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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

Okay, got my feet back under me as far as the Takamagahara is concerned. Going to try and keep her going! I know right now its just the three of us, but Im hoping to get some more people in soon. SO bear with me and thanks for all the patience you guys have shown!

I have wrapped up the prologue mission and started the first shore leave thread here:
Oh hey that came out great Yes it's going to continue. I am going to kick off the next mission, right now actually. Shore leave has pretty much ground to a hault (my fault for not pushing thing along) and I think we should go out and blow stuff up with the battleship and fighters
Reactions: Wes
@Reynolds @SirSPT So, pinging you guys to get some input here. With just the three of us on this plot and my inability to recruit any new players to join in, I have to ask what you two want to do with the Takamagahara. I must admit I'm at a bit of a loss right now and feeling a bit worn out. I see a few options, we can carry on as we are, convert the plot to something else ( I have a thought of a general Leo Star Fortress open RP where the Takamagahara is part of, but not the main focus), we can close down and move our characters to other places or, if one of you two is interested, I can hand over the keys and one of you guys can give it a go.

Let me know what you guys want
If you don't have the time or energy to continue the plot, then it should definitely be wrapped up. And it's not really going anywhere with just us three, like you said. Rolling it into another RP you control might work, like you suggested, if you think you can handle them better a bit more consolidated. Otherwise we could possibly migrate the characters and maybe the ship to another GM's plot, if you can think of one that fits.
I kind of have to agree with Reynolds on this one. We can consolidate the plot into something but if you're not feeling up to it, we could just call it a day and move our characters on to something else.
Alright then, I think folding into another plot is probably the way to go then. I have 2 other Yamataian plots, the Sakishima and Sakura II. Sakishima is pretty well full up while Sakura II is pretty slim on players. Reynolds, also is already on the Sakishima. So, Reynolds it's up to you if you wanna move your pilots to the Sakura II. She's a Plumeria so she doesn't have space for 3 fighters unfortunately, but I'm sure we can figure something out for your characters. SirSPT, the Sakura II is not in the same fleet as the Takamagahara, but does have plenty of space in the infantry department for your mini if you wish to transfer over to her. Or if you wish I can try to find you space on the Sakishima, which is in the same fleet, but as I said, is pretty well full up.

Alternatively, you guys are more than free to take your characters to another plot as well. Up to you guys, though I'd hope you stick with one of mine
Yes, that's the problem I had with the brief idea to move these three to the Kaiyo. Barely room for one fighter, much less three. I'd almost suggest moving the Takamagahara (the ship itself) into the other plot as a support vessel, but I think that would be overkill. If you can think of some way to make these three work there, and you're going to have the time to run the Sakura and Sakishima, moving might be an option. That plot does seem down a few players, and I'd like to help you fill it back up, but I'm not sure it will work. I don't want to hold SPT back either.
In theory, it might be possible to set up storage system for fighters in a Plumeria's cargo bay...
If they weren't expecting to be gone long enough to need all of the supplies, vehicles, etc. that might work. But if they're out exploring away from home for a while, they might regret using all that storage space just for a fighter or two. Don't want to upset any plans, or derail the plot trying to fit in the fighters. And concert plans.

We need to hurry up and invent that transforming fighter so we can just store it like an armor. Might actually make sense for Minis, since their cockpit area would be even smaller...kinda like Gold Digger's leprechauns, where their giant robot is roughly human sized:

And their combiners are barely double the size of a human:

Tehehe, really like Gold Digger.

I still want to come up with the Sylph II PA for mini's, maybe we can incorporate this feature into it @Reynolds?

Also, cramming a couple fighters into the Sakura does not disrupt any plans what so ever. Also just had a thought, we could rig up a system to dock them under the wings like missiles on under wing hard points even. It would mean a quick EVA trip to get in them, but for storage when they don't need repair work it save having to use up the internal hangar space. Could even maybe dock one to the side airlock? I don't mind being creative to find a solution here
A Sylph II or an equivalent would be a good thing to have, since Minis continue to show up fairly often. If you want to work on that, they might be good candidates for test pilots of the prototypes, perhaps?

Having to jump outside of the ship to get into their fighters doesn't sound very feasible, especially if there's any sort of fighting already going on. I had considered the airlocks as well, but I don't think fighters actually have the proper hookups for that, unlike shuttles.
Reactions: Wes
I like the idea of developing the Sylph II in plot. It was something I'd planned to do on the Takamagahara, so transferring that sub plot to a new ship is for sure something I want to do. The Sakura II was originally the test bed for the Keiko and Kirie power armors (Project thought), so it would not be a stretch for them to start working on a 3rd PA and testing it. I could see a lot of the tech from those PA's incorporated into the new mini PA as well.

If you wanna have your 2 minis test pilot, we can fit a single fighter into the main hold in place of one of the shuttles. We run a small crew anyways, so we can set aside a shuttle
Reactions: Wes
That could work out. One fighter for Venus, and the other two could be there to test pilot the new model as it's being worked on. So they can stay behind when not needed, or be in their Sylphs when necessary.

Do you already have an inventor type on board that this would work with? Or should we involve @Nashoba/Sune or another FM type if they have a particular scientist they might want on this?

If you basically make a miniature Keiko, with the ball-joint frictionless limbs, that could explain the 'transforming' between fighter and PA. The Sylph is already known for its Wing Pack, so including that by default in this would also make sense and account for the wings on the fighter mode. Maybe something like the Victory Gundam's 'Wings of Light'?

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