Star Army

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RP: YSS Ryūjō YSS Ryujo, Pre-Mission 2

Hanger Bay 5

Errowyn gave a hidden smile at noticing that Nocnimura looking over her craft. At first it was odd to a Mishuu Type Species with a top of the line Star Army Fighter Craft. It would take getting used to seeing her there. But the Die had been cast and she was vetted accordingly to Star Army of Yamatia in their infinite wisdom.

~~ "Excuse me, Santo-Hei. It's Yomeoibito. Curious. What made you take on a Mishuu body?" ~~ Errowyn sent via telepathy to Nocnimura. She was curious. It would take a direct face to face order from the Queen of Yamatia to be put into a Mishh body.

She finished up the exterior of her craft and easily climbed up the stairs next to her craft to walk on the top of her craft as she continued to inspect it.
Hangar Bay 5

Nocnimura had been told that not everyone knew about the captured Mishhu body. She'd prepared to answer this question, and had been fairly surprised when it hadn't come up, yet. ~This body was captured by the Eucharis some time back before a mind had ever been put into it. There were a lot of debates as some rather important people were trying to best figure out how to use it. They ended up deciding on taking a new recruit who'd signed up for a Neko body and giving them this one, instead. It came about as a contest, of sorts. Anyone willing to take the Mishhu body signed up, and we were put through an extensive testing and examination. They checked family history, loyalty, personality traits, stress tests, psych evals, everything. Granted there weren't a lot of us, but I came out on top.~

She finished up her own examination of the craft, then stood back to watch her superior as she continued. ~Personally, I saw it as a way to gain an advantage in combat. Nightmare Mishhu have nearly all the key abilities of Neko, just no SPINE interface. Plus, with these tentacles and the extra Nightmare abilities, I can give Yamatai a strong advantage if it's needed, especially if we end up going up against any real Mishhu.~
Hanger bay 5

Errowyn paused as she looked over at Nocnimura. ~~ "I can see where it would come in handy. Yet you would be alone out on a mission if it came to that." ~~ She settled neatly into the cockpit of her fighter. ~~ "Problem with that, is that shell is mission specific." ~~ Referring to the Nightmare body that Nocnimura had. ~~ "You have SPINE interface now don't you?" ~~

Errowyn settled back, connecting her SPINE interface with '5'. She relaxed as she became one with her ship to resume her preflight checks.
Ship Wide

The ship wide comm system crackled to life as an announcement was made by Sibyl.

"All available personnel not currently performing mission essential duties are to report to the cargo bay on deck seven for promotion ceremonies."

Sebastian was doing routine work on an armor suit, or had at least just started it, when she heard the clanking sound of the Gartagen that came in with his armor. She watched as he removed it and now got a much better look at him. Though she was raised by a man that was prejudice against others, she was not at all that way. In fact, what made her more curious about this particular unit was the fact that there was an incorporation of many other races. She just didn't always show it.

She had just gotten back to work when the announcement was made and a frown came upon her face as she sighed softly. She wasn't doing anything essential, really, so she knew she better head over to the cargo bay. And soon.

Dies would sigh as he set his weapons next to his armor, making sure he had his personal gear with him as he let out a hissing grumble as he turned.

"Guess that means I don't get to find myself somewhere to sleep until after this silly bullshit is over."

As he said that, he'd catch sight of the other person in the armory with him and wold give her a slight wave and an inclination of his head before speaking.

"Do you have any idea where this magical cargo bay is?"

Sebastian stopped in her tracks to look at the other and her brow raised. She was slightly amused, though it would only show in her eyes briefly. "Magical cargo bay? You really think these areas just appear and then disappear?"

She tilted her head towards the exit, "Since I'm heading that way, I'll show you." She turned and walked out, turning to the right to go towards the cargo bays, easily finding her way there. She did know the ship, having been on it for awhile now.
Hanger 5

Errowyn heard the announcement both through her natural hearing and through the ship sensors and audio pick-ups. She sighed as she stopped the pre-flight checks service routine. She disconnected from her craft and climbed out. "Lets go see what this is all about. Santo-Hei."

Errowyn floated off her Kawarime to the deck and moved to the exit and the designated cargo bay.
Hangar Bay 5

Nocnimura started to answer Errowyn about the SPINE interface, but the announcement rang out over the comm system, first. She paused to listen and then raised a brow.

