Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Ryūjō YSS Ryūjō - Mission 1.1 - Fury in Doubt

Aurigaesha I, Surface

Masato exhaled in relief as the Shoi's orders came in over the radio - for he wouldn't have been able to do much else anyways, given his current state - and replied over the same channel with a shaken, raspy "H-Hai, S-Sho-Shoi." That done, and with the immediate threat of combat having since passed, the Engineer began pondering Kumiko's request. Hmmm.....
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Aurigaesha I, outbound to outer system

Errowyn high tailed it out of the area once the bogy was definitely following the decoy. Knowing what to look for, Errowyn did several maneuvers that had her caught up and tailing Kakeru. With the cloak still active and knowing she was 'invisible' to his electronic eyes.

She was glad of her time spent on YSS Heiten and the experienced she had gained. It still made her uneasy not to be in her beloved battle tested Kawarine '5'. If she was she knew she would've tore into the bogy without a second thought once Kakeru was safe.

She set a quick burst of static on Dragon Flights Frequency to let Kakeru know she was safe. Once they was far from origin of first space contact with the Bogy.
Breyja, Ryujo

Breyja blinked as the soldier stormed in and broke her from her study of the list, Silence hung in the air for about a second before she shot up and bolted for her kit, to say she was nervous would be an understatement. Securing her gear she paused, glanced about and took just another moment to register if she'd forgotten anything before pelting out the door to get to her armor. No training like on the job training to get used to an armor system you hadn't worn since training, right? Right!
Aurigaesha I, Surface

Ume kept herself down but seeing as she did not get much using her optical sweep even with magnification she decided to try to narrow things down a bit. She turned her sensors up and began a scan not for specific objects but just trying to get a list of materials present, it was highly unlikely that something made of dirt and wood and grass took out a Mindy after all. Of course she did not stop with her optics either, it was obviously well masked against sensors so she would need to use everything she’s got.
Aurigaesha I, Surface

Megami was caught completely off guard by Sigrid going dark, and paused a moment at the sound of someone yelling that they’d need a medic. Her eyes darting left, then right as her sensors picked up the power supplies in the distance, once she and her group got out of the area, she paused a moment and raised a hand up signaling for everyone in her group to get down before kneeling and opening up communications to Endoh. “Well, was not expecting that… my sensors are picking up some faint power sources far in the distance. It’s not who attacked us, but it could be the location where they retreated to if they retreated at all.”

Megami looked back at her squad at this point, and looked them over one by one. “Report in, anyone hurt, injured?”
Ryujo, Armory

Brian P. Jackson took a long breath to stabilize himself, glad of the Mindy's helmet hiding the expression on his face. It wasn't fear, and it wasn't anxiety that gripped him. He was excited, looking forward to his first true combat mission: all that training he'd gone through just to get a combat posting was about to pay off for him. After all, everyone knew that the only real way to gain rank and acclaim in this army was by excelling in strenuous situations. If he was going to achieve his goals he'd have to always be perfect, prove to everyone who didn't know how great he was (Which was everyone but him, basically) just how good he was.

With another breath and a confident smile on his face, Brian went through the final checkup on his Space use Mindy's armament and systems. Everything checked out, and he was ready to go!
High Orbit, Aurigaesha I

Upon gaining visual contact with the drone, Henry had to grip the stick in front of him tightly to resist the urge to immediately engage the object. However, he knew that there were political and diplomatic factors to consider outside of the random shoot-outs around a table he was used to, and opted to instead inform the Ryujo. In the mean time, he continued to head straight for the bogey, his thumb right next to the fire button for the aether cannons as he lined up the sight on the nose of the opposing craft. "Asset 1-2 to Dragon, object is in my sights. Requesting further orders." He spoke into his mic quietly, thumb rubbing the side of his trigger as waited for the order to (hopefully) fire. In the event that the Ryujo would be unable to reply in time for him to avoid taking a good couple hundred tons to the face, he would maneuver around the drone, opting not to use the VTOL capaabilities of his fighter in lieu of the possibility this unknown faction does not know of said VTOL capabilities.
Ryujo Armory

