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RP: YSS Artemis [YSS Artemis O1I1] Establishing Connections


Inactive Member
RP Date
7月 35日 YE41
RP Location
YSS Artemis
Interlude Opening Theme​
YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]

Elenor sighed, finally done with the last two weeks of getting settled in. Between the paperwork, equipment checks, and updating her certifications with the equipment they were going to be using, and then updating her certifications for her Ranger qualifications. She was ready to just relax in the VR chamber. As it configured for a rec room for 2 hours in the evening and 2 hours in the morning, she was just happy that she wasn't on the rotating schedule the Navy crew were on. She rather liked having "Day Shift", same with all the Rangers and Rikugun. The only reason they'd be on different schedules would be because of a particular mission's need. One wall was shifted into a 'viewport' that was showcasing a view of Yamatai during the same time as the current date on teh ship. IT was a recording of course, with a randomly selected weather, though this time was clear and sunny. She had a pad in her hand, and was looking over the books she'd gotten from her friend Saya back on the Kaiyō II, which she'd gotten before leaving. Mostly it was A&N stuff, but she'd picked up a system she wanted to try on her own. She was just wanting to make sure she understood the rules before trying to run something. At least, understand the theory behind the rules anyways.
Sacre preferred the quieter night shift, her squad, Black Wolf, was the only one on it which gave them the run of the ship to train more intensely. She had been pushing them hard to meld them into a team. The Separa'Shan was constantly pushing them to be better. She expected perfection from her squad and herself. Sacre had a sharp tongue and was a surprisingly patient teacher who pushed for the best in her squad if you could endure her insults. For most of Black Wolf, the barbed language had fallen mostly into the background noise. Sacre entered the recreation deck with a few blocks of wood, some of which looked like they had been started on, and her carving knives. She turned on a heat lamp and curled around to do her carving.
YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]

Klaus sullenly entered the Rec Room, sitting himself on a couch. The last two weeks was nothing more than paperwork and training and boredom. Klaus was fine with that, but if he was knee deep in paperwork, Setsuya was absolutely drowning in it. And so the young Minkan hadn't been able to spend time with his lover, resulting in his current sulking state.

Sighing, he looked around and saw Elenor and Sacre. Deciding that bothering one was safer than the other, he approached his fellow nerd. "Hey there Elenor. Whatcha doin?"
YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]

An objective, checked.
A mission, checked.

Excitment, checked.
Panic, not checked.
Fear, ... checked.

She didn't illusion herself that she didn't feel fear, it was there but what was important was that it was in check. She was a SAINT Officer, she wouldn't loose herself to fear, not now, not anytime soon. It was her first operative mission in the darkness of space, she was both excited and a little fearful; she had been befried about the YSS Artemis and she knew there would not be space for mistakes.

She had already reconnoitered most of the ship and that day, her steps brought her to the VR Chamber on deck 6, currently configured as Recreation Room. She was expecting to find some of the military crew there and she wasn't going to be disappointed.

The blue haired Nekovalkyrie silently stepped into the VR Chamber, her blue eyes swept in the room as well as it's occupant. Each one coming up to match someone she had read she would work with: Elenor, the Itto Neko Ranger part of the unit she had been assigned to, Sacre, the Separa'shan Infantry officer and ... Klaus Kurogane, the one and only Klaus Kurogane. Her sister's lover... boyfriend. Only a stiffening of her tail barely betrayed what was really going on in her mind. She had learned soon enough through her training to not let anything appear on her face.

