Star Army

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OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celia Never Rests

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I'm sorry to see you go, Yangfan- but yeah, if the game is starting to feel more like 'work' than like 'fun,' it's probably time to take a step back. Good luck, and don't stress too much about this decision either! ^_^;...

I'd have to say i'm out of the running to be the new GM. I probably have the sheer amount of time necessary to GM, but i'm waaaaay too unfamiliar with the setting and how things work around here to handle a plotship >_<;. Plus, i'm pretty sure i haven't been here long enought to even satisfy the official rules in that regard.

I'm ambivalent with regard to the 'stay with the 3rd XF in some form' vs. 'move to a new posting' options, though it would be nice if the group could be kept together, whatever happens; that gives the characters (who are mostly new recruits) some shared history, which would be good for IC character development.

At least the situation has given us a wealth of IC options and a relatively natural place to make a transition, if necessary. The 3rd XF could go just about any direction from where it is now.
Sad to see you go; it's rare to find a GM who doesn't piss me off in some form (not on this site so much, but still). I'd offer to run things, but the Changeling campaign I'm ruling with an iron fist takes most of my time as it is.
Well f**k... Yangfan, you're one of the best GM's I've had the opportunity to work with. It's sad to see you go, especially since you've been so d*mn helpful and supportive. But your right if it's feeling like work then you should take a vacation...even if it ends up being a permanent one.

As for leadership here....not me thanks. I'm an OK GM. but Like Alhazred said, i don't know nearly enough about the setting.

I'd love to stay with the 3rd XF if its possible. But if not I'll work with what everybody agrees to. Even if its all of us just "getting transfered" en mass or in small groups to other plot-ships.
It appears that all of the Santo Hei have been promoted and reassiged to assist with preparing for the peace conferenece at Pisces Station. Perhaps we ought to start a thread over in the peace conference forum about the folks from the Celia arriving, getting settled in and getting their affairs in order?

What are we going to say the state of the 3rd XF is as we depart from it? The main battlegroup seems to be the only surviving part of the fleet, the replacement ships probably haven't been delivered yet and the Celia('s battlegroup?) is being brought in for a refit. It seems reasonable to say that, aside from perhaps minimal patrols in their zone of influence, the 3rd XF has effectively collapsed (at least for the moment).
Kel said:
it's rare to find a GM who doesn't piss me off in some form (not on this site so much, but still).
Gee, thanks Kel.

alhazred23 said:
What are we going to say the state of the 3rd XF is as we depart from it? The main battlegroup seems to be the only surviving part of the fleet, the replacement ships probably haven't been delivered yet and the Celia('s battlegroup?) is being brought in for a refit. It seems reasonable to say that, aside from perhaps minimal patrols in their zone of influence, the 3rd XF has effectively collapsed (at least for the moment).

The Game Masters are already pondering over the matter. We haven't come to any satisfactory solution yet. The priority, though, is really giving the players involved something to do.
You've got orders now, guys. The Pisces thing is temporary, till you find new stuff.
Looking at the description of the place (a nominally Yamataian-run space station with a large civilian presence, as well as something of a black market hub, located at a convenient juncture between Yamataian, Nepleslian and Elysian space), as well as what's to be happening there in the near future (International Relations Conference involving all of the local powers, including possibly the Misshu), Pisces station seems like it might actually be an interesting posting, either as a temporary stop-over point or an ongoing 'plotship.'
Well, apparently we can do what we like on Pisces (within reason, probably). The conference will be starting soon and there will be some 'unique' shopping opportunities on the station, so it should be an interesting layover, at any rate. I think I'll start a thread about arrival at the station. We'd probably all be on the same shuttle this time, if anyone else feels like joining in.
Pisces was originally its own plot, but the GM had issues...its one option if you think it interesting...
Link me the thread? I'm a bit busy with school to actually search for it right now....beginning of a new semester here. *sigh* English is going to kick my ass.
I don't know what the final IC decision was, regarding the official disposition of the 3rd XF. There haven't been any orders/communications indicating that the 3rd XF has left active duty or that the Taisho has changed, so it should still be Taisho Baranard. OOC, i don't know if Yangfan is checking this or not, and we don't seem to have a replacement GM to run Taisho Branard in his stead -_-;... me an idiot...but where and how should we post? I get the forum but it seems like they have it under controll
That's actually a good question; i've been posting in the departure thread for a few of the senators (viewforum.php?f=54). Other than that... i think we make our own threads in the International Relations Conference forum, or participate in those ongoing. Isuzu is still on Yamatai, waiting for a few senators to get their acts together, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone else is.

If you want, your character can probably be among the security staff assigned to the conference room itself, or staff assigned to escort specific visiting senators and dignitaries around the station. Or, if you feel like shopping, DocTomoe started a thread for a Lorath merchant vessel visiting the station (viewtopic.php?f=61&t=1259), and there are of course the local merchants as well.

Since you recently got a friend to sign up, you might want to see about getting his character assigned to Pisces Station temporarily, and then show him the ropes (both IC and OOC) in a new thread. Just start the thread title with [Pisces Station], add a title and go.
Sounds good....i'll see about pinning him down...especially since our characters are twins....
I've got 3rd XF designations for the ships contributed by the 5th XF and salvaged from Nataria depot, but i'm not precisely sure how to organize them in the 3rd XF wiki page. All told, there are:

1 Takumi-class command cruiser (new flagship?)
43 Ayame-class cruisers
5 Kyoto-class carriers
58 Yui-class scouts
41 Irim-class heavy gunships
20 Odori-class medium freighters

Before, the third had only three Ayame-class cruisers and four Yui-class scouts. As far as I'm aware, the third didn't have any troop carriers or heavy gunships before. There is, however, a logistics group that the freighters can be put in.
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