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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

I think I got everyone assigned properly. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone...

That looked like a good split for who all we have playing right now. I didn't really want to send the I'ee into a possible fight, so I thought they could stay on the Bridge and help talk to everyone. Sally might be good at assisting Ochiko with translations, for example. Otherwise we have a proper greeting team with the one Vekimen, some bodyguards, a medic and pilot. Then the sneaky team.
Hmm, more RP in the epilogue to justify that? Also, @Ace, do you want to react before Skade starts ordering Alexis around?

Edit: Or Alexis ordering around Skade or whatever. Having multiple Itto Heis is confusing.
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Standing orders are to not destroy the tunnels. No damage is to be done to in infrastructure of the station, which means no blowing holes in the walls, and no making new tunnels.
Which was why I was asking. The saber makes applied redecorating a little too easy...which is why Skade is toting the flamethrower around.
It looks like you have the saber with the armor, but you haven't mentioned IC what you're carrying, so we can still change it without any extra effort.
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