Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Ryūjō YSS Ryūjō - Mission 1.2 The Eye Of The Storm

Crew quarters

Sebastian had healed well enough, as far as she could tell. Her arm was working once more. It seemed to be working a lot better than before! She was still amazed at how she could put it on and take it off and it not hurt. On this particular day, she had just woken up from her slumber and in need of something to eat for breakfast. Once dressed, she headed out towards the mess hall.

Mess Hall

Upon arrival, the dark-skinned warrior glanced around for a moment. She went to the food dispensers and got what she felt would be edible, then turned to find a place to sit. She could see that there were quite a few missing from the last mission, but she had yet to really make any friends. Her green hued eyes took in who was sitting where and even noted how others seemed to stare at the doctor. A few looked her way as well, since she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt. Her mechanical arm was easy to see.
:: Mess Hall ::

Errowyn strolled into the Messhall via a different door than usual. It was pretty subdued after the first major battle. She took her time making her selection of food and looked around. There was a few quiet conversations going on. Mostly it was shipboard crews doing the talking. She was wearing her flight suit with the sleeve portion rolled and tied around her waist. Formfitting Tank top with the Fighting Diamonds Logo with a big 5 on it. On the back was 'Hellcat'.

She made her selection of food and carried the tray amongst the tables looking for a place to settle. It seamed that the only table that had room was where a Doc and A soldier was sitting at. She moved over to the table and settled at the table, giving each a nod.
Mess Hall

Zion looked up from his tray as Errowyn took her seat. He recognized her nickname from the files and tried to recall her actual name. "Joto Hei's Errowyn, right?" He allowed time for a response before continuing, himself.

"I usually just go by Zion. I'm one of the new medics on board. I met Nocnimura, the Mishhu under your command, earlier. She didn't talk much, but she was quite helpful when all the wounded came in. Did what she was asked and stayed out of the way otherwise. That's a big deal in emergency medicine."

Zion had become semi-aware of eyes on him pretty much all the time. Cyborgs were not uncommon in Nepleslia. However, he'd grown up on Yamatai, and he'd had over a decade of living and working on Yamatai as a cyborg to see the average Yamataian citizen's view of cyborgs. Consequently, he was also semi-aware of when eyes shifted from him for one reason or another. This would, ironically, usually draw his attention, as well. In this case, the cause of the shift in attention was the young woman Sebastian. He smiled and motioned for her to join them. It would be doubtful if anyone watching was terribly surprised when one Nepleslian volunteered to sit with another.

As he turned his attention back to his food, and the others at the table, a thought came to his mind and he chuckled quietly. It was going to be an interesting ride on board this ship...
Mess Hall

All this work treating patients indeed took a toll on Tora just a bit, his stomach protesting in earnest. He decided to leave the systems to work on their own, heading to the mess hall.

The carefree Minkan strolled in gracefully through the doors, and even through the lack of sleep he was energetic and visibly active. He approached the food dispensers, pausing for a few short moments to choose his meal, which ended up being minimalistic anyway. Holding the tray full of food in his hands, he perked up his ears as he attempts to look specifically for Zion; He was the only one he could recognize so far, having to work with him immediately, after all. It was difficult to look for him with the crowd building up, but after observing that some of the individuals would look over to a particular area, he noted that they were interested in this one particular Nepleslian which just so happens to be who he was looking for.

Without much prior warning, Tora snuck himself over to the table where three characters hung about, hiding within the crowd before appearing just to the side of Zion. "Hey! I've decided to take up your offer." He follows up with a light-hearted smile towards Zion, before lifting his view to the other two. "Are you two his acquaintances? I'm Tora. Great to meet you!" It was clear that he would assume first before asking questions, but at least he doesn't butt in entirely by slamming his tray on the table and forcing himself into the group. That said, he keeps a very slight distance from the table in the case he is, for some reason, rejected.
Sebastian looked around as she slowly approached the doctor. Her features, as usual, were practically a blank slate. She rarely, if ever, showed emotion. The dark-skinned warrior was taught at an early age to never let anyone see them anyway. She sat, but only gave the barest of nods before tucking into her meal.

When the Nepleslian that introduced himself as Tora came up, she studied him for a moment as well before shrugging a bit and continuing to eat.
:: Messhall ::

Errowyn nodded to Zion in getting her name correct. "I've heard of her. Haven't met her by any chance yet." Keeping her voice mellow as the others approached took their seats. She nodded her acceptance to Tora to have a seat also as there was still room at the table. She began to eat with polite manners. Food in small chunks to allow conversation without being rude with lengthy pauses.
Mess Hall

The Yamataian soldier, Errowyn the Nekovalkyrja, Tora the Minkan, Sebastian the Nepleslian and Zion the cyborg all made for a large variety. Several eyes in the room were still on them, now due to the vast differences in those gathered. Zion shook his head as he finished a bite and chuckled again. This time, he made his observation audible.

