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Abandoned Character [YSS Ryugo] Hatsuko


Inactive Member
🔰 New Member
Hatsuko is a player character played by vulturesRequiem.

Species & Gender: Female Red Panda Anthro.
Year of Birth: YE 23
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Santô Hei
Preferred Plot: YSS Ryugo

Physical Description

Hatsuko stands at a whopping 5'7 and appears slightly overweight. Despite this, the red panda has a muscular appearance hidden behind the red and black fur and the layer of fat. Her shoulders aren't incredibly broad and her weight is well distributed over her body, which could be described as plush. Her legs aren't very long but they are powerful and firm. As expected of a red panda, she has a long tail that's about four feet long and half a foot wide. It was alternating between red and black fur with specks of white fur sprinkled near the base of the tail. The fur on most of her body was red with black stripes seemingly randomly placed all over her body. Her chest and belly fur was a solid white, contrasting the darker colors covering her body. Although her legs weren't digigrade, her feet were still non-human, looking like the feet paws of a regular red panda, even with the footpads. Hatsuko's hands were large, lacking in pads, and having the standard four fingers and thumbs. Claws were present that were sharp but short and stubby to make grabby things easier.

Her face was, of course, easily described as panda-like, but due to the genetic manipulation, there was human-like attributes like head shape which makes the red panda part of her a bit more obscured. Her eyes were just like a humans, round with a sense of curiousity radiating from the yellow pupils. Many strands of long, garnet hair were tucked away neatly by cloth buns on both sides of the back of her head. Even with this, though, her mane fell down to just past her shoulder. Just peaking out from the tamed wilds of her head hair were a pair of round ears. The front side was completely white while the back of it was the same red and black clashing together. Her face fur was primarily red, with white fur around her mouth and extending to her cheek bones and two black stripes start at the bottom of her eyes and extend to her chin.


Either from her exposure to the scientists who have watched over her development from the day she was conceived to the day she left the lab or just from her red panda genes, she was extremely curious. Everything from a regular old rock to alien machines can catch her attention. She did not have an attention disorder, but that she's always willing to learn more about the world around her. It can be unhealthy though, where even the spookiest of places do not scare her as bad as immediate threats like a gun to the head or a blade to the throat.

Her ienxperience with the outside world also lead to ignorance around manners. She tries her best to keep up her appearance and not do things like put her elbows on the table or eat with her mouth open but the finer details escape her. Hatsuko can learn, although her slightly primitive mind makes it incredibly difficult to do so.

When it comes to on the field work in the army, she's a hesitant but loyal soldier. Violence is a very new thing to her and she's rarely bloodthirsty, but she isn't much of a deserter. The stress can get to her though, as after stressful operations there are habits she develops to expel anxiety like thumping her tail and running her hands against each other. When something's wrong, then you can tell something is wrong with Hatsuko. Her drive as a soldier might not be bravery but just the will to fulfil something in her life, to be something.

Hatsuko was born in YE 23 in the city of Pagoda no Uesa as the first experiment by a group of independent scientists interested into researching anthro creatures. Hatsuko was their first experiment, and as such, they decided to make her a more non-threatening creature in case they were animalistic and aggressive. To their surprise, Hatsuko was an astounding success.

Doctor Yong, head of the DNA sampling project, was the mother figure who took care of Hatsuko during the tests. The red panda was taught almost everything she was needed to be functional in society while the father figure, Professor Ling, handled mental and physical testing of the experiment. Things that came to a surprise to the scientists was how physically fit she was despite what her size might lead some to believe. They were also surprised to see somewhat of a loyal dog personality come from her. Although not really trusting of strangers, she followed authority figure like they were important to her life.

As Hatsuko gets more experienced, the benefactors who were funneling money into the project was getting tired of new progress on different anthros, and as such, they had to get such a dependant creature off their backs. A veteran suggested she join the Star Army in order to show how well their anthros could work in a combat scenario. It took quite a bit of convincing but Hatsuko did not want to disappoint those who she thought were her parents, along with hoping that this would fill some void in her life which felt meaningless even around the people she cared for.

