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Approved Character Yoshiko Kit (New Player)

Ace Starleaf

Inactive Member
Real Name: Kyle

Character: Yoshiko Kit

This would be my first time participating in a Forum based RP, also the character is still very rough at this point.

(off topic, but I remember before reading the old posts for the YSS Sakura, but I can't seem to find them anymore. Were they removed or just hidden?)
Re: New Character and a New Player

We've unfortunately have had our previous forum bite the dust, so, the Sakura's forum didn't survive except for incomplete archives on Wes' computer, I believe.

The Sakura's 'spiritual' successor is the YSS Plumeria.
Re: New Character and a New Player

Fred said:
The Sakura's 'spiritual' successor is the YSS Plumeria.

Well, the Plumeria was destroyed and replaced by the Elfin Princess, which was destroyed and replaced by the Eucharis, which is currently an active RP on its seventh mission.

Sakura Archives are available upon request in a Zip file format. PM me if interested.
Re: New Character and a New Player

Currently there is a betting pool, somewhere, for how soon the Euchie bites it, too~. Hee.

Banter aside, though, this hasn't been touched in a bit. And that's a damn shame.

Well, lets take a look at what you have, then.


Well! Your card thingy is fine, quite fine in fact. Kudos. And you have a Japanese text bit of the name, too, which gets a extra kudos.

Moving on!

One would complain, for bra size, that there is a number after the cup, though thats in measurements. Kudos on doing that, though I can't say my mammary glands are huge enough to warrant a bra or anything so I dunno if it's right~.

Your description, however... Ah... Needs work. Hard work.

You need to describe your body overall, not just some small details or partial bits of the prompt. Right now it tells me nothing how the character looks.

Now, Imma be bad and use one of my charries as a example...

Kessie should do.

Now, look at that description. Hardly one of my best, on the contrary rather poor for me, though still descriptive enough to get a picture, even if there wasn't a image to use. And, lets face it, you probably won't get a image any time soon unless you strive for it yourself.

Personality, now. Well, obviously this isn't done in the least, ho hum. Get to it! As someone who loathes actually typing out a personality exert, I will say this; Unlike the description you can be... Very basic. The personality is formed in roleplay, anyway.

History will probably be her being born on a ship from a Neko parent, or from a usual vat, and then a bit on her basic training. Simple.

Conviently Kessah is a techie, too, so you can just look at that for a base idea of skills. Simple stuff, really.

Oh, to answer your lil' question, it was retconned into being Nepleslian and Yamataian for English and Japanese, respectively, a bit ago. Lots was made before this, though, and remains unchanged. Thusly, both are accepted, though ICly it's the former.

Your inventory should really just be copy pasta from wherever that list of inventory is... You aren't going to have any real personal possessions, being only a year old neko on a warship. (Or, I assume on a warship.)

Finances aren't strictly necessary, either, by the way. Usually it isn't maintained by people, anyway.

All in all, you'll be fine.
Re: New Character and a New Player

The delivery of Gamer's review is predictably off-beat, but the content is valid. It stands. Please address his list of edits.
Re: New Character and a New Player

No problem; take your time. As long as you update us on your status every week or so, this topic won't be deleted.
Re: New Character and a New Player

I think I have enough of a base now.

Mostly taken from templates, but it's close enough to what I had in mind for the character to begin with.

Anything else I should revise?
Re: New Character and a New Player

She seems mostly fine, except that She never seems to have gone to Basic Training. We can Remedy this via roleplay, however, as Fort Ready is open for business, and I desperately need new guys to balance out the instructor/recruit ratio.

If you had a specific plot in mind, then don't worry about me, but if you need somewhere to start, then Fort Ready is the place.
Re: New Character and a New Player

To be honest I haven't really decided on where I'd like to start, Fort Ready would work, but I was also hoping to see if there was a slot on the Euchie
Re: New Character and a New Player

Wes said:
Well, the Plumeria was destroyed and replaced by the Elfin Princess, which was destroyed and replaced by the Eucharis, which is currently an active RP on its seventh mission.

You know, this makes me think that maybe you should get a transfer off the Eucharis before it's too late...