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[YSS Shiroyama] Mission One: And that's how it all started...


Well-Known Member
RP Date
ye 41
RP Location
YSS Shiroyama, Terra Multa
45 minutes until convergence

It was a rather brisk morning, bloody early too as the sun was only just now beginning to dip above the horizon and cast its warm touch across the Multa, slowly highlighting the dew-covered field of greenery that made up a lot of the planet’s surface – each droplet catching the light in a different way as the incandescent tendrils snaked their way across the fertile lands.

It was way too early for this shit, but someone was supposed to be dropping something off down at the entrance to her property? So the half-sol ran a sleepy hand through her red mess of hair, stressful times had shot a few streaks of silver through it recently but she didn’t mind too much, instead just moving to pull on some clothes warm enough to take the edge off the early morning chill and quietly prepare some coffee, there was still time After All.

YSS Shiroyama, Command Module – Wardroom, Present

Finally it seemed that all members of both the 074th Yama Dura Demons and the 109th Imperial Ravens had made their way here from all corners of the universe, arrivals had been scattered to say the least but at least each of the SOFT members now knew their leader and had been given a few days to hopefully mingle with each other, it wouldn’t be hard for them to spot another member due to the half-face Oni patch each of the SOFT personnel had been given after their face-to-face interview with Joto Heisho Kimber Shanks – It may have been a rude awakening early in the morning but thankfully none of the new crew members had been working the night shift last night so they should have all had a reasonable night’s sleep, that was unless anybody was still trying to adjust to the new environment.

Though as compensation the members from both teams had been given twenty minutes to get themselves caffeinated ambrosia and maybe something small to eat before the station’s Shosa walked into view – Ryder Hayden was a 5’9”, well built man with deep mocha skin with a darker goatee adorning his chin, the grey streaks through both his beard and neat dread-lock-ponytail hinted at his age but it was clear the Human had aged gracefully after having been alive for just over half a century.

Those eyes though, they glowed an artificial cyan hue through the shade of his officer’s hat as the synthetic oculars regarded the assembled personnel, a hush slowly falling over them as he took center stage at the front of the room with a steel mug in hand – there were rumours that might have made their way around about those eyes, maybe he was a synthetic, maybe they were the only artificial things about him, some even said he’d ripped them out himself during the great plague of ye-08 and the man certainly looked human enough to back it up.

Two more figures walked into view to stand on either side of him, a 5’7” SAINT Field Operative on his right with her tell-tale heterochromatic gaze and mighty auburn mane identifying her as the SOFT Leader and the scars on her lightly tanned features signalling she was most likely human too – one damaged hand resting lightly on the hilt of the Katana by her side, the woman walked up with purpose and even a bit of elegance as she took position. On Ryder’s right was the other half of this operation, the 6’2” Iroma who would lead the 109th Imperial Ravens had chalk-white skin with horns and hair as dark as the void surrounding the station while his eyes burnt a violet hue – one Joto Heisho Lucas Arturius who had deviated from his initial role as a Logistics Officer to become a Ranger and then earn his current rank.

The crowd hushed even more, a red-panelled Minkan in the crowd jabbing a friendly elbow into her boyfriend’s side before gesturing for the pilot to pay attention to the front of the room, Ryder simply took another swig from his double-walled travel mug and gently swallowed it down with an appreciative sigh before he spoke.

“Greetings one, greetings all, please feel free to remain seated as I know this is all rather early in the morning so I’ll grant you that respite,” the white-panel spoke, his words having a certain authority to them despite the casual demeanour, he took a moment to look over the small crowd once more before continuing.

“I, Shosa Ryder Hayden, would like to personally welcome you all about the YSS Shiroyama, the guardian angel of Yamatai’s frontier jewel that is Terra Multa beneath us – I hope that you have all at least had a chance to learn a few new names of the people around you but if not then that is what today will be all about, for the moment being I will leave you in the more than capable hands of your respective team leaders~” the Shosa paused, letting it all sink in with another sip from his travel mug before adding one final statement.

“Welcome to the Multa,” before Ryder stepped back, allowing Lucas to step forward and take up position as Kimber offered both men a small nod.

