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[Xenedine] Armor Busting Rifle

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
====== Xenedine Corporation Armor Busting Rifle ======

The [[Armor Busting Rifle]] is a weapon designed by [[Xenedine Corporation]] for [[large mecha|mecha]]((OOC: The IC implications of this post have not yet been realized. They will be within the Miharu forum initially, then in the General forum.)). It uses positron blasts to damage targets in space.

===== Producer information =====

**Designer & Manufacturer:** Xenedine Corporation
**Price:** 20,000 KS
**Individual component costs:**
* Positron generator system: 6,000 KS
* Spaceworthy Sensor "Scope:" 4,000 KS

===== Nomenclature and statistical information =====

* **Name:** Armor Busting Rifle
* **Type:** Positron cannon
* **Model:** Xc-W1-2901
* **Role:** Mecha sharpshooting rifle

==== Basic data ====

=== Positron gun ===
* **Dimensions:** 4.8 x 1.4 x 0.5 m
* **Weight:** 400 kg
* **Rate of fire:** 12 rnds/min
* **Capacity:** 400 rounds before generator needs replentishing
* **Effective range:** 100,000 km
* **Muzzle velocity:** Near speed-of-light

==== Ammunition data ====

* **Ammunition type:** Subspace-encased positron shots
* **Ammunition description:** Subspace pulse that is used to provide short-term encasement to a packet of compressed positrons.
* **Damage type:** Molecular destruction + positron damage (reverse EMP).
* **Damage description:** DR 6.
* **Generator description:** A large box that fits into the back of the weapon; normally where a slug magazine might go, but bigger.

==== Weapon data ====

* **Visual description:** The weapon is a bullpup design to maintain compactness, while the barrel is NOT fluted. The trigger is a stud. The fire controls are built in to the left side of the trigger group -- a switch is labeled S and F, for "Safe" and "Fire." Has a mecha-size buttpad on the back. The weapon's colors are black for the furniture, barrel and frame. The positron barrel is relatively thin, but it is longer than the artillery barrel. // [[|(Imagine the WA 2000 with a smaller, less prominent scope.)]]
* **Firing mechanism:** There is no mechanical method to firing; a shot is produced inside the chamber and is then fired.
* **Recoil:** Negligable.

==== Maintenance data ====

The weapon must be detached from its box generator first, then drained of any remaining power before it can be worked on. A mecha cannot work on the rifle.

===== History =====

The [[Xc-V3-2X "Artemis" hi-speed transport]] was a one-off by [[Xenedine Corporation]]. It was the first product they made, and was given to one [[Suzuka-Chui|Suzuka Yukari]]. They did not expect to hear from Suzuka any time soon, but when they received an order for a weapon to complement the Artemis, specifically a rifle for its soldier mode, they were a little shocked. However, the design team (noting the order came from a Taii with a spending account attached to her name) was able to convert one of the [[Hoplite's|Ki-V1 Hoplite]] old gun pods into a much spiffier rifle, and in a hurry. Then again, it's made from a bunch of junk that was lying around the shop, and it's another one-off piece ... hopefully it's reliable.
I tried to put it in the Wiki format Wes wants ... saves me the trouble of having to reformat.

Apparently, that was for not.

I'll edit it to a new format.
I'd like to see more discription on the damage the aether rounds do and I'm not sure that a railgun would have a muzzle flash or a need for a muzzle break though that could be explained by the cooling mechanisum radiating waste heat.

I don't see any tech problems with this as is.
A muzzle flash is caused by the chemicals from a casing burning and expanding through the barrel as it pushes the round out. Therefore, there would be no muzzle flash from a railgun that doesn't need chemicals to launch a round.
Uweh? I thought there'd be some kind of energy dispersal that would follow the round ... but then, where would it come from, considering the coils are inside the barrel. *shakes head* I'll edit to remove the flash.
Well you do have to get rid of the heat generated by the gun. If you really want to keep the flash then you could just vent the extra heat out into the barrel, igniting whatever atmosphere is inside of it and creating a flash of sorts.
Edited to remove muzzle flash, fix some wiki formatting, and change the damage rating to 6 and 3 instead of "severe to moderate."

I'm thinking I might have an optional cooling system, one that isn't necessary all the time. Would the cold of space be sufficient to cool this weapon, or do I need something more active? It isn't firing very fast ...
At first, I was a bit taken aback by the concept of a bullet containing an aether generator made to 'blow up'... but then, I recall PNUgen seemed to have aetheric hand grenades.

This is something similar to that, right?

On topic of heat, you are firing bullets - not some uberpowered plasma fission cannon of ultimate doom or a positron railgun like the Sakura has. Ought to be safe enough on the level of heat.
Actually, things tend to overheat more easily in space - on Earth, things lose excess heat by conduction, convection, and radiation. In space, you only have radiation.

PNUgen seemed to have aetheric hand grenades.
I'd thought of them as anti-matter, actually. I suppose an aether greande would be much safer and convenient, though.

Then again, if we had aether grenades, the Star Army would totally be using aether mini-missiles in its Mindy armors.
I seem to remember us having a discussion about that at some point -- anti-matter shells were hard to handle because it was hard to keep the anti-matter suspended in vacuum. I went with aether-generator slugs just because they were the easiest thing I could think of that wasn't restricted. I mean everyone can get aether generator technology ...

I can remove them and find some other weapon if they're offensive.
How about positrons? The Lamia (cheap version) wields one such weapon - you could always devise a much larger equivalent.

Then again, nothing stops you from making a genuine aetheric cannon like the Fox shuttles have, only bigger.
You're calling the shells generators, but they're not generators, they're basically quantum explosives. Aether weaponry is prohibited under the Restricted Technologies Act.
Xenedine doesn't have access to restricted tech. That's why I can't make aether weapons.

*grins at Wes* You're absolutely right, but this is part of my purpose. Aetheric weaponry is prohibited, but technically the slugs aren't weapons -- they're just shells with switched-off aether generators inside. They're practically spare power supplies.

BUT. I'd forgotten about positron weaponry. I can go that route instead.

EDIT: Positron weaponry would actually make the most sense -- Xenedine still has all those spare LAMIA parts and weapons it hasn't utilized.

EDIT X2: Added positron cannon.
It's got a long range (100,000km) but I don't see how. It doesn't have any sensors or scope that would allow it to see that far.
Doesn't the Mindy rifle fire four times farther? Why couldn't this weapon do the same, especially since positron weapons can fire up to 1 AU?
It could, for example, be capable of firing that far, even if the firer can't see that far. A rifle will fire a long way, even if you cant see as far as it shoots.

Add a scope and you can see farther; but the charge can likely still outreach your vision.
Nevermind Hrist has the equipment to hit things that far away -- the original submission of this includes a sensor scope.
When a positron weapon blasts into an electronic something, it floods it with positive energy. However, every time I read "positive energy," I think about good self-esteem and yoga. So I described the effect as a reverse EMP; instead of frying everything with too much energy, it sucks it down and leaves the ship dry. I think that's how it works -- I hope it is.