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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Hi guys,

So, since my character got approved, do I just show up at the meeting? (Whew. Glad I got here before the captain...)
Hi guys,

So, since my character got approved, do I just show up at the meeting? (Whew. Glad I got here before the captain...)
Since Reynolds gave the OK here, you are more than welcome to start posting. The entrance you mentioned is just fine.
Well, if someone wants a tailed roommate that likes metal music... If not, cabin #5 should be fine.
I hope you guys are ready to go jungling. Although it looks like we've lost a few people...just don't take them along and I'll get them removed once you hit the surface. Sad to see them go, barely got to know our first medic...
Well I wouldn't count Nora & Yjara out just yet... Let's give them one more round of the wardroom discussion. Otherwise we have to assume maybe she is still being treated in medbay or such.
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@Reynolds The "dossier" mentioned in my post isn't a request for "spoilers," nor is it an indication that I know of plot's direction - I'm merely going off of the information publicly available in the wiki.
Just a quick correction but Hoshitomo-shoi didn't raise the issue about the name of the planet first (that was Yumi) however she is going to in my post I'm doing right now. Also it was Uesu not Uso's fleet.

And yeah, totally expected to be a trap of some type. Fun.
FYI, I'm fine with the attention Skade is getting. Its what happens when you come late to a meeting and almost trips over her own feet. lol.
For the record, the Captain is ominously right... when we're so far into unexplored space, it's probably a lot easier to regenerate a Nekovalkyrja soldier from hemosynth than to try to replace lost power armor with our very limited fabrication equipment... the reality that Neko lives have always been very expendable.
But if the Nekos get left behind on the planet, they'll have their armor on them at the time, won't they?
That's why she ordered you not to wear your armor on this mission.

Dress light, it's gonna be kinda warm!
Oh. Now I get it. Lol. It hasn't occurred to Skade though. She didn't get enough sleep last night.
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