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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II YSS Yukika II — Season 1, Episode 0: Pilot (Welcome Aboard)


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RP Date
YE 46.2
RP Location
YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City and YSS Yukika II
In the cavernous port-dorsal large craft bay of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City, the sleek, new vessel rested on her landing struts like a bird of prey surveying from a high perch. The YSS Yukika II, one of the first new Nozomi II-class Scout ships, and the first delivered to the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet was surrounded by velvet rope, creating a ceremonial standoff between her and the other, older ships in the hangar. Gangway ramps extended from the airlocks on either side, down to their own velvet-delineated pathways. The ship was already loaded and supplied– no more ground crew swarmed about her as they had only a mere hour before. Now the ship stood as quiet and stately as a monument that none dared approach out of due reverence. The buzz and bustle that was there before had echoed into the past, and the colossal scale of the hangar easily swallowed the sounds of maintenance, loading, and conversation around the other ships. Deliberately spaced from their new sister, it was if the Yukika II were alone with the bay all to herself.

The Yukika II's new commander wore her full dress– the Type 35 uniform had crisp, white panels and sported several rows of awards ribbons, earned over a neary two-decade career. Taii Motoyoshi Tachiko, up until her assignment to command, had been the acting first officer of the leviathan mothership hosting the hangar bay, the largest in the Star Army's service, and was now preparing to embark as captain of one of the smallest– indeed the smallest in current production, if not in the entire inventory. Only the Midori and the earlier iterations of the Nozomi II, the Nozomi/Yui-6 and the even smaller Yui-7 were smaller, and it had been nearly a decade since a new instance of either one rolled out of a shipyard.

Quietly, Tachiko reviewed pre-flight checks, cargo manifests, itineraries, and the myriad other documents that preceded launching a new warship for the first time. Scrolling through a Type 33 Datapad, flicking through pages of the paperwork to ensure every box was checked and every blank filled, her expression, as usual, was somewhat impenetrable; a soft, nearly blank, thoughtful mien rested ever-so-gently on her pretty countenance, giving no clue whether she was deep in thought or an empty vessel.

Circling the ship just outside the velvet-rope perimeter, only occasionally looking up from the datapad to ensure her path was collision-free, Tachiko eventually stopped, looking up the gangway, and smiled to herself before handing the pad off to a supply clerk with a nod. It was nearly time to start the ceremony. She let her fingers play over the soft, black velvet, feeling it crush ever so slightly under the lightness of the delicate touch of her slender fingers. Tachiko had to push down the giddy, heady rush of finally having her own command, using every bit of her discipline to lock it up into a proper display of decorum. It wasn't just pride or anticipation she lined up and put in their places, but also the briefest moment of reflection on the original Yukika, lost with nearly all hands almost two decades prior, in a prior war with the same enemy they were now fighting. Among that crew, she was nearly the only survivor, and its captain, Corro Adlich, a personal hero. Only the briefest flicker of nostalgia and grief was all she allowed herself, before those feelings too were standing in line at attention alongside the excitement and nervousness of anticipation.

Removing her hand from the velvet rope and clasping it with its fellow at the small of her back, Tachiko rocked back and forth heel-toe for a moment, taking a deep breath, and awaited the arrival of her crew, with their duffels, for the final inspection before the launch ceremony. Tachiko's gaze swept the vast hangar, seeking anything out of place or lacking, to satisfy her implacable desire for perfection: the beginning, of course, as she knew, was the most important part of a journey, for all else followed from it. Anticipating what would be expected of her when they arrived to meet her, for, as she also knew, the Captain was always both first and last, she silently rehearsed her words until they arrived.

The newly-promoted Chui, Karasu Ryuu, strode the long walk down the hangar, his pace focused and deliberate despite the weight of the duffel bag slung around his shoulder. Like his soon-to-be Captain, he was dressed in the Type 35 duty uniform, its sleeve indicating his rank of Chui, and its occupational color a bright, bold white. He’d kept to himself in his quarters aboard the colossal YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City. He’d served on an Izanagi-class once before, and their tremendous size and scale never failed to impress him. He was damned proud of the Empire, and the Izanagi was the largest starship the Ketsurui Fleet Yards had yet produced. But she wasn’t the newest starship… No, that was an honor now held by the Nozomi II… And Ryuu himself had managed to earn a position aboard one.

And it wasn’t just any such Nozomi II either, but one captained by a member of the Motoyoshi Clan; the notable Motoyoshi Tachiko. Ryuu, in his efforts to prepare for his new assignment, had done his best to research the achievements of his soon-to-be Captain. She was well-awarded, having served in the very first declared war with the SMX two decades ago. She had answered the call to aid the Norians when their people had been in desperate need of aid. She had fought Kuvexians as well, earning a service ribbon from the war that had taken Ryuu’s own wife four years ago. Ryuu had no clues as to Captain Tachiko’s personality, however; though he likely could have asked bridge officers of the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City how they felt about her, considering she was the First Officer of the ship, Ryuu felt that would somehow be ‘cheating’. He also worried that his asking would make it back to her, and make him look as though he was trying to glean information about her. Which he was… It was a conundrum, so he avoided asking.

Luckily, he had had the opportunity to meet her briefly in her office aboard the Dreadnought, reporting to her as he had been ordered. She remained a bit of a mystery, just the same, and as he spotted her in the hangar, his heart began to race with a sense of anticipation. He'd remembered talking to Renho about becoming a First Officer someday, about the challenges and trials he'd need to overcome. Here, now, those challenges were rising up before him, and Renho wouldn't be there to talk to, to listen... Ryuu's pace slowed just slightly has he tried to dispel those thoughts, focusing on the present rather than the past.

Like Tachiko, Chui Ryuu had a datapad, though his was attached to his belt. His had been pre-loaded with crew information so that he could assist his Captain with the duties of checking in their crew and verifying the ship. He approached his Captain, and as they were both wearing their hats, a bow would've been improper. He saluted, bringing his right hand up crisp and flat to the edge of his Type 36 Officer's Cap. "Captain." he said simply, feeling no re-introductions were needed, given their earlier interaction in her office not terribly long ago.

Returning the salute with the fingers to the brim of her own officer's cap, Tachiko– Captain Motoyoshi actually– nodded, quietly, hoping the tension behind her eyes was as invisible as she normally was before being assigned a command. Without a word, she gestured for Ryuu to take his place to her left and a step behind, and at her duffel, facing right and perfectly-perpindicular a half-step in front of her toes. Notable she may be, hardened, even, a first command still is what it is and the weight of the award ribbons above her heart didn't do anything to hold those feelings down. She turned her gaze back, trying to relax as she watched everyone else file in, each moment it took them to get in line seeming to strech on as dilated as they are in the heat of a firefight.

The Lieutenant wordlessly assumed the position the Captain indicated, setting his duffel in the proper place. He’d packed it well; the harder bits didn’t clink on the deck thanks to the outer lining he’d run around the edges of the thing. He found himself just as curious about the crew as he was about his Captain, and he surprised himself by feeling just the slightest hint of a smile creep onto his face that he couldn’t quite defeat.

This was going to be Nakamitsu Hiro's first official tactical assignment as a Shoi aboard the YSS Yukika II. It was going to be interesting, especially since the captain was Motoyoshi Tachiko, in Hiro's eyes she was something of a big damn hero. Like both his Captain and First Officer, he was dressed in the Type 35 Dress Uniform, however the coloring was Starship Operator Grey.

Hiro honestly wasn't sure what exactly to expect once the ceremony was complete. Unlike many of the others already here, the medals which he wore were not nearly as impressive, being as he was simply an Ensign. He did however wish to make a good impression upon his commanding officers. He knew that he would be working 2nd shift as the Tactical Officer, so he was looking for his other Operators to meet them as well as render honor to both Taii Motoyoshi and Chui Ryuu.

Stepping forward to stand before Taii Motoyoshi and Chui Ryuu, he placed his duffel bag behind him. He salutely smartly to his commanding officers. "Shoi Nakamitsu Hiro, reporting as ordered."

In the mean time the enlisted crew were lining up in the rear. The medic and security officer, both freshly pinned Nitō Heishō, stood the to farthest right, with the support personnel in rank beside the latter in the rear, and the technicians to the Medic's left in front of them. She returned Hiro's salute, and followed it with a nodding, shallow head-bow, then went back to gazing at absolutely nothing in particular far behind the enlisted columns, into the distance on the opposite side of the bay where some technicians were hard at work performing biannual checks on a Chiaki-class. Despite their use of power tools and lively banter, it was only visible– the true breadth across the abyss that was merely one of the Izanagi's bays was too far for anything but the hint of a whisper over the distance. It was just as well Nakamitsu-Shōi was at the head of the officer's column, as only the Chief Medical Officer outranked any of the, with little exception, newly-pinned Shōi who were more or less even. The exception could stand at the head of the next row, when she arrived. Hiro could cover down for the Chūi when he got there, as well. All was well. Tachiko even knew what she was going to say.

She let a smile as faint as the sound of the technicians across the bay cross her lips. Professionalism prevailed. That in and of itself was further comforting to Tachiko. Tachiko, who was blissfully unaware of the status with which the others attributed her, any more than as their commanding officer, allowed herself to crunch a YTP Entertainment accounting sheet in the back of her digital-organic mind, and send it off wirelessly to the headquarters. Nothing wasted, not even thoughts.

"The bravery you showed on Hanako's World will continue to serve you well in the Star Army." Those were the words on his official orders assigning him to this sparkling new ship that stood tall right before him. Roy never imagined himself to be part of a nation's army, let alone a nation that wasn't Nepleslian. But there he was, wearing their colors and just about to board their ship as its crew.