With just a nod to the other occupants of her room, she moved to an empty spot to sit and inspect some data loaded on her pad as, with the corner of her eye, she kept an eye on everyone... and on Klaus Kurogane of course.
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YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]
Maradia with her large, wirey tail came slithering into the virtual rec room. She had a pink scarf on around her mouth and neck that matched her hot pink hair. She saw Sacre and Klaus inside, and waved with her metal claw. Yes, Sacre could be harsh at times, but she was also someone the snakeborg trusted. She was someone she could talk to, that was something that could be said about very few other people. But for right now, she just wanted to lay down. She whirred over to a couch and draped herself over the back, with the rest of her long black tail laying on the floor (posing a notable tripping hazard). Her upper body laid upside-down on the cushion, with her robotic arms dangling next to her. It felt relaxing to lay like this, even if she didn't have her full body on the couch. She was somewhat used to leaving her tail on the floor, anyway, as it was too long and too different in form to easily fit on a lot of things that were designed for legs.
YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]

Ryu entered the room with a datapad in hand. With the "demonstration" that was their last training mission, he felt there was much he needed to review as both a scout and as an RTO. He looked around to see who was within the room at the moment. Giving the slightest of nods to each, he found himself a corner of the room and started reading.
Elenor looked over as Klaus walked up to her, and shrugged. "Things and stuff, stuff and things, as Saya liked to quip at times." She replies, smirking a bit. "Yourself?" She asked, putting teh pad to sleep and setting it on the table next to her. She watched the others coming in, and most just kept track of who was who. "So, you send your last goodbye till we go full blackout per OPSEC? Heard from Lucas that tomorrow we officially cut comms outside of SAINT channels and the one a month status updates." She asked, explaining her reasoning for it. "Kind of funny... Starting tomorrow our whole world is this ship..." She muses, sighing. Shaking her head to get the morose thoughts out of her head, she smiled. "Oh, by the way... Somehow you looked better in that dress than I did." She stated, a grin on her face.
Ryu looked over in Elenor's direction when he heard last goodbyes. "Maybe it is family tradition, but we consider it a sign of death to send final farewells." he said, feeling it needed to be said. He then goes back to reading his datapad.
"Traduhison more like, writing a last letter helps to clear your mind and focus you on what needs to happen," Sacre commented casually as she carved at the blocks of wood.
"Bored out of my mind. Unfortunately Setsuya's been too busy lately." answered Klaus, who began pouting comtemplating in a manly fashion. He snapped out of it when Elenor mentioned the messages. "Oh yeah, I sent my messages out. Just my family in Ralt and the guys back in the Kaiyo."

"Our world, eh?" said the Minkan, thinking about what Elenor had said. It was curious, the Artemis felt like a way bigger ship than the Kaiyo, even though it was just by a margin in reality. The ship felt different, more focused. Klaus began to wonder, and then was snapped out of his reverie by Elenor's comment about the dress.

Unbidden, memories of those few hours with Setsuya and the Kaserine began to come to mind. Face flushed, Klaus facepalmed, "Yeah, me and Setsuya kinda went overboard that time. Sorry for those 'accidental' extra photos. You're not mad, are ya?"
Elenor snerked. "To be fair, we could go into the dark, and never return." She says to Ryu. "As for me... I keep a death letter on file back on Yamatai... Just in case. I hope to the gods it never gets read, but... it's there." She admits.

Still, looking over at Klaus as he talked about hte dress. "Hey, at least you two cleaned it up before returning it. So I'm not gonna complain." She said. "Still, I'm honestly working on setting up a roleplaying campaign. Something to do when not knee deep in work, and waiting to get to whatever rock we're bound for. Though I don't imagine there'll be much traction on this one to before we drop in. Hey, Klaus... How do you feel about basically being stuck on stand-by? I mean, you and the rest of the Rikugun are going to be stuck up here waiting on us to cry for help, unless the mission requires your touch to get us an opening."
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Thoughtful contemplation replaced the blush in Klaus's face. "To be honest Elenor I'm divided. On one hand, I have to entrust the objectives to someone else. That's not to say that you guys aren't skilled or that I'm stealthy enough. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm not going to be there."

Slowly a smile etched itself, on the Minkan's face. "But I actually do like being on standby. Saving you guys from trouble is now our job and I like that. I always wanted to be the hero growing up, saving everyone. Now I can save my compatriots and my friends. It makes me feel like I made the right choice."

