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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

Hmm I think Umeki's little present tray will have some homemade fruit tarts on it, then? Will post second half of that when either officer acknowledges her. (I was lazy and just split up my unfinished draft post from a week ago.)
Hmm, So once the prolouge is (pretty much) done, what sort of plot should the takamagahara be? Like exploration? Fleet battles? Fleet-battles-that-disturb-the-participants-into-needing-therapy?
Yeah? i see the column, doesn't tell me much. are you trying to say we'll be having final fantasy style starship battles?
From the GM who brought the crew of the Sakishima to the wild wild west, there will most likely be a themed story arc that may or may not be loosely based off Final Fantasy. (Possibly in which the Takamagahara may or may not become an airship...)
Oh shoot, I just realized... Umeki apparently has listed an obsession with doll clothes. What if I had a collection of clothes that are actually outfits of FF characters? It could be like FF X-2 with dress spheres.
haha, awesome. I only know a little about FF so, I may be a bit behind on lore and such mself, if I'm about to do something stupid enlighten me so that i may do it any ways knowing full well its a bad idea.
Twenty hypothetical dollars say that this is a sick duck ploy. My !!READERS INTUITION!! Says that this is the case.
I'll be joing you guys, it will take me few days to whip up a character, but it is sure that she is going to be starship operator, gunner.
Here's what the orders mentioned in Hitomi's most recent post translate to:

TO: SQUAD_LEAD[ALL], FLIGHTCON[ALL], CO, TACTICAL <----- Basically means that all five squadron leaders, all hangar bay control centers, Ise-Shosa, and Ise-Shoi receive this message




>TACTICAL FORMATION IS DELTA_3 *TARGET: TAKAMAGAHARA ACTUAL*, REPEAT: DELTA_3 *TARGET: TAKAMAGAHARA ACTUAL* <----- Means that the two Hayabusa squadrons are ahead of the Takamagahara and that there is one Nodachi squadron on each flank of the battleship (distances are at GM's discretion); the Tora squadron is on standby for backup


>RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: PLAN BRAVO, REPEAT: PLAN BRAVO <------ Don't engage hostiles unless ordered to do so or in self-defense

>LAUNCH ORDER: STANDARD. <----- GM's discretion

TO: WING_LEAD[ALL], CO, TACTICAL <----- Basically means that all five century leaders, Ise-Shosa, and Ise-Shoi receive this message



>WINGS 1 THROUGH 4 are to be ACTIVE FOR DEPLOYMENT within 10 MINUTES FROM RECEIPT OF MESSAGE. WING 5 is to be on STANDBY FOR DEPLOYMENT within 10 MINUTES FROM RECEIPT OF MESSAGE <----- Means that Wings 1-4 are to be deployed into space, Wing 5 is to remain on standby as backup.

>FORMATION IS BETA_1 *TARGET: TAKAMAGAHARA*, REPEAT: BETA_1 *TARGET: TAKAMAGAHARA* <----- Means that the 4 Centuries are clustered near the Takamagahara (2 slightly below the ship, 2 slightly above); distances are at GM's discretion

>RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: PLAN BRAVO, REPEAT: PLAN BRAVO <------ Don't engage hostiles unless ordered to do so or in self-defense

>LAUNCH ORDER: STANDARD. <----- GM's discretion

Note that although the fighter squadrons are normal-sized (5 squadrons of 12), the Wings are double-strength - meaning that each consists of 152 PAs instead of the usual 76.

Lastly, I'll be making a minor update to that mega-post tomorrow morning - though I won't be changing any of Hitomi's external actions (just expanding some of her internal monologue).
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Hey for the record, shuichi is a V8 kawarime pilot as her speciality, but she can still pilot a lot o those fighter/bomber/attack craft. So would she be in a hyabusa squad or be disapointed that the command disregards their(kawirame pilot's) usefulness, sure that the 'rival' space craft is the dominant one aboard this ship?
Having discussed this with Gunny yesterday via IRC, here's what the Takamagahara's fighter loadout is:
@ShotJon They are; I used the term because I honestly haven't the faintest idea as to what their Spacy equivalent is

@Wyld I'm in the process of writing you a PM explaining my reasons for not including Kawarimes; will send it as soon as I'm done. (Edit: PM sent)

@Gunsight1 I've updated Hitomi's IC post and my post in this thread with the orders guide to reflect the loadout.
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Allright. I'm not particularly happy but sure, i understand. I just figured that as a close range dofighter style thing, it'd be there to take down enemy fighters, as I'd have thought a kawarime pilot would be better against enemy fighters than a hayabusa, which seemed more like it was meant as anti starship. Shuichi isn't going to be happy either I had also thought that since it would be based from a ship that had its own FTL, it wouldn't really need it, especially not in combat situations where anything farther than a few light seconds away is ridiculous to try and shoot at.

Might have her bug the people that manage these sort of things once she is notable enough in their eyes as a pilot, might give some opportunities to do... something RPish.
@Wyld you might have to start off with a ship you didn't expect, but the opportunity to switch over to a different craft is a possibility. Perhaps consider writing in some simulation work later on IC that might catch one of the Officer's eyes that could have them order a different ship built for you.

Making your desires known and working toward them helps us all write and figure out where to go, so thanks for speaking up.
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