Star Army

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What technology is restricted?


Inactive Member
Under the laws of Star Army these technologies are restricted:
Transposition Cannons
Scalar Weapons
ST/SS Tech.
Technology involved in the creation of Zesuaium.
Interdictor Devices

Does this mean that no-one can by the blueprints or just that no-one can use it without paying the relevant organisations?

Also is a ban against any organistation developing it through their own independant research?
Wes gets the last say on things like this, but I'll throw in my two cents:

The main thing that the military would be concerned with, is these technologies getting into the wrong hands. We wouldn't want some small-time pirates shooting a warship out of the sky, or some criminal to be able to escape to another universe.

That being said, the Empire is fairly corporate-friendly. A corporation would probably have to agree in writing that they won't sell products that utilize these technologies to civilians, and only to the Empire and her client states. The military-industrial complex can always use more competition on the industrial side.
QIS, before it tried revolting (resulting in the Star Army vaporizing Ralfaris), was given permission to use some of the restricted technologies. Others, like TTDs, were only made by Kessaku and had to be ordered from KES for each ship made. As a whole, TTD demand and usage has gone down a lot in recent years, and ships like the Arashi Escort don't even bother with them because the largers ships can ferry them around.

Does this mean that no-one can by the blueprints or just that no-one can use it without paying the relevant organisations?
Unauthorized possession of the blueprints is illegal and is a direct violation of the order of the Empress. Obviously, the penalties are rather harsh.

Also is a ban against any organistation developing it through their own independant research?
Yep. Remember, though, you can always ask the government for permission, or get the law changed through voting.
Well, restricted technology, historically, was only allowed on ships that were going to be used in the Star Army (or on KFY ships, since KFY's fleet counts as the imperial family's guard and in emergencies, a reserve military). If restricted techwas sold by NovaCorp to the general public, that would defeat the purpose of the law.
What about ships that where only available in NovaCorps fleet? By this I mean could NovaCorp make ships with restricted technology, using rights purchased from the stararmy, sell them to the stararmy, not to anyone else, but use them in their own personal fleet?
If your looking for a way around tech restrictions you can always back engineer technologies and remake it in your own image or if your worried about government restrictions you can base your corporation in Ayenee so that it does not directly fall under the control of the Yamatai government. Also if your interested in developing technologies for use within your corporation there are always people you can go to, Derran and I are both good with tech OOCly and if you looking for IC help you could seek out some of the corporations inside of the NDI. Or you could look for partnerships with Feisar Arms or QIS in ACC. If you don't have a link to Ayenee I'll leave it up to Wes if he wants to provide you with one.
Is their actualy any FTL technology that isn't restricted? If there isn't that means that no ship made in Yamatai territory and isn't owned by the Stararmy can't go faster than the speed of light and will take a huge amount of time to get anywhere. Just saying
Wormholes, scaled space, Q-space, teleportation, and temporal dilation are unrestricted I think. There is always a new way to get form point A to point B. IM me and I'll help you with it sometime.
Well, why not? Is their any particular reason why NovaCorp ships shouldn't have any firepower? I mean if they didn't, NovaCorp wouldn't be able to defend themselves. In any case I'm working on some new weapons of my own, and then I'LL RESTRICT THEM HAHA.

Does anyone have a problem with Grasers? I never could work out why Masers where introduced but Grasers wern't as they are much more powerfull. If anyone can tell me, I'd be delighted.

My problem with those unrestricted FTL drives, is firstly, wormholes need exotic matter to keep open (which I don't know how to produce), and all the other ones almost certainly use massive amounts of energy which you can proably only get with an aetheric generator, which is also restricted. However I know next to nothing about Q-space, or those othe drives that have been put down, so any details would be welcome.
All FTL will require massive ammounts of energy, even the CDD. Bending the laws of physics has its price.

As for restricting your own technology... that is up to the goverment which is controlled by your competitors so don't bet on it.
Is their actualy any FTL technology that isn't restricted?
Hyperspace fold systems and continuum distortion drive isn't restricted technology, either. There aren't any restricted FTL propulsion technologies at all. I don't know where you got that idea.

Note that anti-matter weaponry isn't restricted either.
What about ships that where only available in NovaCorps fleet? By this I mean could NovaCorp make ships with restricted technology, using rights purchased from the stararmy, sell them to the stararmy, not to anyone else, but use them in their own personal fleet?
It's possible some deal could be worked out.
You know, I don't know where I got the idea from. I geuss that in all the HSCS', TDD's and RDD's I just assumed CDD was in their. Oops. Is Hyperspace Fold System the one that goes really REALLY fast, and thus makes the instantaneus teleportation thing effectively redundant (I read something like this on another post). By the way can some one fill me in on how Wormholes, scaled space, Q-space, teleportation, and temporal dilation works. :lol:

I've come up with an idea for a Tachyon Drive which I'll detail at some later point. Put basicly it takes advantage of reverse relativity past the speed of light.
Is Hyperspace Fold System the one that goes really REALLY fast, and thus makes the instantaneus teleportation thing effectively redundant
You could say that. :P
Aether beam weapons technology is (specifically, the GWB) but generator technology is not.
Corporate ships should be able to defend themselves fairly well against pirates with just conventional space-age weapons. If there's something that NovaCorp can't repulse with anti-matter missiles, then it's probably a good idea to call the SA for help.

Nobody's saying that corporate ships can't be armed. :) And like Wes said, we can always work something out.