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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Whoops just realized I meant to say she was sealing off the new entrance the zombies were coming from with the missile attack, since Yumi and Miho were already covering the former hallway. Will edit.
Apologies for the brevity of Sayoko's intro post - only had ~15 minutes from when I got home to meet my self-imposed deadline. Future posts will be more in-detail, I promise :D
Hey any post is a good one right now to keep the action moving. Good to have you on the team.

To be fair, Rin would love to keeping slaying every zombie in sight (she kind of enjoys fighting Neko's more than she should) if there were not injuries to the unarmored members in a toxic planetary environment to be dealt with. Tsukisaki-Taii has given a directive that we are not an assault force and to withdraw if we encounter heavy resistance with little reward involved.

Also, with our current activity level, best to try to close out this mission promptly. Otherwise I'll have to start taking direct control of all the NPC'd infantry to give poor Reynolds a break! ;)
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Alright guys, we've got our fancy official subforum now, so it's time to do some renovations. The first post in the OOC thread now has a link to the Heartbreaker wiki page, with the original proposal in the spoiler.

Is there any other information you think should be presented in the first post? Handy links? Other suggestions?

Should the wiki page be changed or reorganized? I know some people suggested we make a ship page and a plot page, but I think we're small enough that it doesn't matter quite yet.

Lastly, we need to do an official roll call here and get a final headcount. I know @Moogle @FrostJaeger and @paladinrpg have all posted recently, but I'm still using this to draw your attention to the new subforum and this post.

@John2y @Semjax @Revolver @Aendri @BloodyScarlet @Joshua Kyrie

You're all going to be removed from the plot for inactivity unless you reappear and post before I start the next mission. Which should be next week, if we can wrap this up. You need to keep up with one post every 5-7 days to remain on the ship.

After cleaning up, we're going to have a lot of openings...if anyone knows of someone that might want to join up, whether they're already on SA or a new recruit, please send them my way. Thanks everyone!
Thanks Frost!

I didn't want to officially remove anyone while we were still in the Open section, since it was...well, open. Everyone is definitely welcome to catch up and rejoin before we move on.

Then tomorrow when I come back from my movie, I'll read to catch up on what I missed out on, and will post up something by the nights call.
Great, thanks. I tried to keep Yumi's actions simple.

I'll try to get something up Sunday myself, maybe Saturday if I have the energy after work.
Ah, it's about time we got our subforum groove on. Most excellent. :)

I am also in agreement that there is likely no need to split things up on the wiki so far unless we grow significantly.

Semjax, I also tried to keep Yumi in the mix with sniping etc. in our recent firefight since she is the ranking infantryman.
I'm sorry, I'm just waiting until I have an opportunity to post because right now, with my character limitated by her injuries, being dragged to safety and possibly almost falling uncouscious because of the excessive blood loss, It's pretty dificult to have something to say excluding the obvious or what has already been said.

I'll try to post something while being treated or on the ship in safety, I'll try to keep up.
@John2y You don't have to be shy about posting, even if a character is injured there is always something interesting to say or do in the midst of it. Maybe the wound and dizziness makes you think of the past difficult time on Tatiana when you were hurt, running or being carried away from the Misshu then to a bunker, for example...
I think we're good to wrap this one up...if everyone wants to make sure they kinda wind things down in their next post. I'll try to put in something at the end to kinda tie it all up before starting the next thread. Also, I noticed Rin referencing a Sakurai...? Is that supposed to be Sayoko, perhaps?

So, here's the big question....what does everyone want to see next? There will be a little debriefing in the next thread, putting together the information they gained here, and I know what the next part of the plot to visit/handle is, but...what types of things do you want to do? Or, what are you expecting or hoping to see? We're still not too far 'out there' at this point, so thing haven't gotten too crazy...yet...

Also, does anyone have ideas for NPCs we need to have covered on the ship? I've mentioned an Operator Neko on the Bridge, two Medics, and of course there's cooks and someone running the Cargo Bay. Any other suggestions? Or ideas for names/personalities? Everyone seems to want more fleshed out NPCs, so I think everyone that made it through should have some input here.

I'd also like everyone to get their PAs set up. We're missing a few people, still. You can make a separate page for it, or just detail it in your character inventory. Just point me to it so I can link to it on the main page.

I don't want to keep around the characters Revolver and Aendri played because they have art and some history, but I might just keep using Nakane if we don't get another Engineer. But only if @BloodyScarlet doesn't mind and isn't coming back to play him. If I don't get a response at all I won't use him.
@Reynolds Originally it was Sakurai Sayoko; I...retconned (gomen!) it slightly. Again, I apologize - I swear I won't change anything else.

NPC-wise, I'd personally just play around with the generators listed here and, after selecting some, expand on their description and personality (possibly backstory if need be)

As for the armor loadout, I've created a page for Sayoko's loadout; does anyone have suggestions for an 'assassin' or 'sniper' build?

Lastly, I'll have a post up tomorrow morning; though I do have one question: should I have Yjara and/or the medic remove their AMES?
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Ah, explains the name mixup then. I was told that PAs snipe with the Bazooka. Not the stealthiest weapon, though. SA has plenty of sniper options, but most are personal scale, not PA scale.

I would imagine you might cut it open like they cut off clothes in the ER to get at the wounds, but that's about it. You're just stopping them from bleeding to death for a few minutes, really.
Ah, that explains the name issue. I was thinking I was losing it for a moment, heh.

As far as the sightseeing goes, I was hoping we might eventually find some worlds that Uesu tried to colonize as he went but maybe they failed or were in anarchic shambles. Remains of vessels crashed on planets. Alien races that Uesu pissed off that we have to make peace with or survive their paranoia. Finding some kind of a distress beacon that leads us to a still alive Nekovalkyrja in long term stasis in her Mindy PA out there (possibly a Mishhu trap too, they like to do that). Maybe there could even be a shadowy Mishhu (or other) presence that is cloaked and tailing us and observing... using us to find something of Uesu that is hiding for them.

As for NPC's, I was thinking I could take a stab at creating or even playing a few if you like, Reynolds. One personality we definitely need is the traditional "bubbly girl" bridge bunny. To be a happy counterpoint to Tsukisaki's constant frowning, and Rin's icy demeanor, lol.

Also, are the other Neko's aboard considered sprites at all of Ochiko's creation, and thus could have thematic names like I have seen done elsewhere? I'm not entirely sure what would go with the Heartbreaker's theme, but part of me thinks of flowers. (Something that is often used to mend a broken heart, and could also provide ideas for archtypical personalities attached to them in the traditional Japanese sense of symbolism.)
I think they actually stopped making Sprites a few years back. I believe there was a law passed that stopped that and made all former Sprites full Neko...?
As of YE 31, the designation and rating of 'sprite' was dropped due to a revision in Unified Yamataian Law. Previously, sprites were often created at the beginnings of battles to supplement technical and combat staff and then reassimilated into the ship's hemosynthetic material afterwards. Presently, all sprites created upon Star Army Vessels must be retained, since all artificially created, sentient soldiers hold rank within the Star Army of Yamatai under the new laws and regulations.

Taken from the Sprite's wiki page.

Unfortunately, due to a bunch of RL stuff that I learned about this morning, I won't be able to post until later today; apologies about the inconvenience.