Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 You're seriously going to make me write a will? This is a huge waste of everyone's time!


Inactive Member
188604/ YE40/ post brotherhood

Mark and Jack sat in their office mostly catching mark up on all that he had missed.the past six months. Artificially they had managed to restore his memory prior to his disappearance, but recent events we're still needed.

"Ok, so damn, you guys have been...busy.", Mark said as he digested this.

"It's not over yet, I just wanted to make sure you were up to date for this meeting. We are about to have a very important conversation with Uso, one that has been a long time coming." Jack said from behind his desk.

Mark sat at his own, a duplicate of the intricately carved wood desk that Jack currently occupied. A call had been sent to been sent to Uso only a few minutes prior to the conversation.
Uso would enter the room, swinging the door open with one hand, a heavy silvery-looking drink in a bottle in the other complete with a small sippy straw.

"So. Uh. You guys going to try and do this 'we're both the same person' thing long term?" Uso asked, pointing a finger over at Mark's desk, then at Jack's, "You're gonna go crazy for lack of your own identity."

Uso seemed casual enough at the moment, wearing tight fitting athletic pants and a pink tank top. She may have been exersizing, but you'd never know it thanks to how well her body regulated temperature.

Mark moved his plasma katana off the desk top to lean it up against the side of the desk, as he had been polishing it as Jack had filled him in. "Well, not really. We've agreed to be brothers, and have noticed......differences. I'm not the same since the last you saw me boss. I'm more Mark than I am Jack anymore, and I've gotten a few enhancements."

Jack sipped from a glass of bourbon as the two had spoke, "That is where more, or less, we stand. We will be running S6 together, void knows I've been needing someone I trust to help split the work load."

"Yeah, I have no idea what that means," Uso said, in response to Jack being more like Mark.

"Means, I'm not mister broody over here, I actually have a smile usually. Plus I don't wear all black." Mark said giving him a look, which only got him a middle finger.

"Shut the fuck up, you dress like Candon, fucken button up shirts and shit. Next you'll be wearing a fedora and say you joined saint while on the Kaiyo." Jack half griped, before finishing off the glass and refilling it.

"But in all seriousness boss, we never had that talk after miss ketsurai's visit. I think now would be better than later." Jack said dropping all casualness as he leaned back in his chair.

"Ha." Uso laughed, Candon was pre-disposed to fedora wearing. "So you guys going to level with me or what? Normally one of you clones tries to kill the other which resolves this whole thing.

Course if either of you are having your doubts I'll get you guys... I don't know... some place to stay? new lives? Whatev..."

"I already have a house in the neighborhood where me and chlorate are staying. But no thank you, we've accepted this as it is. I believe Jack called you, because he wanted to discuss something pertaining to yourself. Something that has been a touchy subject." Mark said laughing at first about the clone kill clone bit, but stopped as his voice became professional.

Jack took a long sip before straightening his posture and taking a serious tone, "Uso, we need to discuss.....plans, ones I understand you have left open. This and the recent mention during the meeting with miss ketsurai about your lifespan are worrying. I feel that this needs to be addressed, so that when the time comes, people will not be left wondering. That they will be prepared, and so that I know that everything will not fall apart. You've built something that has grown, I just don't want to see it go, or be taken advantage of."

"I'll be dead. Just do whatever." Uso said, dismissively, "It's not something I'm super worried about. We have plenty to occupy us in the here and now."

"Uso, some of us need a plan for after. You don't choose an heir, a replacement, new hire. Whatever the hell you wanna call em, then people are going to fight for it, then it will just be people loosing their shit again. Give me ten, twenty minutes to have us prepared, and I won't bother you again. I'm only trying to think ahead, see the bigger picture, isn't that what you've been trying to teach me?" Jack asked both stern, yet with worry.