The Type 35 that he wore was in grey, denoting his role as part of the bridge crew, Communications Officer specifically. Why he got this position over a grunt meant to fight on the ground, he wouldn't know, but he supposed that his experience in that position would let others benefit from his know-how. And perhaps it was for the best. The way he's used to fighting differed from how Yamatai soldiers fought and could cause some undue confusion and problems with coordination.

Whatever the outcome might be, there was no use dreaming up a world he wasn't going to experience. Life's always about making due with the cards you were dealt, and just like always, he was going to make the best of this new chapter. At the very least, it might be a lot more entertaining than standing guard all day.

Roy looked down at his watch. It was almost time for assembly. In an hour or two he'd be on that ship and off to the sea of stars. Who knows how long it would be until they get to step off the ship.

It sure is a good thing that he isn't claustrophobic, that's for sure.

Baggage in hand, and one foot after the other, Roy joined the rest of the crew. Without moving his head, his eyes darted between the people who were in front of him. They were going to be sharing this ship as their home for the foreseeable future. The concept wasn't foreign, but the people may see him to be. But that was alright. He'll be in their ears soon enough.

If he wasn't already in the presence of his commanding officer, he would have chuckled to himself at the thought. He gave her a snappy salute, "Shoi Roy Savage, reporting for duty."

Another salute. Surely, Tachiko must be thanking her past self for being a gym addict– that arm was going to get a workout in this ceremony. She'd rather bow, of course, but every one so far had saluted her, and sometimes that's just how command goes. And she was still wearing her hat when her first officer arrived, and so was he. A rock rounded in a river, or something like that, went the Koan she reached for in her mind. She gave another nod as Savage-Shōi took his place beside Nakamitsu-Shōi. Still no words. They were very unnecessary, and for that Tachiko was thankful.

Black heels clicked softly on the deckplates of the hangar, only just audible to announce the arrival of a shoi new enough that her rank pin seemingly squeaked. In one sense she cut an unremarkable figure; after all, junior operators in their gray and blue uniforms were a common sight, and her miniskirt and tights weren't unusual either. Nor was it the simple duffel bag slung over her left shoulder; she liked to travel light, and a dreadnought the size of Battle of Ayenee Capital City always had people passing through, transferring to new commands or from old ones.

It was the eyes, probably. The eyes that held hints of both blue and green, depending on just the angle and the light. Bright eyes, set in a pale, rounded Nekovalkyrja face framed by straight, dark green hair. Eyes which now took in her first real posting, and were filled with both excitement at the opportunity and the lingering worry that she might not be equal to the task. Eyes that even now checked, and checked again, just to make sure she was where she was supposed to be.

Shinono Yuki took a moment and squared her shoulders, and spared a quick moment to look herself over. She'd done it over a dozen times that day, but she was damned if she was going to let her new commanding officer see anything on her Type 35 Class A a millimeter out of place as she arrived. First impressions were important. Satisfied with her self inspection, she took a last moment to reach up and brush her fingers through her hair, looking up at the ship which would be her new home, taking in its lines as if to memorize them, before she finally swallowed and took the few necessary steps forward, presenting herself to her new captain and officers with a smart salute which she prayed didn't betray the nervousness in her heart.

The first genuine smile Tachiko let show on her face, albeit perhaps semi-voluntarily, coincided with the first fellow Nekovalkyrja officer to present herself. Tachiko saluted crisply. "Forever Forwards, Shōi." Her first words were next, the firsts happening in a neat three. The relaxation it brought may not have been obvious, but still subtly visible. Perhaps most in the acutening of the angle between the tips of the large, pointed, black-and-tawny-furred ears projecting from the sides of her black, chin-length bob.

It was short-lived. She soon went back to worrying she'd relaxed too much in front of them, and the angle flattened ever so slightly to the horizontal once Yuki had turned away to take her place.

The hurried echoes of another pair of legs shuffled along down into the hallway. Another fresh faced Shoi had arrived into the fold- ableit fresh faced only metaphorically. The Nepleslian Scientist seemed to hold back a yawn with her jaw only temporarily open, her rather tired looking eyes scanning the hangar bay until she found the assembling group of the people who were to be her crewmates for the foreseeable future.

Calliope Cardinal had pulled another all nighter obsessing over the scientific equipment of the Nozomi II, holed up in a virtual simulator programm she had assembled. Seemingly a rather normal occurence for the rather exhausted looking science officer, she was only being kept alive by the most wonderful of chemical, energy providing concoctions: coffee. Regardless of her tired looking state, the officers uniform and hair were exceptionally kept, likely painstakingly prepared for the YSS Yukika-II's launching ceremony. She fell into attention, standing next to one of the other new Shois- the scientist not bothering to really check which one. Callie let go of her stuffed dufflebag, allowing it to fall next to her feet as her arm raised up into a firm salute.

"Calliope Cardinal. . ." Her voice had a hint of tiredness in it, as if she was constantly attempting to hold back a gaping yawn. "Reporting for duty, Taii"

"We get enough sleep on this ship, Shōi," was Tachiko's second time speaking, once she had returned the salute. "Welcome aboard. In my time on the original Yukika, the medical and science occupations were one and the same. Chief Medical Officer was also the Chief Science Officer. Acuity and presence are important for both." The words flowed forth from Tachiko, softly as the others, as she was, of course, a soft spoken Nekovalkyrja. Reporting in less than perfect state was, of course, license to lecture. "It's good to have you."

The soft spoken words contrasted the nearly imperceptible twitch of her left ear as her eyes fell squarely on how squarely the duffel was placed. Tachiko looked back up and into the distance once more, however, without further remark or even notice.

Ryuu observed each approaching officer and enlisted crewmember, making brief mental notes on each as he strove to mimic his Captain’s impassivity. This was difficult; most Nekovalkyrja were professional impassives. He did, at least, feel a bit of sympathy for this science officer. She may have seemed a little tired, but her uniform was well-put together, and not a hair seemed out of place. Ryuu felt he would have to see if the Captain’s brief words hurt the young officer’s spirits, or if she would take them in stride.

At the edge of the docking bay, and almost out of sight pauses a rather large man talking to his pad, finishing a last minute comm that reached him just before he wouldn't have been able to take it.. He points it's camera lens towards the new ship for about 10 seconds.. Then finishes the last words up quickly with his father, quietly enough only enhanced hearing could make out at that distance..

"Yes father, that is the ship I shall journey upon, and bring honor to our family name.. I must go now before I'm late.. Will talk to you again soon.." A head bow and the comm ends. His pad quickly moved to his belt and he straightens up more formally to fully enter the bay.

Dressed formally in uniform as the other officers are, but with the color of Teal to represent Medical. The newly appointed Shoi - Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Toson Ushiba made long solid strides to his awaiting Captain and crew. A bit of smile actually coming to his face upon seeing Captain Motoyoshi Tachiko.. again. Thanks to a fortunate and.. memorable meeting here aboard the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City.. He had landed himself a sudden and unexpected promotion, from what would likely have been infantry support, to the ranks of the new YSS Yukika II.

A memory of what his mother had said to him when he was much younger came to mind.. "Sometimes my son, a single meeting of chance, can change the path of your life for the better."

Taking a moment to get first glances of those he'll soon be with for an extended time, he notes all the similar ranks and their colors of stations. He'll have plenty of time later to learn fully who is who when he reviews medical records of each to be prepared for taking care of them all. He is the type who always wants to be prepared after all.

Finally he gets his turn, as he steps up with a trained precision in step in jet black boots, he halts before his new captain with a crisp strong salute! "Shoi Dr. Ushiba, reporting in as ordered Taii!" Holding the salute until acknowledged, but still that faint hint of a smile.. if one looked very closely.

Tachiko's salute was accompanied by her second smile. The doctor wore the same patches on his left sleeve: Star Army Medical, and the Giretsu Triple Sakura. Two of the hardest-earned patches in the entire Star Army of Yamatai: the first, unparalleled in its breadth and depth with nearly any soldier able to perform anything from combat lifesaving to impromptu trauma surgery, and emblematic of Tachiko's original occupation. The latter was the grueling School for Advanced Infantry. Having both was an elite and rarefied club.

Of course, there was a hint of something else in her smile, betrayed by the still-subtle rising of her ears towards verticality. Tachiko seemed, in a very restrained way, happy to see him, beyond the fellowship of their qualifications.

"Welcome aboard, Doctor." Tachiko motioned for the junior officers to move over a bit, covering down to allow him to take his place at the right-hand head of the file.

Hiro followed the directions of his commanding officers and moved with his fellow officers to allow the newly arrived doctor his rightful position. Funnily enough, in his head he was already concocting a new song which he hoped to introduce to his fellow members of Divine Despair, though he was unsure when that next meeting would be. It seemed being the 2nd bridge officer to arrive, behind the XO, had got him thinking on a bit of advice his father once gave him.

First impressions were everything to a lasting friendship, one must lead by example if they wish to teach a person anything. As more officer's of the crew arrived, Hiro watched quietly as each arrived. This was an interesting assortment of individuals, several Neko to include Motoyoshi-taii herself, a Nepleslian, Type 42 and several Minkan. Meanwhile, Hiro remained at parade rest.

Another green-paneled Nepleslian woman walked up to the entrance of the YSS Yukika II. The diminutive woman, a 1cm under the minimum requirements of the Star Army of Yamatai, walked with a purpose. Every moment she was away from a lab was a wasted moment in her mind despite her bubbly personality, it was the primary reason she was never heard of or from while on the YSS Mazu. The discovery of a new form of sapient life had made that tendency 10x worse.