The pale Iroma stepped forward a step, "Blessed morning to you all. I am Joto Heisho, Lucas Arturius, and I will be in command of the 109th. Or as some may have already fondly heard dubbed, the "Imperial Ravens" which as some might imagine, has a colorful history behind such a name. However I digress, as that is a matter for later. This is a Ranger unit, and our job will be to regularly patrol the planet's surface below. Whether it be by land, air, or sea, we will search for any possible trouble to this verdant world. I hope to see those under my command perform at their best, get along, and take their job seriously. Light gear is the current issued setup for patrols, with increasing degrees of kit for when the need arises." He paused after the introduction, looking over all the faces, passing over a few familiar ones even. However, he had a mix of a firm tone, but a small smile as he had spoke. The Iroma almost gave an air of light heartedness, but of new found authority as well given his new position.

It was then the SAINT Operative's turn to introduce herself to everyone, stepping forwards with one hand still resting on the sheathed katana as she came to a halt - heterochromatic gaze of grey and blue sweeping the crowd for a moment before the auburn woman spoke, her mane of hair slowly losing the momentum it had gained during those few steps. "Good tidings all. As most of the 74th Yama Dura Demons are aware by now I am Joto Heisho Kimber Shanks, as some of you may have also heard we will be doing a lot of work in tandem with the Ranger unit be that planetside with them or otherwise due to our semi-autonomous nature as a special operations fireteam," Kimber began speaking as her eyes continued to graze the crowd, running her thumb briefly over the handle of her sword before speaking once more.

"Similar to what Arturius-Heisho mentioned we will be using lighter kits for the time being, things have been quiet recently and this is still technically an independant planet afterall - to put it simply a lot of the resources that come off the Multa go to Yamataian yards or stocks, and we would like to keep it this way, you may be more used to wearing a Mindy a lot of the time but this is a planet of civilians remember so be careful when you fire up your CFS if it comes to that, which we hope it does not," the black-panel's gaze shifted sideways now to offer Lucas a nod, she spoke with an authoritative tone, one that asked for respect though did not beg for it - Kimber knew that had to be earnt and that respect through fear was a nasty thing whereas the reverse was what held teams together, that's what she would be going for.

Her eyes returned to the crowd for one final bout of dialogue to dismiss the troops, a gaze that held warmth though muted by her outward appearance of professionalism, "The two teams will split off in a few minutes to learn names and what have you, but for now you may return to whatever you were doing - both Arturius-Heisho and I will be here if you have any questions, dismissed," she finally finished before taking a few steps back, though truthfully standing at the front of the room was a test of sorts - to see who had the nerve to walk up in plain view of all their peers and inquire something, not exactly the hardest thing to do but it should be interesting to observe.

A pleasant hum of conversation and consumption slowly filled the room once more, one figure against this trend was a logistics officer that didn't belong to any of the two teams but simply wanted to refill her coffee mug and hopefully leave without too much hassle - but it seemed the machine wished to be fickle and deny the Elysian her caffienated beverage, causing her to give the thing a thump and then blow a few strands of the neon green/yellow hair away from her eyes, wings of a similar colour ruffling slightly out of annoyance.

"Maybe I should do that to my hair~" came a voice from across the way, the same red-panelled Minkan who happened to be the SOFT team's combat engineer and had elbowed her boyfriend in the side earlier now turned to properly face him with a leg on either side of the bench's seat she sat at - accidentally whacking whoever was behind her with a facefull of ash-brown ponytail as she gestured to the SAINT Operative standing at the front of the room.

Somewhere in the middle of the room was a curvy violet neko called Valerie clearly in need of some extra sleep, only real reason you could tell she wasn't some subset of elf due to those knife-tipped ears was the fluffy appendage lazily drooping behind her skirt-clad butt, raven in colour just like the girl's wavy locks that were pulled into a quick bun - bearing the same surname as Kimber and with a unit patch for the 74th on the shoulder of her red uniform though the resemblance ended there.
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All through the brief speeches and introductions, Miles had sat patiently listening, trying to make sure he took in as many names as possible during the talks so he could remember them later. Though his concentration was a bit unsteady as the minkan was busy the whole time trying to keep his bouncy companion in line.

