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RP: YSS Mikomi [YSS Mikomi] Mission 1: Battle for Tami

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Once again Suzi appeared next to Ghi, this time whole. "The majority of my memory was destroyed when the ship's starboard aft section was hit with a heavy anti-matter weapon and subsequently annihilated. This included all 'soul' backup data. Unfortunately, this means that Lori cannot be revived," she said softly.

Kestral stood there silently. "There is no problem with getting new ST backups for the living crew. Are you sure though that we can't get Lori's, though? Is there any way?" Kestral looked at Suzi.

"No, Captain. There is nothing we can do," Suzi told him, and then disappeared and reappeared next to Eve. "Please, can you return to the medical bay. We have to get your ST backup, as we lost it in the battle."

"Ok...Ghi get on to the ST backup's and sort out the clone. Call me if you need me." Kestral walked out of the medbay; he was headed for his chambers. He was so very tired.
Eve looked back to Canide again, on the other side of the bay before addressing Suzi. Keying her mic, the Geshrin replied "I'm sorry miss Suzi, I haven't been through decon yet..are Sergeant Aya and the others finished?" she queried.
"Yes Eve. They have been through. Will you please make this your priority." Suzi didn't appear next to Eve this time; she just whispered it in to her ear.

As Kestral moved down the corridor he was tired and slightly stunned. On arriving back on his beloved Mikomi he found out that his XO was dead, a sad story to begin with, but now they couldn't even get her ST backup because it had been lost in the blast. This just made him feel worse. Kestral quickly changed his mind and headed for the bridge. "Suzi, how long until we can move of to Yamatai?" By the time he got an answer he was in the bridge and next to his chair.

"We can leave in about an hour captain. The repairs have taken less time than I originally though, and we will be able to go into hyper space very soon. This will then result in a five-minute journey to Yamatai. I will wake you up when all is ready."

Kestral smiled, so even the AI could see he was tired. "Thanks Suzi." He shut his eyes, most of his worry's where now on the girl, his ST backup was complete, Eve was now on her way and Ghi was in control of every thing in the medy bay with Suzi to help. The only other thing he had to worry about was the mental pressure that the crew had been through, he hoped that they would get a small break when arriving in Yamatai. With this last though he smiled a fell asleep.
About two hour's later Suzi appeared next to Kestral. He was sound asleep, snoring slightly. Suzi had given him an hour more than she originally said she would, and in that extra hour she had finished repairs and had started and finished the journey back to Yamatai. They had arrived in the dock less than a ten minute ago; she appeared in all the positions that each crewmember was in. "Welcome to Yamatai. We have just arrived. Please can you all come to the bridge as Kestral Bowman is awaiting you all here." Suzi disappeared in all the places. She was impressed with herself, and happy that she had given the captain a bit of rest.

With that though she remembered the sleeping captain, turning round slowly she tapped the captain on the shoulder. "Go away." Kestral muttered quietly while shifting in his chair still asleep. Suzi tapped again. Kestral jumped up drawing his side a in the movement. "Where is the blighter?" He finally came to his senses after spinning on his heals three times. "Oh...Suzi, it's you. How can I help? The ship fixed? Can we get back to Yamatai now?" Kestral's cheeks became very red all of a sudden and he shifted from his right foot to his left. "Yes Captain, all repairs finished, and we are back in Yamatai." Suzi smiled. "Ok well we better.... you say we are back in Yamatai already? How long have I been asleep?" Kestral moved back to his chair and sat down. "Two hours sir. I had the repairs done in an hour and a half, then we left for Yamatai approximately twenty minute's ago, we have been in docks for ten minutes. I have also taken the liberty of calling all the crew to the bridge. I hope you don't mind sir. There was also a problem with Saeki Aya, and the Girl. I have had them taken off the ship and are being cared for in isolation. They shoudl both be ok." The smile on Suzi's face got bigger, and Kestral noticed. "Well thank you very much Suzi." He stood up quickly as he didn't want to crew to see him practically asleep. "Right, well I better get through to HQ, we are going to have to get you fixed up and get to our next mission, of course wiuth a small break between." Kestral smiled, he took up a position in the centre of the bridge and waited for the crew.
Eve was lounging in her Kylie in the starboard bay, having already been through decon. and the ST backup. The armor was cleaned of among other things, Mishhu. She wasn't sure where her charge had gone to, but didn't care much since they'd docked at Uesureyan Fields. The pilot saw various repair units heading towards the earthbound ship, and after hearing the announcement from Suzi finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally!" she exclaimed. Setting the Kylie helmet at her station, she initiated the exit program and squealed auidably as the catheter exited her body. The girl hooked herself into the mount on the wall, and crawled out of the chestpiece of the armor as it opened. The cold air of the bay felt good on her body, and she stretched out for a moment.