When she got close enough, the woman clicked the heels of her meticulously polished shoes loudly in a Rikugun-like fashion and snapped a salute towards Tachiko. "Radcliffe-shoi, reporting as ordered!" Yingzi projected (but not shouting) loudly. She had clearly been around Chusa Mikael Harris long enough, the only individual in the fleet she really talked to. And he was gone now.

Returning the salute, Tachiko motioned for Yingi to take her place at the head of a new, second column of officers. Yingzi was the senior Shōi, of course. "It's good to have you Radcliffe-Shōi. Your experience assisting us after the first contact was invaluable aboard the Mazu." She nodded, as if for emphasis, after the fact. Yingzi is the only one of the crew Tachiko had actually worked with: the science team on the Mazu, with its extensive labs, was central to the Fifth's mission exploring the new sector and its life.

"It's an honor to have this opportunity to serve under you, ma'am" Yingzi briefly said with a humble bow of the head before she made her way towards the indicated position. Once she was in position, she assumed the proper drill and ceremony position for the moment. A smug voice within her came to her mind in a deep masculine voice as she thought about her short training with Harris-chusa. "Now that is what being a true Red is about, brisk military marching movements. Builds character!"

Ulla stood in her temporary lodgings her palms resting flat on the cabinet. Her carefully manicured nails, honed exactly to regulation length, lifted and drummed against the smooth polished surface. Her garnet eyes flicked left and right behind the misted lenses of her digital pince-nez an array of data danced across their HUD, names, personnel files of the crew, ship schematics. She carefully flagged those she deemed important and filed them into the organized chaos of her short term memory.

She exhaled slowly as an alarm pinged across the glasses. With a blink all the images and words slid away leaving Ulla with only her reflection to stare at, straightening her black and blue uniform her fingers traced the solid stripe around its cuff admiring the gleam of the golden embroidery. She lifted her hands to ensure her bun was tightly fastened beneath her cap before stepping back giving herself one last look in the mirror to ensure her pale blue trousers were still crisply pressed into her closest approximation of perfection. She retrieved her bag where it rested, waiting on her cot, and left the room

The corridors seemed to blur as the intelligence officer walked, her focus remained fixed on the cache of data she had freshly turned over in her mind. She could scarcely believe it was real. Before today all of her mental exercises, her goals, the tasks she had been set they were theoretical at best, but today she would take her first step towards doing something truly valuable for the Star Army. She didn’t doubt that the faith in her had been well placed, but it made her head spin with possibilities all the same.

It wasn’t long before she found herself in the shipyard, arriving precisely when she had meant to. She lifted her chin, the optics of her glasses amplifying her already perfect vision to begin scrutinizing the crew that was slowly assembling near the ship that would become their home, their vessel into the unknown. A vital arm of Yamatai itself reaching into a fresh sector of the galaxy.

Ulla cut an imposing figure, she was already on the tall side for a 33-A, and the dress shoes she wore added inches she did not require, leaving her towering over many of her cohorts. Her footsteps were nearly silent as she glided near. She tossed her bag in a calculated manner, so it landed neatly next to the accumulated luggage, not bothering to stoop down.

She approached to greet her commanding officers Snapping a sharp salute, her arm froze in position as she gave a curt introduction in a low professional tone. " Shoi Vester, It will be a honour serving under you Taii Motoyoshi, " Her gaze snapped to the first officer breifly. "and you as well Shoi Karasu."

The Captain was barely collarbone-high on the infantry-model Nekovalkyrja, but those three sakura flowers across her shoulder meant she'd dealt with enough of them to have long since got over it. Unfazed, she returned the salute yet again, then indicated for her to take the place in the newly-begun second row, beside Radcliffe Yingzi. It was the rich depth of Ulla's voice, not her height, that earned the smallest shiver and dip of Tachiko's ears, and the moment of crooked asymmetry in her thin, professional smile.

"We will be gathering a lot of data on this mission, Analyst. You'll be earning your seat, if you've got any doubts still. You'll be spending a lot of quality time with our science and sensors team, I am sure." Another of Tachko's small nods, the vestige of her desire to bow allowed through her rigorous professionality, indicated she was finished.

"That's nearly everyone," she mused aloud, semi-directed at her first officer, and at least one in the back row, as well. For, as she said it, she made eye contact with the supply clerk and caretaker in the rear, in sequence. The slight nod afterwards was their signal to silently fall out of formation and rapidly scuttle away with a keen and obvious sense of purpose.

Ulla nodded The minute shifts in expression of her captain did not go unnoticed by her keen eyes. "I imagine I shall." She stepped back falling into line next to Yingzi.

Ryuu, noting his Captain's musings, crisply retrieved his datapad, checking the time. "Still several minutes remaining in the time allotted for crewmembers to arrive and present themselves before the hit-time." he reported. "No late-comers yet, ma'am." The datapad returned to its spot on his belt with a bit of a flourish, as though he were a gunfighter holstering a pistol. He shared this information not because Captain Tachiko couldn't tell the time (she could, at any time, in her brain), but instead for the benefit of the crewmembers present, and for those who had not yet arrived. Like Shinono Yuki, Ryuu believed in the impact of first impressions. If the crew believed that those who had not yet arrived were delinquents already, it could color their impressions of them negatively.

Cytari’s turnover with her replacement had taken a little longer than intended due to some last minute questions. It was a few minor things, but she would rather the person taking over feel competent in their duties than to cause damage to her baby. Well that was what she had come to consider the first Star Army vessel she had served on anyhow. The YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City had been her first home away from home after she took to military service in Yamatai. All of the crew had been super helpful making her transition from Minatu Empire Royal Navy to Star Army of Yamatai as smooth as possible. There was a brief somber moment as she ran her hands over her Type 35 full dress uniform ensuring there were no wrinkles in sight. Her long black locks were secured firmly in a french braid whose end was tucked back in on itself and secured in place. She picked up her duffel bag with one hand, taking a brief moment to look over the red paneling of her uniform and Shoi rank insignia. With her other hand she picked up her Star Army Officer’s Cap and exited her quarters.

The walk down to the hangar went by a little faster than it usually had. Cytari paused briefly before entering what was considered outside and affixed her headgear appropriately. She then adjusted her grip on her duffel and made her way over to where her new Commanding Officer and crew gathered by the YSS Yukika II. The Norian’s violet eyes momentarily marveled at its beauty, becoming quite eager to get on board and have a thorough look at her. As she approached Taii Motoyoshi Tachiko and Chui Karasu Ryuu she rendered a very crisp, sharp salute. “Akhai-shoi reporting for duty as ordered Captain!” she said in a professionally proud manner to the highest ranking officer first. She had been selected to serve as the Yukika II’s first Chief Engineering Officer, she would do her damndest to make sure whoever came after her would have a reputation to live up to.

Tachiko returned the Norian officer's salute. "She's relying on you to take care of her, Chief. Your experience in the MERN will also be invaluable. Welcome aboard."

Tachiko's words came more freely now and she was a bit more relaxed. She'd never been in front of the formation like this except as a placeholder before. Being the one running the show was every bit as new as the ship behind her, with its bunks still wrapped for shipping. Her gaze drifted off to the side once Cytari had taken her place, to where the armorer had joined the supply clerk and caretaker who were rolling a pair of covered handcarts back towards the formation.

Roy took his spot indicated after his bag was offloaded. And being one of the first to take his place, he had a good vantage point to take in the faces of the crew following his wake. Why was it important? Well, one could make the argument that it was important to know the faces of your crewmates. But for him, he just wanted a little bit of assurance that he'd find someone he might be able to relate to. Already a big ask, to be sure.

He'd spent some time deployed, but the camaraderie built up slowly. Something he'd have to work on now that he'll be relaying orders. He'd have to build that trust fast, get involved, but maybe leave out the more troubling days. He knew how Nepleslians were seen by the greater majority. But to their credit, the squads he'd been with up to that point were a little more open minded. Let's hope its the same with this crew.

As the crew filtered in, he attempted to memorize the names with the faces as he overheard them. Something he wished he could do with as much ease as his Neko counterparts. This crew looked to be quite stacked, with quite of few of them having some visible achievements. It kind of made him feel a little underdressed. But those concerns would have to be shoved to the back burner as he took interest in the handcarts being rolled towards them. Cargo perhaps? Not likely, they wouldn't have covered them if that were the case.

The Chief Engineering Officer's arm dropped to her side only after the Commanding Officer's had also dropped. It touched her emotionally that Tachiko had thought her service in the MERN would be invaluable. Tachiko might not have known it at the time, but that honor to Cytari's past endeared the Motoyoshi to her even further than she already was. "Thank you Captain. I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is cared for," she bowed her head slightly and slipped off to take her place.

As she slipped off to take her place her gaze fell to the side where there was a few crew rolling over some carts. The black haired male struck her as particularly attractive and it was not just because of his pointed ears either. "That could be dangerous," she thought.

Someone with the capacity to feel genuine human embarrassment could have taken Chui Karasu Ryuu's vocal comment as criticism, but the officer cadet that strode past next was nothing but whipcord animation. A blood red oni of a catgirl, she marched to the exact, measured point shown in propaganda videos, before turning on heel, and giving her new captain a most robust, energized salute.

"Shoi Kohosei Tsuguka Tei, reporting for duty, my Taii." No embellishments to the phrase, a cadence even and rounded. "It is my honored task to perform direct control operations at your command."

