Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

[YE 34 - Kyoto] Masako's War College Graduation

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Fourth Month of YE 34
Kyoto War College, Kyoto, Yamatai

Two hours of ceremony had passed. Two hours of speeches, salutations, and reward for individuals who had participated in three months of arduous academic, athletic, and military instruction. Held in a stadium crowded with guests, graduates, and speakers alike, the ceremony itself could be labeled as arduous in its own right. The audience had to stay seated through the speeches and the walk of graduates, the speakers had to take turns presenting their well-practiced monologues, and the graduates had to sit patiently for what had to have been the last "torture" before the "escape".

Masako had remained stoic throughout the ceremony, knowing that she would probably just head back to her bunk before her fellow graduates dragged her off to some party or another. Many people she would have wished to attend were out on assignment, but she had sent invitations to the Miharu House anyway out of politeness. Either way, Masako made her graduation walk, accepting her degree and bowing to her superiors before walking off the stage and back to her seat. Eventually though, the graduates were released, hats were thrown into the air and newly appointed Shoi practically rushed the lobby to meet their guests and loved ones. Masako also entered the lobby, though mostly just to make her escape from the crowds.

Cho was there, wearing a lovely black dress and rain coat, holding a big bouquet of red and blue flowers and clapping with them between her arms as she saw Masako come out. She was there with Meme, who looked as fabulous as always, along with Haya, Hisa and Nao.

"Congratulations!" read a banner held by Hisa and Nao.

Clapping along with Cho, Meme wore a wide, bright smile, one of pride on her face as Masako entered the lobby. While she hadn't gotten to speak to the Neko much during her brief stay at Miharu House, Ruri had filled her mother in on just who Masako was, and was to her. The mother taking it in stride, embracing it even with every clap.

"Congratulations, Masa-chan~!"

Escape was quickly forgotten as Masako found herself pleasantly surprised. Apparently, more of her old friends were free than she thought they had been. Though the biggest surprise had to have been Meme attending along with them. The smaller Neko's lips quirked into a small smile as she politely bowed to all of them. "Thank you," she replied before moving closer to the group.

"And thank you for coming," she continued. "I'll be honest, I didn't think anyone would be able to make it." Pausing for a moment, she bowed slightly deeper to Meme. "Kurusu-san," she greeted happily.

"We had to come!" Haya said, a big smile on her face. "We wanted to see at least one of us Miharu become an officer. You're the first one to become one who didn't start as one."

"Besides, we don't often come into Kyoto," Cho said with a smirk. "It's nice to visit."

"Only so you can bang your girlfriend in the hotel," Hisa said as Nao blushed.

Meme swatted Hisa lightly on the arm. "Shush, Hisa-chan. I insisted Cho come along. Otherwise she would've stayed at home being a lazy bum while I'm away."

The newly commissioned Officer allowed a soft giggle to escape her lips at the banter. "Thank you," she repeated. "And it's wonderful to see you two getting along so well, Cho-kun," Masako stated with her smile turning slightly impish.

"Quiet!" Cho said, but still wearing a big grin. "And you!" She turned to face Meme. "You like me when I'm lazy."

"We're really proud of you, Masako," Haya said, coming forward to give the short, "stacky" Neko a kiss on the cheek. "You're going to be a great officer."

"I've already started writing a letter to Ruri about your graduation." Meme said as she placed a hand within one of Cho's giving it a squeeze. "And will include pictures should you want her to see you in your graduation attire."

Nao was in charge of the picture-taking, using a volumetric program linked to her private SACN account.

Hearing Ruri's name caused the smile to falter slightly, but the small Neko forced it back into place. Glancing down at her red-sashed uniform, Masako nodded. "I'd appreciate that," she stated happily. "I was planning on writing a letter of my own as well, though whether it will get to her or not..." the raven-haired Officer faded off a bit with a helpless shrug.

"Anyway," she started quickly to change the subject a bit. "How about we all go out to eat?"