"Can I do it yet? Can I do it yet?" The little blue neko asked excitedly while bouncing in her seat while she looked up at the minkan beside her. Miles had tried to tell her why it was a bad idea but he was tired, and couldn't be bothered any longer, simply giving her a nod the minkan let his head rest on the bench in front of him and waited for the end. Shasse on the other hand had now put on her happiest grin and was mere moments from jumping up on the seat and clapping and cheering madly when the mop of brown here smacked her in the face as the person beside her shifted.

The blue neko was stunned, completely still aside from some confused blinking for a moment, though with this new event she'd forgotten about her desire to cheer and clap to the speech being over. Turning his head to the side at the lack of cries coming from his long haired companion, noticing her expression he chuckled a little and looked past to the other minkan who'd assaulted her accidentally.

"See, this is why I told you not to do it, karma came for you and delivered a swift blow. Now settle down and wait until they give us directions. And don't go wondering off and getting lost either." Miles said almost sternly, Shasse making friends was a good thing but getting lost and swept up into the wrong team was not.
"Wow I didn't know karma was that quick! You were so right." Shasse exclaimed, seemingly unfased by the abrupt stop to her plans, some strands of hair still stuck to her lips she crossed her eyes and licked at her lips trying to free the hair with an odd expression.

Itatski Suzume looked almost inconvenienced in the back row of seats as her superiors made introductions and the natural pleasantries. Her demeanor wasn't at all accurate to her feelings of excitement and even some anxiety that was swelling behind the narrowing eyes and taunt expression.

She had chosen her seating on multiple reasons that now seemed moot. Her rank as a simple and unimportant Santô Hei gave her no right to ask for more, Her position as just a medic made her opt to give closer seats to those with more important roles to the station, And above all else her height at a normally staggering six foot two might obstruct the usually short and height challenged nekos and minkin that would be present. The last most part seemed the most moot of all considering the normal cadre of barely chest height neko compared to Suzume seemed taller and more imposing than what she expected.

She knew that. But still chose her seating on the basis of the former two. After all she had some of the personnel medical files in her near memory and would soon have to arrange theirs soul-transfer backups and routine checkups unless they opted for someone more professional to do it for them...

After all if it weren't for her rank and the occasional facial twitch that might just be confused with annoyance, Nobody present might even be able to discern she wasn't some hard boiled veteran from the legions.

She realized her mind was wandering and stood up, A barely audible pop in her spine as she straightened her back and puffed up her shoulders. She took a break from mentally rehearsing a greeting as she mustered her courage in time to look over her shoulder at the younger neko who had been sitting beside her.

"Sachiko." She spoke with a heartfelt softness that betrayed the deadpan frown she was sporting, Expecting her both niece and ward to practically read her mind and interpret her will to socialize with others considering Suzume was so rarely outspoken herself. She wasnt brave enough to initiate a greeting with another, Let alone formalities. But she would try if nothing else...

Among all the seated Nekovalkyrja, stood an droid. A beautiful, embossed faceplate hiding the machinery that was nestled around his cerebrum. The embossing featured a lone sakura tree with falling leaves, neatly forged in the center of the mask and surrounded with long lines arching upwards. If anything, the lack of face was replaced by art. Whilst the entire faceplate was white, the edges were decorated with a metallic, gold colour. Both fashionable and classy. Mayhaps this was the large droid's formal wear?

Kensei had taken up position somewhere in a corner. Leaning against the wall as he listened in to the introductions and exchanged pleasantries. Though several of the jokes flew wide over his head. Both sleep and caffeine were two things he had no clue about. Though he knew organics needed the former and were addicted to the latter.

A soft humming resounded from the droid for anyone within range. In tune with the large circle on his chest. Visible through the intrically decorated plating with a blue luminescence. Radiating softly in tune with the audible humming.

