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OOC YSS Heartbreaker: The Undiscovered Uesu

NP. Just wanted to make sure Skade wasn't going to critique Alexis's choice of weapon, when it is actually just fine.
Can Skade get that dictionary to the android? How fast do you think he could learn the language?
(Shrugs) We had at least a day or two since the idea came to her, so I would think that would be long enough? idk.
So, uh, Reynolds suggested I ask around in here to see if anyone was willing to help me set-up a loadout for Kiko!
Would anyone be willing to assist me with that?
I was told it was possible she may get sent right into battle when she first appears in the RP, since you guys are in the middle of a mission!
Just approved that application, so everyone welcome Noodles to the ship. We're getting very full, we probably just have one spot left.

Post coming after work tonight, if anyone wants to get one in last minute. I should be able to include Kiko. Maybe you'd like to be Yuko's co-pilot and stay in the shuttle with her?
Alright everyone, pushed us ahead a bit to get to the action. From now on, make sure to include your team name at the top of your post with your location. That should really help everyone keep track of things.

I wanted to check and make sure @Player Drei and @Samuraipizzaman are still with us. I haven't seen any activity from you two in quite a while, anywhere on the site.
Drei is still around I believe. She has a post ready to go on a titan pad we are both in

Also, any suggestions as to what a NMX Infected Vekimen looks like?
Drei is still around I believe. She has a post ready to go on a titan pad we are both in

Also, any suggestions as to what a NMX Infected Vekimen looks like?
My guess would be something like a large lizard with the tentacles coming out of cracks in its scales
So it's cool if I say that the android downloaded the dictionary as well?
Yea sorry i had been thinking of something else as well but that is the correct shield
I think the medic position is cursed. In every plot I've been in, we've always gone through them faster than anything else. Even when I made a medic for a plot, I eventually ended up dropping out, although I tried really, really hard to stick it out. Not sure why that happens...
Maybe the low activity levels until later in the plot? Mine got dropped because of school, but now he's being active.
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