Carried themselves like career infantry, but a uniform clad in the sky blue of a pilot. Sure, their file had fantastically high test scores, but that somehow felt mismatched with the physical person that paperwork manifested...

Void black hime cut- A sword hilt rattled at their flank- So young? A disowned samurai maybe? No, that cheap golden pressed durandium on the circular handguard- That was an NMX officer sword

Eyes narrowed, the red lynx seemed to solidify and become even more statuesque on inspection... They were also still saluting, completely unwilling to progress without meeting the correct protocol.

Tachiko's return salute was instant and crisp, and a smile crossed her face once more at another Nekovalkyrja, though it differed from the two that preceded it just as they had one another. "Welcome, Cadet. I hope I am a fitting finish to your officer education. Your first captain is her first time being one. We will learn together."

"Karasu-Chūi," she motioned for her first officer behind her to move to the right and begin a row. "Go stand by your first officer up front here. We've got one more cadet but it's possible she won't be here for the ceremony."

"That leaves only one more. I think we'll be starting on time."

The support personnel have staged the two carts, each still covered by a velvet drape that obscured their payloads. At this distance, it's apparent they bear the Star Army Hinomaru against their Star Army Regal Blue backgrounds.

Hiyori had spent over an hour cleaning and preparing his grey-blue bridge officer uniform for this event - so much so that he ended up arriving several minutes later than he had planned. A critical error, in his mind, but he showed no outward sign of being bothered by it. He most certainly couldn't, lest he be seen as anything less than a diligent subordinate, and especially when his new CO was a Motoyoshi clan member.

Seeing the assembled crew, he adjusted his bag on his back and picked up his pace, keeping eyes front and avoiding eye contact. Approaching the captain and first officer, he stopped, turned, and raised his hand into a salute in a single motion.

"Kitamura-Shoi, as ordered."

Delivered with practiced perfection, it was anyone's guess what the young navigator might be feeling about his Captain, but the prospect of his first real deployment filled him with determination.

"I knew we would be beginning on time," Tachiko mused aloud after returning Kitamura's salute. She'd looked him over, always one to appreciate time spent on professional appearance, and nodded for Hiyori to take his place.

The captain waited a few moments, even once everyone was in place, before beginning: just a few moments of reverent silence and stillness before the ceremony began.

"This is the first time your captain has been a captain, the first time your first officer has been a first officer, most of the rest you are newly commissioned and on your first ship, we have cadets aboard, and the ship is one of the first of a new class that has never flown before." Tachiko began, breaking the silence.

"It's my second time aboard a Yukika, the second to bear the name. The first was lost with almost all hands at Taiie, and here, nearly seventeen years later, it's finally been long enough mourning to honor her, and their, memory with another in her name. My captain, C-"

Tachiko paused only for the briefest of moments while her ears first drooped sadly, then flapped to snap her out of it, "Corro Adlich, who gave his life for Yamatai at Murf, was her first captain, and mine. We came from the same armor infantry unit, and learned shipboard life with me as his chief medical officer, at far, far too young and tender a rank, but those were the needs of the day. It was the first time fighting against the same enemy that we now face for the third time that these victories and tragedies unfolded."

She took a moment, swallowing, though her expressive ears revealed nothing of it, "The Yukika name sat out the second time, but now has been called on again, as have all of you. Some of you are fresh, and some of you have already shed blood, your own and comrades', as well as the enemy's, for this Empire. Some of you without even ever having taken a sacred oath to defend her."

Looking about, scanning left and right the faces of her crew, "Just as the Yukika explored what was then the frontier of Yamatai, facing threats to her that she found there, so we are in this new sector, in the unknown, and we will be so very far from friendly port. I will depend on your bravery and competence, just as you will depend on my wisdom and experience, for we only have each other."

Tachiko gestured to the trio gathered with the carts who solemnly marched, the caretaker and supply clerk pushing them next to her.

"Heishōs Carmine and Eijiri, front and center!"

While the NCOs fell out of formation, the Caretaker withdrew the velvet cover from the first cart, revealing its contents to be a rack bearing a pair of Type 39 NCO sabers, the first of which was handed to Tachiko by the Armorer.

Assisted by the caretaker, Santō Hei Yumia Mitsuko, Tachiko belted on each saber as the armorer, Santō Hei Obara Keizo, handed each to her in turn. After exchanging snappy salutes with their captain, the Heishōs marched back to the rear of formation before taking their places once more at the heads of the columns.

Tachiko gestured once more, and the supply clerk, Santō Hei Maita Satoko, unveiled the contents of the second cart once Mitsuko the caretaker wheeled the first out of the way. The rack of Type 40 Officer's Swords bore more than the two that the other had- one for each commissioned officer on the crew. This time, Tachiko stepped forward, and Satoko the supply clerk followed her with the cart as she went down the lines of officers. Mitsuko returned to assist with each of them, as Tachiko gave a salute each time before taking a sideways step and receiving the next from Keizo.
YSS Yukika II: Bridge

"All hands, stations! First Shift in the hotseat, second on deck!" The captain had emerged, after a quadruple check of her uniform and hair in the mirror, from her ready room at the back of the bridge, once everyone was aboard and berthed and their duffels stowed. Taii Motoyoshi Tachiko levitated across the dome-shaped room to settle elegantly in the command station, centered between its two co-command seats, a customization unique, so far, to the Yukika II among her sisters. The crew of technicians buzzed around their places in engineering as the ship's power was spun up from standby to active.

"Ops, request undocking clearance. Batten hatches and retract umbilicals. Take us out into open space," Motoysohi-Taii ordered. "Configure the ship's transponder to show this is now an active duty Star Army commissioned ship in service. Engineering, bring all power systems to cruising levels. All hands to readiness condition three." Tachiko's ears were upright and a bit forward as she gave the orders, then relaxing and drooping a bit after a sharp wiggle once the SPINE merged her in communion with the ship.

Of the two Type 35 chairs behind, and flanking, the Captain's command station, the Starboard seat was intended for the Yukika II's First Officer, Karasu Ryuu. He was present, but he stood next to the high-backed chair, a hand gripping its edge. Like the crew, he had changed out of the 'Class A' Type 35 uniform, and was now wearing one of the primary duty uniforms authorized in the Yukika II's Standard Operation Procedures. The Type 42 uniform fit him well, its Command White vest contrasting with his trim black beard and mustache. As hats were a required accessory to this uniform, his white-covered Officer's Cap adorned his head. On his right hip, the Type 33 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol sat comfortably in its holster; this, too, was required to be on the person of all crewmembers while on-duty. The Type 40 Officer's Sword, which had been issued to all the officers, sat in a scabbard on his left hip, ready for a cross-draw.

Chui Ryuu intended to be available and open to the assembling Bridge crew; ready to guide them or answer quiet questions as they found their places. This first launch was likely to be exciting, if not anxiety-inducing, for many of them. He was also ready to gently correct any uniform infractions as well; he'd quietly spotted at least one little issue during their formal gathering outside the ship, and he was curious to see if any others might crop up today.

Sitting at his new station, Roy was all dressed in the Type 42 that was going to be his daily outfit from now on. His service pistol was secured at his side, holstered and double checked that the safety was engaged. Wouldn't want to shoot his own console on the first day. As for the sword, well, he wasn't all too familiar with wearing one, but he's seen enough officers on his previous assignments to wear it right. Sitting down with one was a little more tricky. He'd let it rest on the seat with the scabbard parallel to his leg.

With the captain's command, it was showtime. "Copy," Roy responded as he opened the line to the station's port control. While putting on his best pilot impression, he said, "This is Yukika II, requesting clearance to undock, over." There was a moment's pause before they were given the OK to carry on. This wasn't the first maiden voyage he had seen, but it was the first time he got to be on the bridge and see it all happen. One has to wonder, however, if they also broke a champagne bottle on Yamataian ships as they departed.

Roy had quickly and quietly put his hand to his lips, gave his glove a light kiss and patted his console twice before responding back to control, "Solid copy," then he'd address the general crew, "We are cleared." His words were punctuated with Yukika's transponder lighting up, declaring to all ships in range that the Yukika II has officially entered service.

Hiro had just gotten his guitars, amp, clothing and bo staff stowed after changing into the type 42 duty uniform when the captain called for all hands. Strapping the Type 40 Officer's Sword to his left hip to offset the Type 33 Nekovalkrja Service Pistol on his right. Being ambidexterous was certain to come in handy. Ideally he would have liked the chance to test the blade before wearing it regularly, however this was the maiden voyage of a fairly small and new crew. He also would have liked the chance to ensure both of his babies were undamaged during transport.

Getting to the bridge, he took the unused station next to where the Intel Annalyst would be sitting. As he was not actively involved with these actions, it gave him the chance to watch as the first shift did their jobs. It also gave him the chance to see this fresh bridge as an observer. Truthfully though he was focused on the dual station of Navigations and Tactical where he would be sitting during his shift.

He hoped that the Captain would give each shift the chance to explore the ship at their leisure.

After the boarding ceremony, Ulla retreived her pince-nez from the inner pocket of her jacket. In seconds she had confirmed the location of her bunk. After that, it was short work to grab her bag and navigate through her new home. Wasting no time, she stopped to change from her dress uniform into the sleek black and blue 42A bodysuit. She secured her weapons at its belt and set her cap on her desk.

Ulla stepped around Hiro Nakamitsu, Second shift's tactical officer. She gave him a breif nod before sinking into the firm apolstery of Liason station's Type 35 Chair.

