Star Army

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RP: YSS Ryūjō YSS Ryūjō - Mission 0 - The Meet Up


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Reorganized Tanjo Squadron
System: Tami. Ninth Fleet Newly Constructed Headquarters.

Takeyu disembarked from the transfer shuttle as the pilot brought the engines offline. The chusa was more than a little surprise to find that instead of going to another orbitting station to board a ship, he'd been brought to the ninth's newest - and still under construction - headquarters located on Tami and built into a canyon.

"Very nice," he remarked as his eyes glanced about the rather expansive hanger bay, dozens of people ran about the place, carrying building supplies or transporting mined rocks to awaiting transports to be taken to a nearby dump site or to refinaries to be broken down into usable materials. The Chusa grabbed his things and made his way through a central hallway and to a docking bay that housed his new command - a Urufu Class Light Cruiser that was newly constructed; he could almost smell the fresh paint.

It was very different from the larger ship he'd been in command of just days earlier, but it was a welcome change. As he began to make his way down the boarding ramp, his eyes moved across the ships hull, and he pondered what kind of trouble they'd get into with her. Of course he also wondered if anyone had arrived before him.

By this time, other transfer shuttles carrying members of the YSS Ryūjō would begin to arrive, flying down the canyon and into the docking bay.
T7 Shuttle

Anjin sat in a seat near the door of the shuttle. She was reading a datapad, familiarizing herself with her new ship and her new commander. She gave a subconscious tug at the sleeve of the hand holding the datapad. So many new things, and added to that was a promotion. She was grateful to finally have proven herself enough to move beyond a midshipman. Sadly there was no time to celebrate the event. But there would be other opportunities for celebration.

She noted that the CO had a long service aboard the YSS Eucharis, but a short one aboard the YSS Soyokaze. That gave her some pause for concern. What happened to have their commander taken from a larger vessel to this one.

The shuttle finally started its descent for landing. She switched off the datapad and tucked it into her bag. Once the shuttle touched down and the side door open she stood up. Picking up her duffle bag she stepped out and walked clear of the pad. She looked for an information kiosk and once spotted she sent a mental query. Now armed with the ship's location and how to proceed she set off to see what was in the cards for her.
Reorganized Tanjo Squadron - YSS Ryuo
System: Tami. Ninth Fleet Newly Constructed Headquarters.

A carrier class ship appeared out of the void into existence, pausing long enough launch a single fighter craft. Then disappeared back into the void of space. A Kawarime that looked over abused if looked at closely. From the distance, it was a sleek fighter craft for both space and atmosphere. The markings on the craft was standard SAoY for the craft. Only thing was missing was the ship's logo which would added later. Just behind the canopy was the head of a sabertooth tiger snarling followed neatly in proper script was:: Yomeoibito, Errowyn Joto-Hei ::. And centered underneath that was :: "Hellcat" :: Under the wings, instead of a missile pods or other assorted ordinance, but a single streamlined cargo pod on each underwing mounts. One contained her personal and issue gear. The other was her Daisy. On the nose portion of the craft was a big number 5.

Errowyn was already talking with the station's Flight Control and the YSS Ryujo as she streaked around the station to the docking berth of the YSS Ryujo. She smiled with a soft "meow," as she began braking to slow down the Kawarime for its final approach on the one of the shuttle bays of the YSS Ryujo. She shook her head as a crash landing on this ship was out of the question, seeing how small her assigned hanger bay was. "Home sweet home, Hellcat." She murmured to herself.

"oh this ought to be fun..." Voice softly spoke.

"should've joined us, sister..." Another softly chimed in.

"oh... a target rich environment..." A more excited one just as softly as the others.

Errowyn smirked, "not likely.." As she maneuvered the Kawarime into the bay and began the process of powering down. By the time she was ready to pop the canopy, the shuttle bay doors had closed. She blinked when the fighter rose and rotated. "Mei..ow?" looking around as the canopy rose to allow her to exit when she was ready. "This sure aint the YSS Heiten!" She murmured. ....
In Orbit, Tami

Sometimes, you can tell if a pilot is military or ex-military. They fly like every trip is a combat drop.

