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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

Umeki Ayame added to the ship's roster, finally. Though, would it be okay if I bumped her rank up by one level to Nito Hei due to serving on the Eucharis for one mission?

EDIT: Wow, thread up already. That was fast!:)
For the record, I was pretty sure that Shuichi wasn't supposed to find her way there, yet I did it anyway for my own amusement.

edit: man, i wanted to be the one to do that. pssh.
Having an over eager crew member show up is good though, adds some variety. Will also give us some characterization to work with. Such as forever teasing Shuichi about jumping ahead and rushing.
Going to hopefully post tonight from work. The twin hug was very cute!

Incidentally, why is everyone declaring they are a Final Fantasy job/class in the wiki notes? I missed something didn't I. :(
It was a joke that I accidentally started in IRC, I suppose we never migrated it into the OOC thread. However, Gunny has been encouraging everyone to pick out a Final Fantasy class for their characters, so I suppose anyone who doesn't know now knows!
As a heads up, the latest post made by myself is a JP made with Archander. After some discussion we determined that it would be best to streamline our separate responses into a single post to help keep the narrative flowing more smoothly. If there is an issue with this feel free to let me know and I'll work it out and we can edit it into SP format if needed.

Apart from that I hope you find the responses in the post amusing and enjoyable.
I skimmed it and will read it fully tomorrow and reply tomorrow when my brain is more functional. But it looks fun :3
I probably going to join a little late to join this plot. I caught a cold earlier last week and now I need to catch up with my school work. I'll try to get back soon. Sorry!
I've been flubbing my intro post for Umeki for days due to being very sleepless from two weeks of night shifts and little sleep. Apologies.
Hmmm... My only question is, would such a refreshment cart have say... Strawberries on it?!

I'd assume it would but, I'm not sure.