Her glossy nails danced across the stations buttons pulling up controls to establish a connection.. She took a deep breath, her chest lifting and staying still while she waited to connect her SPINE interface. A flood of new information hit Ulla. She compared it with her stored intel on the ship's schematics. While most attention in the bridge remained focused disembarking, Ulla confirmed the presence of all expected personelle of the YSS Yukika II. She noted their locations. She cross referenced the crew roster that she had prepared earlier occasionally turning a camera on in the public rooms to confirm identities of the Life forms aboard. She shifted her focus and began to established a baseline for the other sensor readouts.

Sitting knuckle to knuckle against their solar plexus, the crimson oni resembled a traditional guard dog statue mounted at the front of a shrine. Shoulders stone rigid, gazing intensely, they were utterly enmeshed with the ship’s interface.

“Beginning pre-flight checks, Taii. Please await the embarkation process.” A voice through the console. Distant, airy. “Commencing physical examination of the craft…”

Tendrils spread, an array of cameras routed to her mind’s eye. The gleaming hull was pure and spotless, the space beyond black and cold.

“Check complete. No aberrations found.” The join became stronger, muscle memory joined to the manifold, the ship a direct extension of her body. “CFS control circuit check… No aberrations found.”

A long, controlled breath outwards. A small look around. Tae gazed around with her real eyes and angular face, giving a cold look of machine diligence.

“We are ready. Awaiting main CFS power from engineering control, Taii.”

Shoi Shinono's only visible tell of nervousness at being on her first real cruise was the constant tapping of her right foot, after she'd realized that bouncing on her heels as she had been might be a bit too distracting for others. She'd also tried to stop her foot tapping, but there was a limit to how much excitement she could contain. Her ears hadn't stopped moving from the moment she stepped on the bridge.

For now she was in one of the spare spots, studiously staying out of the way. As much as she wanted to look over Shoi Hiyori's shoulder and backseat, she could do just as well monitoring from her own station. She had the departure checklist open, carefully following along as the first shift crew did their jobs, ready to help or catch anything that might be missed.

She bit her lower lip as she glanced once again at the navigation plot, making sure nothing was amiss. It was hard to imagine anything could be; surely the watchful eyes of Battle of Ayenee Capital City were keeping track of every ship, shuttle, EVA, and random micrometeoroid within an AU of the dreadnought. On the other hand, she'd been told again and again, unverified assumptions were what got ships and crews killed. So, as much as she just wanted to sit back and watch with wide eyes as Yukika II came to life, she made herself look at the checklist again, with a nervous blush as she noticed her XO looking around as well. A quick gulp, and she hoped fervently she hadn't seen anything she was neglecting.

“Hai Captain,” Cytari responded in acknowledgment of orders to ready systems. Immediately she began executing procedures to bring power systems to cruising levels. She straightened her Type 42 uniform of any wrinkles that had formed so far. Additionally she made sure her Type 33 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol and Type 40 Officer’s Sword were snuggly secured. After all she was not going to be one to have her weapons snatched on their first go round onboard the Yukika II. She calmly manned her station ready for whatever may come next, which with this new crew could really be damn near anything.

The CMO has made sure that the Medbay was up to snuff and everything had gone through successful diagnostics. His new nurse standing by in case he was in another part of the ship, and fully prepped for any medical or psycological needs of his new crewmates. As well as a final once over look that the science stations were on standby and ready to be used as soon as the needs arised. Straightening up his type 42 uniform and it's teal colors, along with a prominent medical patch showing, he had made his way to the bridge as well.

Normally he'd be unlikely to be on the bridge directly, but this was a special ocassion to be here for the first launch of our new Yukika II. Striding proudly onto the bridge he was ready with his sidearm on one hip, his polished new type 40 officer's sword on the other, as well as carrying a med kit ready on his back for any needed treatments. He chose to step up and stand proud, tall, and prominent to the left of the captain's chair for this once in a lifetime event of official launch. Proud to be part of the newest of vessels to go out and learn about the wonders of this sector of space firsthand!

He turns with a small smile to his Taii captain, sure she is just as proud as they are in being here for this day. "Medbay and science stations are ready to go on a moment's notice Captain Tachiko! Anyone in need of aid we're ready to treat and make sure that minimal time is lost." He places a hand at the top corner of the chair and gives her a firm respectful nod, then finally turns his attention to the main screen to watch the ship begin it journey's first steps..

"Engine contact. Beginning final separation procedure..."

There was a repeated, reverberating clanging sound heard all about the ship, as the massive umbilical cables detached, and swung back into the hanger on building-sized retractable arms. For Tae Tsuguka is was an uncomfortable experience, like having cables pulled straight through them, leaving hatch-holes open to space. With a breath, she mentally slid the half dozen hull shutters closed and checked the integrity, feeling a sudden burst of reactor heat swell inside her chest.

"Separation complete. Beginning preliminary taxiing maneuvers until safe distance from the facility."

Another low rumbling noise, and a slight jolt of inertia- Tae followed protocol and used ion engines only at first, to avoid damaging the shipyard complex. From the viewport on the bridge, it seemed like they were slowly plunging into a great twinkling abyss...

"Activating Azure I anti-grav, now... ETA to referenced transition point, five minutes, ten seconds..."

It was a weird sensation, like the floorboards were suddenly hollow, or made of wood. The strangely brooding Tengu at the controls was altering the mass of the ship, causing it to propel itself forwards slightly faster.

Cutting into Cytari's workflow, a small, dead eyed mini-neko suddenly ghosted into their augmented feild of view, the color of polished cherries. For several seconds they said nothing, and then glanced up at the chief engineer like they were about to demand a tax payment.

"Shoi... Please use the ADSR-4 line for power transfer to the Azure I unit, unless the CFS is active..." A cadet, and a small squishy cheeb of a hologram, but with narrow, ruthless looking cat-eyes. "I am only getting 97 percent efficiency in the inertia reduction due to... Internal sensor diagnosis... Suspected magnetic interference from the plasma containment unit's exit valve."

Small ships came with cramped components, who knew?...

Well, this angry jellybean knew, apparently.

While, Hiro was sitting, listening and plugged in through his SPINE, his mind kept wandering back to the room he shared with his fellow Tactical Officer Tae Tsuguka and was wishing he had Miu, his Electric Guitar, because new music ideas were running through his head feeling the thrumming of engines as the Yukika II began it's departure.

Subconciously, he began humming a tune. This action always helped him concentrate on the tasks before him.

"Control's got us tracked", Roy reported as he received traffic information for their ongoing departure. "Skies are clear, and our ship's looking like a pristine jewel from the control monitors." His lips curled to a smile. Whoever was manning traffic control, they had a good measure of humor to help shake the nerves off.

Yingzi, changed into the Type 42 bodysuit she normally wears, felt a bit out of place standing on the bridge. Being that she was 2nd shift, her seat was currently occupied by the other resident Nepleslian Red of the ship that just happened to be of the same occupation as herself. Subconsciously she wanted to default to Calliope Cardinal because part of her was telling her unlike her, Cardinal was a true Nepleslian Red being of the older Athena Type. But Yingzi actively ignored the image of THAT man of her virtualized childhood and focused on the moment, watching and listening to the interaction of the first shift.

The shifting of the ship beneath her made Ulla's bones feel like they had become subtley spongy all the joints tensing to compensate for the feel of the ship beneath her. The faintest humming pulled her from her task of cataloguing and flagging data points. She let out a breath she had forgotten she was holding. her eyes grew less distant and she peered over the spiraling bits of data on her lenses to give Hiro a long incredulous stare. Did he realize he was humming out loud? Before today Ulla had not met someone with such a musical mind. This would take some getting used to.

Her expression softened, her attention shifting instead to the ship's first Officer. " All personelle match provided rosters and my cursory scans indicate we have all expected equipment and supply aboard. No anomalies to be concerned with Chui Karasu"

Meanwhile, the Science Nepleslian currently manning the science station leaned back on the chair she was sitting on. Calliope had already fully customized her station to enable as much effectiveness as possible. The Shoi had spent quite some time attempting to memorise every minute detail regarding all of the science equipment that was going to be onboard the Nozomi II- perhaps even at the expense of her sleep.

Calliope glanced towards Yingzi as the other Nepleslian Red simply watched. Was she bothered by the other Shoi's prescence? Not particularly- but it was a little hard to tell given her tired and serious expression. Yingzi merely returned the glance back towards Calliope before returning to observe the science station.

The Science officer turned her irises back towards the holographic display as she read through the myriad of results the computer was returning to her regarding the Yukika's scientific equipment and scanners. She pivoted to look at the Captian- Tachiko, speaking in a calm manner, with perhaps some hints of tiredness creeping into her tone. "All science equipment and sensors are operating within optimal parameters, Motoyoshi-Taii. Awaiting further intructions ma'am" She nodded, before reffering a summary of the completed diagnostics of the Yukika to the Captians chair for her viewing if she so desired.

The First Officer observed the scene, finding that the crew was doing well for these first infant’s steps. Though… he swore he was hearing music from somewhere… Was someone tapping out a beat on a drum? Was someone else humming a tune? Perhaps the Captain had a musical crew on her hands… Whatever the sound was, Karasu Ryuu brought his feet together with a sharp thwack of leather-on-leather, addressing the bridge crew with his clear and confident voice.

“If you haven’t yet, take a moment to observe where your station’s nearest storage cabinets can be found. There’s where you’ll find your AMES, medical kits, tool kits, weapons and the like. Any additions or subtractions to the inventory of your stations’ storage container may be submitted to me for consideration.” He had worded this announcement carefully; more than a few bridge crews had a habit of quietly misusing their station storage cabinets as personal cubbies, packing them up with treats, fresh socks, unauthorized pets… It was best to nip such things in the bud, he felt, early on.