Sebastian had just finished her checks on everything when the call for her to suit up came. She went to her own Mindy and double checked her arm before strapping herself in. She made the necessary adjustments to ensure that her left arm didn't interfere too much and then waited with the others, ready to go in the next wave to the planet.
Ryujo Armory

Breyja came pelting into the Armory, out of breath and panting as she glanced about for her suit, she had checked it, once, when she'd come aboard. She'd been more concerned with her job in the medbays than with the armor. But once she found her Mindy and began checking it over she found that everything came back to her in a rush, almost as if it were second nature. Looking from her left, to her right she'd pick up her equipment, and carefully begin pacing around the Armory to get used to the suits power and movements again, "This is Santo Hei Usaki, Commo Check."
High orbit, Aurigaesha I

The drone continued to follow the decoy, keeping pace with what it was sensing, before it came to a slow stop - spun around on its axis a few times; then moved away from the planet and toward a distant moon.

Ryujo airspace

Meanwhile, the object heading toward Henry's fighter likewise came to a stop just a few meters infront of it; it looked like a triangular object with an electronic eye-ball in the centre and an object on either side that looked like they 'could' be weapons. The object sat still for a moment, then began to 'orbit' around Henry's fighter. Its electronic eye justled up and down as it looked over the fighter, the objects on its 'wings' likewise were moving as well, rotating up and down and even to the left and the right.

A few more fighters that were apart of the defense squadron began to arrive, taking up a position behind Henry's fighter, there was a bit of comm. chatter as these pilots were curious what was going on.


A soldier in the ships hanger bay marshalled everyone into awaiting shuttles. "Move your asses you pieces of trash!" he shouted as he continued ot motion toward the shuttles. A few of them began to lift off, full of soldiers whom were ready to be taken into battle.

On the bridge, Takeyu watched the screens and noted the object near Henry's fighter. Why is it doing that... he thought curiously to himself and leaned his back into his chair. "Tell the pilot to scan the object, try and get as much data from it as possible, however if it appears to take a hostile stance then he is authorized to use lethal force."

"Aye sir!" one of the bridge sprites shouted.
Ryujo - shuttle

Sebastian was one of those who had been ushered onto a shuttle. She didn't react to how the one getting others into the shuttles to go down to the surface did so. It was all part and parcel of being a foot soldier. She sat in the shuttle until it filled, strapped in and ready, then it lifted off towards the surface. She didn't say or do anything during any of this process, for she wasn't much of a social person. The dark-skinned warrior just quietly surveyed those around her, her startling green eyes taking in everything.
Aurigaesha I, Surface

Noa breathed a sigh of relief from within the control cavity of the Sylph as her scanner got a quick download of the Mindy's life support readings on the injured veteran and it looked like she would survive the hit to fight another day. The mini-Neko gave some commands to the AIES system of the target power armor to engage the hemosythentic femtomachine system to begin repairing damage to the armor interior at the point of greatest impact, directing its efforts towards the head and sealing the shoulder area -- the rest of her arm down past that was a total loss. A new one could be grown for her no problem, though with a bit of time.

Now thoughts turned to getting her out of the hot zone where more traps could spring. Though piloted by the tiny soldier, the diminutive Sylph was actually physically stronger than a Mindy due to its enhanced musculature and had more than enough strength to put Kongo's PA in a fireman's carry across her shoulders favoring her undamaged side. This was another reason she had eschewed leaving the Ryujo not only without a gun, but without the wing pack for ground operations. "Amatsukaze-hei to Kumiko-shoi, good news. Kongo-hei looks to be largely stable if unconscious due to head trauma. Requesting permission to quickly remove her back to the landing zone, in case another trap's coming. The incoming shuttles can then medevac her back to the Ryujo for treatment after they drop reinforcements, ne?"
Ryujo - shuttles

Breyja was, of course also shuffled off onto the shuttles, having sprinted as soon as someone had began shouting orders at her, Strapping herself down she inhaled and listened to the sounds of the shuttle around her before she keyed up something more non-regulation, she was listening to the sounds of the stars, white giants as they screeched through the stars, Red-dwarves as they aged, the crackle-hiss of yellow stars and of course the sudden low groan of a star about to go supernova. It kept her from shaking as badly as she normally did. During training she had shaken so badly it'd taken her suit out of calibrations, now she had it under control as she began mentally prepping and checking her medical supplies and looking around to see who all had made it on the shuttle with her.
Ryujo Airspace