"All we need now are our serpentine captain and the Yamataian Nightmare at the table and we will, officially, be the most unusual grouping of crew mates ever gathered at one table."
:: Messhall ::

"Give it time and it'll probably happen," Errowyn spoke softly, then popped a piece of fruit into her mouth to eat. She looked about the room, relaxing as she ate.
Mess hall

Zion's food was finished soon enough, but he decided to stick around a while. From what he'd read on their files, the people around this table would make up a good portion of the crew members he would need to get to know. Might as well start now.

"So, what got everyone to join the SAOY?"
:: Messhall ::

"I was created to serve the Empire in its Defense and Protection." Errowyn simply stated. "I'll probably be recycled through several times before I can legally be able to leave the Military." Errowyn simply stated, leaning back in her seat as she had a few minutes to kill before heading off to duty. She was curious as she spoke shyly as not to bring offence to Zion. "Why you join, Zion."
Mess Hall

Sebastian looked around at the others after she had finished eating. She had some time to spare as well, so she sat there, frowning some. She never really talked about why she joined. She knew part of it was to get away from her Father's influence. But then, another part of it was to prove to herself that she had what it takes to be more than what her Father had always drilled in her. Not shy, but then not one to really open up easily, she replied softly, "I volunteered to join."

While Sibyl waited for Nocnimura to arrive, she delivered the change of command orders to Takeyu, placing him in command of another ship to complete the mission with a few other crew members from the Ryujo here, while the Ryujo itself, under command of Sibyl Gorganis, was to await new orders. The change over was brief, and Takeyu wasted little time in his departure.

When Nocnimura arrived, Sibyl took her out to the main passageway to have their talk. It wasn't that anything was wrong, but there were things that needed to be discussed which the rest of the crew didn't need to hear. When that was done, the captain returned to bridge command, leaving the Nightmare free to do as she pleased.

Mess Hall

Zion nodded at Errowyn's response. It was pretty standard for a Neko who'd been created. They knew only duty. Not unlike him or the captain, from what he'd seen. He made a mental note of Tora's silence as well as Sebastian's quiet and non-specific answer. These two would be interesting to get to know. Finally, he answered Errowyn's question. He decided to be fairly open. After all, he couldn't expect them to trust him with their lives if they didn't understand why he was concerned for them, in the first place.

"My passion is simply to preserve life, in all its forms. I used to be an engineer. I was an adult Nepleslian without any cybernetic alterations working on Yamatai. A reactor explosion nearly killed me. The only reason I lived is because my parents had the money to get me these implants. I decided then I wanted to help preserve life as much as possible."

He looked down at his left had which, while covered in synthetic flesh, was still clearly robotic. "Yes, my body is more mechanical than living flesh now. That only makes me appreciate life all the more. So, ironically, I joined the military to prevent death as often as I can."


The comm system came to life.

"Attention all personnel. This is Chusa Sibyl Gorganis. Chusa Takeyu has, officially, been relieved. Any crew members who have not received orders to accompany him to his next command are to prepare for immediate departure. We are diverting to Gamjie, in the Gartagen Union's sector."
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Mess Hall

Errowyn listened to the announcement after Zion had spoken. She nodded at him. "Time for me to get off my lazy butt and check my fighters to see if they are secured for flight." She nodded to each at the Table and took off. On her way out, she disposed of her tray and trash in the proper receptacles.

She headed on down to the flight hangers that contained the fighters. She moved with easy grace and enjoying the feeling and sounds of a ship prepping for the ftl jump. Entering the Hanger bay 5, she saw that her Kawarime was stored in its proper locations with the deck crews double checking. She looked at the other Fighter sharing her bay. The one that belonged to the Nightmare.

Errowyn moved over to it to make sure the deck crew did a good job in making sure the craft was secured also. She pointed out a few sloppy placed straps that kept the craft from shifting in the initial acceleration. She watched the deck crew redo it under the orders from the Deck Chief. She moved on to the other fighters, seeing them well secured, like hers.

She made note of the performance in taking care of the fighters, especially the poor treatment the Nightmare's craft was receiving. Errowyn even though she was just as suspicious as the rest of the Nightmare Fighter Pilot, They needed every craft they could get their hands on. After the last battle with the unknown enemy.

Nocnimura left Sibyl's company and headed to the hanger upon hearing the announcement. When she arrived, however, she chose to hang back, seeing who had managed to beat her there. She watched the scene unfold in front of her, and made her own note that none of the other crafts needed to be redone.