He then moved to approach the Piloting and Weapons station. He observed that Engineering had indeed readied systems, and that main CFS power was online. He paused there, his hands clasped behind his back. “Let’s see our CFS shields raised, once we’ve reached the appropriate distance.” he said thoughtfully, looking down at the backs of the heads of Lieutenant Hiyori Katamura and Acting Ensign Tsuguka Tae. The Captain’s initial orders had called for Readiness Condition 3, the ‘Duty’ condition. This required secured items, readily available protective suits, and raised CFS shields. This was likely already on Tactical’s to-do list as Engineering had just brought power up to ‘cruising’, but it was not irregular for bridge officers to issue directives to take the next expected steps.

With a few keystrokes, Hiyori completed some last minute adjustments to the ship's departure plan and submitted the adjustments to flight control and Tsuguka.

Tsuguka turned their head to glance at the first officer's order without blinking, the gruff oni giving him the energy of a housecat seeing ghosts. They were processing the hierarchy of authority, and deciding if he actually had adequate standing to counteract standard port safety routines.

"Order confirmed, Chui Karasu." A voice smooth and calm. Almost to the point of being robotic. "Bringing the CFS online now. One seventh power to the engines..."

The offputting gravity manipulation of the Azure gave way to the popping, bowflex sensation of the combined field system activating instantaneously. Despite an omnipresent 'Shrooowkkk~' sound, the laws of reality seemed to reset to normal- Placing the entire ship into its own pocket gravity bubble, rather than merely bending physics.

Lack of reference points made the view out of the main viewscreen not change at all, but the YSS Yukika II was now making it's way to 0.1 times the speed of light quite handily.

"Course corrections received. Updated positional data relayed." She looked back at the screen, but still failed to blink... To be fair, she probably didn't have to keep her eyes open at all... "New ETA to the transition zone at current speed is one minute ten seconds."

Hiro Nakamitsu was the next to receive a visit from the ghostly cat puppet, its red face unemotive to the point of mocking.

<"Honourable Secondary Tactical Operator Shoi Nakamitsu..."> A gruff little voice in his ear. <"If this musical projection does not perform a vital function, could you examine my storage cabinet for unauthorized items please?... I am occupied flying a space vessel.">

Hiro's humming stopped briefly as Tae's voice filtered into his ears. <"Shoi Kohosei-Tsuguka, my humming helps me concentrate. However, I doubt any contraband has made it onto the ship, being as we are just leaving now."> Hiro looks over to where Tae is seated. <"However, once we get a chance to explore the ship, I will check the storage we share and ensure nothing within it are contraband.">

The crimson lynx slowly turned their real life head, yellow eyes wide open and unblinking, fixing Hiro with a gaze like she was trying to burn a hole right through him. He had activated an emotion.

Meanwhile, the virtual puppet was still there, and remained totally calm, it's pervasive positivity somehow only making it seem even more smug.

<"Honourable Secondary Tactical Operator Shoi Nakamistu, have you considered someone might plant an explosive specifically to deal with the piloting staff during their maiden voyage?"> It implored him. <"Would that not, in fact, be the perfect time to plant such a device?...">

Oh, so it seemed the red neko, had an angry streak in her. This was going to be interesting, seeing as they would would be sharing quarters. It was true that Hiro could be somewhat easygoing, however that was only when he was off duty. He wasn't sure how to handle what seemed to be slightly unhinged and paranoid thinking which was racing through Tae head.

<"Honourable Shoi Kohosei-Tsuguka, as feasible as it may seem for someone to slip an explosive onto the ship. Everything they would have to do to get past the strict security measures for a new ship like the Yukika II, makes it highly unlikely."> He visibly took a breath as while he and Tae were communicating through their minds, he was always watching everything that was going on around him. <"I am not saying your worries are unfounded, however it is also unlikely that the ship's mind hasn't already done a sweep for any sort of dangerous contrband.">

"And why do you think I wouldn't have noticed?" Yukika Futaba's avatar appeared, quite suddenly, beind Tae's and wrapped her virtual arms around the smaller, more chibified image of the cadet. A quick, soft hug, and then she released her fellow ghost in the machine. "Thank you for your concern, Tsuguka-Kohosei."

Tsuguka repressed a quivering sensation in unaugmented reality, hesitant about the fact that they had not properly beseeched the Yukika II's resident machine-kami since the internal shrines were first founded, or verbally offered them respect after launching. Alas, they were merely an acting officer as much as an acting miko, and did not have the authority to disrupt standard procedure.

This mental situation did, at least, save Hiro from a continued withering gaze-

"Darling Kami Yukika-Sama, we are but feathers in your arrow!~" The red catgirl's virtual doll made a prostrating kowtow in cyberspace, palms forming in a perfect triangle in the air. In total contrast to how she spoke to basically anyone else, her husky voice took on a special, deep warmth that was both naive and cherishing. "Personal items and luggage are beneath your superior concerns! Please address us with your needs! Your faithfull crew would be most willing to attend to your wise and noble desires!~"

"Please watch where you are driving me, Tsuguka-Kohosei," the ship's avatar stated in an emotionless monotone, devoid of the earlier warm nuance, before disappearing from both Tsuguka's and Hiro's awarenesses.

Dejected by the change in the ship's change of emotion, Tae could only wonder what she did wrong. Her ravenous cherishment and affection for the darling machine-spirit was one small act of humanity that they allowed themselves, and it had just been metaphysically placed in a cupboard beyond their reach.

"You outrank me, so it's purely your prerogative, Shoi Nakamitsu." The pixelated doll froze, lagged, then disappeared. "My extended efforts come purely from the concept it only has to happen in error or sabotage, once."

At the raising of the shields, Ryuu nodded and returned to his standing position near his chair. "Readiness Condition Three, Captain." he reported simply.

Once the Yukika II had cleared the hangar doors and was heading into open space, and then clear of the station altogether, only then did Tachiko allow herself another breath. Her ears returned to their upright position from slightly back in apprehension, and she released her white-knuckled grip on the arms of the commander's seat.

"Tak~ ahem," Tachiko cleared her throat softly before continuing, "Helm, when at safe distance from station, bring plasma engines to full sublight cruise, and take us into a manual insert– high prograde equatorial parking orbit of Sharie II, circularized. Nav One, get the Cadet the numbers for manual burn, Nav Two, find plasma sublight transfer for Sharie III gravity-assist encounter at full cruise to get us to the FTL radius in the outer gravity well."

Tachiko exhaled once more, whatever breath remained in her after finishing her orders. For ever so brief of a moment, she relaxed limply into the deceptively-comfortable Type 35 chair before remembering herself and returning to a more commanding posture.

"We will begin training simulation mid-transfer."

Leaning back on his chair, Roy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The ship worked, it didn't crash, didn't throw any weird warnings, and it didn't turn into a miniature black hole. For someone like him, and with how advanced Yamatai's tech is, it may as well be magic capable of simply erasing the whole ship out of existance in the blink of an eye. He had tried to keep up to speed, but there was so much to catch up on. But in the end he decided to simply revert to his tried and true method of winging it, learning things as they become relevant.

For now, as the guy behind the comms, he only had to monitor for any comm traffic. At the moment, he could lean back and kick his feet up on the console. He'd only do the first half of that of course. Military types tend to be sticks in the mud when on duty, and he didn't fancy disrupting the peace on the bridge. Though he had heard some humming during liftoff and hadn't heard anyone say anything against it, so this crew might not be that stiffling to work with.

"Oh! Um... ah, yes, plasma sublight transfer to Sharie III, grav assist, full cruise," confirmed Yuki. Her eyes widened, ears flattening a bit. So enrapt had she been at following what everyone else was doing that she'd neglected her own job. After all, a much wiser and more experienced joto heisho had pointed out to her that what separated a good navigator from an okay navigator was anticipating the captain's needs and having the most likely needed courses ready so that she wouldn't have to wait.

She might have forgotten to do that.

Her normally pale face flushed. Luckily, it was a relatively easy course to plot, in normal space for the whole length, something she should be able to do in her sleep. It was, though, the first real duty she'd gotten to do for her new ship, and her fingers were far from steady as she started working out the calculations.

The Captain sat back in her chair, a smile starting to creep across her face, ever so slightly and slowly, though it never quite got past an asymmetrical, crooked, vague half-smile, though her ears did flick in delighted relief. Things were going well. So far.

"Thank you, Nav Two," she said, when Yuki confirmed her orders. "Nav One, get the conn that solution for manual burn."

"Yumia-Hei," Tachiko spoke aloud for the benefit of everyone on the bridge, sending it over the comms to the Caretaker, "Please bring tea service onto the bridge while we cruise to orbital insertion. Oolong for me, thank you."

She looked around at her crew, with the bridge packed with both shifts occupying every available seat. "Is everyone all right? No issues?" There was a bit of concern in her voice, despite the more relaxed posture and expression; she was not about to stand down entirely.

As the Yukika II reached closer to cruising speed, a wobbling ring of light began to form around the two front thirds of the vessel. Tsuguka instinctively knew this was the event horizon of the FCS, obliterating fine particulate space dust- But it looked far more enthralling inside a large craft, and outside of a simulation.

"All functional control assemblies are tested and working, Taii. Drive system vibrations are within acceptable limits." Tsuguka addressed their captain without turning, somewhat misunderstanding the purpose of the question. To them it was just an error report, and you could see the gears in their head turning as they mentally ran through diagnostics. "No obstacles of a physical, metaphysical or emotional nature obscure our path to the destination."