"Well, I was feeling a little peckish... what about everyone else?" Meme asked, looking to the Miharu sisters.

Each of them nodded, especially Cho, who was extra hungry.

"Okay then, I've got a restaurant we can try," the second eldest Neko in the group stated with a smile.


The Kyoto Pagoda was a moderately upscale restaurant located near the Kyoto Tower Hotel. However, unlike the Kyoto Tower Hotel, it was an older building that had been standing since the days Yamatai had been called Geshrintall. This wooden structure took up a larger area than some of the newer buildings in Kyoto and afforded a wonderful garden to provide its patrons with a pleasant dining experience. As the building itself rose a modest three stories in height using tiles for its roofing and sliding paper doors, the restaurant itself seemed to be something out of ancient legends. The dining area was decorated in standard Nepleslian format with tables and chairs, but private rooms allowed for tatami mats and low tables with cushions for seating.

Masako had managed to get the party a private room so they could dine together rather than dine in the main room with all the other patrons. Led to said room by a waitress in a wonderfully made kimono, the party removed their shoes (and boots) outside the private room before entering. "I've always wanted to try this place," the raven-haired Neko stated as she looked around with a pleasant smile.

"It's a great place," Cho said, legs folded beneath her at a large, long table. She had picked it, having been there many times with sales clients. "The food is classy, but tasty without portions made for twig-sized people. The sake also is top-notch. Just the place to party!"

"You're not supposed to drink, Cho," Hisa quietly said.

"What do you want to do with your commission, Masako?" Haya asked, getting the conversation where it belonged as menus were perused.

Masako pursed her lips in thought as she pondered the question. "Well, I could really only see two choices for me at the moment. One would be an assignment to one of the larger warships' Infantry forces, but with the War winding down that maybe a bit difficult." she admitted softly.

"On the other hand, the Legions that are currently training up need all the experienced personnel they can get. So the other option would be an assignment with the Legions to train their personnel."

There was a moment's pause before the raven-haired Neko smiled. "And I don't think Cho-kun needs to be so reserved." she said to Hisa.

"Pretty sure there is," Hisa mumbled.

Cho cut in. "The LEGIONS! That's a really new kind of post, huh? You could rise to the top real fast there."

Meme placed a hand to her cheek, tilting her head a little. "My... how things have changed since I was last in the service. Legions? An entirely new concept than what I'm used to... What are they exactly, Masa-chan?"

Masako chuckled at Cho's outburst and Meme's new nickname for her. But it didn't take long for the Neko to clear her throat and explain. "The Legions are a forced of specialized infantry for planetary operations. Instead of just relying upon solely ship-based infantry, which are better for strike missions, the Legions are mostly for either defensive operations or long-term planetary operations against enemy-held planets and facilities." the younger Neko explained.

"I believe it was developed due to what happened to Nepleslia and the NMX invasion of several of our worlds."

"It is sad the younger generations have forgotten the fine art of entrenchment against superior numbers." Meme took her little cup of sake, and sipped it. "We often either overwhelmed, or when facing enemy opposition simply entrenched ourselves, waging a war of attrition while they simply threw themselves at us. Once we believed they were sufficiently weakened we attacked."

"We don't honestly have the numbers for attrition warfare anymore," Masako commented stoically. "Plus, I believe attrition warfare to be --- wasteful at best. Maneuver Warfare is a far better strategy, though --- that's only my assessment." the stated that last part rather meekly.

"Everytime we waged a war of attrition, at least, one that I had been a part of, we ensured we held a defensive advantage. The Siege of Ayenee for example, or the Elysian Wars. Combat Tactics have a way of sneaking up on us and changing; why, I even remember when we first started utilizing powered armor."

She nodded toward Masako, raising her cup to her. "That was when we began to make the shift to manuver warfare, hit and run, but also still seemed to only overwhelm our enemies with little rhyme or reason."

