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Approved Character Yuki Toshiro


Inactive Member
(Note: The general form of the Yggdrasill has been somewhat pre-approved by Wes here, meaning it will exist in SOME form if my character is approved: https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=29019#29019

Also, My bio seems...long...compared to some of the ones I see here...sorry about that. Also, While he has the skills below, I hope he can learn more in the RP. I don't even have space left for "Fighting"! O.O Most salvage people are supposedly simple guys...not this one.

(To eliminate confusion and obscene amounts of wasted reading time, the original bio has been removed so that the only bio that exists is the approved one two posts below.)
Typically we like shorter histories, because longer ones usually contain a lot of details that should be RPed out instead of simply written down, but despite the length I think yours is pretty good. It goes into a lot of detail but it's all family stuff, so that's cool, but I really don't think that Kenichi's family would have been kept in the dark about everything unless Kenichi was on a secret op.

At first I thought the personality was too general, but as you went on you got more specific, and you definitely did a great job on that. It's obvious you put a lot of thought into this character, and while it's a bit more special than new characters tend to be, it is original and you seem to have cleared it all with Wes.

It does sort of bug me that the character is so special and skilled, though. We prefer that a character gain prestige and skill through RP, if for no other reason than a new player might not know exactly how everything works, and if his character is supposed to, the player might be stuck in a rut. So the only real issue I see is the skills, and perhaps a few references to big battles Toshiro's seen should be removed. It's not really befitting of an 18 year old to have so much experience and skill. After that issue is addressed there's no reason this character shouldn't be approved.
Wiki: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yuki_toshiro

Firstly, I left the battle Kenichi was in pretty open-ended, simply because I didn't know enough about the RP's history to give a battle name, and if I DID give a battle or ship name, that would have been the retroactive assignment of an NPC, which could have been trouble, especially if Toshiro ever met someone assigned to that ship. Kenichi is missing, and since no battle or ship was given, no plot-holes.

Secondly, I can see what you mean about the skills...after some thought, there are some things that can be done:

For Engineering, Toshiro has a good ingenuity skill as shown by the Yggdrasill, but perhaps I should just start him off in more basic general knowledge, and have him learn as I learn (when IC reasons are given, of course, likely have him find new tech while scavenging and learn more as he went) so maybe Engineering will be skill in conventional technologies, and research skills to learn more as he finds new things.

Leadership he can learn as time goes on, though his nature gives him some leadership attributes already, like openmindedness, respect, and inginutiy.

Medical I don't think needs to be compromised on too much, except maybe the "multiple races" part. He should be able to treat humans, Geshrin, Yamataians, and other basic types of humanoid beings. He's no doctor, more like an equivalent of an EMT, perhaps. That's not something that's hard to learn, one semester of first aid at a community college or a high school can reach you the things I listed, and basic human anatomy could be another semester.

Knowledge, he should still learn as much as possible, but he need not start of knowing so much, I suppose. Still, he should be able to know some things about his trade, and at least be able to identify basic component types and systems, and know how to repair them. He also needs to know enough to have opinions and ideals.

Starship Operations neededn't change too much, as it applies more to the Yggdrasill's custom systems, though he could figure out basic functions on another ship if he had to, especially if it was another Vampire-type.

Technology operations...Not sure what to do here. He needs at least SOME programming skill to build the Yggdrasill's systems and link them together properly. Logic and efficiency are also plausible, though perhaps he needn't the ability to code a sentient AI right away. More study for him.

Fighting may become an eventual necessity, but right now, his battle experience is nill, so it isn't even listed to begin with.

The big battles should be taken out, I casn see that now. Perhaps the RP should start on the Yggdrasill's first real non-test run...

It doesn't make him too spectacular, but he can improve with time.
Are those modifications acceptable?

If they are, I'll post a revised version of the bio. If not, please tell me what else needs done.

Edit: might as well post the edit now. ^^

Name: Yuki Toshiro

General Information

Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Family (or Creators): Born in YE 11 to Yuki Daisuke and Yuki Yuriko. Had one older brother in the Star Army of Yamatai, Pilot Yuki Kenichi, MIA, YE 26, aged 20 at the time. Presumed Deceased in Line of Duty. Has two younger sisters, Yuki Mariko, aged 15, and Yuki Shinobu, aged 7.
Employer: None
Occupation: Search, Rescue, Salvage, possibly Mining
Rank: N/A
Current Assignment: N/A

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6' 0â€
204,260 KS

-1,200 KS for Mizuho's Chocolate Stash
-300 KS for Mizuho's clothes

202,760 KS
207,760 KS

-110 KS for Taiie Warehouse

-1600 KS down, 200 KS monthly (first and last month) at Midori No Umi Orbital Storage

205,650 KS
205,650 KS

-600 KS for Neutronium from Super Demon

-5,000 KS for Kairi's freedom (using Mizuho Reward Money)

+175 KS salvaged

+4,500 KS sales from selling items
204,725 KS
207,775 KS

- 50,000 KS Lorath Long Term Salvage License (1 year)
- 500 KS Addition for Alucard on above License
- 75 KS Shaun's Pay
- 125 KS Kairi's Pay
150,075 KS
148,800 KS
- 75 KS (Shaun's Pay)
- 125 KS (Kairi's Pay)
148,600 KS
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