"A promotion ceremony? Already? This should be interesting."

The Nightmare bodied pilot took her place behind her superior and headed toward the cargo bay.

Dies would chuckle and follow after as he spoke. "Magical in the way that I know nothing about this ship so for all I know the tech that you folks use could cause random spots on the ship to just suddenly appear."

As he looked around he'd say simply "Thanks for the help by the way"
Armory to Shuttle Bay 7

Sebastian tilted her head to the side in thought as she walked slightly ahead. Her braids were bound back, so they only moved in the pony tail slightly swaying. "It's possible that the Yamataians have done some odd things with their technology. I haven't really noticed it much myself. I mean, their ability to float off the ground could be considered magical." She paused at a turn and glanced back at him, her green eyes studying him, "You're welcome. By the way."
Enroute to the Cargo Bay / Cargo Bay.

Errowyn wondered about that also as she moved gracefully through the ship with a Nightmare following her. "We'll find out soon enough," As other fighter pilots joined up with her and Nocnimura. The other pilots kept quiet on the way to the Cargo Bay. It was a mixed atmosphere of feelings of the pilots Towards Nocnimura. She, herself, had to remain neutral in expression as she gave thought over what she had learned from Nocnimura and the skills she displayed in simulations.

Designated Cargo Bay

She took charge and gotten the Fighter wing into a simple formation with the smallest in front and the taller ones in back. She took her spot center front of her group of pilots. She awaited for Senior Ship Flight Officer to show up and the rest of the crew to show up for the ship wide formation in the cargo hold.
Cargo Bay

The ship's first officer stood at the front, awaiting the arrival of the rest of the crew. A nod was given to each commander as they formed up their various squads. Of course, this being an unplanned promotion ceremony, not even the first officer was in any sort of dress uniform. Still, with the confident and calm air the senior bridge officer put forth, there was no question who was currently in command amongst those arriving in the cargo bay.
Cargo Bay

Sebastian entered the cargo bay just ahead of Dies. She saw that her own unit was getting formed up and went to join them, giving the Gartagen a small nod. She didn't smile, for she rarely did that...if ever. The dark-skinned Nepleslian got into position, seeing that there were fewer she knew now than there had been before. She wondered just what was going on, for it wasn't like there was any reason she knew of for them to be forming up. Those who were whispering around confused her some. Promotions? wasn't time for those...was it? She was well aware that the military did these things when certain criteria was met, but she honestly didn't think anything of it. Even for herself. She didn't join to go up in ranks...just to do what she wanted to and out of her father's reach.
Cargo Bay

Zion was one of the last to arrive to the bay. He'd been busy having to update all the medical systems to be compatible with such a wide variety of genetic variables. He wasn't entirely certain that all of the kinks were worked out of the new programming, yet. But, at the very least, nobody currently on board the ship would be without medical care if he or Tora were unavailable.

Speaking of whom, Zion looked around, noticing the other medic was absent.

~"Strange."~ Zion thought to himself. ~"He left the medical bay several minutes ahead of me."~

The experienced doctor didn't have a lot of time to wonder about his coworker's absence, however. Once everyone was in formation the captain arrived and the first officer called the room to attention.

Sibyl proceeded to the front of the group and held up a stack of papers.

"Attention to orders!" She read. What followed was a short list of ranks and names which included "Santô Hei Samanthia" being called to the front.

Once all of the personnel were gathered, the Chusa continued. "Each of these soldiers have shown themselves to be loyal to the Star Army of Yamatai and capable of performing a mission to the best of their ability. For that reason, they are each awarded the rank of Nitô Hei." The first officer walked to each of them and handed them a single green bar arm patch, and pinned their new rank pin on their collars.

With that done, they new Nitô Hei soldiers were dismissed, and the promotion ceremony continued with three who were to be promoted from Nitô Hei to Ittô Hei, and a pair stepping up from Ittô Hei to Jôtô Hei.

The chusa continued. "Jôtô Hei Errowyn Yumeoibito, front and center!"

Fully expecting Errowyn to comply, Sibyl continued when she arrived. "Jôtô Hei Errowyn Yumeoibito, having displayed on numerous occasions that she is capable of effective leadership of a team, and having already taken on the role of a non-commissioned officer, has satisfied the requirements of promotion to Nitô Heisho. She is hereby awarded such rank, with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities it entails."

