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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
At 0200 hours this morning shots were fired on Hotaru Star Fortress. Bakufu Security and Intelligence Authority informants have released that Hanabusa Miho, Chujo and head of the Hanabusa family was killed while attempting to take the life of beloved Bakufu member, and head of BSIA Tange Misato Shôshô. The Chujo’s motivations to commit such a dishonorable crime are still under investigation. Tange Misato managed to survive the ordeal thanks to the brave actions of Kakutama Yuriko Shoi, a First Expeditionary Fleet officer and commander of the YSS Asamoya. Following the foiled assassination attempt several Hanabusa ships attempted to flee the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet’s staging area, calling in the SMX for assistance. BSIA officials have...
A Call to Arms The State to Establish Mechanized Irregulars and Militia Forces Those who may be following recent Polysentience political forums will not be surprised to hear that the Free State has finally begun to answer their Call to Arms presented to them by the Nepleslians. The combined threat of Yamatai, the Mishhuvurthyar, and the Reds cannot be ignored, so efforts to form a defense force has begun. While weapons designs have been proposed and honed, there hasn't actually been any body to utilize these on behalf of the State -- until now. The Art of Never Again, the manifesto of our State, is strongly against the creation of any standing army, and the various Fleets are strong agreement. Instead, it has been decided to develop...
[SANDRA] Ketsurui  Continues Advancements
Ketsurui Continues Advancements Gemini Star Fortress - Ketsurui Fleet Yards, the universe's largest shipbuilding entity, has made a bold start in YE 30 with a potpourri of new starships, weaponry, and armor accessories. The Plumeria Gunship, KFY's showcase model for the First Expeditionary Fleet, has been produced in increasing numbers and has been fitted with a new main cannon. Meanwhile, KFY has also produce the Type 30 Mass-Production Escort, a low-cost, tiny-crew ship that packs a nice punch, is speedy, and can be made in much larger quantities than any of its Zesuaium-coated sisters. The Yuuko-class gunboat is also now available, but as of yet no fleets have built them. KFY is also working hard in the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet...
Our glorious empire has breached the barrier which has held us in our home system of Jaspis for far too long. On the first day of the fourth quarter of AF 259, the HMS Kretor captained by Hauptmann Xavier Bauer left the Jaspis system for the Northern Regions of known space for a two week exploration mission. Today, the Imperial Weltraumflotte has received word that the HMS Kretor has discovered four system for possible colonization. Plans are underway for more detailed surveys to be conducted of the three remaining systems. Hauptmann Bauer has elected to stay in one system to complete his survey while the three other Kretor-class Scouts conduct missions on the remaining systems. When KdiS questioned the Weltraumflotte on their...
Funky City, Nepleslia, Channel 3 Newsroom "Good afternoon folks, we've had quite a day today." Tom, the nondescript Channel 3 News anchor said at his desk in the studio, staring right into the camera. Next to his desk was a screen mounted on the back wall, which had a picture of two men on a motorcycle decimating an entire gang with a Flechette launcher. This news station didn't have the best looking of facilities, but it did get the news across to Nepleslians in the general Funky City area. "Earlier this afternoon, you may remember the Highway of Death being liberated by this fellow and his friend..." A picture of a two men showed up on the back screen. One had spikey hair, sideburns, brown eyes and a huge, goofy grin. The other had...