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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Looks like we hit post at almost the same time, heh. Bit short this week, but not much to say. Let's get out there and explore, people!

Revais hasn't been around in more than a month, so I guess he's moved on. Looks like we might have to go on another recruiting drive, we're running short on crew members...
Yea, NPCs to direct around and be bullet sponges...now I'm a little concerned about what Reynolds is throwing at us.
So, question about cabins. Is Edoto in Cabin 4? And confirming that Sara in Cabin 5 with Skade? Mostly wondering if Skade has seen those two around.
Edtoto is put up in the cargo hold. We'll go with the wiki on cabin assignments, so Sara is with Skade. It's been a few weeks since we wrapped up in Shekhinah, and Sara has been around for at least a week or two, so it's safe to assume she's introduced herself to people and run into our alien guest a time or two. One of her responsibilities is probably keeping a casual eye on Edtoto even. That would be ship wide given Yamatai's xenophobia, but particularly so for an unoccupied infantry woman.
Derp, I thought you were SirSPT, Acewing. The last couple of sentences are probably less relevant to you.

But yeah, Skade will have seen Edtoto and likely have interacted with her. Edtoto seems pretty listless and because she's not in the chain of command, I imagine she's one of the people more ready to have a chat with Skade. Obviously, that's just my own speculation and you'd have to ask Edto to be certain.
Thanks and no problem, LeighLink.

Another question though, how are we fitting 7 people into a passenger bay that only has 6 seats?
Rin could probably ride up front with Kayoko? Or anyone else who wants to play navigator for the short trip.

On cabins, I just try to keep everyone assigned to one and remove people when they leave. If you need to adjust something, let me know.
Sorry for the delay! But now we should be in the real meat of the situation. The ship has no atmosphere or gravity, if I wasn't clear enough about that.

Also I'm just doing the best I can with the info we have on the Ayame page. Working off the one picture and the description, since we don't have any interior visuals. I hope you all understand what I'm describing and that I'm not totally wrong about how I'm picturing it. Once we get to the main area of the ship, it's described as being similar to a Yui (just way bigger), so that should be a bit easier to visualize.
No gravity sure makes it more interesting for Edtoto as she doesn't have thrusters on her suit, only magnets in her gloves and boots. Dark sure helps though!
have fun big guy I will likely get my post up this weekend also. been swamped with appointments re: my little ones and next school year prep.
I am....pretty sure...that's how the CFS works in regards to people without CFS. And how the bits recharge. If someone else is more sure, let me know!

Also, Edto, could you adjust those thread titles to fit the [Mission # Aside #] thing like the others? And if you could also attach a little blurb at the top saying when they take place, that will help. We can figure it out easily right now, but looking back later it might not be so simple.
Yeah, I remember reading that somewhere, but I couldn't find it in the last couple of days. I thought it had a lethal range or something, but yeah, its probably for the best to not fry poor Edtoto.
Edtoto looks at the tunnel. "Ahhh, I squeezed through more perilous before!"

As for the title, I don't get the format. They are between the missions... Are they aside 2 and 3?
Yeah, since they're after that other one, 2 and 3 works. Other plots have used like Mission 2.5 or whatever, but that's fine.
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