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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Star Army Reconnaissance Corps/Division


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
So I realised a while ago my original submission was for the Recon occupation though I referred to it as a corps in the submission post.

I got around to making the actual corps itself as an article. It's a subordinate corps under Infantry for now, which I envisioned it as. I suppose you could call it a "Division" of the Infantry corps perhaps.

Either way, due to this I named it's sub-corps as "Regiments". I thought Corps>Divisions (Sub-Corps)>Regiments. I'm open to making it a standalone corps if that makes more canonical sense.

In addition, I added a few things that I thought we could use in the setting that I haven't seen such as a QRA garrison network, to provide some protection to frontier systems that don't have a fleet stationed there. Hope you guys like it. Tagging @Wes for FM approval.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
As you know, I was a fan of the original article for the Rangers, as i like to call them. This seems to be an extension to that. If I can think of any improvement, it would be in the form of some sort of 'Asset' list, some description of their 'Training' (not covered by the other article), and hopefully some form of logo/symbol.

Good work overall, Ethereal.
That's nice to hear @Yoerik, I'm glad you like it ^^

I did a lil' bit of photoshop with some non-copyrighted material and ended up with this nice shoulder patch. I might change the tone of pink to the official cornflower blue at some point in future but having it a little bit of shade off I think makes it stand out just the right amount.

I think I detailed their training here, though I can elaborate on that. I also have an Asset list here ;)

Any chances of you or another mod dropping a checklist? o. o I have some requested RP waiting on this.
Since you're using my old WiP corps template, which isn't approved or anywhere near up to date, I'd recommend changing "Contact the Recon manager for details on this unit's deployment as NPCs in roleplay" to "Contact the the Yamatai FM (link to Wes) or Captain of Scouts (link to you) for details on this unit's deployment as NPCs in roleplay" because there's no such thing as a recon manager, and it's important that people don't get the wrong idea about who controls the Star Army.

Why are they setting up on Tange? That place is a nightmarish post apocalyptic hellscape with negative infrastructure (see Valta RP), scientific horror (currently occurring in my my plot), and a far-off locale to which Logistics would have to visit (see the map). If you're committed to putting Recon out there, why not do Asura, where there's a SAoY Spire? Or Jiyuu, which is actually a lot like Tange from the "old abandoned cities" perspective? Both have the infrastructure to support a major sub-command, unlike Tange, and would make slightly more sense in the middle of a huge war — though somewhere coreward would actually be realistic.
Great suggestion @raz, I've edited the reference as appropriate.

I sort of picked Tange from a hat as it seemed like an out of the way place. I could choose virtually any system, though I'd prefer it to be on the fringe because getting forces from the middle of Yamatai to the edges would take too long I suppose? Though I imagined it as sort of a mobile HQ that went to the most active border. I didn't particularly think too hard on it. For now, I suppose we can slip it over to Jiyuu for purposes of approval.

I just need FM approval lol
Did I say Assets? I meant to say Facilities, you know, both mobile and stationary (planetary and orbital). I see you made Jiyuu the headquarters, so perhaps you could use the Fleet Depot there to describe the Rangers main base. Of course, with the highly 'nomadic' or at least 'temporal settlement' nature of the corps, most bases would be mobile. You could link training to one or more training facilities that way.

I will pull up a checklist soon. The new one that @Ametheliana likes so much.
Awesome, can't wait to finally get a checklist ^^

Updated, plus I added some new symbols for each specialty!


Edit: Contemplating renaming Scouts to Rangers but that won't affect the submission more than aesthetically :p
Last edited:
Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation last week. Anyway, let's review your work:

One for you:

[✓] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[✓] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[✓] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[✓] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[✓] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate
[✓] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[✓] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[✓] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[✓] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[✓] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

One for me:

[✓] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[✓] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[✓] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[✓] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[✓] 5. Link other articles to the approved article as appropriate (equipment lists, etc.)

I hereby declare this submission to be approved! Have fun RP-ing it!
Why was the name changed to Rangers? Was this a part of the approved submission, or were they Reconnaissance?
Hey Ame, I was actually just about to post. After discussing with the current Recon players, we decided to draft a few alternative name ideas for the occupation name. Rangers seemed to be winning out over the previous Scouts.

I didn't think the aesthetic change (as it is only aesthetic, and mentioned in an above post as a possibility) would require a whole new review. It's just aesthetic so if there's a problem I'll just revert it as it's really nothing more than that and I sort of did it on a whim, with discussion with people using the profession.

You unfortunately beat me to my explaination so it looks a tad odd now. Anyways, that's the thinking behind it. I'm also going to be exchanging approved information between the recon pages, so it looks more easy to navigate. None of the content will be changing itself.

Silent Edit:
Just gonna add the approved sub for the occupation here as well for reference :)
Dude, you were on top of it, cool! It doesn't need a whole new review, but a mod will need to approve the update if it is major, which yeah a whole new name is imo but it can be a grey area, so no worries, either way.

Update approved
I noticed a major edit on this article that didn't go through ntse. @Glein it's best to post in the approval thread when you make big changes.

If only seven skills are allotted to starting characters, how are the ten skills rangers are required to have going to work within those parameters? It's a bit of a "it was broken to begin with" issue, since there were four listed skills that rangers had on top of the common four, making eight. Your addition of the common skills and two more just sparked the "something's not right here" bulb.
I wasn't aware I needed to speak to NTSE, I was trying to clarify some confusion about what kind of skills Rangers would need. As well, I was not aware of the limit on number of skills. And since we're only allowed 7, I'm going to have to sit down and figure out what is even possible to fulfill their role with a 7 skill cap, 4 of which are immediately gone to Common Skills.
I've always considered the skill list a fairly soft skill cap. Also skills are fairly broad. Their role is mainly to flesh out what your character is capable of doing.