Henry let out the breath that he had been holding as he listened to the new orders filtering through. "Pilots, exercise caution. Santo-Hei Holliday, begin scanning the unidentified object. If it exhibits hostile behavior, you are clear to engage." He begrudgingly retreated from the trigger, opting to begin initiating the scan the Ryujo was requesting. "Understood, Dragon, Asset 1-2 beginning scan." He radioed back as he activated the VTOL function of his fighter. He made it a point to keep the nose of his Kawirime pointed at the contact, never allowing the contact to gain an advantage in which he would be unable to return fire. His fingers drummed against the side of his stick, a look of impatience on his face as he waited for the scan, eyes glued to the object in front of him. "Let's make a trade, my little friend. You can scan my aircraft, while I scan your's. That way, I don't have you add you to my kill-tally. How does that sound?" Holliday thought venomously, just waiting for it to try something stupid.
Ryujo - Shuttles

Like Breyja, Brian had made his way onto the Shuttle. He was absolutely ready for the mission, the smile on his face behind his helmet a confident grin. He wasn't afraid of combat, of what he could see, or what could happen to him? Why should he be, he'd already seen worse. The man took a breath, flashing back to that horrible horrible day so many months ago. His baby sisters, his sister in law.... All of them gone in a fiery flash.

Brian shook his head to chase away the thoughts. That terror was why he'd joined up, to gain power to make sure things like it never happened to him again.
Recon / YSS Ryujo Vicinity.

Errowyn saw in the distance the YSS Ryujo. She smiled and on Laser beam communication to the ship, "This is Recon. We are returning to the ship. Had an encounter with a bogy. ETA 15 minutes. Requesting permission to switch out crafts to '5' and return to planet to provide air support. Flight Leader Hellcat." Finishing the radio call as the YSS Ryujo and the other ships of the small fleet of ship grew larger in her view.
Ryujo Airspace

The object continued to move oddily enough as it kept up its scanning of Henry's craft; for awhile it seemed to be interested *only* in his, but as the others moved in closed the object shifted its scanning to another craft, and then another, before finally settling back onto Henry's. The objects electronic eye shifted in colors, from red, to blue, a soft yellow, and then a dark green; but settling onto a hellish red which caused it to move backwards some.

For Henry's efforts, his own scanning showed that the object had a weapon of sorts in its eye along with a protective casing. Its thrusters were typical plasma based, while its computer systems 'appeared' to be rather archiac, at least thats what the scan would show - one area of the craft couldn't be scanned though, an area roughly two meters long and one meter in height that resisted the crafts scanning. However....

It seemed once the scan got to this area the object responded, as its electronic eye lite up - power fluncuations appeared on the scanners and a confirmed weapons lock would be detected by Henry's fighter as it locked its weapon onto his craft.

Recon / YSS Ryujo Vicinity.

"Permission granted, be advised we have unknown in vicnity of airspace," came back the response to Errowyn's request.
Ryujo - Shuttles

Breyja inhaled inside her Mindy and calmly, quietly relaxed trying hard to hide her nervousness, She'd never been into the field before. And certainly not to tend to battlefield wounded. A quick inventory check told her for the hundredth time she'd brought everything and then she spoke, "First time for anyone else here? " She managed a decent, to her ears, chirpy relaxed tone. Waiting sucked.

Errowyn acknowledged the return call from the YSS Ryujo. "Dragon 2, you want to tag along with me or stay with the Ryujo?" Giving Kakeru the option of riding second seat as EWO in her Kawarime for the second trip back to the planet. Maybe help out others facing the newest bogy. No one messes with her pilots and gets away with it. She changed her approach to avoid the interaction with the Ryujo Fighters and the Bogey.
Ryujo - shuttle

Sebastian perked a brow at the question. She could tell that the one asking was just wanting to fill in the waiting with some sort of chatter. She responded in a quiet voice. "First time to get to battle in this fashion." She wasn't nervous in any way. Nor was she even upset that she had to wait even more. She did have to shift a bit in her Mindy, not used to wearing such armor as it was, but otherwise she felt confident that she was ready for whatever lay ahead of them.