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Approved Character [Zenikaze school plot] Makoto Mikratos

ok, so my characters done i think, so i posted it. I added Reynolds to the tag since i wasn't sure if i shouldn't or not. I hope this is ok.
...I swear I sent this message before but yeah, asexually reproduced daughter has my thumbs up.
Mostly looks good from a skim, though it’s probably ideal you choose a martial art for them
In looking at the list of martial arts, Sora-Mai, and Shadow Viper caught my attention, but I did originally want her to be a Ninja, but she wasn’t born into a clan. I did see that one was allowed two martial arts but was that an old allowance and it’s no longer allowed?

I’ll go add them once I get confirmation, since I want to be absolutely sure.
I haven’t seen that before but everyone has basically stuck to one especially given they’re all young and new
oki dokie, then the style i have added and chosen is the Shadow Viper style.
well after several failed attempts to link it i have given up as the martial arts page is in a really dumb address and cannot be linked to

character is looking good anyhow, there's no current thread so if you wanted to do a jp to have your character introduced to the school and such im always available,
No this is absolutely denied 100% never want this character again

Yep, everything is looking good and we can always use more students at the anime school of combat, all approved from me
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