"Yes, I was created during that time when we were shifting from attrition to maneuver warfare," Masako nodded as she grasped the glass of water she had, ignoring the sake that had been served. "Some commanders, notably those away from the front lines, seemed to favor training for attrition more than maneuver warfare. I learned quite quickly that maneuver warfare kept one alive."

Nao, Hisa and Haya all looked at Masako as if she was a ghost. Cho seemed used to it, but wasn't exactly enthralled with the conversation.

Hisa leaned over to Haya and spoke with a stage whisper: "Wow, Cho really found an older woman, huh."

A chopstick from Cho's direction collided with the side of Hisa's head. Hisa swiped at her temple and looked at Cho; she appeared immaculate, save for the twitch at her eye.

"Fourteen Years Old. I was a Stealth Model NH-7, born in YE 20." Meme said cheerily to both Hisa and Haya, a hand going up to tug gently at one of Cho's ears after the chopstick incident. "So you could say I'm an older woman yes."

Masako seemed to clam up a bit at that point. Unlike the more mature Meme, the raven-haired Officer was still coming to grips with her elder status amongst the Miharu Clan. "I'm only seven," Masako seemed to protest with a small, almost uncharacteristic, pout. "I kind of miss the old NH-17R's strength, even if it was an energy-inefficient design for powered armor." she continued in a small voice before sipping her water.

"I sometimes miss my old body, but I did not miss the berserker tendencies. They were... disturbing to say the least. It came on in states of extreme emotional duress, and back then... well." Meme simply poured herself more sake, sipping it again. "Let us just say there are things I liked, and did not like about my first body and how I used to be."

Cho listened. Respectfully. Hisa thought things about older women and Cho that were not appropriate dinner table talk. Haya flicked her ear when she noticed the amused look on Hisa's face.

Nodding slightly, Masako glanced over the younger crowd and allowed herself a small sigh. Maybe she really was getting old. "Anyway, I haven't seen everyone in a few weeks," she began a bit more happily, trying to change subjects once more. "How has everyone been?"

"Haya's still preggers," Hisa said before receiving an elbow to the gut that made her groan and bend her head. "Ow ... "

"I'm coming along nicely, even with my family sometimes stressing me out." Haya winked.

"Miharu Light Industries is going well," Nao started, unsure.

Cho sliced in. "Kotori-san's deal with the Kotori System's going to be huge for us! Shipyards, production facilities, R&D! We're going to rival the Zaibatsu!"

"Cho has been rather excited ever since she learned of it." Meme said with a smile.

Masako returned the smiles with one of her own and shook her head slightly. "That's great Cho-kun, but don't get too over-confident. Zaibatsu has been around for even longer than I have so don't expect such a goal to be easy." she stated with a mild, half-hearted scold.

"And I wish you the best, Haya-kun. Don't forget to send pictures when she's born."

"Of course," Haya said, a cheerful, proud smile blossoming on her face.

"Why don't you drink some, Masa-chan?" Hisa said, pointing to her own sake.

Glancing down at the sake, the raven-haired Neko opened her lips. "I've ne..." and then she paused. Was this one of those things that older Neko should do often? The older Neko could barely remember the last time she had tried anything with alcohol in it. Flicking her left ear, she considered the clear liquid for a moment before shifting her hand from water glass to sake bottle.

She poured a bit into her small dish and brought it to her lips. Unfortunately, she drank too quickly. A small, barely stifled cough erupted from her throat and caused the older Neko to flush a pale pink. "Don't drink very often," she croaked in embarrassment.

Meme only smiled. "Sip slowly. Savor it, it will also help get you accustomed to the taste."

"I --- I'll try to remember that," Masako replied meekly before pouring again and following the elder Neko's instructions.

"Or drink it really fast," Hisa said with a grin, holding up her glass. "Let it hit you all at once. It's booze! It's supposed to get you drunk."

Hisa's comment nearly made Masako choke on her sake, but the elder Neko seemed to put on a brave face and avoid coughing. Getting drunk was the last thing on the raven-haired woman's mind and a distraction was lucky to appear before she could respond.