The soft whirring resounded as Kensei jostled into movement, the soft padding of the shoddy leather bound to his mechanical feet resounding and being a miraculous measure against the otherwise loud clunking his steps'd leave. Without even as much as a word, the droid moved up the stage, a soft chime resounding as his sensors went wide, being able to 'see' a full 360 degrees around him as he went. A measure that was more of a subconscious action, rather than a decision. He hated leaving his back open.

Though, stepping up to the CO's, Kensei's head dipped ever so slightly. "I-... We apologize for our intrusion," a voice that could barely be described as human resounded from the droid. "But we had a question-" though interrupted by the Elysian that came up to gather coffee and give the machine an exesparated thump. The droid seemed to halt ever so slightly at that action, tilting his head and rethinking his approach and possible question.
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Sachiko sat beside her Aunt for probably the same reason her aunt had. The two of them were tall, and she didn’t want to block people’s view. In all honesty, she preferred the back seats to any others for that reason and so she was happy when she was able to sit back there with her Aunt.

She wanted to place her hand on her Aunts, but she wasn’t sure if her aunt would like that, instead, she left her hand where it was, letting Suzume hold if she wanted to do so.

She listened to the people talking and discovered the names of the leaders. She had indeed heard the rumors of one of them, but she didn’t want to take stock in such things and so she’ll probably ask later.

“Ah, so they will be leading us” was muttered by the younger Neko when she learned the name of the leader of the Rangers, which was her and her Aunt’s team.

She honestly felt excited about what the future would hold, but there was one thing on her mind. She wanted to know if they would let her have a small space to herself, for where she can just Tinker with technology. When her Aunt got up, she was curious about what she was going to do.

When Suzume spoke to her, it took her a moment, before she got up from her seat. ‘Let's go,” she told her Aunt, taking her hand and leading the way. As she went she saw a poor short Neko get hit by a ponytail, and she caught a glimpse of a Drackon Unit, going up to the leaders. Sachiko walked calmly as she leads the way towards the leaders.

Midori had listened to the speeches with all the expression she could muster on her face, which was frankly nothing. The red-eyed Neko had watched everything going on with what seemed like disinterest, but she had done her best to take everything in. As the meeting ended she would fall back to something she enjoyed doing, reading. A book opened up in her hands as her eyes fell back to the pages, yet her skin vision allowed her to take in everything around her still. She could see any of the others moving and frankly made little movement to actually interact. She would when it was time, but the Neko otherwise remained silent.

It wasn't that she was rude, it was just how she normally was. Across her own lap rested a black lacquered sheath, unadorned otherwise save for a small bit of gold that seemed to shine through the tsukimaki on her handle. Nothing on her body outwardly showed her emotion save for a slight tap of one of her large toes, easily seen in the Type-38 Jika-Tabi she wore on her feet had anyone looked. The only ones with a chance to see would be the two taller Neko's that sat beside her in the back of the room, Suzume and Sachiko. Her smaller stature and Oni patch on the side of her standard uniform would mark her as a member of the SOFT team rather than the Rangers. But she remained silent and sat at the back, waiting.

Hinata for her part did little as she waited for the next part of the meeting. She had made her rounds, shown the others her beautiful face and one or two had fallen prey to her pranks and play, but that mattered little to her. She still had plenty of time to play with her new squad mates, and she would get her time. The muscled Neko instead sipped a bit at her drink as a window popped up in front of her and she began to look through the available load outs for her and her team. Granted she didn't think she was in charge, but she still wanted to know what she could use. She had plenty of experience with planet-side operations and knew what was needed, mostly making sure they had survival kits available to them should they need it.

She gave a small yawn and a grin before she wiggled her fingers toward the friend she had made before in Juno. The multi-colored hair Neko gave her a wink and the same playful grin as she had the other time the two had hung out before she took another sip of her drink and just sat back and relaxed. She didn't really care for any questions, she figured there would be a more in-depth briefing here shortly for each team.

Suzume in no way resisted the hand holding or being lead along by her niece. She was, After all, Still quite young herself and with the exception of Sachiko was likely the youngest present. The gesture was comforting to her but she showed little of it. Instead she let herself be lead along, Trusting her ward to find them wherever it was she wanted them to go, The dais from the look of it.