She'd gotten used to it. Training had taken a while, and even her classmates, who had been there when she was selected to receive the Nightmare body, looked at her as if she wasn't to be trusted once she, actually, changed bodies.

"Thank you, Ma'am." She spoke to Errowyn as she was on her way out of the Hangar. "I was coming to check on things, myself."
Errowyn paused and looked at Nocnimura. Her expression was neutral as she openly studied Nocnimura. "Welcome to the Wing." It was a bit cold, but at least it was a welcome. Then it was obvious that Errowyn was at loss for words as she studied Nocnimura. But definitely she had her own demons to deal with. "Walk with me. Simulators."

After one more look and a soft shake of her head, Errowyn took off, heading deeper into the ship to the Simulators, radioing the rest of the surviving pilots to beat feet to the Simulators. Errowyn had to get this motley crew of Fighters Pilots on the same sheet of music and plan tactical maneuver to take in account of the newest tactic used against the fighters in the last sortie.

Errowyn sent a quicky text message to Nocnimura :: Apologize. It will be awhile before we (At least me. Can't speak for the others) come to trust and treat you like you're one of our own. EY :: She didn't know whether that would help ease the transition or not. But someone had to make the effort.
Deck 6, passageways

~I understand~ Came Nocnimura's mental response to her superior.

She continued as they made their way to the simulators. ~I was aware of the prejudice I would receive when I volunteered for the Mishhu body. Honestly, I still share the same view of regular Mishhu. Having a Nightmare body doesn't change who I am. The empire, and now the Ryujo, is my home. I will defend it to the death.~

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Errowyn glanced at Nocnimura and openly studied her for a bit. ~what is done is done.~ She entered the Simulator's classroom and moved to the front of the classroom to the lectern and began uploading information and tactics they would be using during the Simulator runs.

As the remaining fighter pilots entered. It was obvious by their action and the open chairs around Nocnimura, they was wary even though they held the same rank as her.

Errowyn moved from the lectern and had the pilots to removed the empty chairs and stacked them in their storage cupboard. "Tighten it up in one row." She ordered, getting groans from the others as they knew one of them had to sit next to Nocnimura. "When she arrived here in system with her fighter, she was shown trust in the battle before anyone found out what she looked like.. I'm sure she is the same as everyone here. Her love for the Empire and willing to die for it. Just as you have chosen to."

There was a slight murmur and fidgeting amongst those present. A few of them red in the face in embarrassment at being caught out.

"We don't get to choose who we become shipmate with. But out there, we're all depending on each other to cover our six." Errowyn paused as she looked down at the lectern before her as a stray thought filtered through her mind. ~~ Lone Cat to Leader of the Pack, I miss the YSS Heiten! Wonder if I was like that to my superiors?~~

Then spoke again. "We accepted her as one of our own and now we know what Nocnimura looks like On the outside, Will it effect how we fly together in combat?" She looked over the group of the assembled fighter pilots. "You should be without prejudices. For I have faced the Mishuu in combat and none of you have!" She spoke intensely in her soft manner as she looked over her subordinates. "I expect better performances out of you when we are not flying, working on our assigned crafts and in training. I have high expectation that we can be as good if not better than the 21st Fighting Diamonds. For Hellcat only flies with the best."

Errowyn let her gaze roam over those gathered. "Introduce yourselves to your fellow pilots. While I get things ready for our upcoming training regimen."
Ryujo Bridge

The Comms officer sent a message, relaying it through Yamatai's systems so it could reach its destination. "YSS Ryujo to Gartagen command. We are preparing to enter FTL travel en route to the rendezvous point to pick up Authoritarian Viras Mortanes Dies. Please ensure the Authoritarian is prepared for our arrival.

-Authoritarian Dies will be ready when you get here, Ryujo.-

With that, the FTL drive on the Ryujo kicked to life and the ship rocketed into FTL travel on its way to the Gartagen Union.

RP continues here.
JP Between Samanthia and Multiverse Weaver

Simulator Classroom

Yet again, Nocnimura wasn't surprised by the actions of the others. She was a Yamataian citizen in the body of, arguably, the most hated of Yamatai's enemies. She could have used a holographic illusion to make herself appear to be a standard Neko. After all, other Nightmares had done it regularly enough in their fight against Yamatai. But, she had multiple reasons for maintaining her regular appearance, not the least of which was to get the crew of her ship used to seeing Mishhu so any fear they may have would be lessened.

What did surprise her was what Errowyn did about their behavior, and her description of how she expected them to behave. Maybe...just maybe, this would turn out well, after all. With that in mind, the daughter of an already highly decorated fighter pilot stepped back into the mindset she'd had when she first joined the SAOY. She would follow in her father's footsteps. She would rise to be an ace pilot, and she would earn the respect of others.