It came in the form of a dark-skinned elf with jet black long wavy hair, deep blue eyes, and an innocent face. Her wide-hipped figure is dressed in a dark blue kimono with sakura petals embroidered into the fabric and a spring-themed obi securing it to her. Smiling at the party, the elf began in a soft-spoken tone, "Hello, welcome to the Kyoto Pagoda."

With a wave of her hand, the waitress activated several volumetric windows with menus that appeared before each customer. "I am Kendall and I will be your server this evening." she introduced happily. "Would you all like an appetizer?"

The Miharus looked at Masako. It was up to her to start the orders. She was the guest of honor!

"Sashimi to start with please," Masako ordered as she glanced at everyone. "Make that the Pagoda Sashimi," she clarified after a brief glance at the menu, which allowed for nearly every type of seafood available.

"One Pagoda Sashimi for the party. Any other appetizers?" Kendall asked.

Holding up a hand, Meme shook her head. "Nothing for me thank you."

Each of the Miharu sisters asked for sashimi too, except Cho — she asked for vegetable tempura, two helpings.

"Thank you, I will return with your order shortly," the waitress replied before bowing and exiting the room.

"Anyway --- I think I'll pass on the getting drunk part, Hisa-kun," Masako replied finally before placing her saucer upon the table and chasing the sake with water. "Other than the lovely time you have been having with Cho, how have you been Kurusu-san?"

"Oh quite fine, planning a trip with Cho actually." Meme placed her sake back onto the low table, steepling her fingers. "We planned to go to Albini for a week or two, just the two of us."

Smiling at the plan, Masako chuckled a bit. "I'm suddenly reminded of a comment I made to Ruri before she left on the subject of Kurusu women making others fall in love with them in a matter of moments." the raven-haired Officer joked mildly.

"Oh, I believe Cho was rather smitten with me the moment she first laid eyes on me." The brief, bright smile Meme wore while looking sidelong at Cho was meant for her. "But it also seems your comment maybe true, Masa-chan. With you and Ruri being together so soon as well."

Cho was actually blushing. Hisa was loudly snickering at this, which earned her a chopstick and an elbow jab.

Flushing slightly, Masako took some time to scratch her left ear before going back to the sake and sipping it. "You could say that," she replied with a small smile. "She has a way with sneaking past one's guard," the raven-haired Neko commented off-hand.

After a short pause to sip her sake again, Masako giggled at the Miharu siblings. "Cho-kun, you're going to need those eventually."

"I'll get more," Cho said with nervous cheer while Hisa frowned at her.

"Maybe I could give them back," Hisa said, arcing her arm back to hurl the wooden missile.

Until Haya plucked it out of her hand. "Or not."

Hisa cursed.

"Where do you want to go with Ruri, Masako?" Haya asked, reaching to give the chopstick back to Cho.

"It depends on what you mean by where," the older Neko replied slyly before glancing and the four Miharu. "Kurusu-san," she suddenly said and glanced over at Meme. "I seem to remember Ichiban teaching us the value of table manners during social training," Masako made the comment with a small, teasing smile, which was more directed towards Cho and her penchant for throwing chopsticks.

Meme simply tugged at one of Cho's ears again in response to Masako.

"Though to be honest," Masako began again with a small, much meeker smile. "I don't care where I go with Ruri. As ---" the elder Neko paused to flush a bit in embarrassment. "---as long as I'm with her, any where will be special."

"You have to go somewhere though," Haya said. "Someplace exotic or fun or just relaxing. Somewhere to get away. You just graduated!"

Masako smiled lightly and shook her head. "I may have graduated, but the one I want to spend time with has yet to return," she replied softly. "She will come back eventually though, so any trip to be planned would have to wait."

A pause for more sake was followed by the return of Kendall and there appetizers, carried by other servers in simpler clothing. Lying the platters down in front of their respective patrons, the other serving girls bowed as they left the room.