"So all in all, I'm good." he shrugged. "By the way, do you need help with the Campaign?"
YSS Artemis
Deck 6 - VR Chamber [Currently Configured as Recreation Room]

Bjorn wonders into the VR chamber, he was still not the best with VR he had asked his manufactures if he could get something that helped with his VR problem, they had come back to him saying that they would work on a new vision sensor for his body. As he walked through the Recreation room his vision already messing up as his 'mind' gets split between the room and the VR layer. He sighs as he just saw the others and walks over to them and then turns off the vision sensors, basically closing his eyes in biological speak.

He tries to sound happy for the others and chuckles "I have sent a message to my manufactures so I should be getting a new sensor soon, allowing me to actually see like you all in this place." He chuckles a little "I also am glad that I have such an interesting crew, oh Elenor about your roleplaying campaign, I um order a surprised, you were talking about your campaign earlier and I got um." He was a little nervous as he had never really had a crew and he wanted to be friendly "I um I got some miniatures that we can use for it, I ordered a complete set, so there are a lot of pieces of for us to play with... I hope you like it...."
Masaharu looks up from his datapad towards Elenor when he heard the snerk and just raised an eyebrow. He then looked over towards Bjorn the android as he entered the room. "Hopefully it gets here before we go dark. Otherwise, I would imagine it would be delayed by whenever they are able to resupply us. No one should feel discomfort for that long." he says, frowning a bit for Bjorn's sake.
She looked like she was busy reading her datapad. Indeed she did. Looking busy more than else. She silently and inconspicuously kept an eyes on the gathering people. Observation was the first phase, even before action: see how your enemy behaves, what it does, how it reacts. Understand and then act. That was what she was doing: observing how the people she was going to work with were behaving, acting and reacting. She took note the different placements, the different way of interacting.

The cybernetic Separ'ashan, so quiet there, laying sprawled on that couch.

The fit male Minkan sitting ready... is he really reading? It looks like so. But looks can be oh so deceiving. In fact he did spoke up ain response to Klaus and Elenor interactions.

Her attentions fixated back on Klaus, taking in, filing away his words, adding to the profile she was making of him, her sister's boyfriend. Went overboard that time... Cleaned up before returning it... now she would like to know, she would need to inquiry in a subtle matter: what they did, her sister and the Minkan by the name of Klaus. Curiosity. Interest. Yes.

So Klaus would love to see some action. Another detail to be failed away. Maybe she could give him some action even if maybe it wasn't going to be what he hoped for.

And the crew has a roleplaying campaign going on. Interesting fact. Why they were playing such a game? To socialize, to relieve the stress, to do something and experiment out of the phisical limts? Was Setuya involved? All questions she had no answer, only guesses. And the android, showing embarassement as it mentioned he had arranged for the delivery of miniatures to be used in said roleplaying games.

So much to understand, so little time. The operational blackout was coming and then... there would be just them and their mission.
"Honestly, sending a goodbye should be crucial, because you never know if it is one that may never get a chance to be uttered my son. Forgive the intrusion, and the preacher's advice, but I hate to see those times where words are left unsaid and only cause undue pain later. I have no one, but my sister, to send farewells to. However, there are more I wish I could have in my life before I lost the chance. A crew, a unit, they're like family if you let them. Even if you choose to not say goodbye, we'll do our best that you have the chance again.", a certain Iroma said with fatherly wisdom as if back in his old parish, and not in a military uniform as he was. Lucas strode in, only a eye flick down to register the tail in the floor, offering obstacle to his path, a subtle a deftly edit to his stride letting his avoidance be almost unnoticed. The path continuing until he was on the same couch as Elenor, "Also Mr. Kurogane, if you would please, the next time two.......have fun, please make an effort to reduce the noise. It is a rather awkward thing to explain noises coming from sound dampened rooms to fellow crew members."

He said this sternly, yet with still such a kind demeanor. "Forgive my delay, I had some work on my desk to handle after sparring with the warrant officer." His hair was raven black like his horns, his skin pale white, save for the feintly luminescent tattoos that peaked from his clothing and marking his face across the cheeks. But could have been the most captivating feature of the man, were the deeply violet eyes that were somehow warm, yet full of a cunning intelligence, backed by wisdom gained from a life of hardships. He didn't let it show, but the observations of the newest member, did not escape his notice, but found it unsurprising given the SAINT uniform she wore.