Errowyn got down to business using the ships Megami volumetrics to give more details to the tactics she was going to incoperate into the already known tactics of that were currently in use by Star Army Pilots. As she lectured she was watching the other pilots. A lot them had the typical interested look while their minds were million miles away. Some were taking notes on their Data Jockeys.

Things perked up when the time for the Simulator time came. "It will be one verses one. One of you lucky ones will be facing me. Just to see how well you paid attention in flight school to get you this far.

"Nocnimura verses Hodako. Pod 1 for Noc. Pod 2 for Hodako." Errowyn announced. pointing to the doors that led to the simulator pods. The view screen came alive in the classroom to watch the scenerio being played out between the two fighter pilots.

"You are going down in flames, Mishhu." Hodako spat at Nocnimura as he headed for his assigned pod. The rest of the pilots nodded their support as others gave a more vocal supports.

Errowyn let it go as she moved into the Simulator Control Booth as the technician activating the respective pods. "5 KS on the Nocnimura, she will tear him a new a-hole." She announced laying two 5 KS script on the console between the techs.

"Your on!" They both placed 5 KS Script where Errowyn laid hers. "Hodako will turn her into dust particles!"

Nocnimura paid as close of attention as she was able during the classroom session. Not much of the information was recorded on a datapad. She'd seen what Errowyn could do in combat. This was a pilot she needed to pay attention to. She made certain to store the information she gleaned from the lesson in her digital mind. It would come in handy when combined with the skill she already had, she had no doubt.

Soon enough, the classroom session was over, and the simulator portion started. Nocnimura smiled. This was where she was comfortable. This was where she belonged. Behind the controls of a fighter, she was every bit her father's daughter...steady, focused and determined.

She responded to Hodako over the comm system as she settled into her pod. "You look at me and only see a Mishhu? I'll tell you what...I won't even use any Mishhu abilities to disable your craft in under twenty seconds."

When the program began, she wasted no time in making good on her promise. As the two fighters drew within weapons range, Hodako fired. Nocnimura did a barrel roll and forward roll
at the same time, dodging the blasts and putting her in perfect position to hit the underside of his thrusters.

With a well practiced shot, his shield was disabled. He attempted a basic evasive maneuver, but she'd already anticipated it. Another well aimed blast, and his thrusters were gone. He was dead in the water.

She called over the comm system, again. "It's called an alpha roll. If you paid attention in the class, you would have known how to avoid it."

Errowyn reached out and grabbed the KC Script and pocketed it. She gave the nod and the two pods went dead as the exit door opened to allow the two to exit. "Next two," She announced over the intercom to alert the next pair of Pilots to have their turn in the simulators.

Hodako was miffed as he exited the pod. He glared at Nocnimura as he grudgingly gave her a nod. "Well executed," As only form of concession he would give her. Before turning his attention to watch the others to see how well they fared against each other.

Another Officer walked into the room, more senior than Errowyn. She looked over the assembled pilots with a more profession demeanor as if studying them and disecting them apart with her steely gaze. She turned to look as Errowyn stepped from the control booth.

Errowyn nodded to the Officer and then turned to take number two pod as the Officer took pod 1.

Soon the deadly dance began between two seasoned fighter pilots. The battle lasted ten minutes of maneuvering and taking shots of opportunity at each other. Each move and countermove was preformed flawlessly as a pair of dancers. It was the missiles that did majority of the hits when they got past countermeasures.

The Senior Officer and Errowyn exited the Pods when the battle was over. As the Senior Officer lost out due her other duties that kept her from keeping her skills in peek form. Senior Officer handed over KC Script to Errowyn as Errowyn nodded with a gleam in her eyes.

Errowyn turned to the assembled Pilots. "From your performances in the simulators. I have compiled the teams. One of you will be flight leader and the other will be support wingman. You can access the preformances of each fighter that patrticapated in todays exercise. The Simulators are available if you want more time at the stick. Or compete against each other.

"Twice daily you will pull time with your assigned fighter craft in general upkeep and servicing your crafts along with your regular shipboard duties. Any questions, comments or concerns?" She looked over the assembled pilots.

Nocnimura left her pod with a huge smile on her face. She nodded, respectfully, to Hodako, despite his gruff demanor.

When the other pilots took their turns, she focused hard on their maneuvers and counter-maneuvers. There would be very little she could learn from the other students, but the opportunity was still there. When Errowyn and the officer took their turns, however, she focused as hard as her digital mind would allow. The display was absolutely fascinating. Some of what she saw reminded her of her father. Some was like nothing she had ever seen before.

When the simulation was finally over, her mind was racing with all the new information she had obtained simply from observing.

With the announcement of the teams, and the instructions given, she gained a new level of confidence. She had done well, and now she would have the opportunity to continue to prove herself.