"Has anyone decided upon their meals?" the elf asked politely.

"Um, I'll need a moment longer," Masako replied softly as she looked at her platter, which included seared octopus along with the usual assortment of fish. Poor Masako had forgotten that part and while she disliked things with tentacles (probably due to all the pre-combat indoctrination against Mishhu), the elder Neko still decided to eat it --- reluctantly.

Each of the Miharu girls ordered, though Cho added a skewer of takoyaki balls.

"Ika Somen, please." Meme said without looking to her menu. "And more sake, if you please."

Kendall nodded as she recorded everyone's order before turning to Masako. "....Masuzushi," the Neko ordered after a moments thought.

"All right. I'll return with your orders," the Elf stated before once again bowing and leaving the room to the party.

The raven-haired Neko smiled before sipping her sake again, her cheeks turning a pinkish hue as she sampled a slice of tuna happily.

Hisa poured herself her third of the night. Words were getting a little harder to form, but she could handle it. "So, Masa-chan. You gonna do like Tom and the Shosa did?"

"Hmmmm?" Masako hummed inquisitively as she sampled a slice of salmon. Not speaking up due to her mouth being full.

"Y'know. Marry Ruri!"

Masako's motions suddenly paused with her chopsticks in her mouth and her body completely frozen. After a moment, her cheeks flared from that happy pinkish hue to an embarrassed scarlet. Removing the chopsticks and swallowing what had been in her mouth, the older Neko took the time to wash it down with sake before speaking. "D---don't you think it's too soon to think that?" she protested meekly.

"All good things take time." Meme stated, leaning into Cho with a smile. "Eventually I'll pop the question with her but for now I'm enjoying our relationship as is."

Cho blushed and looked down at the sake she hadn't much touched, but her smile was enormous. Hisa's "buuuuuu" earned her a glare from Haya.

"What I think she meant to say," Haya said, "is that have you thought about what you'll do when Ruri comes back?"

"You mean other than chain her to the bed for a week," Masako suddenly stated in a demure tone. Apparently the alcohol was starting to work.

"Houuu~" Meme stared with a very catlike grin on her face while looking Masako over. "My little Ruri's done well with you then."

Masako chuckled a bit following more food and sake. "You could say that," the new Officer replied. "Ruri did---well, teach me quite a bit."

Haya's eyes were huge at this point, not believing the conversation at the table. But she was derailed by Hisa, who laughed and leaned forward after taking a gulp of sake.

"GO MASA-CHAN!" she shouted. "Is she lots of fun? Spill, spill!"

"Well, go on." Meme waving Masako on now.

A normal, stoic Masako would have silenced herself at this point and tried to change the subject. A tipsy Masako seemed to have a loose tongue when it came to her own embarrassing thoughts. "Well---before I met Ruri, all I knew was basic, chaste kissing," the second eldest Neko admitted. "But then here came Ruri with her lovable attitude seducing me into taking her to a hotel room just after meeting me in a coffee shop~" the raven-haired Neko began with a giggle.

"That's where she taught me what real kissing was..."

"Hard to believe Ruri was the shy one out of my two girls." Meme finally said.

"I find that hard to believe --- especially when she pushed me down onto the bed and really started kissing~" Masako almost seemed to swoon. "Though, she was also really understanding and gentle...since it was my first time."

"Be thankful it was Ruri, and not her older sister. Sena is quite aggressive from what I've heard." Meme sipped at her sake. "Going so far as to strip her sister of her virginity."

Haya politely excused herself for the bathroom. She looked caught in a state of disbelief as she left the table, while Hisa was all in, captivated. "How did that happen?" she asked Meme.

"Don't get me started on that," Masako's attitude suddenly became perturbed---only in the harmless cute way. "Sena-chan traumatized my poor Ruri," the raven-haired Neko grumbled before downing the bottle of sake in front of her.

