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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Seventh Fleet main page


Convention Veteran
Submission URL
Submission Faction(s)
  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Good to see it updated! Great work!
So the main issue with this page is it has a ton of bullet lists of things that don't belong in bullet lists, like whole paragraphs. Lose the bullets and I think it'd be fine.

Edit: Also the section header levels need to be fixed by nesting them correctly.
I know that feel, fam.

Heres something andrew posted in one of my reviews that i feel helps

======Main Page Header======
====Next Header====
==You Get It Now==

The first obviously being the main pages header and the next one being the main header. Anything after that is a sub-header to use after that in the same topic. For an example you have:

==== Topic ====
Text here.
=== Subcategory ===
Text Here.
== Sub-Subcategory ==
Text Here.
==== New Topic ====
Text Here.
If you need any help Soban, feel free to reach out on Discord.
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