Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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ZKC - Colliding Universes


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
(OOC: This is an RP being done between Toshiro and myself, although if anyone is interested in joining just hit us up on IRC)

Ruined city of Tokyo Japan

It had been several years since the war had started, millions dead, thousands more displaced. The world had gone from being entirely habitable, to now having very few places where people could live.

In the ruined city of Tokyo, such an existence was present. The tall structures of the city were no more, toppled over and in a state of advanced decay. People tried to go about their lives, living in whatever buildings they could find that wouldn't collapse the very next day.

A bustling, yet fragile, community existed amongst these ruined buildings. This community however was a combination of both humans and ESPers, all trying to ilk out of an existence away from the war that was ravaging the planet.

Hidden amongst this city was a seventeen year old ESPer, the teenage girl sat on top of a ruined skyscraper, her gaze looking over what was considered to be this communities town square. She wore a plain brown robe that covered her from top to bottom, with the hood up and over her face to protect her from the current weather.

It was raining right now, and raining hard, but it wasn't any normal rain. This kind of rain was deadly to non-ESPers, which was why the streets of this makeshift city only had ESPers walking around right now as they had the ability to protect themselves from what many considered to be acid rain.

"It's tranquiel," remarked the girl as she glanced up at the sky, a small barrier just a few inches in front of her protected her face. "But why did it have to happen.... it was so peaceful seven years ago..."
A person wearing a trenchcoat and a battered and scarred motorcycle helmet entered the city limits, the electric two-wheeled vehicle having since been modified to emit a hemispherical transparent cover and to run on both battery and esper-based electrical power. As such, it could not be identified if he was human or esper out on the road, and thus he often escaped attack. Pulling into a small-standing remnant of a building fashioned into a garage, he got out of the vehicle and carried a large parcel with him.

It wasn't easy to secure materials, but he did his best to help assemble infrastructure and continue his research into Esper, however, he brought something special. Textbooks from the ruins of a school filled his bike's storage compartment today. Knowledge left over from the pre-war era for the next generation to absorb. There were even a few laptops and some office supplies as well, the find useful for the makeshift school in the basement of the building's remains. With every bit of learning they could provide, the next generation was better suited to helping rebuild.
Her ears twitched as she stared out over the ruins; she glanced downward and moved her hand slowly across the surface of the ruined building. A faint trace of energy could be seen spreading outward from it, cascading across and through the city.

"He's here," she said and stood up; glancing back up at the sky before taking a step off the edge of the roof and plummeting twenty stories to the street below, where she landed gracefully.

She stuffed her hands into her robes pocket and casually walked down the street. Vendor stalls flanked either side, with merchents - all of which were ESPers - plied their trade with other ESPers who were out for the day.

One of the merchents there waved at the young girl, to which she waved right on back. After some time walking she found herself standing in front of a ruined garage, she could hear some children playing nearby but didn't go to check, instead she walked into the building and into the garage, where she noticed a bike and a pile of items.

Her eyes then fell upon the young man, which caused her to smile wide. "I see you found some more books and stuff," she said, walking up behind and hugging the boy.
The young man felt the embrace of his younger sibling on his back, and looked back at her. With a smile, he gave a nod and showed the contents of the pack.

"Yes. There are some pre-war textbooks here for the children this time. It's all well and good for us to be able to survive here, but they need to be armed with knowledge to drag themselves out of the mess the last generation made of this place. Also some laptops that work, some software, and other assorted things. We'll actually be able to teach them more history and sciences with these. There are even some electronics textbooks."

He went inside with Sakura, walking into the basement and the building proper. He took his helmet and trench-coat off in a teleportation-based flash, replacing the tinted visor with his regular sunglasses. He made his way to the library area, and started entering the new books into the cataloging system. Children in nearby rooms could be heard, being watched and cared for or taking classes. His home had been made into a crèche of sorts, with a school curriculum integrated.

"So, Sakura, how are you doing? Did anything new happen while I was away?"
Sakura had followed her brother, taking her robe off and setting it down on the back of an old beat up chair. "Just a few drones flying over the city, but I don't think Osirius noticed any activity. Problem is," the teenager sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "It's really only a matter of time before they figure out that there are people living in the ruins here..."

As she was sitting down in the chair, she stopped briefly and looked up at her older brother. "Also, there's talk around the city that a group of citizens discovered another library that was supposedly leveled during the start of the war. Would you be interested in investigating it later when the sun goes down?"
"Of course. Who knows what we might find there..." Blues said, smiling gently as he finished cataloging and put the books in their proper places. He then stretched...and wondered just how the world could be fixed as long as Osirius existed...part of him wondered if he should have annihilated the organization and its people years ago...of course, he never told Sakura of such thoughts.
Sakura nodded. "Well, I am worried though. I mean, how long do you think it'll really be before our peaceful city here is attacked? A lot of other Havens have been assaulted, the New England one was destroyed only a month ago..." the young girl let out a frustrated sigh, getting up out of the chair and walking over to a partially destroyed window that peered out only a few feet and ended at the business end of what used to be the barrel of an old abrams main battle tank, long since destroyed.
"I don't know...that's why I insisted that we have the crèche, servers, and libraries underground, with multiple exits. In hopes of surviving such an assault. We have to do our best to keep on living though. Even if we have to start moving through the old sewer systems instead of above ground, or retreat into the forests under thick tree cover."

The 18-year-old started to prepare for the night run, gathering supplies and lists of books and information that was lacking. He didn't like how things were going either. He wanted to go out and attack...not hide like a rat. He logged recent events in his journal, careful not to refer to any specific locations or distances lest someone recover it from him one day.
"Make sure to pack your survival gear, Dorwen said that there was a severe storm headed our way and it'll hit the area around the library first before coming here.. so we best be ready for acidic rain... amongst other dangers," she stretched her arm out through the broken window and grabbed a piece of jagged metal that had been speared into the ground.