The training for Star Army was the most difficult thing in her otherwise laid-back life, but there was something that drove her forward. Hatsuko didn't know herself, but it might be the drive to fill that feeling of emptiness in her soul or the promise she made to Doctor Yong and Doctor Ling, her "parents", to do her best.

Social Connections

Hatsuko is connected to:
*Doctor Yong - Mother Figure, Creator
*Doctor Ling - Father Figure

Skills Learned
Hatsuko has the following notable skills:
Star Army Common Skills
Notable Climbing Skills

Inventory & Finance
Hatsuko has the following:

Star Army Duffel Bag x 1
Star Army Backpack (RIKUPAT) x 1
Star Army Butt Pack, Type 29 x 1
Star Army Survival Kit, Type 31A x 1
Star Army Toiletry Kit x 1
Star Army Poncho, Type 38 x 1
Star Army Environmental Suit, Type 28 x 1
Star Army Duty Uniform, Type 35 x 2
Utility Gloves, Type 22 x 1
Star Army Cap, Type 32 x 1
Star Army Coat, Type 32 x 1
Gloves, Type 22 x 1
Star Army Working Uniform, Type 31 x 2
Star Army Exercise Uniform, Type 38 x 2
Boot socks x 6
Crew Socks x 4
Dress Socks x 4
Star Army Coverall, Type 36 x 2
Star Army Utility Belt, Type 32 x 1
Star Army Belt, Type 35 x 1
Star Army Communicator, Type 36 x 1
Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol, Type 33 x 1

Hatsuko currently has 3000 KS.

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? NO
Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
For the Ryujo? OK. Are there any other occupations that you might like for Hatsuko? There's many infantry PCs already, the only PCs that aren't infantry right now are a combat engineer and a pilot. Maybe a medic, if ArsenicJohn does join up again. Hatsuko's background might make her a good scientist or technician.

The description of her personality and history describes a lot of different things that seem to go in different directions, it's hard for me to read from it what her main focus is meant to be, as a character. We could focus on her trying to prove her ability to fight, or how she interacts with authority, or her odd behavior, or her inquisitiveness, but we can't touch on all of those at once. I haven't had time to get a sense of the new PCs aside from the original two, yet, so I'm not sure where Hatsuko would fit in, but I think I can say for sure the Ryujo doesn't have too many investigators or problem-solvers.
@Navian Sorry for about the poor writing. I was a little busy when I was writing Hatsuko and generally aimless especially with the personality, a guilty weakness of mine. I'll be doing a rewrite and resubmitting it as soon as I can.

As for the recommended professions, I'll be reconsidering it. I might be more likely to lean towards technician. While being a scientist seems like the best career for Hatsuko, considering her environment, I'd probably lean towards technician or medic if two isn't too much. I don't feel confident with my IRL knowledge of science to apply it efficiently in an RP environment.
@Navian - Echoing Wes, did you want to approve this character to join your plot?
@vulturesRequiem - Were you still interested in playing this character in Navian's plot or would you be interested in joining a different plot?
When I looked at this thread today, every single post was marked 'new', including my own, I don't know if I ever saw the reply. I didn't approve this character, I think I was waiting for the rewrite to be submitted. What was written here is too confusing for me to use, as-is. The character would work fine as a technician or medic, if that needed to be said.
We could definitely use either of those professions, imo. As you're doing the rewrite, @vulturesRequiem, make sure to run it through a spell check as well, since I saw a few misspellings. Either way, glad to see more people joining the Ryujo. Navian's doing a good job at keeping it interesting as an investigation, so the more people we get asking questions, the more fun it'll be. :D
I necroed the thread when I started going through the forum to go over pending applications. I will give it a couple more weeks before I move this to the abandoned forum.
Hey, if she pops back in and wants to push forward, we can move the thread back and finish the approval process. =)