The transatmospheric shuttle rolled lazily on its back before diving nose down into the atmosphere at a jaw dropping velocity. In a virtuoso display of skill, the pilot flipped the shuttle end over end upon hitting denser atmosphere, using both engine and the body of the craft to aerobrake from "suicidally fast" to a mere "blindingly fast". Curving down into level flight, the pilot continued decelerating as she slot smoothly into the approach corridor for 9th Fleet HQ's landing bays.

It was a performance that left one of its passengers gaping in wonder even as the others cursed the pilot's antics and promised dire retribution if they were to catch her outside.

In the last row of the shuttle, Kakeru had his face pressed against the starboard viewport, mesmerized by the beautiful flickering light show of reentry. A set of travel orders, saved from last second flight by a hasty grab when the pilot decided to take up stunt flying as a sideline, still lay partially crumpled in his left hand:

Santo Hei Shinozaki Kakeru is required to report to 9th Fleet HQ, Landing Bay 2, YSS Ryujo at March 4th YE-37 0830 hrs t0 - for Permanant Change of Station. Attire is Type 35, Class B.

This is a computer generated form
No Signature is required.

"Wow, they built the place into the canyon walls! It's so rocky! Wonder why they did that?" Kakeru stared in wide eyed wonder as the landscape, so different from the forests of his home, flew past.
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Some other T7 Shuttle

As the shuttle rocketed down through the atmosphere, Sigrid looked up awaken from her sleep. She grabbed a few Zs while in transit. An old custom, even though nekovalkyrja did not need to sleep for days, they work better if they did get their sleep. For Sigrid it helped her clear her thoughts. So this would be her new assignment and she was very much looking for it.

It would be a lot different then anything she saw in her past. First she was part of massive fleet fightin Elysians and Draconians. Then she joined a Legion under 4th fleet and there it was all ground work. Now she was assigned on a single ship as a part of 9th fleets marine formation. She liked the idea behind 9th fleet. The idea of rapid, surgical strikes at important parts of the enemy. It was what she tried to do all these years. Well for her it was just ground work, while fleet worked with dozens of ships, but it was similiar if nothing else. Sig also preferred to just cut snake's head of and see its body writhe in agony.

The shuttle shook a bit as it came through the atmosphere and its stabilisators were trying to correct for the discomfort, but the force was too strong. Sigrid did not care though. Sky drop in power armour was much worse than this, this was comfortable compared to that. The shuttle finished its approach and flew down to the planets surface, aiming for a single canyon where 9th fleet HQ was hidden and protected. The shuttle flew through the hangar bay door and to the docks where it set down.

The light inside the shuttle turned from red to green and Sig, picked herself up and grabbed her duffel bag. She put her hand on holstered NSP at her side, just to feel the calm it gave to her. Same with the knife holstered on her back. The knife was new, custom made by Tamahagane corporation. Monoblade would ensure she could use it even in PA. Stabbing throught back of the skull and severing spine from the head, would disable even a neko, even though it would not kill her right away. Sig also got herself a solid projectile pistol, just because it had ability to use silencer. In her opitnion there was a big lack of stealthy weapons, that she would require sometimes.

Another thing that would change would be the loss of certain independence she had in legion. Her officer learned to trust her with the jobs so Sigrid could do a lot of things by her own decisions. She will loose that now and it she will have to gain it again. Though serving on a ship is going to mean much tighter chain of command then bunch of groundpounders. Sig was used that she just received an order that pretty much said 'deal with it' and she took her squad and dealt with it, her own way. Hopefully the officer in charge of her on this ship will learn to trust her in the same way.

Sigrid walked out of the shuttle and looked at the chaos in the docking bay, people were going this way or that way. There was also YSS Ryujo. A lovely arrowhead shaped ship with guns everywhere. Sigrid fell in love with it right away. She had to report first though. Looking around she noticed others who seemed to just arrive in the docking bay. Sigrid quickly picked first one that might make it easier to report. The neko quickly connected with the base's AI which identified the neko as Chujitsu Anjin. It also told Sigrid, that the shoi was headed for Ryujo as well.

Sigrid was glad she decided to wear her hair in ponytail today, since she wanted to be at least a tiny bit formal. She still wore a Type 22 bodysuit though. Anjin was already heading somewhere and it would be easy for Sigrid to catch up.

