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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

As far as I know, spacy infantry is not really used all that much anymore. That is what we have fighters for. But I am not expert. @Wes could tell use.

Also as for the Hayabusa, I think Kawarime is much more interesting fighter for player to use, since it is a bit more traditional dogfighter (even with spacer rules), while in Hayabusa, you just fly aroun an turrets shoot around you. That is kinda boring to me.
Well, the fighter inventory can always evolve based on what we need / what works well. Dont ever consider what we start with to be permanent and final
On the contrary, Space Infantry is generally the staple of most space combat now for the SAoY with Starfighters being a drastically distant second. And seeing as we have an armament of 1.2k LAMIAs as opposed to 60 Fighters, I believe the Fighters are more complementary to the infantry.
You see more infantry space combat in SARP since nearly all of the Yamataian plot ships are small gunships that don't carry any fighters. Right now there is, as far as I know, only 2 large plotships that can carry fightercraft right now. Us and the Soyokaze, which is a Super Eikan heavy cruiser.
I thought Nashoba on the Aeon uses fighters too. Anyways, I'm all for fighters don't get me wrong. It's just there's a lot more emphasis on PA use because it's more the setting's staple than Fighter use.

*insert shameless Aquila Flight reference here*
Thought I'd just point out that the Ryujo, an Urufu Light Cruiser, has a good fighter compliment and the PCs to use it. The Heartbreaker, a lowly Yui 7 scout, also has one fighter we managed to magnetically mount onto the external flight deck, though it's mostly for recon purposes.
I just remember stating that Space Infantry in large group is being dissolved in favour of Legion of ground combat and Fighter for space combat. And yes Gunny said, that many smaller ships do not have fighter, and only have space infantry, but those soldiers server mainly as away team and there are ussualy like.... 2 of them. And they fight in space, just so they have something to do in space battles.
I thought I'd also ask, in my days on the YSS Senbu days Power Armors were grouped in Wings for Space Operations which were 1,000 PA's each, then further broken down from there. Sharie's have 2,000 Neko crew compliment so should have capacity for 2 Wings at least.

Are they no longer used like that? Centuries are instead groups of 100 PA's.
I think the info for PA space operations is a bit lacking, I need to look around... Paladin, if you remember how it goes though, we can base of your knowledge
You know, it does seem odd that I can't find that exactly described with consistency. There is this though with the references, but it's old UOC, however they did use Star Army standards at that time which did mention the 1,000:


There are some other articles within ships that say they hold power armor wings (like the Ionoche Light Carrier). I suppose you can really make it whatever size you want, as that is an unwieldy number from an overpowered age of SAoY! A few groups of 100 is probably good, since I don't think all the minis would be Infantry anyway.

Just saying historically and thematically power armor in space is definitely called "Wings" of mostly Mindys (or, in this case Sylphs), and ground Legions use the newer "Centuries" of primarily Daisys.

(Incidentally, one day I want to run a non-space plot focusing on the Legions. Good, old fashioned ground pounding!)
@FrostJaeger Your welcome. The thing to recall is now there is no large scale NMX war going on, so it makes perfect sense to reduce the size of a Wing appropriately to be more rapid and flexible, and less logistics. The heavier reliance of starfighter squadrons balances it out, too.
Also do not forget that basic info for Sharie does not exactly count for Takamahagara, since she is crewed entirely by Chibi nekoes, so the number would be a bit different I think.
Huh. A male mini neko. not something you see ever day, but i'd bet it could happen, would make for an interesting backstory of exactly how that came to be. I'd say he needs a bit of history on why and how he came to get a mini body though, and his character isn't approved yet. I may be overstepping my non existent authority here, but this is just my two cents.

On the other hand this is still an open RP... but I'd like to see it make its way to the big leagues :d
I am gonna go on a toe and say male mini neko should be a pretty big No No. It is a setting thing. So while we are open RP it does not matter, but when this ship becomes actual RP aka capable to being a part of the canon, this will need to be explain very very well.
I did not realize that was a limitation for the race and I had Gunny look it over. I will work on making adjustments with Gunny if need be.

Until then I will try to be as gender neutral as possible.
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