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Approved Submission Yamatai-I'ee Non-Aggression Treaty (Draft)


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Multi-Faction Treaty
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yamatai:yamatai-i_ee_non-aggression_treaty

Faction: Yamatai, I'ee
FM Approved Yet? No @Wes, @Doshii Jun, @LittleWasp
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: I probably need to change a lot of things about this. Maybe even starting with the title itself. I looked through some other similar documents, pasted together the parts that I thought were important, and changed all of the names around. It seems to cover everything as far as I can see, but if either side has issues, let me know.

You can actually just go ahead and edit it yourself if you'd like, since neither I nor my characters would be writing this thing ICly. It would totally be up to the FMs. I just got the ball rolling by getting this rough draft up to work with.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I asked both sides to write something up and they both bounced it back to me. So I just wrote something down that hopefully both sides can look over and edit/approve.
Yamatai-side, wouldn't that kind of stuff be presented to the senate? Isn't that how it's gone before (just saying, Doshii has more experience with that than I do)

I mean, isn't that why the senate is there; to roleplay over this stuff? It's not that the Senate isn't active so much as it's given nothing to roleplay about. This could be one such thing.
ICly at the moment I have a group of unnamed NPCs sent by SA/Yamatai to negotiate with I'ee representatives. This is happening off screen during our holiday break thread.

So if you want to actually take this document and start up a Senate discussion about it to RP hammering out the details, that seems fine with me. Might want to see if @LittleWasp wants to RP their side's NPCs playing along.

I just don't want this to be held up for too long, as I'll need to have this cleared up before the next mission, which involves the I'ee heavily, begins.
Yamatai-side, wouldn't that kind of stuff be presented to the senate?

The Constitution says that the Premier "creates" treaties and that the Empress has power to "approve or veto" them. Previous Senate drama regarding treaties has been hilariously misplaced.
It looks good to me, I guess I can write here how each of the families would respond to a treaty like this. In general, something so formal would be strange to them.

Ithee, Ithit and Eethie would say yes because of the potential for trade and technology. Thi-Thi would begrudgingly accept, because they're suspicious by nature. Oo'tut would also agree in a tentative fashion, because they're scared of angering alien civilisations again.
Ee'ith would of course say 'yes'. Ioth would go along with it too. Thoot would just want to be left out of it.

I'm happy to play some NPC I'ee characters where needed. Just note that none of the families will let an alien anywhere near the queens. They're too instinctively protective.
In that case, especially if a projected outcome for your plot is concerned, this may be more GM discussion material.

In either case, Wes - as Yamatai's head honcho - is likely the person that you need to see for this regarding Yamatai's diplomatic portrayal through 'off-the-screen' NPCs. I know commonly Wes has shown desire to have ambassadors brought to Yamatai's Reikan park embassy areas to finalize details. He'll tell you how that should go.
Before I go over this, I want to make sure we're treating this as a submission and not GM material. Is that the case?
I am not sure what that means.

I am submitting it here because I need the GMs of the factions involved to approve it, and for the people in charge of submissions to check my work and make sure this makes sense as a document and wiki page.
I'll explain.

It's unprecedented, as I said above, to submit a treaty to the NTSE. In the past, FMs and GMs collude to come up with something that works. An FM might put it out as a poll (or not), or talk it over with GMs or trusted players (or not) to figure out how they want a treaty to go.

You asking for a double-check of your work is cool and all, but it's not really what the NTSE is meant to do. As a submission mod (makes more sense than tech mod, I realize) I'm checking it as a setting-wide concern and a PC-interactive piece of the canon.

However, as I said, I'm willing to do that. And I know you've wanted quicker traction on this than you've gotten so far.

I want to wait for the FMs involved to tell me they want this thing reviewed on an NTSE level. That said, I'll go over it tonight and let you know what's up here and there, so it can be in some shape for when you need it.
I will not be here to update this any further over the weekend. But hopefully the FMs can look this over and figure things out while I'm gone.

If both the Yamatai and I'ee FMs refuse to comment on the contents or approve them, then I guess just deny it so I can delete it and move on.
For what it's worth, I'll just say for Reynolds that I approve of the contents as they are currently. It has my waspy seal of approval.
Yamatai agrees to act responsibly with its larger population and territory, and will not use it to leverage the I'ee into a disadvantageous position.
Too vague.
Both parties are considered to be de-facto friendly, but without a formal alliance.
What is this supposed to mean? This is a treaty. It's formal.

The I'ee and Yamatai agree to assist one another in military affairs outside of wartime measures as necessary. This includes piracy, smuggling and search & rescue.
This seems to contradict the item below:
The I'ee and Yamatai agree they are not in a state of military alliance and will not intervene in one another's major conflicts until this treaty is ratified or replaced.
All of those wordings are copied from these two treaties:


As they are on the wiki and not marked WIP, I would have to assume they are proper examples of a non-aggression treaty. Otherwise, if quotes like those are not allowed or approved, then those (as far as I can tell) canon and accepted treaties would have to be removed or rewritten. That is if this is a style or formatting problem.

If it's Yamatai/SA having a problem with the wording of the treaty ICly, then I'd appreciate Yamatai suggesting changes that could be made to those passages in this specific treaty to make Yamatai want to agree to it.
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I need the weekend to go over this with you, Reynolds. Are you available on any chat system this weekend? If so, what times? We'll just hammer it OOCly and move on.
Well I'll be working the next few days, so I won't be around until fairly late. But if you're around then, we can talk on the chat here, or AIM or Skype I suppose.
@Reynolds: Now that you have what you need for your plot, what would you like done for this treaty? It need not be abandoned, but it no longer is time sensitive either.
I had been waiting on some sort of message to clarify things, which I didn't know had been posted until I just went and looked for it. It didn't notify me, for some reason.

I would say take this as a base to begin work with, and ship it off to the Senate or other NPCs to think up some sort of agreement they might like to have with the I'ee?

We could just say this was the first draft of something the I'ee would understand, due to their limited interaction with other friendly species and having never made these sort of arrangements before. Maybe something for Wasp and some interested Yamatai people to RP out? Could make a post in the current Heartbreaker thread mentioning the talks have moved forward to some I'ee Ambassadors going back to Yamatai with the SA Command NPCs I mentioned? Or maybe some sort of News post or something else to notify other players and such, that might be interested?