"Ma'am," Sig said to the shoi and bowed to show respect. "I am awfully sorry to bother you, I kind of noticed, that you are heading up to YSS Ryujo as well. Ah bugger me, I am Itto-Heisho Sigrid, about to report to the YSS Ryujo. I hoped I might accompany you ma'am."
Ninth Fleet New HQ

Ume had arrived on one of the shuttles that just recently landed. The purple skinned Neko had transferred out of the Soyokaze, having been told by her project manager that since the ship was moving fleets and the Ninth fleet was optimal for her for obtaining results for the project, she would be staying with the Ninth. Given that no ship was ready at the time for her to transfer too and the Ryujo was still being prepared, she had a few months back at 'home' with the project team where she was trained some more. Her power armor also received some new equipment in order to make it more workable in combat.

Now with new gear, new training and a new mission, Ume felt that she was ready for this assignment. She would not make mistakes like last time, not with experience and knowledge on her side. Was she over confident, some would say she was, other would say it was the appropriate amount of confidence needed to keep going after what happened to the crew during her stay on the Soyokaze.

With a sword at her hip, the Neko began her walk, heading to report in to her new assignment, eager to see what was in store for her. She marveled at YSS Ryujo when her eyes caught sight of it, though it wasn't as large as the Soyokaze, this was only the second time that Ume had seen a ship of such size from the ground so it was still amazing to her. She did not have time to stand in amazement however, she had to report in, and according to the base's AI two other's, a Shoi and an Itto Heisho who had just passed her were on their way to as well. Ume thought about catching up with them and trying to talk with them as they walked, but she wasn't sure that would work well, so instead she settled with following a dozen or so meters behind them as they headed for the ship.
Ninth Fleet New HQ
Shuttle Landing --> Docking Area
The shuttle doors opened up revealing the large landing bay, many people found their way out of the shuttle, but only one really stood out of that particular shuttle. A neko with bright lime green skin coloration and butt length dark white hair walked her way out of the shuttle. She had recently completed her courses at the officer school and received her Shoi promotion, she got assigned to one of the ships on the ninth fleet. The neko found her way to the docking bay with her backpack, which was very girly by the by, being that it was pink and covered in stickers and designs of kittens and puppies. As she skipped, and hopped her way towards the docking bay, she didn't watch where she was going and wound up running directly into Chusa Nayacesen. Of course he was much larger in terms of muscle structure than her and this caused her to stumble and fall back onto her rear and closed an eye a bit before hopping back up athletically, and huffing and puffing up her cheeks looks in his direction "Hey! Watch where you're goi-"

She paused, as her brain gears began moving; large male, Darkened skin, muscular, green eyes, captains garb, captains hat, Military Cut hair, light brown hair... her red eyes widen a bit as she realizes this is Chusa Nayacesen, the captain of the vessel she was assigned to. She hops up and bows deeply, almost to deeply, to the point she almost falls over and keeps bowing over and over and over again. "Nayacesen-Chusa-Dono, forgive my rudeness and lack of etiquette! I didn't realize it was the captain I ran into." After she finished talking, she stopped bowing but stayed in a bowed position before slowly looking up towards the captain with one eye open. She expected to get reprimanded, which she truly hope she didn't, what a way to begin her career in the Star Army, being reprimanded by the captain for her foolhearty demeanor. "I am your Strategy and Logistics Officer, Shoi Megami Matonaka at your service sir." She says in almost a squeaky voice, she is really hyper it seems.

Ninth Fleet New HQ
Shuttle Landing --> Docking Area

Meiko landed on a shuttle that arrived soon after Megami's, she took a breath and grabbed her duffel bag and began making her way towards the docking area. The woman in question had just got back from her doctors schooling when she was contacted by the Star Army with a new assignment opportunity. The woman had her grievances for a bit, however they had offered her a promotion to Santo Juni and a place as the doctor on the YSS Ryujo if she returned, she was quite a deal more willing after that and with reluctance accepted the position. Over the six months since her last assignment on the Soyokaze, she had changed a bit in looks, her hair was a bit longer instead of being shoulder length the hair was down to the small of her back now and tied in a singular long ponytail.