The type 33A nekovalkyria, yawned slightly as she strode down the corridor, giving a casual stride towards the VR room. The halls were quiet, save for the usual motion of moving bodies, and a few errant whispers on her passing. After all she had been through in such a short career, she honestly couldn't care anymore about what the younger nekos said when they say the couple of medals on her uniform from having been part of a diplomatic first contact, even if having only been disappointingly brief for a multitude of reasons. Not to mention the insanity that had been her tour aboard the flagship captained by Hanako herself. It was these slow days of piled paperwork isolative career, that the cat girl just wished she could sleep in, or go see home.

Home.....and where was that, in her mind being several places. On Sirris VI with her mother, Shiroyama star fortress with her sister, daughter, and her father. But also the one here, with those she now worked with, and Klaus. It was a pain in the ass how little she got to see him, another reason she wondered why she had ever accepted staying in service, and taking a promotion to bought. Setsuya often joked, saying she would have been content as a house wife on yamatai working as a an accountant, and living normally while waiting for Klaus to come home. Yet....she honestly was a fighter, something her species had nothing to do with, but the desire to fight along all those she loved.

They were all stray thoughts, one after another, but the sound of conversation as she approached the VR chamber focused her enough to bring a curt smile to her face as her posture habitually straightened. With her neko eyes, she had saw the tail in the floor yards away, and merely floated lightly over it to elegantly settled back down into he stride once more. "Pardon my feline ears, but do I hear tale of games, and scandalous reports. I swear, it's almost as if I never left the Eucharis. So, how are my fellow comrades, friends, and....a new face as well. Wait......are you? Kioko?", Setsuya asked formally at first, until that thought caught up to her, remembering her mother's most recent message, with yet again, surprise sibling news.

Before another word could be said in the interaction, the one person, who no one would ever suspect of being a prince, stumbled in. Jericho had been reading a maintenance log from his pad of all the parts fabricated for Fenrir down in the bay, and not noticing the tail laying in the floor soon enough. The sound would be quite audible as the sound of a jarred boot stride, leading to the man's topple forward, was triggered. He looked not surprised, much less phased as it happened, instincts kicking in as he felt the shift in bodily orientation. The pad was tossed up as he turned the fall into a roll to come back to a sudden crouch, sweeping the pad from the air as it descended once more.

"Forgive my rude activity, I will endeavor to keep more composed and aware in the future. Ms. Itatski, I understand that I shall be on standby as well? Should I remain in my Zytone until sign of a needed deployment is given, or are we to wait in a designated ship compartment?" Warrant Officer Jericho Pine, was calm and almost unsettling uniformal as always, the NDC trooper having yet to learn to be a person more then just what he was made to be. One would never think the dronish man, a member of royalty, much less given his low rank as a lowly NCO. But those who knew him somewhat, understood like his family, duty and hardwork mattered more then station, or titles of nobility.
The part-robot snake felt something bump against her tail and heard a loud noise coming from behind the couch. Because her head was laying over the edge of the front, she couldn't see the thing that made contact with her. She pulled herself up to sit on the top of the couch and see what had happened, and her spine's enhanced strength made it quite easy to do that. She gasped and beeped when she observed that Jericho happened to stumble over her black tail. Oh no... she had messed up now! Of all people she could've accidentally tripped, it had to be the cute one! She couldn't tell why, but she had started feeling strangely nervous talking to him. It definitely wasn't that she was afraid of him, but she, for some reason, would feel more self conscious around him. The strange thing was, she was getting this feeling pretty specifically around Jericho. She shook her pink-haired head and electronically beeped again. No, no, this was nothing. Her mind was just playing tricks on her. Everything was normal, she just had to ignore this until it went away. She moved over to Jericho, "standing" next to him. "Oh my gosh, are you okay? Did you trip on..." the mecha-Separa glanced at her tail. It was obvious that it was the culprit, she felt Jericho bump into it before he tumbled forward- but maybe he didn't see it (despite its size), maybe she could blame something else! "... your foot?" Yes, those silly leg things were clearly less stable than a tail, so it would be perfectly reasonable for him to trip over his feet occasionally! She didn't realize it, but sub-consciously her robotic claw had worriedly moved over and "gently" grabbed his arm. Its grip was very firm and very noticeable, especially since it was all metal. Her tail had also drifted over to rest against the back of his ankles.

