YSS Ryujo: Hanger Bay
Errowyn closed the canopy to her fighter as it lowered into the launch portion of the hanger bay. Seeing the lights change to full Alert, she fired up the thrusters, causing the her fighter to roll off the lift as it was settling the last few inches.
The sudden dipping of her fighter then straightening out to aim properly at the exit as she hit full thrust to launch out of the hanger bay. Being the first to launch and seeing the rest of the fleet moving to protect the Ryujo, something must've gone wrong with the CAP around the Fleet of bigger ships. She quickly accessed tactical feed and coms to get the quick and dirty on what's happening.
CAP encountered Bogey. Bogey attacked CAP, leaving wounded fighters in it's wake and now heading to the Ryujo. She smiled as she armed her weapons systems and getting all green across her HUD. Momentary closing her eyes to kick in the SPINE Interface for direct feed and becoming the Organic Brain of her Kawarime. Speeding up the response time that made her a good pilot, if not the best, at least a survivor.
Space: Fleet Controlled Area (hopefully)
'Ears' listened on 'airwaves' to the chatter, picking out information she needed to direct her craft to face the bogey. 'Feeling' the coolness of space against her extended 'body' metallic skin. The heat generated by Aether generators that keep the electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic blood flowing and power to move through the vacuum of the Void of Space. 'Eyes' searching the spectrum for the incoming bogey, knowing what to look for.
She was thankful for the trip with Kakeru on the recon mission, even though she did the running, instead of fighting like she was going to do now against the Bogey that decided to injure and kill her fellow pilots. She was looking forward to the encounter to pit skill and machine against each other in the Dance of Death where there would only be the one victor and the dead...
"Hellcat / Five..." Both were heard simultaneously; one metallic, other human. "... has lead," Errowyn gave short broadcast to let others know she was already on the hunt and closing upon the Bogy.