"It was just before Sena enlisted. By then, Sena had a lot of... experience. While Ruri had remained a virgin. While I was attending to some patients one day it seemingly happened at home, Ruri in her bed looking exhausted, and Sena downstairs with a very satisfied look about her. I never really asked what went on, but it was clear enough, Sena had done the deed."

Shaking her head, Meme sighed as she remembered seeing her two children, and then putting two and two together. "But, since then Ruri has maintained a rather strict female only orientation never once dating a man or sleeping with one. So somewhere deep down she may have enjoyed it but I cannot say with any measure of certainty."

"She's afraid of her own sister is what's happened," Masako blurted out suddenly with almost certainty.

"We spoke all about younglings after the whole I saw my Mom and Cho in the Bath incident and she was worried that Sena-chan would do the deed with any younglings from either us," she pointed to herself. "...or them," she pointed to Meme and Cho. "Said she had to protect them from Sena! It's horrible!"

Hisa was stunned into silence. About which part, though, who knew.

Meme blinked, looking over to Cho. "We haven't even discussed Younglings yet..."

"Don't you think Ruri and I would have beautiful younglings?" Masako asked Meme innocently. "They'd be so adorable if they don't turn out to be a big titty monster like me."

" ... " Cho didn't voice any opinions about that, but the grin she gave Meme probably was informative enough.

Meme gave Masako a dismissive wave of her hand. "Your younglings will be gorgeous, Masa-chan. And you are far from a titty monster." As if to illustrate her point, Meme placed both arms under her chest, emphasizing the size of her chest. "Why, while I was an NH-7 these were perfectly acceptable to carry rocket fuel, now they are little more than Cho's playthings."

Hisa was on her sixth drink, mouth agape. Nao was gone; probably passed out.

Cho just smirked at Meme. "I liked them, so I put a bell between them."

"You like me for more than my chest, Cho-chan." purred Meme. Cho flashed a sultry, confirming look back.

Masako seemed to be reduced to a fit of giggles for a while before nodding to Meme. "I guess that's true. Me not being a titty monster that is...though I guess the whole breasts being Cho's plaything is true too," Masako continued before glancing around. "Where did Haya-chan go? And where's Nao-chan?" the Officer asked moments before everyone's food arrived, courtesy of Kendell and the serving girls.

"Enjoy your meal," the elf stated happily before leaving once more.

"I'm trying to imagine a granddaughter with your figure, Masa-chan. And I have to say between you and Ruri both of you would create a lady killer." Meme nodded soberly as a bowl and dipping sauce were placed in front of her. Instead of eating, she to looked around for Haya and Nao.

"Where did those two get to? There food will go cold."

"Maybe Ruri's right when she said I may have to protect my own younglings...especially if they had Ruri's bum and my breasts," Masako chuckled before using her chopsticks to attack her meal with gusto.

Haya and Nao didn't return, even partway through the meal. Hisa received a text on her communicator — apparently they had opted to go back to the hotel. Neither was feeling well.

Cho, naturally, stayed. And even sipped sake. Hisa was on her ninth glass and was fading.

As the meal went on, Masako began to realize (even in her rather sloshed state) the reason Haya and Nao had probably left. That only served to make the poor Neko a bit despondant, though it didn't stop the drinking.

"Ah...I should really stop," the elder Neko complained as she stared at her sake dish. "I knew it was a bad idea to start...I can never stop talking when I drink. Or drinking when I talk. It's a cycle. A horrible, embarrassing cycle. And now I've offended Haya-chan and Nao-chan."

"Masa-chan." Cho leaned over and took one of Masako's hands, squeezing it, reassuring her. "They're just how they are. It's probably the alcohol. Don't mind it. Hisa, Meme and I are loving your chatty company."

"I can't help but mind," Masako mumbled and scratched her left ear. "I mean...everyone on the Miharu is practically family to me. I don't want to ruin..." she faded off a bit.