She appraised who she could along the way. The samurai was distinct enough but had gone forcefully unnoticed before. Frankly intimidating, Suzume had forced herself to avoid eye contact when in midori's presence and only unintentionally had temptation gotten the better of her, Inadvertently making her glare at the samurai like a foe sizing up ones opponent. To be able to learn from a real samurai, Even second hand...

The other veteran neko she already knew from an outside perspective. Her sempai, For all intensive purposes she looked forward to working with as well, A veterans skills and teachings they could pass down to someone like Suzume made a shiver of excitement run down the brawlers spine. To have so much experience to draw on...

And then she took notice of the odd one out. She had mistaken it for a nepleslian cyborg at first. But had now, As Sachiko dragged them closer to the dais and their leaders able to get a better grasp of the drakon unit. She had never seen one, And had barely heard of them as young as she was. But sure enough she wondered if there would be any friction between the unit and the present samurai?

Such thought where gone as they reached the ground speaking with their leaders causing her, Still holding her nieces hand to take the lead and offer a respectful bow to everyone and nobody in the group, Any more might take too much time and be seen as disrepectful. When she raised her head however the fire and intensity in her gaze was put at odds with her current position holding hands with the other imposing neko.

She straightened out her back, Causing her muscles to tighten and flex adding even more imposition to her stature. When the drakon didn't continue any line of inquiry she grunted out a soft "Konnichiwa" to the group.

Juno's attention was stolen away from her boyfriend by a certain polychromatic-haired veteran cat with her fancy rank and sultry ways, granted they did earn a small smirk from the brunette Minkan and a little wave in return but the SOFT's combat engineer turned around a little more on the seat to apologise to whoever or whatever she had assaulted with that soft ponytail of hers.

"Oh crap I'm sorry uh~ oh hey~" Juno finished with a little hint of surprise as she saw both Miles and Shasse had the Oni half-mask on their biceps, indicating they would be working with her once everything began kicking off for the 74th. "Well I guess that's one way I can say hello to my new team-mates huh? I'm Nito hei Juno Aurion and..." the Minkan who looked rather well-built under her uniform paused for a second, her vibrant emerald oculars drifting between Latch and Hinata before returning to Miles and Shasse.

"Well those two can say hello for themselves I guess... heh, I'm sure it's good t' meet'ch'ya!"

Kensei's humming as they strolled past caught the attention of the sleepy purple neko, who's knife-tipped ears twitched slightly at the noise of expensive-sounding mechanisms but Valerie stayed seated for now, her golden eyes watching the fancy robot stride up to those at the front of the room - the red-panel was intrigued both at the design and the fact she had somehow missed it before but thought it best to just watch for now, let the adults talk as it were and instead tucked that fluffy tail up onto the seat next to her to hopefully avoid people stepping on it in the immediate future.

Kimber retained that outwards appearance of muted warmth as her mismatching eyes tracked those who approached herself and Lucas, noticing that only rangers had stepped up thus far and hoping that her team either had nothing to ask or at least nothing to ask yet, so took one step sideways though still gave the familial cats and the android a low bow in response - assuming they wished to speak to their own leader more so than her, but the tanned auburn woman still met the greeting with her own, brief one, "Konnichiwa."

Her eyes traced up Kensei's posture and overall design for a second, noting the similarities between how she held herself and how the robot did before drifting that gaze over to Valerie's slightly slumped form, catching the purple girl's gaze and then flicking it over to where the brightly-coloured bird was having issues with the coffee machine as the neko Kimber shared a surname with sighed and began making her way over to see what could be done - as was the cycle of life for any red-panel, something breaks and everybody expects you to fix it, almost like it was in the job description or something.
Finally managing to unstick the few strands of hair from her lips, Shasse looked up and uncrossed her eyes when Juno began talking to her, "Hi Hi Hi! Your hair tastes funny." The icy haired neko said cheerily, looking Juno up and down a few times. "Well there's only one way to say hello, you just say it! I'm Shasse who're you?" The neko continued eagerly, tilting her head to look around Juno once more before turning back to Miles with a huge grin.

