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Year-End Festival Year-End Festival Begins!

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The holidays are upon us! So starting now, through the end of the year, we're celebrating! It's a special time of the year were we reflect on what we've accomplished and who we care about as we count down to 2015 and YE 37. It's time for the year-end traditions! So break out the evergreen trees in your roleplay threads and have your characters visit to the shops to get gifts before it's too late!

Here's some special stuff that's going on:
  1. Plots like the YSS Eucharis and others are doing holiday-themed social plots and in-game gift exchanges. Ask your GM if you're interested. Even if you don't want to interrupt your plot's main mission, perhaps you can do a side RP thread or a joint post night.
  2. Put a Santa hat on your avatar! Let's see if we can beat last year's participation!
  3. RP Challenge: Try to make an IC post which mentions a fruitcake in some way, then link it here!
  4. Art Contest: The theme is "Star Army characters under the mistletoe." Post your drawing here in the thread and we'll vote on them on December 21-24 and announce the winner on the 25th. Winner gets a special forum banner under their name and choice of 2015 DeviantArt points or $25.*
  5. Writing contest: The theme is "decorating the tree." Link your post in this thread to enter. We'll vote on them on December 21-24 and announce the winner on the 25th. Winner gets a special forum banner under their name and art commissioned of a character of their choice.*
  6. For Star Army of Yamatai characters, your captain or supply specialist can request a Holiday Kit for each person on the ship! Or, you can use the Star Army communications network to have your character request one for herself.
  7. In Nepleslia, it's Lewis Pasco Day, where Nepleslians exchange weapons. I hear there'll also be an in-character gift for the faction this year.
  8. There's been talk of tournaments and other events. If you want to host one of these, go for it! Post or link the details here!
  9. The red "Year-End Festival" thread prefix should be available to tag posts in all forum and you're encouraged to use it for any holiday stuff!
  10. Site supporters will have embroidered patches mailed to them soon.
Happy Holidays, Star Army!

*Contest rules: There is no limit on the number of entries and any registered user may enter. Contest prize will only be awarded if 2 or more people enter.
Reminder: If anyone wants to enter the contests, December 20 is the last day for entry and is coming up fast!
Just rediscovered this old gem and had to post it!

Art by @Kokuten
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