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SANDRA Yamatai Withdraws Vekimen Protection Agreement

2日 4月 YE 39

Kyoto, Yamatai -- After evacuating the Vekimen to the Komodo system and providing defensive three months of support to the Vekimen and Vekimen Defensive Task Force, the Yamatai Star Empire announced that it was withdrawing from the Vekimen Treaty of YE 39 effective immediately.

On 2日 1月 YE 39 heads of Yamatai's government, including Premier Ketsurui Yuumi, Star Army Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, signed the treaty with Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the Vekimen government.

It was hoped that this defense treaty would be the building block of creating a new long-time ally for Yamatai, however problems arose quickly in what Yamataian government officials described as "a fundamental in irreconcilable difference in philosophy" between the two governments. Since the treaty did not include an exit condition, Yamatai has simply dropped it by giving the Vekimen notice.

Sources say the conflict arose when two Star Army Intelligence ships sent to watch the Komodo area were refused access to VDTF space. Another theory that is circulating is that the Vekimen may soon be undergoing a change in government.
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