Miles in turn groaned inwardly but shook his head and put on his best if not a little tired smile. "Sorry, miss. She gets carried away meeting people, especially since this is our third post now in a year. Oh and, if I could ask one thing please don't make any complaints about her potential mission effectiveness before we're actually deployed. I know she seems like a bit of a handful and, well childish but she can hold her own in a fight." Miles said, a tired tone expressing just a portion of the struggle he'd gone through to finally land them a place away from all the politics and regulations of the inner territory. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Miles Belmont, I'm a medic and Shasse here is something of a sniper though she's been tasked with a slightly closer range task here from what I was told."

The blue neko looked at Miles with a pout as he over appologised and explained their situation, "You're always so serious Miles, but really you need to taste her hair it's so weird. Do you use a non-standard shampoo?" Shasse said rather forwardly, turning back to Juno with the same innocent vibe about her.
Lucas actually hadn't been expecting for so many to come up to the front where he and Kimber were, and even then didn't think any were here to see him specifically at first. Well that was until his mind corrected him, remembering he had a much higher rank now, and that he wasn't as insignificant as he had been used to feeling. It was something he was still still getting used to, as he had always been a side personality before, only ever feeling like something with a few people. Most of them were gone, save one who mattered most to him now, but was off at her own posting on a ship far off somewhere else.

Clearing such thoughts, the Iroma preacher turned officer gave a warm smile, "Greetings, Is there someway I can assist you, or questions you need answered?"
Sachiko was pleased to find her aunt not resisting her as she leads the way towards their leader. She had been certain that she might be against the idea based on what her mother had told her about her Aunt, but maybe Suzumne just needed her gentle push through this that could be it.

As the younger Neko passed through all these people she couldn’t help but note some of their uniqueness of them all. Some must be her sempai, some must be Veterans, they probably knew things she didn’t and thus she would love to meet and learn from them from the time until they were stationed elsewhere.

She continued to hold her aunt’s hand, fearing that if she let go now, her aunt might move away or something.

She wanted to meet their ranger leader, then find the leader of the station so she could ask for permission for this idea she had on her mind. Soon they made it to the ground, her aunt was with her, and Lucas their leader was speaking. She was indeed tall, though, as she came up to Lucas she noted that he was as tall as she was, she supposed the distance it had been before made him seem smaller to her. “Konnichiwa!” she said with a bit more emotion than her aunt. She also bowed in greeting, before she spoke. “I’m Itatski Sachiko, this is my aunt, Itatski Suzume, we are rangers in your team I wanted us to meet you, sir,” she said with a happy smile.
A towering figure stood in the back of the gathering, popping her knuckles casually as she observed the assembly of soldiers with violet-hued eyes. Arinori Sora, rank Nito Hei, had gotten up early. Family tradition of hers, to wake up and arrive early to major events - festivals, meetings, and assemblies, mostly. Plus, it lets her avoid the coffee lines that brought people's days to a stalemate. She meandered through the crowd, looking for one person in particular - unlike the Patrician herself, her boyfriend and partner-in-destruction had slept to a more normal time.

I'm glad we both got onto the SOFT team, at least. I always liked working in smaller groups, get more done without as much time wasted on organization, she thought to herself as she navigated about the chamber. Mikodimus wasn't the only person Sora was out here for, though - she'd taken a few looks at the roster for the SOFT before arriving, and did her best to memorize the facial details she'd gleaned.

A looming shadow manifested itself around Midori, making it mildly inconvenient to read. "Hey there! You alive? I think you're.... Jo Midori? Santo Juni?" The towering Archangel had a pleasant, energetic smile on her face - quite the contrast to the sleepy, droopy eyelids and pseudofrowns that most of the soldiers milling about the room wore. She introduced herself, "I am Sora Arinori, Nito Hei."

Darwin was among one of the last to stand from his seat and join the gathering. As much as he had already begun to enjoy the company of his peers, he could never exactly find himself able to easily nestle into a conversation. Often times, he preferred to be a bit of a fly on the wall, listening in until the time was right to swoop in and maybe make a witty comment. Of course, that rarely seemed to work, too. Though, at least the group wasn't so large that he would have troubles remembering everybody's names.