Mark at first was quiet, but spoke up after Jack, "You're right about the present, but if we do not prepare for the future at the same time, then it will all be pointless. We wanna make sure everything you've built lasts, and not tarnished by petty infighting. Please Uso, you've given us a lot, we are just trying to return the favor."

"That actually sounds kinda cool. You should totally fight for it." Uso said, taking another sip of her drink, "Shit comes and goes, don't get too attached to it."

She waited a moment, looking at Jack... then Mark... shuffling her weight from one side to the other,

"Ok. Fine. What did you have in mind?"

"Thank you." Jack said visibly relaxing.

"Ok, so first we need to figure out who's taking over as leader, how we should arrange the government if even needed, how to finish off any deals you might of had so that those are taken care of,"

"And you're not going to fight for it?" Uso asked, frowning, "... ok... I guess... why don't you guys all handle your own shit? Maybe all the groups can get together and choose aaaahg this sounds boring.

You'll know your leader when you meet 'em." Uso said.

Jack actually faceplanted into his desk, "Uso that still leads to fighting. Unless you choose somebody, nobody will ever accept who it is. So knowing who it is when we meet then just gets us back to square one. Now is not the time for indecision." He said after a moment of silence before sitting back up.

Mark added in with, "We need someone ready to get shit done, make the hard choices, protect our independence, keep the wheels turning, and keeps everyone in line. I suggest forming a council, with the head of ever group here in a chair, and with a head of this council chosen by you. There is no way of getting around that. So, who's it going to be?"

"It isn't like any of these choices are hard... and if you want to make a club house and secret handshakes then go right on ahead. I already have a inner circle... and if you wanta put something offical behind it then so be it.

but if you try and pull people in too hard, you're going to pin them down so much they can't duck and weave on their own. This works as a loose group of exceptionals... it doesn't work so much as an army. Ya dig?"

"I'm not trying to militarize, I'm trying to keep us together and not at each other's throats. The minute we start fighting ourselves, is the minute we give up control to someone outside of here. Groups like yamatai, or Elysia." Jack said trying to clarify his point.

"I think what Jack is saying is that. It wouldn't be much different from how things are now. You already lead us, and receive council and information each group specializes in, to aid in giving a clearer image of a situation to make your decisions easier. We're just making it look more official and giving a more stronger sense of unity. Safety and power in numbers." Mark chimed in.

"So what do you want from me? A list of my desciples?" She asked.

"Just one name. We line that out and the other things mentioned, then things will be able to remain stable. Then those of us who actually cared, can mourn assured that the USO will continue as intended. I am one of those who do, not out of love, or anything like that, but out of respect. You've been my boss, and a mentor, and that means a lot. You gave me a second chance and the power to actually accomplish something that mattered." Jack said still serious, as he tried to make how important he felt this talk was, and why it was needed.

"Hrmmm...." Uso took a long sip of her drink as she thought about how to respond.


It certainly took quite some time before Uso would add any further words.

"Leave it to the old man and let Wazu run it into the ground? Maybe leave it to the two of you and let all the others feel like they are overlooked? Maybe drop it in Alex's lap and go for the whole nepotism thing? Really all the plans kinda suck.


Don't worry about this kind of thing, focus on the right now. If you want to take on the... end of the world scenariors.... then you two do it. I hereby pronounce Jack and Mark as the uh... harbingers of the endtimes... If you think you can hold onto it."

For a long moment the two men were silent, and was honestly not the answer they were expecting. They looked at each other nervously for a second.

"I guess only time will tell if we did it right, or, that leaves any deals that possibly need to be finished, cancelled, or arranged." Jack gave the previous sureness now tinged with something else.

Mark scratched his chin not having been sure how to respond, or what to add at first, "Might be good to also take note of any important information, like threats, assets, and connections not know to the general public. Just so we're aware ahead of time."