Sharp yellow eyes regarded the green haired catgirl next, a short green haired shoi called Yuki, with which she shared little familiarity.

"Awaiting navigation data to begin translation."

Hiro could see how ramped up with an excited nervousness everyone was, outside of the training sims during training the feel of an actual ship humming with life was exhilerating for him. This was the maiden voyage of the new ship he would be crewing. He wasn't actively doing anything, so he was simply watching and absorbing everything around him. However, with the looks he had gotten for humming, he instead switched to a light tapping to the beat of the humming engine.

The manual insertion burn both computed and completed with aplomb, Tachiko allowed herself another notch of relaxation down— a slightly softer half-smile, a bit of a lean to one side. "Excellent work, everyone," she praised, with the softer voice with which she was more accustomed to speaking, rather than the elevated, stiffened energy of command.

As the solution to the transfer-to-slingshot-encounter was accepted by the navigation systems, manual control relinquished, Santō Hei Yumia Mitsuko, the Yukika II's Caretaker came onto the bridge through the port side doors, pushing a gravity cart laden with tea service. It was going to be quite a long trip, even at the significant bite into relativistic speed of full turbo æther-plasma cruise.

It was plenty of time and tea for everyone's guard to lower, shifts to change more than once, sleep cycles to be slept, and meals to be served. The first of that last being a Takeda House-worthy collaboration between the gourmet restauranteur captain herself and the very skilled ship's cook, Hirata-Hei.

A few days later, at the midpoint of the orbital transfer maneuver to the system's outer planet, and Tachiko allowed herself more than a half-smile. It became an almost-smirk as she made a shipwide announcement not long after first shift relieved second.

"Begin training scenario."

The bridge was suddenly plunged into dim red emergency lighting, with red flashes in time with the repeating audio message in the voice of Yukika Futaba. The avatar herself was bathed in an eerie red light that seemed to cast deeper shadows on her face than it should, as she stood by the entrance to the captain's ready room.

"There is a fire in starboard pylon cargo. Engaging automated fire suppression systems." Futaba paused a moment. "Fire suppression systems offline and unresponsive."

First Officer Karasu Ryuu winced at hearing the location of the simulated fire. 'Right next to my office.' he thought to himself, suppressing a wry grin. He'd since moved to the back of the Bridge near the Caretaker's station, not that he had any intent on serving up drinks or snacks to the crew. He stepped forward, speaking up to the avatar.

"Lieutenant Futaba, could you bring up a visual of the cargo bay's interior?" he asked, curious to see whether the training simulation would include a visual animation of a fire on the cameras.

To the rest of the bridge, he continued. "In the storage cabinets next to each of your consoles, there are fire suppression tools, and of course the AMES hazard suits. In case it becomes necessary, let's have a few volunteers get their suits on and prepare to fight these fires manually." He considered suiting up himself, but chose instead to wait; the Captain was on the Bridge as well, of course, and may have her own ideas about how she'd like the issue dealt with, depending on what the video feeds revealed.

When the announcement of the training scenario came through, Roy had thought they were going to have some star fighters to blow up, but it seemed like it was going to be a fire drill. Being the comms guy, he'd be one of the last people to suit up and fight a fire unless that fire was right next door. Wait, that room was right next door! First things first though, he'd have to at least notify the whole rest of the crew before anything else.

He'd patch his voice throughout the ship's speakers, saying "A fire has broken out on the main deck, inside the starboard cargo room by the bridge and escape pods. Nearby crew, be ready to respond but do not rush in. Automated fire suppression systems are offline and the situation is still being analyzed. AMES hazard suits may be required." The latter two rooms he mentioned was for the benefit of those who did not know the ins and outs of the ship. Surely even the least studious would take note of where those two rooms were.

Roy checked his storage cabinet to find the aforementioned tools and hazard suit, but then closed the door after checking. He figured he was more useful here than fighting fires, but it was preferred to know where things were.

Yuki had just settled into bed. Dinner could wait, but after her watch she liked a quick little nap, before getting back up to take care of things before a longer, more deep sleep. It wasn't quite meditation, but refreshing herself after the turnover just felt like the right thing to do.

Then the alarm went off, and she sat bolt upright. Instinct had her reaching for her uniform to yank it back on, even before she heard the announcement of the fire and its location. Even though the cargo bay was a decent distance from her room, she still felt it prudent to check the door for heat before peeking her head out the door, looking and sniffing for smoke.

Calliope's eyes shot open from the sudden alarm, before settling back down to their usual unimpressed expression as they scanned through the warning message now obscuring her view of the Yukika's scientific readouts on her station. The green paneled Nepleslian flicked along her monitor to check on any available information on the fire from the Yukika's internal sensors, pursing her lips, and also verifying if the area could be feasibly depressurized to kill the flames that way if it was necessary.

Having been spending some time looking over some of the first round of medical check-ups on the crew, nearly halfway through the first required round of testings, to ensure he could heal up any issues that came up. Then out of the blue.. General quarters!! That certainly raises an eyebrow as he listens to the whole announcent..

"Nurse Carmine, prep for possible burn and smoke inhalation treatments ASAP please!" She immediately nods and focuses to task, "Yes my CMO!" He himself gets up and grabs a number of portible self-contained oxygen masks, stuffing them into his full sized medical bag, except one he puts around his own neck just in case.. As Carmine starts to ready the medical bay, he stops at the door and speaks over the main comms, "This is Dr. Ushiba, Med Bay is preparing for any injury needs. I'm heading over that way to assist on sight." He says in a calm confident voice.

Then strolling across the hall to open his own doorway to his cabin. "Nurse Takano, Shield Yoshida, activate and follow!" To which a pair of personalized FARS light up and hover promptly to his side and just above him left and right. One having medical diagnostic functions, and the other a defensive energy shield integration that *should* temporarily block heat if he had to go in personally to rescue someone. Lastly, grabbing firefighting gear as he heads towards the bay in question, focused on the task at hand.. "Nobody is dying on MY first emergency call!"

This was certainly unexpected, Hiro had figured the drill would be something exterior related not the interior. However, since he wasn't needed on the bridge, and this would give him a chance to stretch his legs.

That decided he walked over to one of the storage units and did a visual check of the contents, ensuring that everything he would need was there. He looked around the bridge before donning the AMES Hazard Suit and grabbed a fire suppression unit. "Dr. Ushiba, Shoi Nakamitsu, I am responding with Fire Suppression."

With that the humming would begin again as he left the bridge and went through in his head the steps and procedures for crew responding to a fire. The humming helped him concentrate.

Rushed out of her cabin after donning her Army Multi-Species Environmental Suit. Since it was still first shift's turn on the bridge, she made her way towards the Combined Science Lab that was acting as the ship's Medbay. Unless she was directed towards whatever damage control was needed, she could function as an unofficial nurse due to her science augmented medical training. But then she stopped midway, realizing she might be more useful elsewhere.

"Where is this fire!?" Yingzi paged the ship's MEGAMI so she could actually help with the fire.

Tachiko was donning her own environmental suit as the flurry of activity unfolded around her. "Get our automated systems back online and contain this fire, everyone!"

There were several more alarms as minor systems began to fail as well—here and there lights flickered, volumetrics blurred, and doors stuck partway. It was as if some cascading failure were beginning to take hold of the entire ship.

"Shoi Yingzi, this is Shoi Nakamitsu, I am leaving the bridge now. Gather those you can who are off duty, I will meet you on the way towards the Starboard Cargo Pylon." He wasn't in charge in any means however, someone needed to get things moving while, Taii Tachiko issued orders from the bridge.

He was already decked out in his environmental suit, but before he left he made sure to check the storage by the station which he and Shoi Kohosei Tsuguka shared, to make sure that if a fire broke out on the bridge she and the others could respond. He began moving from the bridge to the Cargo area.

"Engineering, get our systems back online!" Roy would re-issue the captain's command to the technicians. "Staff on-site of the fire outbreak, report on the current situation. If anything smells toxic, say so immediately and let AMES-equipped personnel handle the fire. Those without environmental protection suits, equip one as soon as you can. We are experiencing multiple system failures. I repeat: We are experiencing multiple system failures, equip an AMES ASAP!"

As soon as he was done with the orders, Roy pulled out a suit for himself while he could since he had predictions. A fire breaking out was bad enough, but with the ship experiencing this many failures, an airlock opening up and depressurizing the whole ship was a possibility. Or a boarding party was about to say hello. Ship systems going on the fritz just as a fire starts? Sounded like an ideal start to an engagement. If that were the case, either they ran into significantly well-armed pirates, or a rival nation. Who knows, perhaps Yamatai had their fair share of rogue agents. It would explain how they were able to cause this much chaos on a ship as fresh as this.

Yuki's eyes widened a bit at the litany of reports, and promptly ducked back into her room, quickly tugging on her AMES. Not that there was ever really a minor fire, but this quickly sounded to be more bothersome than most. Finding where she'd stowed hers in her room took a bit of work, though, and she banged her knee on her bunk in her haste to get it out at the same time as trying to slip out of her sleep clothes. Soon, thouh, she was back out the door--cautiously--to join the firefighting party.

But the technicians didn't respond to Roy's call. There was only silence, punctuated with static, on any channel. The doors to the pylon cargo bay were closed on either side, whether directly or through decon, and unresponsive to commands to open them. Inside, the Universal Hemosynthetic Fabrication System and the shipwide volumetrics system that's part and parcel was simulating an actual fire inside with amazing fidelity. The climate control system was doing its part as well, creating a realistic temperature gradient of heat, uncomfortable but not dangerous, radiating from the closed hatches.