Kiki walked into the VR room and gave her wings a ruffle. A white feather fell from them when she did so. She sighed, and walked in, seeming to lack the energy she normally had an endless supply of. She wasn't really sure what to do, so she slowly milled about the room.
Klaus grimaced, scratching the backside of his head in embarrassment. "I... I will take that into account." Klaus always felt a bit unnerved when the priest was around. He moves far too quiet.

The young Minkan's face immediately brightened at hearing Setsuya's voice. He seemed to be ready to run up to her and hug her, when he saw that she was staring at Kyoko. Sensing a family situation brewing he kept his distance. Before he could say anything, he heard a thump sound and saw Jericho fall and make an impressive roll maneuver.

"Nice landing Jericho! 9/10!" Klaus joked, attempting to ease the mood.
A new entrant. The Iromakuanhe male with that fatherly tone. Somebody with a position in the crew, even if maybe not official, yet he occupied a certain spot in the small "society" a crew on a military vessel formed. He wasn't stupid, he was to be kept an eye on.

And Mr. Kurogane... making A LOT of noise...! That was too good to let it pass. To have made other crew people know he must have made really a lot of noise. And the way he reacted... What was he doing with her sister? Was it something related to... sex? Questions, questions... and only guesses.

And then, her composure was broke with a sudden and sharp twitch of her tail and ears at the sound of the voice of her greater sister Setsuya.

COMPOSURE! Her tactical brain screamed. She was a SAINT Officer, she wouldn't let a blood connection break her composure. Yet, she couldn't hold her eyes from darting to the Nekovalkyria coming in, glading over the Separa'shan tail, speaking and... looking at her.

Kioko froze from a second, just the barest of seconds, before she bolted upright making the salute "SAINT Operative Itatski, Sir." she answered, in nearly perfect form. Just the slightest shake in her voice could be heard but it wasn't something someone not knowing her would probably hear. Her eyes were slightly bigger than usual as she looked straight back at Setsuya. There was a general tension in her posture and body.

Her bigger sister.

She registered Jericho coming in, falling on the reptile, rolling and getting back up. It was, right now, nobody of interest and most of her attention remained fixed on Setsuya. Only the briefest of glances was shot to Klaus at his lght-hearted joke.
Listening as Lucas came in speaking like he was at a sermon, Elenor shook her head while rolling her eyes. Of course, she also had a good natured grin on her face as she did. "Finally dig yourself out of that mountain of paperwork Lucas?" She asked, before shifting her focus to Bjorn. "Ah. Hopefully all of that comes with our last top-off... Otherwise, it's gonna be a solid 6 months before we even get back into supply range from home." She said to the robot, referring of course, to the length of time they'd be behind enemy lines doing their thing.

Of course, she gives a nod to the other senior NCO of the ground element on the ship, before wincing visibly as Jericho makes a magnificent recovery on a utterly horrible stumble. "Well, at least we don't have a showy crash and burn." She points out, referring to the usual antics in Yamataian cartoons. "Anyways, the campaign isn't an A&N one, as you might have recalled me mentioning when I was saying I needed to talk to Saya a week ago. She's not as versed in Arcanum Cyberium: Of Neuromancy and Magicka Obscura as she is Aether and Nekos, but she gave me some pointers on GMing." She says. "Honestly, I found I like the outfit options in Cyberium more than in A&N. Don't get me wrong, tight leather is nice and all... but it does get old after a while."