"DOODS... if you don't know who you've been working with already... " Uso said, finishing off her drinkand tossing it in the nearest trashcan without having to look... part of the perks of the digital mind, "Besides I can't just hand over connections, that ain't how it works. I can make introductions but personal relationships with major players is something you guys have to develop if you want to try and herd these cats.... S6 already has enough people who don't quite get along... learning how to work with people who aren't friendly towards you is pretty much the one skill you're gonna need."

"That's actually not what we meant. It would be good to know of any groups who show up that you might have had a deal with that wasn't finished, or might to try and claim that they had a deal with you. Not everybody is public with their business deals, or partnerships. As for our fellow groups here, we understand cooperation is going to be key. Understandings, and arrangements to work together more will need to be made. If we've learned anything is that everything is give and take. Deals, and concessions will need to be discussed." Mark explained, "And we're not expecting for people to just accept such a change in leadership. We'll have to prove we can be trusted, and that we are willing to make a reasonable deal as well."

"We're just trying to cover all the bases and angles here. The less jarring we can make this, the better. Introductions are all we can ask for, and determined to build relationships with the appropriate discussion and transactions." Jack stated as he added to what Mark said before taking a sip of his own drink.

"Nope. I think I'm going to keep that as a surprise." Uso stated, "It'll be more fun for you that way."

"Fair enough." Jack and Mark both said.

"That takes care of just about everything, the last bit is just so we make sure everything is done right when the time comes. Have you....made any kind of funeral arrangements, any at all? I wanna make sure you're treated with the respect you deserve, and that it's done in the way you want. I left this for last, as I know this isn't an easy subject for either of us, but it would be good for peace of mind. We'll make sure all your wishes are carried out to the letter, and that all costs are covered." Jack continued after a moment, now with a more solemn tone, as the idea where Uso would be gone was hard to think about, much less digest.

"Do you even want a service, or anyone specific notified other than alex?" Mark added reluctantly.

"Funerals are something the people left do to make themselves feel better. I'm super not going to care. The NH-7 self destructs I think, so its not like you'll have to worry about a corpse.

Just keep everyone together and it'll be fine.

Now are we done talking about the heavy stuff? You're running out my clock here." Uso said.

Jack sighed before picking up a datapad that until now had been blank, but now displayed a document covering each topic they had discussed. "We've covered everything, just need to authenticate it on this document Mark wrote up as we talked. This way no one can argue and claim the plan as a lie. It will be kept in a stasis unit in our data vault and activated in the case you pass. I honestly hope it doesn't happen, but I understand that fate sometimes deals us a card we can't side step. At least now we have a plan for after."

Mark took the pad and scooted it over, "it just needs your signatures. Verbal, written, and thumb print. If you wish to keep the plan quiet for now that is understandable, and as promised we won't bother you with this again after we're done here. Thank you for hearing us out, it means a lot that people won't be left wondering what we do if you're gone. So the only question left now, is what's our next crazy venture boss? More planet cracking, raids, casual outtings, important meetings, or new project you want us to build?"

Uso would reluctantly read over the document,

"Fuck, You didn't go crack the planet like I asked during the riots. You kept the carrier here to support your operations.... I keep putting off blowing that fucking planet up... but really no time for that anymore. We've got about 25 hours to hit a bunch of PsychoPomp targets... which is really what I need to be talking to you guys about anyways.

Vier should be sending you a list of targets soon... I wasn't going to tell anyone until exatly 24 hours before the operation... you know... rush duty and all that. Should we get everyone together and hash out the plan?"

"Definitely." The two men said.

"My men can be mobilized in five minutes. Got a specific Target for us let me know. Other than that we're ready, and we got a new toy surprise for our friends at psychopomp.", Jack said a little energized at the idea of pay back.

"This will be a good chance to see how just effective SABER is in a large scale operation. Plus we can now use Hammer and Anvil's full firepower on a valid target. Well, that, and I've been out of the action for too long." Mark chimed in standing up and fastening his plasma katana to his belt before resting a hand on the hilt, "Ready to kick ass." He grinned.