Shaking her sweaty hair around, the Geshrin opened her locker and found her blue-paneled jumpsuit just as she had left it. Donning her undergarments, she picked a wedgie from her black standard issue panties before casually getting dressed. At the end she strapped on her empty holster, the pistol having been lost during combat. What remained was the visual data of the strange SMX armor she'd encountered on Tami. It stayed in the back of her mind as she remembered to go to the SAINT center on base and offer it to them discreetly. She coded and re-locked the compartment with a bland look on her face. Drawing her hair backwards and releasing it, Eve finally exited the MINDY bay and headed into the corridor towards the bridge, exhaling loudly as she came upon the doors.
Saeki was just getting comfortable in her new clone body, dancing about her isolation chamber off-ship in her back-to-normal bubbly self. They had decided to make an ST backup of her, clone her, and then reupload her to the clone body.

The result? Saeki 2.0, of sorts.

She pranced around her little cell naked, playing air guitar, shouting out lyrics to a song she had heard once a year ago. She did stuff like that pretty often.

"My life began in space
When I was put out on your mission
My circuits were hardwired
To be placed upon this ship!


Robotic circuitiry is one tough act to follow
Its hard to live your life when your circuits feel hot!



At this point she was bouncing really hard about the room, playing that imaginary guitar real fast for the solo.

"When I'm seeing mercury I know I'm leaving home
I know that I'll be back no matter where I roam!

A Mission! Whoaaa!
A Mission! Whoaaa!
A Mission! Whoaaa!
A Mission! Whoaaa!
Mission mission whoa whoa!
Mission mission mission control!
Tom had finished the preparation of Lori's ashes while the Mikomi was enroute to Yamatai. The ordeal heavily depressed the young geshrin. Forget that-- the entire mission after initial contact with the SMX was a disaster.

Upon hearing the request to return to the bridge, Tom washed his hands, adjusted his appearance, and walked to the bridge.
Candide having gone through decon headed for the bridge, having been contacted for being late.

"Ok, okay, I'm new here, so I got lost..." Candide said aloud, mostly to himself on the fact that he hadn't been on the mokimo until during the battle.
The shuttle had just broken out of light speed as it entered the Uesureyan Fields. Kato was already on his feet pacing with a data pad in his hand going over some of the ship's crew rooster. He was surprised that there was a girl no older then his youngest sister aboard and operating as a pilot but passed it off as the fact that talent was showing up earlier and earlier in the Geshin youth.

"Bay 45 make sure you radio ahead and get docking clearance." He called through the doorway toward the pilots as he keyed open the page to the Technical Specialist Tom Freeman. This was a guy he'd have to get to know better since more or less he was going to require his assistance with some of his theories and designs. He'd also more or less be the guy that was gonna give him the tour of the weapon bay ducts since that would be the main focus of his engineering ability's. What was odd to him was that this guy's personal description kinda sounded identical to his.... besides he was taler and a bit lighter.... well that and the fact that Kato had Neko ears...

As soon as the neko ears came into focus he remembered another one of the entires and keyed to the medical officer who despite her appearance was Geshin.

"MmM... fur ears tail canines and claws of a cat.. and to think my sises thought getting my neko ears was odd and outragous.... I'd love to introduce them to this lady." He broke into a smile and an inward laugh as he pictured the look on his sisters faces.

He overheard the AI clearing them to dock and moments later felt the airlocks clamp shut and the hiss of the decompression. Keeping the data pad out he nodded to the pilots and keyed open the doors. With another hiss both airlock doors open and he headed down the shaft into the Mikomi.

"AI please inform the captain that Sergeant Kato Tanaka has come aboard and if you'd be so kind as to feed directions to my room to my data pad I'd be much obliged." His voice held a bit of cheer to it since he was obviously excited about getting his hands onto something to tinker with.
"Sure thing Sergeant Kato Tanaka. Uploading information on to your data pad now Sergeant." Suzi felt happy, she was still amused with herself for getting the ship back to Yamatai without the captain even knowing. What made it even better was the smile on Kato's face, probably the only one on the ship at the moment.

Her head appeared next to the captain, she though that this was probably the most amusing way to appear. "We have a new recruit captain. Sergeant Kato Tanaka. He has just arrived and is going to his room. Shall I tell him to come to the bridge?"

Kestral looked up at the head of the AI, she was smiling, but he didn't feel the same. "Thanks Suzi. Get him to come straight away."

Suzi appeared next to the Kato once again all you could see was her head, "Please can you make your way to the bridge first. The captain is having a talk and he wants everyone there. End of mission briefing. He will give you special orders as you have just arrived.â€
He tried to brush his hand through Suzi's head just to see what would happen but it had disappeared to quickly. Looking down at the data pad he saw the direction to his room and put it in his pocket for later reference. That's when he noticed he didn't have his things.

"Crap wait don't go anywhere.." He was calling down the airlock at the two pilots as he bolted back into the shuttle and went to grab his pack and ran back to the ship heading for the bridge which he had studied the layout of most of the ship on his trip here.

Still carrying his things as he stepped in just a bit late since the Capitan had just started talking. Standing at attention he stayed near the back and listened the whole feel of the room was gloomy and when the death was mentioned he knew why.

Two days off when I just arrive.... I can't have that I need to get familiarized with the lay out and set up the lab.... He was thinking to himself as his Neko ears tilted side to side as if trying to pick up some of the others mutters or comments.
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