Slowly she made her way towards the docking bay, and once there paused looking around the docking bay and spotting the Ryujo. She moved her way over there and looked at it for a moment before pausing. She smiled to herself and took a breath, she recognized two crew members, the first was none other than Ume, the girl she had a big crush on and someone she adored dearly no matter the situation. The second was the captain, Takeyu Nayacesen, whom she had served with on the YSS Soyokaze. She first went to Ume, sneaking up behind her she suddenly hugged her from behind. "Boo." She said as she leaned around her to let her see her face. "Who knew we'd be assigned together once more, Ume dear."
Shuttle Landing --> Docking Area

Kioko made her way off the shuttle she was on, moving past the sheer amount of other people coming on and off the shuttle, she didn't like it, but was interested about her new assignment given to her. She had her duffel bag and made her way to the docking area, her scales showing as she walked, she made others laugh by hissing and sticking her forked tongue out just to keep from feeling upset by missing her friends.

When Kioko made her way into the Docking Area she looked for her new ship and saw the Ryujo so she made her way towards her new ship then grinned seeing two girls she knew and ran to the ship looking at them "Hey guysss, I am glad there are people here I know."
Transport Shuttle, en route to Landing Bay 2

As Kakeru wondered aloud about the landscape with his face pressed against the viewport, he realized there was something looking back at him, a reflection. Although it certainly wasn't his own -- unless he suddenly was 9 inches tall.

" protect it from ground attack, of course," came the unexpected answer to his previous question. It was spoken with a cute, tiny voice of the Mini-Nekovalkyrja that was floating right behind his shoulder also looking out the window. Just how she had snuck up on the hunter undetected was a mystery. She had turquoise hair, and her eyes were covered with what looked like a sleek visor between her pointy ears... at first glance you might think she was some kind of Star Army doll or action figure that just came to life. She almost looked like one of those fairy woodland creatures of myth he might've heard about, minus the silly wings.

The red-paneled Santo Hei was giddy with excitement just like him, although of a distinctly different nature than that of the country boy. "Although... maybe they made it just because it's cool. And Ninth Fleet is definitely the king of cool. Best post in the whole Star Army of Yamatai if you enjoy the unexpected." The tiny soldier then raised her amber-colored visor that seemed to be glittering with data flitting across it rapidly, as her cerise pink eyes studied Kakeru a long moment like she was looking at a spreadsheet full of data. "The way you were gawking before, you're either really easy to impress... or you aren't from the usual places."
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Docking Area

Ume jumped and let out a yelp as she was suddenly hugged from behind, having been too focused on those in front of her to realize her surroundings. When she turned around she saw Meiko and smiled to her, returning the warm hug. "We're going to work together again?" She was bubbling over with excitement at seeing a friend that she recognized. However her excitement increased at hearing another familiar voice and turned to see another familiar face.

"Kioko! It's good to see you too!"
Shuttle on landing approach, 9th Fleet HQ

Kakeru gave a start at the sudden voice from behind him. Turning around, his eyebrows climbed even further up as he saw who was talking to him. He knew of mini-Nekos of course, it was part of the information downloaded into any new brain, but it was still the first time he met one up close. Suppressing the natural desire to "poke the floating object", he bowed as well as he could, being strapped into the chair as he introduced himself.

"Ohayougozaimasu (Good Morning), yes I'm from Trisylvania from the homeworld. It's a dense forest north of Pagoda No Uesu so I don't get to see things like this often. I'm Shinozaki, how may I address you?"
Ninth Fleet New HQ

Takeyu didn't sesem to mind the brief rudeness, perhaps because the Captain was in a good mood - or there might've been another, unexplained reason. "It is ok, at least you caught it," he winked at the soldier and turned toward her. "I do hope that your expertise will help us out, the Admiral of the 9th isn't going to give us any easy missions, espically considering the reason 'why' our squadron was reformed."

The captain stared at Megami, he couldn't help but notice just how beautiful she appeared to be. Shaking the cobwebs from his mind, the captain continued. "So, where were you posted before being assigned here?" he asked, he hadn't looked up Megami's file just yet - in fact - the only ones he really knew of were those that were coming from the Soyokaze, otherwise; the newer soldiers and greenies he knew little about right now.

Kumiko unfolded herself from where she'd been kneeling, dusting the knees of her uniform off as she did so. After the shitstorm on her last ship when she arrived, she had arrived quite a bit earlier than necessary, just in case, and she'd promptly spent the last two days going over the entire ship, piece by piece. It was a bit excessive, but, well... She'd already had some time off at her house to relax before taking the short training course she'd been required to take before she could step in as the first officer for the new ship. She'd spent long enough in the military at this point to know she got bored without anything to do, and looking over the ship gave her something to keep herself occupied.

