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OOC [Yamatai] Orochi Squadron - Classic SARP Spacey Action!

I have no idea what happened, but for some reason I didn't get any alerts on new posts to the thread! Lots seemed to happen while I was absent, so sorry if my post is rushed! My bad
It's on the genesis, and it's about cats controlling your base! What more do you want?

Zero Wing was really weird in that the level geometry was harder than the actual enemies if I remember rightly. Then again, it did have a homing gun. Also good music. Pretty underrated overall.
Yeah, it was unfortunately remembered more for its poor localization than any merits of the game itself, then again it was competing against franchises like Gradius and R-Type... Ah well, it's still fun to boot up and play every now and again still.
Great character you have there. She may have problems with authority, but right now it's time to let your guns do the talking... you're free to start posting in the thread with Shiho, and just in time for the boarding operation.
Well, posted, but I still don't know if I have anything like turn order on this forum correct. I'm guessing I need to give the squids inside the ship some opportunity to react before I have a chance to eviscerate them?
Just letting you know there will be a delay on Orochi GM posts for this week due to me coming down with a flu-like bug over the weekend. Apologies to everyone!
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