The first officer presented Errowyn with her new rank patch and pin, then called the grouping to be at ease.

Sibyl moved forward slightly, but didn't loosen her hardened gaze, at all. "We are going to head back to the same region of space where this ship has already been engaged. We'll be heading through friendly space, but the empire is now at war with Kuvexia. That means we're at readiness condition 3. Protective suits within easy reach, all items secured and CFS shields up. Stay alert, even in friendly space, people. Dismissed!"

As the pins and rank was handed to her to be added to her uniform, a twinkle sparkled in her eyes. Errowyn gave a bow and then returned to her spot in front of the combat pilots. Then listened to the rest of the Captain's speech.

Once the formation was over with, she turned and faced her pilots, holding them in formation for a bit longer. "Play time is over with and this is where we earn our pay. To those that gotten promoted. Congratulations. Flight teams will be posted shortly. Subject to change as needed."

She looked over her crew of pilots in her usual neutral demeanor. "Return to duty." She dismissed her crew of fighters pilots. She took off to see the ship's QM for addition rank pins and patches to put on the rest of her uniforms and such.
Cargo Bay

Dies would shrug, watching those who got the promotions get their new ranks before he turned to the one that he'd been talking to before.

"So who are these Kuvexians that you folks are apparently at war with?" He'd ask somewhat curiously, his wiry form still fully enclosed in his Edjia ballistic armor.
Cargo Bay

Nocnimura managed to maintain a steady face as her superior was promoted into a more appropriate position...but barely. The new NCO had been the first and only person on the ship, thus far, to put forth an honest effort to understand why a Yamatain citizen would take on the body of their sworn enemies. In her head, she was still the girl who had once been Kawa Imada. And that girl longed for decent social interaction. So to see the one person who'd been even remotely kind to her succeed made the Nightmare beam with pride.

She listened to Errowyn's instructions and nodded sharply when the command was given to return to duty. She planned on hitting the simulators, again. Rest was only minimally necessary, and she planned to take full advantage of it.
Cargo Bay

Zion stood and watched as the promotion ceremony, brief as it may have been, was completed. When it ended, he made a point of seeking out the first officer to give his report. The two officers discussed something for a moment, then the Cyborg's face visibly fell. He followed up by seeking out Tora and the ship's engineer, who each shared a similar expression upon hearing whatever news it was he had to share. The trio quickly ran out and headed for the medical bay, leaving the cargo bay behind.
:: Corridors of the YSS Ryujo ::

Errowyn moved with a bit of purpose as she reflected back shifting through her memories. From a shy freshly from the vats through the blossoming of a deadly combat pilot seemingly with a death wish and worrying about only herself and the death of the enemies of Yamatia Star Empire. Now that she was in a leadership position, she couldn't just 'disappear' into her own world and taking care of her own needs and interest. With each promotion, came a bit more responsibility and now she had to manage and keep her pilots in line and keep on them to keep their skills in top form whether they was in battle or in peacetime.

She knew she had her 'Ghost Sisters' but they had been very quiet lately. Even when she tried to call them, they wouldn't respond. She still spoke mentally to herself hoping to bring her 'sisters' back from wherever they had taken off to. But silence reigned. As far as everyone was concerned, the Doctors had given her a clean bill of health.

But then she still had her '5' or was it a different ship painted like the one before momentary blank spot where they had put her under for the final check ups from the added implanted memories to explain away the time between being declared dead and cloned into a new body with the back-up memories of the Original Errowyn.

She shrugged it off as she approached the QM and picked up her new rank pins and patches to be put on her uniforms. She was already hearing about amongst the troops and sailors of the ship, The Kuvexians and the Yamatia declaring war against them. She would have to haunt the doorways of the SAINT Section of the ship to get as much information on the Kuvexians as possible along with their equipment. Specially their fighter crafts which her wing would be facing one on one in combat.

She smiled, remembering her crush on 'Scrapyard' ; Ernesto; Her first wingman and good friend when they was off duty aboard the Heiten. She wondered what ever happened to him. Surely he was cloned liked she was. Was he thinking of her as she was thinking of him?

:: Hanger Bay 5 ::

Errowyn walked into the hanger bay 5 with a shy schoolgirl smile gracing her lips as her emerald eyes sparkled with from the ambient light of the brightly lit hanger bay. She would have to look him up when she found time. But now her craft '5' awaited her attention.