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SACN [YSE] From Yui to Katsuko


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Empress Katsuko,

The First Expeditionary has established a small colony on a habitable world in the the UX-14 system charted by Uesu. The Star Army is setting up a small installation there. My plan is for the Uesu Military Sector, centered on UX-14, will become the next Samurai Sector, another well-defended center of Yamataian military power. The Uesu sector takes a day or two to reach using fast hyperspace drives.


Taisho Yui
Imperial Communications.
Quantum Encryption Active

Thank you for the update.

Be Well,
Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko
Forwarded from Hanako:
Quantum Encryption Active.

Taisa Ketsurui Hanako,

Since Nepleslia has failed to sign the treaty which governs the direction of our expansion, I encourage you to invite the Azoreans to join as a semi-autonomous nation state of our Empire. With semi-autonomy they would be granted a seat on the senate, with the agreement that they would allow us to have a representative in their government. The reason I suggest this arrangement is to allow them to maintain control of their own destiny, yet mutually benefit as a member of the Empire.

I feel the need to ask that you try your best to respect the customs and traditions of this new player in the universe. We need good friends; especially in a time when old friends act more like enemies.

Bravo Zulu,
Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko.
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