Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Wiki De-Cluttering for the New Year

The wiki is where Star Army stores the knowledge of our vast shared universe. We want it to be interesting, fun, easy to use and navigate, and up-to-date. As part of these goals, Star Army has a wiki staff that is regularly conducting edits to maintain the wiki is good shape. This includes finding fixing or removing broken links, linking or removing orphan pages, correcting typos, quality issues, and more. One of the things I've been thinking about lately is how to streamline the wiki and make upkeep less work for players and GMs. Here's some ideas I've come up with that I've been working on:
  • Merging some topics that are spread out over many pages into comprehensive guides.
    • This includes species pages, for example I've been merging various human subtypes into the human page such as Geshrins and slowly merging Nekovalkyrja stuff up
    • When non-character pages (inventories, skills pages, etc) are found in the character folder, merge them back into the character bio
  • Creating a lot of pages that automatically update themselves based on struct data
    • Active plots list now pulls data from the actual plot pages and no longer needs to be edited
    • List of Star Army Personnel, list of members of factions, lists of ranks and occupations on their pages, etc
    • List of species (btw I need short descriptions for some species)
    • Basically any sort of list that needed to be edited all the time, I hope to automate
Streamlining things helps people learn the setting more easily, cuts down on work for players and GMs, and helps with the problem of different wiki pages presenting conflicting info (like when a character page says a character is on a ship and the ship page says he's not). If you have ideas for how we can streamline and automate the wiki better, let me know.

Furthermore, it's really important to me that pages on the wiki are useful and awesome and I'm always trying to find old or under-detailed pages and improve them so they give readers more value. You have have noticed me asking for help lately and that's because I've only got a couple helpers. We need more people who will actively participate. This is a never-ending job so if you want to volunteer, talk to me and I'll assign you a do-able task you can do to help out (such as adding struct data to all planets starting with M or something).

Anyway, part of the wiki maintenance do is clearing out all the abandoned stuff that meets the wiki's criteria for deletion. In particular, I'm talking about old WIPs that no one has touched in forever. These types of cleanups are theoretically ongoing all the time but in practice we got to sit down and make time for them and the end of the year seems like a great time because finding year-old articles is going to be really easy. So this is the official alert that I plan to remove any WIP that hasn't be worked on in over a year once we start the new year. This means articles in the WIP namespace with edit dates of 2019 or earlier or articles where the last human edit is the same (not just the move plugin's link updates). I will also go through the wiki and prune unused media files like images that not used in any wiki page.

I'm also looking for extremely short wiki pages - pages of under 500 characters are now flagged 9 points for that on their Quality Score so they'll stand out on the list of pages with quality issues and I'm trying to find solutions for them on a case-by-case basis.

Also, on the IC side, I'm planning on creating a Star Army Reserve which we can transfer inactive SAoY characters to, where they can safely live their unattended lives (lol).

  • We're starting to automate lists anywhere we can
  • Some pages are getting merged to streamline the wiki
  • WIPs from 2019 or earlier will be removed if not being worked on
  • Still need some wiki helpers to manage the workload
How do we see pages that might be ours that say are a year old and we haven't worked on but still might be an idea for the future? We'll need to edit it obviously, but how do we view these pages? Is there a page that compiles the information you mentioned using?
There's no easy way to do it that I know of. When I go through the WIPs I look at the dates on the files in SSH and then make edits in the browser. I suggest looking at the backlinks to your userpage and use the credit links in your WIPs as ways to find your pages in WIP (backlinks are listed in order of namespaces) and then check those.
I have been removing unused images. IIRC a copy was already outside the wiki in the site images folder with the other headers. Also no forums use header images anymore. It is restorable, though.
I don't know if there are unused images of Separa'Shan, but if there are I'd be glad to put them to work.
I got two Lamia adoptables but they are currently suffering from a distinct lack of clothing, lol
Reminder: I'm going through and removing some of these orphan pages. Please make sure your wiki pages, especially character pages, have stuff linking to them.