (probably in the Chinese fashion?) and some rare monotheistic sect.

I can imagine the Shinto religion to be an extention of modern Shinto, along with the Buddhism. But the ancestor worship and the monotheistic sect -- what about them?

I know of the Temple of Chiharu and one of my characters references Chiharu sometimes. But I must admit ignorance, as I don't know how else it works on Yamatai. Is it safe to say it works like the Wikipedia article?

I'm just curious about the monotheistic sect. Thanks in advance, folks.
Kotori said:
It seems to be a rather solid knowledge in Yamatai that there is no afterlife. Prime tenets of christiancy rest on this. I'm not sure it'd survive intact.

For example: there are no such thing as ghost or haunts. It's probably a Mishhu ;)

Wes has claimed that ancestor worship is practiced in Yamatai. This suggests that those Yamataians who practice it (I would expect many do, as Yamatai is very Eastern in its beliefs) do, in fact, believe in an afterlife.
I think they actually worship the memories and deeds of specific noteworthy individuals and use them as a guide. It seems the most likely facet that sort of worship would take in Yamatai, while not delving in the afterlife stuff.

Consider this seriously: people can or can not believe in God, or practice christianism or some other religion... but the educated mind can still look over the teachings and see some 'good' written in the lines. Faith, one way or another, is meant as the comfort that you are not alone and that an all encompassing being watches over you benevolently and leaves teachings which direct you to do good deals in accordance to his tenets to be meritant of whatever reward or punishment would await you in the afterlife.

The essential part of all that are the tenets which are dictated, many of which are still the base of what we consider good-hearted behavior (traits like kindness, mercy, compassion, bravery, courage, patience, etc.). Yamatai's ancestor worship is nothing more, nothing less, than idol worshipping - even if the said idol is departed. that one neko could hope to have as much wisdom as Empress Yuumi had in her life, for example. The former of ancestor worship sets a standard, a goal, that a person can try to aspire to which is attainable because someone else before was able to attain it, no matter how exceptional.

As for the benevolent figure, Yamatai's is pretty much the PANTHEON... though PANTHEON doesn't have the sort of ego needed to be a god. However, the Yamataian Government does encourage its citizens to pushing themselves to reach self-accomplishment through service to their community/society. Instead of waiting for the afterlife to be rewarded for your 'good deeds' (serving your society as the elistist government deems it should be), Yamataian Culture does not hesitate to give recompense to those whom manage to shine and get into their good graces.
I dunno, the whole ancestor worship on Yamatai feels more like just a really strong idolatry wherein a certain person did something really awesome and you just want to be more like that person. No real 'organization' or form. You just worship said person however you feel like, either by referring to their name as a mantra or having a little shrine, or stare longingly at a photo. ;p

I guess considering that the Neko were created by people and not any kind of omniscient spiritual god like figure they gotta go with something.
In a temple made just for them? From and empire that, as Usue said to the Lorath royalty has no gods, since everyone has the power to be one.

Why a temple, which implictates required service, and not a shrine? Which is a lot less creepy and hellova lot less cultist?
It's a large, elaborate buliding full of Chiharu memorabilia where people can reflect on her life and the lives of other soldiers who've given their lives to protect Yamatai's way of life. It doesn't seem very cult-like to me.
Maybe it's because it's 2 in the morning and I've been up all day, but please Wes tell me you were being sarcastic? If so please someone just bonk me on the head and I will be on my way.
Sounds like it would be an interesting museum at least. But no less weirder then a typical anime fanboy's shrine to their favorite character. I betcha they even sell UFO catcher plushies of Chiharu at the gift store.
Seems to be the case for victims of many an unfortunate event who was cut down a little too early in life. At least the folks on Yamatai don't have to worry about complex political issues like in Japan regarding shrines housing certain WWII war criminals. I hear is touchy.