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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Fly Me to the Moon! (1.0)

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Inactive Member
Through out the rest of the day and night, the Ship was the scene of an army of supply crews and yard monkeys. Everyone was working hard to bring the ship to a full ready status. The rest of the Tanjo Group was hovering in orbit high about the station. Yamatai space control had received notice that the Soyokaze would be ready for launch shortly.

Hanger Bay
0800 day 2

The entire crew was called to the hanger bay to be addressed by the Admiral and the Commander of the ship. The rest of the battle group were watching the proceedings via recorders in their respective hanger bays and wardrooms. Standing with Takeyu on a Cargo container that had been placed at the head of the hanger bay, and with the bay's doors opened to back drop with stars, the Admiral stood silently waiting for a brief minute. She looked out over the fresh faces of the younger Heis and the older NCO's and Warrant officers, to the Officers standing all in their number one uniforms.

Stepping to the front edge of the container she started to address the body of the crew, "It is my pleasure and honor to send you and this ship along into the stars. The Soyokaze will be fighting the last battles from this past war. Above that you will be bring hope and life to millions out there still suffering from the war. It is the hopes of Ninth fleet that your task group, the Tanjo Group will clear out the last remaining holdout's of NMX."

She scanned the crew again before stepping back and waving Nayacesen forward. "It is my pleasure to introduce your ship's Captain. Taii.. Excuse me." she stopped and turned to an assistant that stood there with a small box. opening it she pulled out a new pair of rank pins. "Shosa Takeyu." turning to the new Shosa she smiled and bowed before motioning with her arm for him to step forward and give a few words to the crew.
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Hanger Bay

Hotaru stood on parade out front of the logistics and cargo personnel. She could have floated up, but current her vantage point was enough to see the proceedings. The immediate promotion of their captain had taken away questions about why they had put a Taii in charge of such a large ship as she came to and clapped.

Chieko, on the other hand, stood more with a group of sciences and starship operations personnel as they all were formed up behind Chiasa. Being in such a large number again was nice, offering more people to socialize with while off duty, and a marginal increase in eligible recreation partners. The scientist, too, stood to attention and clapped when Takeyu was promoted, happy to see him also advance in his career.

Bors rocked his knees back and forth as the whole ceremony took place. 'Damn dog and pony show' he thought to himself as everyone formed up, he himself was in front of a small detachment of nekos. He had no idea who these Hei's were but judging from the higher ranking neko telling him to stand in front of them he would probably know within the next few days.

With the announcement of Takeyu's promotion, Bors smirked as he joined in the applause.

"I owe that bastard another drink, heh , if the keeps up I might owe him a bar soon enough."

They had spent so long in the Bay last night, the three Neko weren't sure they'd ever left. They were wearing clean uniforms, so at one point they must have left and changed, maybe even showered and slept. It was all a blur of configuration tweaking, inventory double checking and more mopping than they'd done since those first months of training when they didn't know any better. Tama was trying her best to keep from falling right off of Truly's shoulder, while Caramel and Venus tried not to be obvious about leaning against each other for support. They were with the other fighter jockeys, the officer that had run them ragged the day before standing in front of the group, looking just as calm and composed as he had yesterday.

Shoi Ise Nenene had come to the morning ceremony turned out in her best new command officer uniform, pressed perfectly and immaculate. All of her pins and medals in place and polished. As the XO she stood with the crew, there to support them and set the standards for behavior while their Admiral said her piece and promoted their new captain.

Nenene clapped politely at the appropriate times while all this was going down. All the while she continued the examination of now Shosa Takeyu's file that she had begun the day before.

Chiasa stood next to Nenene, she stood at position in her Type 35 uniform. Her appearance was immaculate as always. Her hair in a preferred style. She listened to the Taisho speaking to the group, and then introduce their commander. A newly promoted officer from the YSS Eucharis. She had taken the time to access the MEGAMI after the inspection to pull up what information she could find on this officer. There was plenty of information about the Eucharis, and her commander. She wondered what effect it would have of the style of command that he would have.

Takeyu was a bit startled by the new rank, it wasn't what he had expected considering things, but then again - it was welcomed and it would help to solidify his position aboard the ship. With a curt, respectful nod of the head, he took a few steps forward and looked the crew over... his crew... it hadn't been all that long ago that he would've been standing within that group listening to the ships captain make a speech or to congratulate them on a job well done; now it was his turn.

Taking in a few breaths, the Shosa smiled and gave his full attention to those in attendance. "Thank you Taisho," he started off with a glance toward the Admiral and then a smile. "The YSS Soyokaze is a brand new vessel, untried in battle, and her crew untested.. Her crew... my family..." he said and looked over the crew but didn't stop. "We come here together not as soldiers part of a military but as members of a family tasked with the protection of not just ourselves but also with that of the Empire and its citizenry. Our ship, the Soyokaze, has a lot of work to do to prove her worth to the 9th, but I am confident that this will be no problems for us. Make me proud, make the Empire proud, and make your families proud."

With that the Shosa stepped back a bit and glanced at the Taisho.

Ume made sure she was present and that her uniform was in perfect condition. She stood with the infantry soldiers standing straight, maybe a little too straight her legs were getting tired. She clapped when appropriate as well. She did not know much of anything about their captain but he was a captain so he knew what he was doing, what really had her attention was that he addressed them as family. This being Ume's first assignment, she hadn't had time to make many friends, let alone people she could call family so she was delighted to think of things in such a way, even if everyone else maybe didn't see it that way, it was her little personal happiness.

Standing new Riko, Misato watched the proceedings. She wasn't all that thrilled about the whole ceremony with a new ship. There was work to be done and she wanted to get to it.

When the Takeyu got his new rank she hoped he received it better then she received her last. his speech was a bit silly, but then again she understood his feelings on it, the smaller ship they came from was much more of a family then she had first thought. She missed her old cabin and more so, everyone on the old boat.

The Admiral stood back and let Takeyu do his thing before the crew. Once he was done she smiled and spoke quitely so that only he could hear. "Once you are done here we have a mission briefing, please bring along your XO, and who ever you feel is needed for it. I have the Task Group's first mission ready and your orders cut." She looked back over the crew that were standing and watching the whole proceedings.

Chiasa listened, she expected the new commander to make a longer speech. Something more traditional and intended to motivate. She had difficulty understanding why he referred to the crew as his family. In fact according to the reports he had a family, two sisters to be precise. She was familiar with the concept that with small crews that served for a period of time and went through dangers developed feelings of closeness that could be considered family. The only family Chiasa had died on a Tenba that was attacked by the NMX. The Shosa can say that the crew is a family, but it was not to her. After all they were all strangers at this point.

At the mention of orders she diverted more of her attention to listening, but no salient details were provided.
Takeyu gave a nod and glanced once more toward the crew... his crew... "That is all for now, please return to your stations and make ready for departure," he could tell that he was already giving off just how 'green' he was when it came to this level of command, his experience was more in the actual commanding of things... not in giving speeches! He then looked at his XO and motioned for the officer to join him.

With the order to move out, Bors did a smart about face so he was faceing the small detachment.

"Group Atten-shun!" He said in his best command voice, a small smirk appearing on his face as the sound of heels clicking together in unison hit his ears. "Going with what the Boss... er Shosa said, expect something to be coming down the pipe at us. With that being said have your kit and gear ready to go ASAP incase we need to get boots on ground. I will have a shakedown of everyone once we get a conferm on the situation. Do you get me?"

There was a silence and an awkward shifting and looking around from the assembled platoon of nekos at Bors's comment. With a sigh Bors spoke up again with an explinitory tone, "The response is We get you Hei, we'll work on it later." Turning to his partner in crime next to him "Any thing else for them Heisho?" he said with his normal nepleslian attitude that Misato was pry all to used to by now.