She cocked her head as the ship's AI spoke up. "Shoi, the rest of the crew is on final approach or has landed now."

Kumiko started to nod and then caught herself, since there wasn't much point in nodding to the MEGAMI system, even if it COULD see her. "Thank you, Sasami. Jane, go ahead and run final checks on the systems while I go meet everybody. We should be good to go, but, well... Yeah. Just run the last tests and let me know if anything comes up." That decided, she made her way to the ship's entrance, opening it as she got there, to greet everybody.
Hanger bay 5 : YSS Ryujo

Errowyn climbed out of the cockpit of her fighter, looking over the deck crew for this particular bay and maintenance bay as they looked a bit surprised at seeing a battle abused Kawarime. "Well... is anyone gonna be bring me a boarding ladder?" Like she ever needed one. But she was never the one to show off her abilities, unless it was killing an enemy ship ten times her size.

She sat there straddling the edge of the cockpit, one side still inside the Kawarime and the other hanging down the outside of her fighter craft as she waited for the deck crew to bring the ladder so she could disembark from her now secured from flight craft.

Soon she was directing the ground crew to unlatch the two cargo pods that was attached to the weapon mounts under the wings. "Yes sir, you all are gonna be seeing a lot of me. So it behooves you to take very good care of my fighter. And make sure my Daisy is stored properly!" Then pointing to the other storage pod. "Send that to my quarters!"

She climbed back up the ladder and reached inside to grab her flight bag which was stored behind her seat. A small storage area for survival gear. Once that was secured, She climbed back down the ladder and exited the maintenance bay into the corridor, carrying her flight bag in one hand, and in the other, her helmet. She would have to get a locker put in the same bay as her fighter was in to store her flight suit and other necessary gear that she couldn't be packing to where ever her quarters was aboard this ship.

Unsure of where to go at first, it was probably wise to report to the senior officer onboard the Ryujo. Even though the word of her unusual arrival spread through the ship faster the speed of an electron through the myrid of power cables.

Errowyn made her way fom the bowels of the ship to the command deck of the ship. Officer's Territory. She was still in her flight suit to boot. This ought to make a good impression on the Command Team. But what could you say? Just arrived and no place to go.

Finding out that the Senior Officer on board was at the main entrance to the Ryujo, Errowyn changed course to head there.
Shuttle on landing approach, 9th Fleet HQ

Noa couldn't suppress giggling a bit as he tried to bow still strapped down -- although considering the wild nature of the pilot, not being restrained was probably a death wish at this point of approach with the scenery racing past. "Ohayo, Shinozaki-hei," began the tiny crewmate in between her amused laughter, "I'm Amatsukaze Noa, but just call me Noa." She then came a little closer and sniffed at the air near his head, and rubbing her chin. "I thought at first, 'maybe this guy has a thing for forest scent cologne', but turns out you're the real deal. A regular low-tech woodsman from Yamatai... this your first mission?"

The mini-Neko couldn't help but put on this whole 'experienced' ruse on in front of him, although truth be told she was really rather green herself having never been far out of the SAINT training environment. Her rank was the same as his, even if it was hard to see on her little uniform. But she couldn't let this opportunity to have a little fun with the country boy go to waste. Noa moved to whisper in his ear, "So, did you get the captain a commissioning present yet?"
Shuttle on landing approach, 9th Fleet HQ

"Commissioning present?" Kakeru froze. That was something he didn't consider. It was a new ship, right? And like housewarming and store openings, it was polite to bring a welcoming gift, wasn't it?

"Oh oh, I didn't. Think I'll have enough time to get one before I'm late?" Mentally, he started calculating the time he had to get to the store and back. "It's going to be a bit tight...", he thought.
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Ninth Fleet HQ
- Megami

Megami paused a moment and looked at him a bit oddly, he was pretty cute, though she tilted her head as her elvish like ears twitched ever so slightly. "This is my first station, after my sister left and became part of the army several years back and fought against the Miishu, I was stuck still learning with my mother, I just recently graduated from the Officers School..." She rubs the back of her head with a smile, a bright smile, bubbly even. She shook her head though and quickly iterated: "I-I won't slow you down I promise!" She nods and hops a bit at that, showing her fiery determination within those red eyes of hers.