"Captain," the ship's avatar said aloud, on the bridge, while wirelessly transmitting the same to all present, "I am unable to open these doors, as it appears to be an issue at the actuator's firmware level. Furthermore, it also appears the communication lines to the technicians are functioning correctly—they are simply not being recieived. Or being ignored. Or they are unable to respond."

"No response from MEGAMI... fascinating." Yingzi said to herself before she started running towards engineering. When she got Nakamitsu-shoi's message, she busted into a damage control alcove and grabbed what fire-fighting equipment she could carry not knowing what was causing the fire for her to properly assess to the proper counter. She then continued running towards the starboard cargo pylon.

Yingzi tried to open the cargo bay, linking directly to the ship's computer systems to make the request. Not getting any response, she cursed to herself in korelandese.

"Where the frail are the technicians?!" she said to no one in particular.

Doc being one of the first on the scene, checks that food storage and life support nearby are still safe from the fire..

Then he chimes into the ship's avatar channel as well as anyone listening too, "I need a FULL head count right now! Is anyone NOT accounted for? If we can confirm we know where everyone is, I suggest we launch an EVA or power armor unit outside and manually open it just enough to slowly decompress the cargo bay. Snuff it now before it spreads.. Unless we can regain control fairly quickly. Last thing we need is Life Support compromised."

Finally done, he checks to see what more he can do on site..

"Assuming it is a chemical based fire. If it is plasma-based, that is not going to do much other then to finally get us into there. I can't tell from here." Yingzi said, feeling utterly useless at the moment.

"But seriously, what is the engineering department doing over there? I haven't seen a single technician coming this way." she continued in response to Doc's comments.

"All personnel are aboard the ship." Futaba answered them all together. "The engineering and technical team are all in Engineering except for the IT technician, who is in the computer room."

On the bridge, the projected avatar looked over at the Captain. "It seems that—" She cut herself off, the volumetric projection tilting her head slightly to the side and blinking.

"Captain... Someting is Wr- w-w-W-WRR-W-W—" she never finished, an annoying, high-pitched electronic buzzing loudly interrupted both her voice and the communication channels. The avatar disappeared, and last of the the ship's lighting plunged into near-darkness, with only the backup-emergency lights now glowing weakly along the floor at the baseboards of the bulkheads.
Having now slipped into his protective suit, Roy paused to wonder if this darkness was still part of the drill or something really was wrong. Now he'd been with the star army for a few years now, and while he'd never had anyone have drills which lead to fatalities, he kept that possibility in mind. After all, in a society where people can just be cloned and implanted with their previous selves' brain scans, such demonstrations may not be so out of this world.

But he sure as hell wasn't going to go out like that, no matter how hard they tried. Using the suit's radio, he hopped onto the comms once more, seeing as the ship-based communication channels were not functioning as it should. "This is Roy. Anyone receiving this, we need personnel to check on engineering and computer rooms. Anyone at the cargo room? What's the situation?"

"The door is jammed. One of us will need to try to access the cargo hold via the maintenance conduits." Yingzi replied back, hearing Roy not on the ship-based communication channels. She instinctively tried those and was greeted only with silence. Most unusual.

"I'll go check on the requested locations." she said, placing down her toolkit bag she was holding and proceeded with the required task. Since she did not have the authorization to access the computer room, she decided to see if there was anything wrong with the main entrance of the MEGAMI room before proceeding to Engineering where she could access.

She kind of grumbled to herself internally at how things were unfolding. For a training drill, it seemed to be drawing on all the right emotions for all the wrong reasons. And she couldn't help herself that she was a leading cause for all of it. She would have to contact Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing later to see if there were any psyche eval/altering and implant diagnostic programs she needed to install to ensure she continued to be efficient.

"With how long the fire's been burning, we're at risk of a backdraft if that door opens," Roy would warn. "We'll have to ventilate from a high point or open up the airlocks as suggested before." He turned to the captain before sending the PA teams. "Shosa, requesting permission to have power armor teams 1 and 2 deployed to force the airlock and decontamination doors open from the outside while 3 and 4 can assist with the doors inside the ship."

Hiro was standing there with Yingzi and the Doctor. While everything was happening on the bridge, he was looking over the jammed door into the cargo pylon. "Shoi Savage, this is Shoi Nakamitsu. I can split the difference with Shoi Radcliffe. I'll head towards the Computer rooms, while if she is willing to check on Engineering."

At this point he wasn't sure if this were more then just a drill. As he headed towards the Computer section, the words from his bunkmate Tae kept ringing through his head and he began to wondder if this was sabotage and not just a drill.

The doors to engineering weren't held shut. No, the opposite: they hung, yawning open to expose the black depths of the lightless deck beyond. Nothing but the safety lights demarcating safe paths through the enginering deck, and the low, pulsing glow of emergency-backup power machinery illuminated the deep darkness. Within, there were shadows lying in the paths. The engineering team lay still on the floor, unmoving.

"Carmine, this is Ejiri, we have three casualties in Engineering," Shinobu, the Security Officer, sent over the backup suit comms, as she pushed in past Hiro and Yingzi.

Being as the CMO is pretty much right there with them heading into Engineering, this is by far a troubling sight to behold.. Turning to his pair of SARS, "I need light." To which they both will turn on their onboard lights to help illuminate things better. He is immediately on the comms to add in, "To anyone who can hear this is the CMO, Engineering is dark and we have crewman down! Repeat, we have crewman down! I'm going in to check on them, this looks seriously bad!"

In fact, as he goes in he almost instinctively flips the safety on his sidearm, ready in case something tries to jump out of the shadows.. He's well trained after all for a reason. "Everyone stay alert.." He makes his way over to the nearest one and has his 'nurse' SAR start to take readings as he checks the crewman out himself. The 'shield' SAR shining it's light around to keep watch and look for anything out of the ordinary. Even if this WHOLE situation is out of the ordinary..

"Can someone try and get power back up in here?"

Seeing what was happening in Engineering reminded him of the training incidents during officer training. The walking "wounded", the "dead", and the severely "wounded". He turned to Yingzi, "Shoi Radcliffe, can you work on the power reset, I am going to check on the Computer Room." He knew that not everyone had access to the brains of the ship, but as one of the tactical officers, he did.

That being said he began to make his way to the access door into the Computer area, as he moved he was careful not to step on any of the "downed" engineers, nor jostle anything. His shoulder light was on to guide his movement.

"I'll see what I can do." Yingzi flatly said now that the Chief Medical Officer was handling the casualties. She had a very rough understanding of Aether power as a concept, but she hadn't a clue how it worked from a practical standpoint such as the aether reactor. So she shown a light on the control panels and started looking for anything that looked like a power switch, power control panel, a priming station, anything really.

She resisted the urge to mumble to herself that she was a scientist not an engineer, but that was not going to solve anything. She did know that the reactor consisted of the generator, its electromagnetic field, and the capacitor. So she went about checking the status of the each component by pulling up readouts at a nearby console.

"Sounds like a plan. Send them." Tachiko replied to Roy.

With a nod, Roy sent in the order for the teams to be dispatched. 1 and 2 going to handle the airlock externally, while 3 and 4 got internal doors to ship systems open.

The security officer accompanied Hiro to the computer room, opening the door using the manual override. When the doors to the computer room slid open, a warning from the suit's sensors screamed in Hiro's helmet's HUD: "MISHHUVURTHYAR PARASITE DETECTED." The IT Tech turned, smiled, then turned back and started trying to open the doors to the Captain's stateroom, and through that, the Bridge.

Well, this wasn't good, had the training exercise become a real threat evewnt? "Doc, we have a situation in here. My helmet HUD is stating that there is a Mishhuvurthyur Parasite detected." As he was stating what was going on he began moving towards Santo Hei Kama, he pulled the saber at his hip. "I believe that Santo Hei Kama may be infected." He definitely was thinking this was something other then the training exercise. Even so, he flipped the saber to the flat side, he didn't want to kill Koko. Plus, he wasn't sure if killing her would let the parasite escape.

She got distracted for a moment with she could heard the word parasite being thrown around. She drew her NSP and kept looking around at the slightest noise as she tried to make heads and tails of said readout. It was all Engineering Elysian to her, so she opted to look for a power switch.

Tsuguka had been incredibly irritable and twitchy throughout the entire exercise, forced to imagine not just the flames and the ghosts of intruders, but the sacrilege of her precious kami's abode being defiled... But she was the pilot, and one of the lowest ranking at that, leaving her with little wiggle room to be proactive.

"C-Captain, if I may!" She turned around in her bucket seat and raised a hand assertively, though not without an unstable squeak in her voice. The voidsuit didn't suit her. "B-because o-our holy protector Taii Futaba is... indisposed... The risk of many more undetected hull breaches or intruders is quite high... W-with your p-permission, ma'am, may I request to access one of the shuttle's sensor systems?... As a method of ascertaining our current defensive state?"

"That would be an excellent idea, Tsuguka," Tachiko acknowleged, but smiled as the lights all came back on and the alerts quieted.

Inside the computer room, the security officer had cornered the IT Technician, at which point, with a hissing equalization of pressure, the black, coffinlike box in the center opened, and the machine body of Yukika Futaba rose from it like a tropey vampire in an old film. "Excellent work, Nakamitsu-Shōi!"

The captain's voice echoed over the comms, "All hands, report to the wardroom for lunch and debriefing. Good job everyone!"
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