He held a mug of tea in his hand, and his eyes were glazed and baggy from the sleepless night. He knew there was going to be an assembly today, so he kept waking up every hour to make absolutely sure he didn't oversleep. While he would have opted for coffee, he never seemed to like the dark brew the machines on-board tended to serve, with a color and bitterness that he could only smack his lips at and describe as "charcoal."

When the speeches had ended, what was meant to be mingling time was spent trying to keep himself awake. Taking deep breaths and running his free fingers along his face and tousling the dark fringe that draped over the right side of his head before taking the biggest sips of tea he could without splashing the drink all over his cornflower uniform.

For some reason his mind kept leaping back to the Shosa. He had heard from Shanks that he was just like Darwin - a human. And yet, those eyes had the glow of a machine that made him wince. He looked as old as his parents, if not older, so he already knew what must have been the case. Despite this, he shook his head to keep his mind off of it. If anything, it may do him good to have some interaction with his own species for once.
A funny-looking Iroma came from behind the Minkan engineer, his right arm swooping around her shoulder with a eager and friendly look akin to Shasse's own. "I know, right? I mean I don't taste hair, but I don't need to when I'm this close to her!"

He glanced back at his girlfriend, giving her that light-hearted, devilish smile. She ain't free from his evil grasp yet, oh ho ho ho!

He extended his other hand to the two before him and Juno, his odd eyes brimming with mirth. "Honestly I can understand; name's Latch, used to pilot a couple of big ships before I landed here. I'm as happy to work with you guys as I would be with anyone else, and - Oh, right, this is Juno, my favorite gal in the galaxy!"
"Yes she was just introduc-" Miles began before he was cut off by Shasse, earning her an eye roll from the minkan who sat back and waited for her to finish.

"Woah, you look really different." The blue neko looked between the minkan and iroma several times comparing them like a spot the difference puzzle. "I'm Shasse! And that's Miles but he's kinda boring, his hair definitely doesn't taste like yours either." The neko spoke excitedly and slightly louder than she needed too, just another side effect of her getting excited by new people and things. Though Miles did sit up a little at the comment about his hair, running one hand through it cautiously as though he should find something.

"That's enough Shass, don't want to go scaring off everyone you meet with your crazy talk of hair, speaking of which you have to get yours tidied up soon or we might be penalised for disorderly conduct." The minkan beside her said, giving an almost apologetic nod to Latch while he rubbed the short catgirls head for a moment. "So how did you guys get here? Can't be as bad as being sent to a new post only to have it go down in flames as soon as it starts then finding whatever other place would take us both." Miles said, a slight smile as he shook hands with the iroma, he seemed like a pretty good guy.

Mikodimus Belmont seemed to be last to show up in the wardroom with the rest of the pack. Since his last tour of duty he was ready to get back into the action and fight the good fight. His eyes scanned for just a moment to see if he could locate his raven black birb of a girl friend. When his eyes locked onto her figure he walked over and put his arms around her waist and gave a hug. "Morning!!," he said in a pleasant tone of voice.

Somehow Miko and Sora managed to end up on the same assignment again. He never pictured himself being part of SOFT but here he was. Not only that but got promoted to demolish specialist. We was pleasantly surprised how his cooking skills came in handy when mixing explosives. Though he did have to explain a few times why the kitchen was turned into a battlefield a few times. Miko had started to go around telling everyone the nickname he came up with for him and Sora. Team Shock and Awe was what he came up with.

He looked around Sora and seen another familiar face. "Hey Midori, glad to see you made the team." He said with a smile as he looked her over.

His eyes lit up even more when he caught sight of Shasse and Miles. It was like the entire gang was back together. Miko knew this was going to be a good time.

Midori's skin vision first caught the woman that seemed to glare at her, and for a moment she considered the idea of returning the look but thought otherwise of it. She wasn't interested in making enemies, yet she felt the need to at least acknowledge that she saw the look. A small upturn of her eyes to lock with Suzume, the blood red eyes that seemed to take stock of the woman. But it was only for a few moments before she went back to the pages of her book, at least momentarily before she was interrupted by Sora. Her eyes looked up along with the rest of her head before she shut her book.

