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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
This thread will be used as a guideline on tickers and their respective broadcasting networks. Please do not post without using a proper ticker. If you would like to post news for a faction please secure permission beforehand, most likely from a news network's GMs. Feel free to ask if you're uncertain who owns a news network. ______ National News Networks [KdiS] -- Korporation der imperialen Sendung Abwehran national news [FSR] -- Free Space Radio Freespacer combined national, independent and criminal news [MAN] -- Matriarchy Associated Network Lorath royal news [HVE] -- Heavenly Voice of Elysia Elysian national news [NNN] -- Nepleslia News Network Nepleslian national news [SANDRA] -- Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency...