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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Fly Me to the Moon! (1.0)

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Takeyu rested the palms of his hands on the edge of the bridges rails and looked down below. With a heavy sigh he turned he accessed the ships internal communications to broadcast what he was about to say to the ships crew.

"Your most likely wondering why we have arrived in this system and are hiding behind a gas giant, well, it just so happens the NMX decided to leave behind a small base for us. It is a listening outpost that has been cut off from the rest of their military; normally we'd just raze the base and call it a day, but command has other plans. Our mission here is to assault the base, taking out its personnel and then secure any intelligence in their computer systems. Our foes aren't aware of our presence yet and I'd like it to remain that way," he slowly looked around the room as if to emphasis that point.

"Unfortunately the NMX aren't going to make it easy for us, they never do after all. There are several civilian bio-domes near and around the listening post, while we have a plan in place," he placed at his XO. "Anyone who has suggestions on how to avoid civilian casualties in this operation is free to give them, we are here for information; not to harm civilians, and I'd rather reduce the collateral damage as much as possible.
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Training Quarters

Rafe had managed to find his way into the ranged combat simulator room while wandering around and thought it would be an efficient use of his time to train until his orders came down the pipe. He figured he'd be attached to an infantry unit, and he was under no illusion that they would be seeing combat, so he made sure to visit the melee training simulator as well. It was tiring but definitely worth it if it kept him alive.
Power Armor Bay

Inside the power armor bay Bors would find a purple neko playing against one of the other soldiers in checkers. Neither were currently in their power armor, nor were some others that were watching the game. The purple neko looked rather joyful even though she was losing pretty badly, she was just happy to be there. Some of the other soldiers looked happy for another reason, based on the things they were saying it was easy to realize they had made bets with sweets on who would win, and most of them voted for the Mikan across from neko.

The neko picked up her piece about to move but then stopped with a look of realization on her face and put it back down and grabbed a different piece and moved it, jumping over a hand full of pieces and suddenly the game was neck and neck again.
Science Lab

The captain's request seemed like an interesting challenge. Of course specifics would require knowledge of how interlinked the listening post and the domes were. If, by chance, they were separated enough, blowing in the door wouldn't cause that much of a problem. But if they were too close together, then explosions could cause the fore mentioned unwanted collateral damage.

If Chieko had better knowledge of what would kill NMX, aside from disruptions of vital structures, ideas lethal to anything living end up being all that is left. The effectiveness of those, however, were reliant on there being no way for the organism to either avoid damage or block the passage of the active agent. Then there was the further complication that, should the listening post be connected to the domes by more than the rock under them, that such active agents could also result in collateral damage.

What if there were a way to seal off such connections, should they exist? An engineer or technician would likely be more helpful for that, if they also had the necessary structural information; however that just might address the collateral issue. That would just leave discovering an appropriate agent, acquire it, and find a way to sneak it in.

With that now in mind, the scientist began connecting up to SACN for anything the Star Army had managed to find out; later working her way out to SYNC for something more broad spectrum if needed.

Chiasa turned to the commander, "Sir, do we have any tactical information on the base? Reconnaissance images would allow the Science section to work on a plan to either evacuate the civilians or protect them from respisals."
Medical Bay

She gives a confident smile and nods lightly. "This is a valid point." She moves to the console and after a moment of prep she begins the ST. She watches quietly and waits patiently for the back-up to finish, she was curious and wanted to get to know her new work-buddy... While she waited thoughts came to her mind about how out of everyone she's met on the ship so far, except for one, all of them had been Nekovaljyra. Maybe she had a gift of befriending Neko's, but the reality was she probably just hasn't explored around enough.
The Bridge started issuing orders through out the ship. Down int he hanger a general scramble to high readiness was chimed. All fighters and bombers were brought up so that once the order was given they could launch.

Meanwhile Misato and the rest of the infantry got the orders to suit up and prepare to be launched. A Drop ship was being loaded and armed to be ready to fly them to the combat zones.

In the Medical bay orders were sent to the two medics to suit up in Mindy's and follow with the ground forces. Blake started prepping with the other doctors and nurses the med bay for influx if needed, but he had a moment to speak to the two medics, "Watch out and keep your heads down, the troops will do the fighting, you're there to help them if they get hurt, or if you find any of the refugees..."

The Bridge sensors started picking up a music program from the moon, being bounce around the Gas Giant's atmosphere. (insert fancy sciencey reasons for it here.) Included in the scans though were two NMX Escort/destroyers chilling near the system's star.

Down in the Science labs Cheiko was handed orders to prepare a portable BCN test system. (Biological Cemical Nuclear) A shuttle was being held for her to load it in. No refugee was leaving that rock with out medical and BCN scan.
Crew Quarters

Rafe had made it back to his quarters by the time the alarms had begun going off, klaxons blaring throughout his quarters. He quickly suited up and ensured all his gear was in place and secured. His pistol was holstered securely as his side, combat blade tucked away in the boot sheath and other various necessities put in their proper place.

Soon after he secured his gear he left for the hangar to meet up with his squad to determine whether he would be deployed to the surface or not. He had his hopes of course...
Power Armor Bay

Ume perked up at hearing the alarm and then looked around, she along with some of the other soldiers looked a bit frustrated knowing that the alarm meant the end of the game. Since the game was magnetic she didn't have to worry about it or the pieces flying around so she just left it attached to the metal bench they were playing on and headed over to her suit. Her sword was already mounted on the suit's shoulder mount so she simply had to get in. Once she was booted up and running she made way to her squad's assigned location.
Medical Bay

As soon as Rain's Soul Transfer backup was complete, the order for the medical staff to suit up in Power Armour came in. The blue neko blinked a bit in surprise, before swinging her legs off the table. With a smile and a nod of her head to her colleague in thanks, Rain slipped off the table and headed off in a run through the Soyokaze's corridors towards the PA Bay.

Power Armour Bay.
Once in the bay, Rain went directly to a MINDY suit and climbed aboard, linking her SPINE system with the suit. It had a fairly basic loadout, with a teleporter, energy capacitors, and a couple of bot dispensers. Utilitarian, but handy for a medic. She listened to Blake give his address, and simply nodded in response. She had no intention of getting involved in any shootouts unless she absolutely had to.

Their conversation was abruptly ended as the order to scramble came in. Venus and Tart hopped off the Nodachi, the pair stowing the datapads they'd been working on as they reached their lockers. They weren't alone in stripping down right in the open, stuffing themselves into Aerospace Flight Suits along with plenty of other pilots in the hangar. Crasher settled into her Sylph, the dainty suit packing nothing extra beyond its built in systems. It was meant to fit inside the fighter and use it as the weapon, after all. Caramel grinned and momentarily parted from the others, leaping into her solo Kawarime fighter. "I'm counting on you, Crasher! We're a team this time, even more than usual." "T-totally!" The powered armor nodded its helmet, following Truly into the air before they both wedged themselves into their respective seats. While Venus was hooked directly into the Nodachi via SPINE, Tama had to do everything manually, with only a few sensors able to feed into her Sylph's systems.
Time:: Troop loading prepping for departure on the Soyokaze


As Elina looked for another song to play amongst her collected music, she began to sing one of her newly composed songs softly without music. Letting it go out on the airwaves so at least it can find a home.:

When I look up at the distant stars
I feel I’m lost forever a far from friends
Never never to be reach from a far
Will this be our final end?

Amongst such squalor,
All I can do is hope
For you having a nicer life
I wish I was in your parlor
Just once more not to have to lope
From those that want to see a bloody knife…

For now nothing holds me in this nightmarish dream
Why did they allow such scum to roam free
Just to let everything by like a stream
Never ever to see the beautiful green trees

She sighed softly at the end of her song as she found a new song to play. While she was setting up the song to play, she spoke softly. “The last song was sung by yours truly Rainbow. Coming to you live from Moon Town 2. By that is sacred amongst us. I pray that I am able to find the energy and courage to make more songs to sing for your enjoyment.” She leaned back, looking around the place that was hers. Just a little radio station on a dead planet.

“Remember everyone. More we recycle we improve our life by having a clean sanitary place to live. Remember to stay away from third dome access tunnels to prevent us lowlife from contaminating the Glorious Mish way.

Hydroponics needs your support so that they can support you. Tech School will become mandatory for the youth of the community. If it can’t be fixed, the cost is something none wants to pay. So attend tech classes and learn. The two Moon Town Council members voted that techs get an increase in rations.

“Here’s Aethersperm playing “Megadeath F--- YEAH” Elina spoke softly over the P.A. System and the radio, starting the music, the recorded version. She leaned back in her seat relaxing as the song played.
Science Lab

Chieko's investigation was cut short as a teddy bear waved its paw in the corner of her vision. She sighed heavily; but mentally acknowledged it, opening the message it had. The scientist read through what had been flagged as orders and was soon back to her science scanner to first, confirm what she already had, then began working on refining the other detection scans necessary for the remaining dangers.

Once complete, the academic called after two Nekos whom were finishing off a safety check of a containment room. "Santo-Hei, Yonto-Hei, complete your check and get ready for an away mission," she began, synchronizing two more scanners with the necessary modifications, "We will be performing safety inspections for a humanitarian effort." Chieko then set the two scanners out for them before pulling out three AMES and donning one.
Medical Bay

Meiko and Rain had finished the soul Transfer, and had gotten the call to suit up. Meiko followed Rain rather quickly to the Power Armor bay, eager to get out and do what she did best. Help people survive.

Power Armor Bay

Once in the power armor bay she quickly got told where to go and before long she too was hooked up in a MINDY with a decent load out for a Medic. She quietly listened to what her superior officer said and nodded in agreement at almost the same time as Rain. "Yes Sir." She told her superior officer.

Nenene eyed her captain for a moment. She had nothing to input at the moment about how to minimize civilian casualties, that oppinion would form as soon as she had more hard data.

"I am going to join the scouting flight now" she said to Takeyu, with a slight bow she departed from the bridge to join the flight as previously planned.


After a brief stop at her cabin where she changed out of her uniform and into an AMES suit, Nenene arrived in the hangar where the fighters were prepping for departure.

Like any trained SAINT operative she was capable of piloting small craft of many types and this included fightercraft to a degree. While she was not as well versed or experienced in fighter combat manouvering, she could compitently pilot a fighter in an intel gathering recon flight. Anyways, if things got hot it was the job of the combat pilots to take care of things while she scurried back to base with the recorded data.

She spotted the pilots from earlier getting their birds ready to go and spoke to them in passing as she walked to one of the single seat fighters landed next to theirs.

"I will be joining you as lead on this recon flight" Nenene announced as she grabbed onto the ladder clamped to tye snub fighters smooth hull and climbed up and dropped herself into the cramped cockpit.
PA Bay

Rafe had found his way to the PA bay and found it to be incredibly busy. Unsure of his assignment he gravitated toward a group of semi-familiar faces and awaited further orders. During deployments such mixups were bound to happen and he wasn't overly worried about getting lost in the shuffle. His superior officers would show themselves soon enough and inform him of his assignment, more likely than not they were already on their way.
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Chiekò opened up the shuttle indicated in her orders, while in an AMES, but without the helmet on. Once opened, she entered, with two suited up Nekos in toe - one with frost coloured wrapped bun hair, and another with a hot pink bobcut. It was not long before the scientist made her way into the cockpit and began setting up a sensor program that would also do what she had set her science scanner for - but much more plowerfully.

The two assistants, on the other hand, began working on loading the shuttle with blankets, rations, and medical supplies. Every now and then a comment would come up between them about how they had yet to start being involved in any real science. It was then joked about how the cleaning jobs could be co-opted to do a few experiments on their own to which the academic up front called back, "I find either of you try anything like that and I'll have you both in a vacuum chamber for 21 minutes!"

The Minkan then looked around to see whether it was just her and the trainees, or if she had a pilot and a medic coming as well.

Chiasa would have been frustrated if she were capable of that emotion. But she was experiencing a bit of annoyance. The blatant ignoring her by the command staff was hindering her ability to perform her duty. She stood up and looked at the Captain. "Since we do not have any pertinent data regarding the civilian situation. I am going down to the shuttle bay to join the team heading down. " She gave a curt bow and walked out.

Once she was out of the bridge she quickly made her way down to the shuttle bay. Along the way she paused only to grab an AMES and put it on. She tucked the helmet under her arm and resumed her trip.

Once she got to the Hangar she queried the MEGAMI for which shuttle, and after thanking it, made her way over. She stepped into the shuttle and looked around to see who was present.
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Time: Chiasa leaving the bridge
Moon Town 2::

Elina was into her music, looking over the various songs she had. She smiled as she selected a pirated Lorath song she just loved to listen to and set it up to play after the Aethersperm song ended.

Big Pugster came bursting into her little radio station, angry as all get out. He let out a string of swear words that would do a senior Nepleslaian Navel NCO proud. Then followed up with what he had to say, "Them Idiots think they can just move in with us! All because their Hydroponics went to crap!" He paced like caged tiger ready to tear into the first thing that got closed to it. "Damn it! Where are we gonna put all them people? Our Hydro's whont support that many people!" He slammed his big meaty fist into a wall with a thud.

Elina scrambled and shut off the transmitter and the P.A System to prevent Big Pugster's outburst and quickly stripped to avoid getting her clothes ripped off. She huddled in fear back in a corner, hoping that he wouldn't trash the equipment here.

"It's bad enough that our wemen is still squeezing out babies!" He roared glaring at her as he paced back and forth. "If you ever squeeze out a baby, Imma gonna throw you out the airlock! Got that?" She nodded as he continued his ranting, "it’s bad enough around here! Did you know we had a Moonquake? That's what blew Moon Town 1's Hydro. Sent water and nutrients all over the place! Busted up the floor so all that stuff spilled into the mine tunnels underneath there! Damn Idiots! I told them a million times to move their Hydro's. But would they listen? Hell no!" He swung again and slammed his fist into some shelving, causing it to collapse to the floor spilling junk, books, ledgers and papers to the floor. He spun and slipped on a piece of paper, crashing to the floor with a heavy thud. He shook the room with the impact. More swear words as he sat/laid there for a few minutes as he swore till the pain faded away. "Put the word out that any Moontowners from 1 to be shot on site if they move over here! We're at war!" He stormed out, still swearing up a storm.

Elina stared at him, shivering with fear as she had never seen him this angry before. Normally seeing her nakeness would calm him down to be at least reasonable. She got up and quickly shut the door and braced it shut. She kicked the stuff into the corner to be taken care of later.

She moved back to her DJ area and turned on the transceiver (radio) and P.A. System. She spoke calmly, relaying Big Pugster directive.

“From the Big Man himself, Big Pugster Bowansky, All people from Moon Town 1 will be shot if they try to move into Moon Town 2. It is open season on them. The reasoning behind this is that they lost vast majority of their hydroponics due to a Moonquake earlier this morning.”

“Remember to take everything and send the bodies into the recycler. We want a healthy environment for our future. To procreate means a serious cutbacks on your rations!” Elina rolled her eyes at the last as it would make Pugster Bowansky calmer and more easily to deal with later.

At least the civil war amongst the two Moon Towns will cut back the population a bit and allow the combining of the two Moon Towns till new Hydroponics could be set up in the Moon Town 1 Dome again.

Once again violence will erupt again. The last major violence outbreak was between the Moon Citizens and the Refugees once the NMX left them to their own devices after they pacified the two moon town domes.

She muttered, “This will bring the NMX patrols back in force.” She shrugged and carefully hid her personal valuables, important stuff and stuff she didn’t need, but would like to keep. She replayed the pirated Lorath song again due to the interruption of Big Pugster…

Takeyu had been in thought over the mission when he'd heard Chiasa's question, although he didn't respond to her right away. When he saw her leave he sighed, although not one that was noticeable but rather a mental one. "There isn't much tactical data, although we could really use some if we are to commence this operation without much risk of civvy casualties."

Focusing on the scout flight, Takeyu looked at the readiness status and pinged Nenene. "Tell the recon squad to launch when they are ready."
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