"Nito Hei Arinori Sora, infantry with the ninth legion, little to note with service, but made to Nito Hei with little issue. I hope the informal meeting style that has seemingly caused a lack of respect will be left here. Isn't it custom to at least give a small salute to superior officers when at a briefing?" Midori asked as she looked the Elysian over and stood. While she stood almost a full foot and a half taller then the diminutive neko, Midori felt no worry about the larger woman. Midori was a Samurai, and an old one at that. But as Mikodimus walked over, she raised her eyebrow in wonder at the Minkan, the first real show of emotion on the otherwise stone-faced Neko.

"Good to see you too. It seems this meeting has made everyone lax..."

Hinata grinned and gave the others a small finger wave to the others that Juno tried to introduce her to.

"Nito Heisho Kaito Hinata, resident bad luck and shooty girl. Pleasure to meet'cha." Hinata offered to the two as her tail twitched left and right a bit and she sipped at her drink. She gave the two and look up and down as if to size them up for fun and play yet still seemed like she tried to at least be courteous at that moment. They were in front of higher ranks and this was a briefing of sorts and she was a professional after all...
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"Oh don't worry about scaring us, it's fine, strange is kinda our thing believe it or not," Juno replied with a warm grin and a faint chuckle at the antics of Shasse and Miles as she relaxed further into Latch's embrace, a pleasant hum from the reassuring feeling of his lightly plated body under that uniform pressing into her own figure.

"Well same kinda story for us actually, I was assigned to the last big ship L here flew and then ended up chained to a desk on some starbase shortly afterwards to make new things but this cute numbskull here decided he wanted to follow me, odd thing that he is," the red-paneled Minkan began to explain as her hand came to rest over Latch's mitten, hunkering down a little more into his body with a happy sigh before raising up her eyebrows and looking towards Hinata.

"~but ahh that starbase, it's where I know Hinata from too actually, talks all mean but she's just a big softie once you get past all the tough and grumpy - dunno where she was beforehand," Juno finished as she looked back to the medic and marksman duo, cocking her head to the side a little as she took notice of Miles' heterochromatic gaze - anywhere else and it'd be an oddity but there were at least two examples of the condition in this room alone it seemed! while not as vibrant as her own oculars the green did catch her attention more so than the grey, prompting to sapper to add a final comment of.

"Ya got some cool eyes though~" with a warm little smile, they seemed like nice enough people.
Lucas was not expecting such an energetic greeting to say the least, but gave a warm smile all the same. His skin almost glowed with how chalk white his skin was, his dark horns, neon green incandescent tattoos, and deep violet colored eyes making him stand out quite a bit. He was very different from most of the other people in the room for that reason, in addition to his very different personality of a kind preacher. The only other person who compared in appearance alone, was the solely only other iroma in the room.

"Greetings miss itatski and miss itatski, it seems I have quite a few subordinates of the same family in my unit. It is a pleasure and a blessing to greet you both...Hmmm? Actually I believe I saw you the other day, both of you in fact. You were with a woman of similar height, who seemed rather close to you both. I do not mean to pry, but I assume she was also family as well?", the horned Iroma man asked curiously in an effort to get to know his troops a bit better. They were already proving to be an interesting bunch so far, making him a little excited to meet the rest in all honesty.
Shasse waved vigorously at Hinata with a huge smile while Miles simply raised a hand in greeting, sympathising with her apparent desire to maintain an air of professionalism about her despite her polar opposite staring her in the face and waving madly. "Uh, thanks." Miles replied, he'd never been the best with social interactions let along talking to girls and no one had ever really mentioned his eyes save for the snow haired creature beside him.

"Are we doing hugs?!" Shasse exclaimed, watching Juno snuggle up with Latch, turning around she leapt at Miles and clamped onto his waist sending them both falling to the floor thanks to her strength. The minkan simply groaned and lay back on the floor, this was certainly going to attract some unwanted attention but it wasn't like he could do anything about her anyway. Shasse simply jumped back up and kept on smiling, "So you guys wanna be friends?"
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