Tru perked up as people began speaking, nudging Tart to stand up straight. Crasher shook her head and tried to focus on what was going on. The short speech seemed to have an effect on the young Neko, though. All three seemed to appreciate it, Venus grinning wide while Caramel just nodded. Tama hopped to her feet on the other Neko's shoulder, eyes wide as she strained for a look at their new leader.

Ume watched as the new captain leave as well as the XO. She for a bit was at a loss for what to do, it was not as if she did not know proper procedure but she wanted to make sure everything she did was right so she needed to double check her assignment. She scanned the hanger looking to see if she recognized any of the faces and though it took some time she found someone that she believed was supposed to be in charge of her section of the infantry if the computers were right. The plum neko smiled and then began her walk over pondering as she did to try to remember her name.

She soon reached Misato Suzume, and had managed to remember her name in time, at least she hoped. "Suzume-Heisho? I am Santo-Hei Hatoyama Ume. I would like to know if you have any assignment for me."


Once the crew was dismissed Misato turned and saw Riko talking to the other infantry. "My guess is that we will be dirt side before long... Get your PA's up and ready. Get the you load out figured and set. Then i would suggest grab some grub. Once we have a green light for what ever we are doing things will move quite quickly." Misato smiled calmly, hoping she looked the part of a Heisho and that she was doing right buy these Heis.

She was about to head off to follow her own advice when Ume spoke to her. "If you are going to be official with my name Santo-Hwi Hatoyama, I would be Misato-Heisho... not that I have an issue you calling me Suzume, just take care not to in front of the brass, or when we are in combat." She winked and motioned for the Hei to follow her as she started for the PA bay.

"This your first posting?"

Chiasa watched as the officers left the area. She paused to observe how the crew responded. The various groups gathered and the senior member of each issued orders. Overall the crew's level of efficiency was satisfying. She located the bridge crew and walked over to them. "Time we get back to our stations. We want to make a good impression when the commander comes to the bridge. I want us ready to lift when he gives the word." The junior bridge members responded with a quick bow and "Yes ma'am."

They set off at a quick pace, and Chiasa walked behind keeping up with them easily, but with a bit more grace. There was no need to run through the halls, this was not a call to combat.

Meiko had been there and listened to the whole thing, standing near by Ume through the entire spectacle that was put before her, once released she did a slight salute, before turning and giving a little wave to Ume and a thumbs up as a sign of good luck before turning and leaving. Heading towards the medical ward, she wondered what her future would hold on a ship such as this, what her future career would look like, who she would meet... Such an enthusiastic future laid out before her as she walked down the corridor before arriving at the medical bay.

///Medical Bay\\\

Upon entering the medical bay she would quietly look around, she wondered if her CO had gotten back before her. She would head to her station and begin quietly looking over the files that she had had earlier, patiently waiting for her orders to be given.

Ume paused at hearing Misato's response and started to look noticeably flustered now, quickly bowing multiple times. "I am sorry Misato-Heisho I got the names backwards. I wont do it again." She followed after the grey neko but still looked nervous at her blunder. "Yes this is my first posting,. I want to do y best and not hold anyone back." She put her hand on the sword at her his that she carried as a sidearm. "They also want me to test this...but I don't know if I'm they right person."

Hotaru turned to the Logistics and Administration crew before giving each group their overall tasking. She then ordered a certain quarter master to stay behind while dismissing the rest to their duties. Once left with the one in question, the clerk told the Neko to follow her and they made their way off to some corner - one looking cool and collected, the other worried she was in trouble.

Having been dismissed, Chieko looked around to see Bors and Misato in discussion. Her position made her duties somewhat unique, as even on a larger ship she could be on the bridge, in the lab, or heading ground side. Without specific orders, however, the scientist followed along with the bridge crew until told otherwise, figuring that would result in the least amount of trouble.
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