Ninth Fleet HQ
- Meiko

Meiko heard another familiar voice and turned as she smiled brightly seeing Kioko and giving her a big wave as well. "Hey! Kioko! Its good to see you as well!" To note, she was wearing her Warrent Officer uniform, particularly with her officers hat and her uniform being different. Someone got a promotion while she was gone! But either way she grins widely to the two friends she met on the Soyokaze. "Its so good to be back with you two, do you know the statistical probability of being assigned to a new ship and meeting not one, but two of your good friends from another assignment? Its pretty low! We are extremely lucky."
Shuttle on landing approach, 9th Fleet HQ

Noa looked surprised and chided him Kakeru with a cute expression. "Uh oh, looks like someone is a bit unprepared... but don't you worry. I've got your back." She placed a hand literally on the back of his shoulder to emphasize her point. "I already got mine before and all, but if I was in your shoes then I've got the perfect idea: a rock. There's tons of them out there!" The little one then gazed out the window again and pointed at lots of them racing past, it was a canyon after all. "Now, now.. you might think that sounds silly, giving Chusa Nayacesan a common stone, but it's not! Because the YSS Ryujo was built here, it would be the perfect thing... like in a totally zen way. You follow me?"

She then nodded her short green haired head in a very satisfied way. "Yeah... you go make that little rough pebble into the coolest thing ever. Say it's a symbol of your loyalty to your Captain, and ship and all that good stuff. The foundation of a successful mission. Oh, that'll really impress the big guy, I bet."

Inwardly, she was trying to suppress a chortle... this was too much fun.
YSS Ryujo

Errowyn gave a soft "excuse me," to the person that was standing in middle of the open access hatch. She looked slick and definitely out of place in her flight/evac suit, helmet in her hand at her side. Flight bag strap slung over the opposite shoulder. Her sidearm in its well used maintained holster. Several survival knives about her personage. Her bluish black hair hung loose in a cascade of curls, definitely out of regs, since it was loose from the typical authorized braid or ponytail she usually kept it in. But as far as she could see in the near future, it really didn't matter by the looks of things as the YSS Ryujo was still taking on supplies and crew.

Not seeing the rank of the person in front of her, slipped by the person to exit the YSS Ryujo to get a better look around the vast hanger.

Errowyn stood on the observation platform that was connected to the main entrance to the YSS Ryujo, looking out over the vast area that housed the Ryujo. Those on the ground looked like min-neko or ants a they scurried about their business in getting the ship prepped for launch. It was a good thing that the shuttle bay that was assigned to her fighter was on the other side of the ship. Otherwise it would've been hell maneuvering the Kawarime through all the clutter of scaffoldings, platforms and conveyer belts loading cargo and munitions onto the ship.

~~nothing like the previous assignment. we could've just as easily met them in space~~

"And miss all this?" Errowyn muttered softly to no one in particular.

She took notice of the various groups in their antics as they approached the ship. She wondered which one was the Chusa of the ship. She could put on her helmet and use the built in HUD/Binoculars to pick out the ranks of the various crew members. Determining which was new crew was easy by the duffel bags they carried. At least bringing her Kawarime, her stuff was already aboard. Just needed to be unpacked and carried to her assigned quarters. She just hoped that her quarters were near where her fighter was.

~~oooh that handsome one already got a female pawing him~~

"Probably all fluff to being a desk-jockey and nothing inside," She muttered again to none in particular.

She watched each group as if they were enemy battle-pods, sizing them up according to the threat they presented. She turned looking over the person standing there. Seeing it was an Officer. "Greetings Shoi. Is the Ship's Chusa aboard?" Giving a quick, yet repectful bow.
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Shuttle on landing approach, 9th Fleet HQ

"Thank the Empress I bumped into Amatsukaze-san. I almost made a mistake on my first day!" Kakeru thought. And the ship carrying a piece of the planet where it was constructed made some sense as well. "Arigato gozaimashita, Amatsukaze-sensei, that's a good idea, I'll go look for one immediately!"

As the shuttle swept into the landing bay, Kakeru looked out the viewport to note where all the spoil hoppers from the ongoing construction were sited. Surely one of them had what he seek?

A quick bow to the sempai who saved him, a grab of his baggage from under the seat, and he was heading to the door as soon as the landing skids hit the deck, hoping to beat the crowd off the shuttle.