She looked the piece of metal over before setting it down on a nearby table and then went to grab her rucksack from a nearby room, this room looked like an area to sleep in with an old-beat up mattress.

There were a number of much smaller beds that looked to be designed for children. In the corner of the room was Sakura's rucksack, she walked over and picked it up, hefting it over her shoulder and taking it back into the main room where Blues was.

She set the sack down the ground and undid the ties before opening it up. Instead was a set of t-shirts, socks, and some pants and even a pair of army boots.

"mmm..." Sakura thought and walked over to a wooden box that had a padlock on it, she pulled out a key that hung around her neck and undid the lock, opening it up and revealing a large supply of old military MRE's. "I hope we can find another supply of these," she commented, taking out several of the brown packaged meals and putting them into her rucksack. "I wonder if the military base near that library would have any?" she asked, looking over at Blues.
"It's possible. We could find other things there as well. Perhaps we should expand the search to within that base...they may well have their own servers and some defenses." Blues responded, knowing that they could never stop looking for food and fresh water, even if it was plentiful. It might also be time to split the haven, sending out an expeditionary group to settle somewhere remote...the numbers of espers in proportion to normal humans since the world had been so badly damaged was on the rise, simply because they were better suited to surviving in the screwed up world the war had created. There were still mages though, determined to wipe out the emerging esper race.
"Mmm... I hope no one's occupied it though, it would suck if they did." Sakura had only seen very old pre-war footage that was taken almost twenty years before the ESPer war had started, thus she wondered if anything about it was different from the footage.

When she was done packing her sack, she hefted it over her shoulder and planted it onto the table. "I need to get a few more things before we go, is there anything you'd like for me to get from the vendors?"
"I've got my ECCM...I'll also bring a laptop with the password hacking program, just in case. Perhaps you could pick me up some more pain killers...I've been having to take more of them lately." Blues said, thinking. Having the ability to couple capacitors with his ability to power decides with his abilities made for a good and effective portable ECCM. Who knew what the base was armed with, after all.

"If it's occupied...well...we'll have to see what happens, I suppose. If there are people there like us, and just protecting themselves, it may be best not to disturb them."
Sakura looked up and over at her brother worriedly. "You know you should be careful with those pills, you'll risk getting addicted and we don't know how those pills effect our powers," she remarked and walked over to pick up her robe and put it on.

She made a mental note about the pain killers, along with getting a few other tools they might need for the trip. When she was ready, she pulled the hood over head and casually left the building, walking casually out and heading down the street.

It was still raining, but now that rain was mixed in with the unmistakable rumbling of thunder.
Several hours later, the electric bike would travel quietly through the night save for an odd whine. Infrared goggles were worn by Blues and Sakura as they rode through the night, without visible light guiding their way. They carried assorted tools and goods with them to investigate the library and the base as they moved toward the coast...hoping to evade Osirius. Just in case, Blues had taken the long way around to change their angle of approach.

"Stay sharp...we're getting into dangerous territory." Blues quietly said to his younger sister.
Outskirts of the Haven

The landscape was in utter ruins; the long years of the war were obvious with the wreakage of aircraft and military vehicles along with those used by regular people. Some of this wreakage was in an advantaged state of decay, while others appeared more recent.

Some of the wreakage however was obviously not from before the war; advanced looking tanks that had been gutted wide open, some even had skeletal remains of its crews strewn about the area.

As Blue's drove, Sakura looked over and noticed some black smoke on the horizon. "Blues," she tapped him on the shoulder and pointed toward the smoke. "One of ours?" she asked him.
"...Impossible to tell from here. It's too far for my psychometry to determine...we need to get within range. If it's someone in need of help or a sign of invasion of our Haven, we need to take a look."

The brother and sister drive the bike toward the plume of smoke, the young man watching for any sort of drones or life...or other sources of danger. The vehicle quietly moved, lights all off, as Blues tried to get close enough for his Psychometry to determine just what was happening over there. He didn't want to go the full distance unless it proved necessary. If they weren't intercepted by then, he'd pull the bike over somewhere out of sight, and put his hand on the ground to read the area...
As the siblings got closer to the smoke, the sounds of dogs barking could be heard. The barking got louder and soon two men appeared atop of a building that could only just now be seen.

The two men began to look around, scanning the landscape for whatever had caused the dogs to start barking.
Blues turned down an alley, to remain out of view, and leaned down the side of the bike to briefly touch the ground. He couldn't stay long like this, but he attempted to identify the pair of people and their intent, as well as the dogs. He scanned for targets and threats within the area, unsure of if he would get as far as the plume of smoke but knowing that the unknown entities atop the building were indeed within range...
As Blues scanned, Sakura kept her ears open and her powers actively engaged, she had formed a sort of gravitic warning net around them that extended twenty meters, which meant anyone who got close would be picked up... this also meant that it picked up pretty much 'anything', including the cockroach that was crawling across the ground just beneath the bike.

As it turned out, Blue's would notice that these men were not a threat, but rather they were part of the cities routine patrol groups that had stopped here for the night.
"Seems they're a regular patrol group. I detect two Espers and four Normals...non threatening. I think we should probably try to make contact. I'll keep my psychokinetic shield up though. Just in case they shoot first and ask questions later..." Blues said, sitting back upright on the bike.

Once his psychokinetic shield was up to a degree that could likely deflect bullets if they shot first, he pulled out of the alley and moved his bike through the streets. He kept the headlights off, but allowed he and Sakura to be spotted, waving to the men on the roof. He didn't want to turn on the light and be spotted by anyone other than these men, however.