Star Army

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RP Yamatai-Conclave First Contact


Banned Member
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Video Meeting
{^^Sync Network^^}
»»»Inbound Message«««

FROM: [Mark Oaklen]
TO: [Iemochi Seinosuke]

>Hey old friend, I wanted to drop a line and say hi. As well as maybe discuss a few things. The main one being possible representation of our new government out here to arrange an alliance treaty.

>Greetings Mark, it's been a long while. How're you doing? Forgive me, which government? Last I saw you I think we were still in the Star Army?

>Other Mark. I'm the original who came aboard the Kaiyo last year. We at Section 6 have recently found a new home to start our own government, away from the dictatorship of the USO. We've also recently helped Mark with his affliction which you would have certainly noticed before departure to senator. I'd like to also apologize for the incident at the festival, we were only trying to do our jobs as security. After the event we went digging and were approached by your father. Neither me, nor Jack liked the story he tried to feed us, so we lied. Until he sees the news of your new position, if he hasn't already, thinks your dead. I'm hoping you'll forgive us in our mistake.

>Empress, that's rather confusing. Don't worry at all about the festival, my father has been pulling that sort of thing longer than I've been alive. However, very select people in the past few decades have ever met my father. Even I have not. Lying to him is not a good idea but I'm glad you tried to assist me. It's only right I hear you out because of that. I hope my father doesn't try to punish you for doing so, if he does just tell me. How can I help with this treaty?

>S6 has been supplying the essian resistance with weapons, supplies, and equipment. Developing PA for their use as well. We wish to ally ourselves with yamatai in this war, both because we do not like this enemy's ways, and would much rather see yamatai stay the major power in this sector. There is also a personal reason, at least on my part. If there is one thing me and Mark share, it is our love for Nerai. Both of us are ready to throw all in to make her happy, and return her home to her home to her people. This was a promise I made to him before he returned to the Kaiyo.

>Very well, I feel like this would be better to discuss in person at greater length. However, I'm currently organising the evacuation of refugees to my world of Virginia, as it's the only planet in a long distance with the infrastructure for them. I would like to get some details down before I approach my colleagues, if it's possible for you to send a delegate?

>What about a teleconference, we have a meeting room setup for holographic presentation. If not we do have a civilian ship we can send with a delegate. If that is the case, it will most likely be me, or Jack who attends. Either way works for us.

>A teleconference will be fine, if I can project myself there. Understand my primary concern right now is making sure as many people as I can are safe. Finding time to meet will likely be hard to schedule, spontaneous, will that be a problem?

>Not at all. Current operation leaves at least one of us available at all times. I'm sending the connection codes, once your on when you have time, one of us will meet you there.
>[Commline Code 5A: Received]

>Excellent, thank you for the code. I'll be sure to do so when I have some time to spare. Apologies, it looks like one of our lost shuttles is coming into the Depot. I'll have to go and meet the crew.

>See you later.

»»»End of Line«««


The new meeting room aboard the Anvil was rather nice. Having been modified to be both classy, and relaxing. It was two compartments long, a large onyx table dominating as the center of the room. Much like the old room, the table here was ornately carved with designs, which were accented with bits of gold, attached to edges, the corners of the table, and to highlight the deeper carvings. The top was polished and smooth, with large black spaces in its surface where terminals had been built in at each seat.

The chairs were of stygian black iron, bent and forged into rather equally ornately shaped chairs. The padding was a gel stuffed leather, with a red finish. And to top it off, every square inch of both the floor and ceiling had been replaced with optical panels. They displayed false views of the stars outside the hull, which could be falsely augmented with nebulae and such. Purely for comfort, but as well for an awe factor.

Far away, on the bustling planet of Virginia, Iemochi Seinosuke stepped back into his rather generous office. Technically he could have a lot more but personally he found being in a smaller space more comfortable. Probably all his time in the SA and his upbringing.

Pacing to the other side of his amply-sized desk, Seino plonked himself down into his chair. Still wearing his Star Army uniform, the blonde poured himself a glass of strong whiskey and took a sip. Finally, he had a moment. Likely not enough to change before meeting the next 1XF official - hence the uniform and not a suit. It would have to do.

Swivelling back to the console that sat in the center of his desk, Mochi swiftly tapped in the calling code Jack had provided. Waiting for the connection, the father took a longer swig from the crystal glass, set it aside and cleared his throat as he waited.

The meeting room would gain resolution around his perception, the nice board room represented falsely as of he was actually there. True to his word, Mark stepped through the pneumatic door, only moments later, giving Mochi a welcoming smile. Mark was dressed in his dress uniform, the jacket now bearing his rank of Commander with the embellishments recently added for his new title as Lord.

"Welcome Senator, unless you would wish a more casual conversation?", Mark offered before taking the chair at the head of the onyx table. Mochi had been projected only two seats down from it, a comfortable distance for both in attendance Mark hoped.

"Thank you for inviting me.." Seinosuke barely paused for an instant as he recalled everything he'd learned about Section 6 in the time since the chat messages. His contacts knew a surprising amount. "..Lord Commander." If Mark's title hadn't been compound before, it definitely was now.

"The more formal we are the more useful the recording of our conversation will be. I hope it's alright that I do keep a copy of the meeting..? Of course, you came to me so we'll approach this however you want to approach it." The Neo-Caelisolan offered, allowing Mark to decide himself whether this was between Section 6 and Yamatai or Mark and Mochi.

