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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

Since its still unlocked, we can go and make changes to the posts so we use the right word, if you want. Or we can keep the misspelling as a joke. idk.
Posts in the thread being wrong is fine, not a big deal. But if we can get all of the wiki stuff correct and get it right from now on, we'll be good.
(gets down on knees in front of the Captain) "But the jokes and references we can make will be hilarious! Please, can we name it Tommy?" lol.
While I may be a fan of the Power Rangers (go look up my appearance on episode 40 of the hit Power Rangers rewatch podcast 'Teenagers With Attitude' to learn more) I can't think of a way for her to actually come to that. I'm open to suggestions, though...
No no, see, my rules are you have to think up some kind of bullshit logic to explain it away with.

Like saying TOMMY is an acronym, or making a wiki article for a Neko Sentai character that matches that or whatever.

Also, promotions in a minute...
I can tell you that the person doing the distress call is not entirely accurate, but they are freaking out and assuming everyone is dead.

Also I'm not sure what the difference between Nar and Sivaro is, but left them how I said them last time.
There are three clans. Families, too many to count. Nar is Family Den name and Sivaro is kinda like a different race of human. Like German and Swedish, ut if everything is good then perfect!
Okay, first try...Tall Otaku Mishhu Mutilator of Yamatai...ehh? I'll sleep on it and see if I can come up with something better tomorrow.
Also if anyone can identify what that transmission is, from this thread and the one Aside it first appeared in, I will be very happy.

The host of TWA just told me to suggest Saba as a nickname instead, since its name in the sentai was Byakkoshinken.
Blesi Ingrid - Promotion to Itto Hei, Exploration, Good Conduct, Morale, Service
Skade Masahiga - Promotion to Itto Hei, Exploration, Service
Hasewega Sara - Promotion to Nito Hei, Exploration, Service
Edtoto Nar Sivaro - Civilian Service, Himiko's Nadeshiko

Some of you might be eligible for Notable Career or Experience. If you think so, let me know and I'll take a glance and sign off on it. Our new pet robot should start getting awards next time, if it doesn't go all Cylon on us or anything before then. Also, I worked hard on those really bad edits for civilian medals, so I hope everyone enjoys them. If you have a civilian character in Yamatai anyone, ask about getting some of those! Nobody got combat medals since nobody technically fought an enemy...we'll try to fix that this mission, though~