Star Army

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Wheres the tech? AND.... Can i?


Inactive Member
Hello. considering the fact that im new, i have a few questions.

First, where is the tech section (ie, do the ships have shields? FTL capability? etc)

Second, can i create my own unique race? (if not, i will make a freespacer and discard the below, though it is interesting)

In case the answer to second question is yes (if no discard this): the character im thinking is different in every aspect of the word. firstly, despite that the character (George treet shall be his name) can appear humanoid, he is not. he is just a brain. if you meet him in person, he is wearing a biological suit designed not to look completely and totally ugly (though he does have a battle suit not designed for looks, but for other, obvious purposes). he has two other main suits: his cruiser and his fighter.

second, he can learn to communicate in any language in seconds, given the ability to hack into a computer. in this case, he ended up emerging from an artificial wormhole right in the middle of a mission (the opening of the wormhole involved, causing the ship it appears near to experience the effects of EMP). as soon as the ship nearby gets back up and runnning, it starts firing at the newcomer (Treet of course!) who came from the artificial (before he can close it). he closes it, and scans the vessel. the shots bounce right off of his armor. then George hacks into the ship's computer, turns off the weapons, figures out the language, and introduces himself.

third, george treet's race, the biomancers, are extremely technologically advanced. the reason that george treet is discovered is that he uses an artificial wormhole to get away from a supernova, made by a terrorist who uses too much antimatter and ends up destroying the entire galaxy (which is far, far away, so far that treet ended up here thanks to not calculating where the other end of his AW would be). in addition, every biomancer specialises in something (or at least, they did). treet specialises in electronics warfare (though he did pick up a few presents from fighting pirates); his parents specialised in different ways to procreate (and excuse my language, but in other words, they specialised in biomancer sex); there were only 2 ways to procreate, after all.

fourth, part of the reason the biomancers weren't attempting to solve the problem of procreation is that they live so damn long! Treet is 300 years old and says he hasn't matured yet (humans normally mature at 17-22); he also says the average biomancer lives to be 100 cycles old. he is 4 cycles old himself.
I suspect we (speaking as a character mod) would handle it like we do most changes to the standard characters. Let the player have a chance to justify it and convince us that he can handle the extra power, or at least that he has a plan for what he's doing.
Nashoba said:
We typically limit characters to 3,000 KS or equiv in equipment.

So how can a new player start with a starship?
Debt and a good history section.
alright then, how about a nepleslian who owns a unique (not overpowered) ship?

elaborate: WARNING: theres a tl;dr explaining the uniqueness of the ship and why he has it. lets say the Neps ship is the Bag of bucket bolts. when it is going to dock with either a space station or a mothership, it simply gets close and latches onto the hull. i SERIOUSLY want to have a ship that runs on gravitational power, even if such a generator is only a relic found on a planet with ancient ruins that has millions of such generators. before anyone can ask why he took it and didnt leave it be, he explains that pirates had already started looting the place, and the generator he has now was one of the ones he took from the pirates. he also has a unique weapon (maybe its more a defensive device?): regenerative shields that drain a target's shields to add to themselves, up to a limit. these same shields instantly fill to max when they enter the atmosphere of a planet that is habitable, even if it needs a space suit (because the atmosphere is a natural shield against radiation, and there's so much of it that draining it to fill the generator would, in fact, only reduce the life of that atmosphere by a few seconds-- in other words, the effects would be negligable.) the reason he haves this ship at all is, well, its the pirate ship he stole when he defeated the pirates.

tl;dr: George treet has a ship that runs on gravitational energy and has shields that can drain other shields. he stole both techs and the ship from pirates.
Why do you need a ship that runs on gravitational power so badly?

The Earth's magnetic field does most of the radiation-guarding...and I don't see how stealing atmosphere would help recharge any sort of shielding ability. The atmosphere does what it does because it is so big (it covers the surface over a mile thick [EDIT: Researched, found that it's over 428 miles thick, not counting the exosphere. Wow...]); any shield that would use atmospheric gasses (and not every planet has the same atmosphere) would need to compress those gasses, generating either plasma or condensing the gasses into a very ineffectual solid. I'm sorry, but your shield idea is not making sense.

And most ships already have electromagnetic shields, gravity shields, spacial distortion shields, electrostatic shields, and even plasma shields, among a few other types.

I don't think you're understanding the number of options you have available within this setting. And you continue to push your ideas when you are, at this time, quite far from your goal. Create your character, join a plotship, get used to the setting, then start creating your ship. Take your time.

Step 1: Make character.
Step 2: Join plot.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Make ship! Profit!!!
hmm, the reason i need that gravitational generator is simple: whatever ship im on, more power will be useful, and with a gravitational generator, even by itself, when the ship is orbiting a planet that's big enough, that gravitational generator will produce a huge amount of energy. this allows for greater speed not to mention powered-armor is easier to use and, of course, shields arent so draining.