Mark gave a smile, albeit he kinda hated the title, it was necessary. "That is perfectly fine Senator. So, I guess I should cut to the chase then. Section 6 wishes to ally itself with the Star Army of Yamatai. We've already been, as mentioned in our correspondence, supplying the Essian forces with weapons,
armor, and supplies.", he said laying out the reason for the meeting for the record.

Mochi nodded in acknowledgment and didn't move to stop the recording as may have been the case. "Indeed, that seems to be the intention with contacting myself. I think it would be easiest to start out with what we both have to gain from such an alliance?"

"Troops, a force at their disposal that can act when they can't, our technology if they even want it. In addition to someone close to watch on the USO. There are numerous reason why we left, and admittedly they should be watched. All that we ask is for a business license, the ability aid in this war, and the ability to recruit new colonists and troops.", Mark offered with certainty, before switching to sympathy, "We are not isolationist. Are view is to the sector as a whole, and are concerned for what may happen if the kuvexians win. We care for what might happen to those of the other nations. We have a personal stake in this, and a sector united against a common enemy is what we need."

Mochi nodded gently as Mark spoke, the triple blue flashes on his lapels not quite doing justice to the role he was playing. "Interesting proposal. We have lengthy borders, recently there have been MTF units put in place to mitigate this but assistance in your corner of the sector could be interesting." The Senator rubbed under his chin a little, "Techology and troops we have though. It is good to hear that unlike some nations, Section 6 declaring this to us shows you care about security beyond your borders."

"Business licenses are simple to arrange. Potentially measures can be put in place to allow your participation." The Elysian finished, meeting Mark's eyes. "I suppose it's fairly obvious what we can do for Section 6, though for the record-" Mochi paused for a moment. "Apologies, we should be referring to country names rather than military or research organisations.." He left the statement hanging, so that his counterpart Mark could state a different moniker if desired.

"New Dusk Conclave. That is the name of the new nation we are building. One I hope can become a productive, and friendly member of the Sector.", The human said with a smile.

Mochi raised an eyebrow a fraction, though the corners of his lips upturned. "Not a bad one at that. I hope so too, Empress knows there's enough problems in our humble corner of the cosmos." The Senator leaned forward a little, "What do you mean by freedom to recruit, as you say?"

"Colonist mostly, recruits to grow our military more if permissible. Right now, our numbers are few, and we'll need more people to grow and build a proper home. Even if not military recruiting, at least more colonists."

"And these people.. Would be gathered from Yamataian worlds?" The blonde seemed skeptical, leaning back a fraction in his seat. "Please elaborate a little on this method of recrutiment and in what sense they would be contracted?"

"Televised ad. I'm not asking to setup stands, or anything like that.", Mark clarifies.

Mochi nodded a little, "But what sort of contract they'd be under. Generally military service is tied to nationality. Would they be mercenaries?"

"I'd say leave that up to them. If they're a civilian and want to look at other places, we offer that. We aren't asking them to revoke citizenship, but offering to be a citizen here as well if they wish. We aren't just trying grab people, and transit would be fully allowed. As for military, if they want to enlist, they enlist. We get everyone from ex-marines, to even a few ex-military nekoes, and just normal citizens wanting to protect their home.", Mark explained further after the question was asked.

"Mercenaries, if they don't want to enlist, would be put into a separate regiment, and they wouldn't have access to restricted tech and such. The whole point for us is building a home, but making sure we have people committed to protecting it. We aren't looking to start wars, but we want to make sure we're ready for one if someone brings one to our doorstep."

He seemed to somber at a thought, "The last one cost us enough as it is. Fighting the USO's war for them, cost the lives of more then I am comfortable with, and has scarred my family. We're on our own out here now, and we don't have ST anymore."

Seinosuke listened patiently as Mark detailed the true meaning behind the meeting. "It's interesting how your allegiance has changed in recent times. It wasn't so long ago the USO was the other side of the Conclave." His fiery wings wavered to the sides of Mochi's seat.

"Its currently the case in the Empire that mercenaries are disbarred inside our borders. We'll have to consider how that will be upheld, perhaps another time. However, is there anything else you would like to discuss?"

"Recognising this area of space as ours would be an important one. A government must have defined borders, and a clear line where they begin, and where they end. Expansion throughout the area is already being planned for when appropriate. Having conflicts over territory is something I'd very much like to avoid."

"Of course. This is something I can't do much about myself. The Premier is the one who I'll be sending this to for the intricate things like borders and such." Mochi gestured pleasantly, "She's the one that'll use what we have here and get back to you."

"Right, and in the meantime we'll try to form friendly relations with our neighboring nations. We've detected a presence to the east, and we have a daur amongst our people from there. We had to pass through freespacer territory to get here, and plan to properly greet them.", Mark confirmed and noted these possible future meetings on his implant.

"It sounds like you have it all in hand, Lord Commander. Very promising to hear." Mochi nodded a few times, before a knocking could be heard over the video feed. "Damn, you'll have to excuse me. Defense commission needs me. I hope we talk again in future, I hope you don't mind if I send this up the chain..?" The Neo-Caelisolan let the question hang, a polite smile touching his expression as a couple more knocks were heard.

"Not at all, don't let me keep you, and have a good day senator.", Mark confirmed with a polite bow after standing.

The Elysian followed in quick file given it was now the case the handle was likely being tried, giving as formal a bow he could without seeming hasty. "You too. It seems like I have an admiral to attend to. Until next time." Before the feed blinked out, displaying a "call ended" message.