"Oh you are not ruining anything, Masa-chan. I'm sure each and everyone of the Miharu have done things that have embarrassed one another. It happens and comes with being part of a family." Meme nodding reassuringly once Cho had taken one of the Neko's hands.

The raven-haired Neko seemed only partial convinced of this as she glanced at Cho and Hisa before looking back to Meme. "Ah...I hope so. Still have to apologize to them tomorrow." she said before chuckling slightly.

"Kurusu-san," Masako began only to pause long enough to empty what had to be her sixth sake bottle. "I'm really glad I met Ruri. I had kind of painted myself into a corner until I met her. Held myself to a strict set of rules. No falling in love with superiors, no falling in love with subordinates, thrusting myself into work --- I..." she paused for a moment longer before sighing.

"I had friends --- people I considered family, but I still felt...lonely. And Ruri just --- it felt safe and wonderful to just let loose around her." the Neko continued before falling silent and looking at the two with a smile and rather glazed eyes.

Smiling, Meme nodded once. "I'm glad she found such a well rounded, down to earth girl like you. When we were all together at Miharu House last, she simply gushed over a telepathic channel about you. So I can see your relationship lasting as long as Tom and Yukari's, forever."

"I---I really hope so," Masako replied happily as she shifted in her cushion. However, simply shifting her weight seemed to have a profound effect upon her center of balance. So even as she sat on said cushion, the rather drunk Masako teetered over. "Eh?" was all the Neko could get out before releasing Cho's hand, in an attempt to catch herself with the table, and falling over.

Cho was in no position to catch her, but she tried, reaching for her shoulders to keep her upright.

"I think... Masa-chan has had a little too much to drink, Cho." She took the bottle that had been placed near Masako, and moved it to her side of the table. "Although... should we get her something to help sober her? It seems a shame for our meal to go to waste."

"We can get it boxed up," Cho said, steadying poor Masako as the Neko's head rolled a little bit, and her mouth formed a somewhat ... sloppy, smile. "I think that's the best we can hope for right now."

"D---don't stop the party on my account," Masako replied, with her command of the Empress' Yamataian dropping by the moment. "Just water me and I should be shiny."

"I'll cover the bill then." Meme pulled her KS card out of a small handbag. She looked for their waitress, giving a little wave to the woman to come over to their table. "Should you carry her, Cho-chan or shall I? I'm not certain she'll be able to walk."

"But I can fly~" Masako protested in a rather, weird singing tone.

"But probably shouldn't," Cho said, looking to Hisa for a moment. She was snoozing on the table. She sighed. "I'll take Masako if you can handle pulling Hisa along. She'll wake up fine."

Meme slid her KS card through a reader, asking the waitress to bring them boxes. "Of course I can." Her hand then went to a cheek, sighing as she stared down at the bottle of sake. "I envy the young, able to so easily become drunk." There was a little giggle from Meme as she began to transfer their meals into boxes once the waitress had gotten back.

"We'll leave Masa-chan with your sisters. At least there she will have them to watch over her while I attend to some work I had put off in favor of us going to her graduation."

"Fine --- end the party." Masako pouted softly. "Just don't princess carry me. Only Ruri may do that," the newly-minted, yet totally sloshed Officer giggled like a school girl.

"If she doesn't princess carry you, Masa-chan, you're liable to show the guests the contents of your stomach." Meme pointed out. "So, make an exception just this once, for Ruri's mother."


Cho took a breath, then another, trying to prepare herself for this. She had to be balanced because Masako was anything but. She shifted the drunk Neko a bit to get one arm under her knees, then the other at her back, then slowly stood up from the tatami floor, successful but with a grunt.

"Fuck," she swore. "She's not as light as I expected ... " she sent to Meme as Hisa was cajoled into waking and standing.

"Float if you have to, Cho-chan. I'll handle your sister and our to-go bags." Meme, one of Hisa's arms now over her shoulder and with their bags in one hand supported the Neko. "Come along, Hisa, time to go home and sleep off your alcohol. No guff, or else Hinoto will hear about it."