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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Coming to you first from a special Nepleslia News Network source within the SMDIoNs 4th Fleet headquarters located in Shinjiyuu the NNN has confirmed today that the 4th Fleet, also known as Fleet Strike has been given the mobilization order and will be preparing to depart from Shinjiyuu in the coming days. Our source within Fleet Strike tells us at the Nepleslian News Network that the order has come from the very top; Grand Admiral Lysander Calloway, famous for his efforts alongside Admiral Julia Brisk of the Star Navies 1st Expeditionary Fleet and our spacer allies within the Viridian Array for their defense of the Nepleslian Colonial Expanse during the Kuvexian crisis is recalling his fleet from their standing berthing in the...
Tokyo, Jiyuu--The Star Army is bustling with activity today after the Star Army, on the order of Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui Yui, has ordered the Star Army's Expeditionary Fleets to prepare to expeditions into new sectors of space in the Kagami Galaxy. In addition to mobilizing the First Expeditionary Fleet and Second Expeditionary Fleet, the legendary Fifth Expeditionary Fleet--not seen since before the United Outer Colonies rebellion of YE 30--has been restored under its historic admiral, former Empress Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko. After the Kuvexian War, the Yamatai Star Empire is taking new steps to move beyond the Kikyo Sector and out into the larger galaxy to avoid keeping all its eggs in one basket, so to speak. This could be the...
Kyoto, Yamatai - The Office of Her Imperial Majesty announced that the Yamatai Star Empire would be conducting free and fair elections across the Yamatai Star Empire for the position of Imperial Premier, which is essentially Yamatai's equivalent of a President or Prime Minister. The Imperial Premier runs the Senate of Yamatai and most government organizations in the empire, excluding the Star Army of Yamatai. This is enshrined in the YSE Constitution. Hopeful candidates for the position will have from now until the new year to build and run a campaign to show the citizens they are the best pick for the job. via Yamatai Imperial News Network
Fujiko, Fujiko IV, Red Sands City YE 44.7 In response to the terrorist attack on the former UOC Capitol Dome, the Chief Executive of the Fujiko Development Corporation, Sun Horatio, announced sending aid to Jiyuu III. "All those on Fujiko, Rufusland, Ukmirt, and even our misguided brethren on the Black Moon of Halna; hear me!! It is time to let go of the past and begin rebuilding our pride and manifest a brighter destiny. We need our industrial and construction companies to show their skill and lend heavy equipment to support those on Jiyuu III in their efforts to recover. We need to show our compassion. I ask for those with Search and Rescue skills as well as medical skills to also volunteer your time. You are the real angels of our...
[Conclave Broadcasting Network] Draco Eridanus Celebrates Fourth Annual Founding Day! The screen shows a massive town square scene behind the reporter where light shows, and dances abound as non Yamataian military Nekovalkyrja, Separa’shan, Synthetics of any kind as well as humans and, Senti and anthros dance, or observe the light shows above. “Greetings Citizens, I am Shana Shadelight, coming to you live, in downtown DracoTown, The Capital of Draco Eridanus where civilians, law enforcement, government employees and visitors alike flock to the streets, to celebrate Founding Day! That’s right, today's the day, Draco Eridanus was discovered, and Station Omacron, in which the great Capital of the system DracoTown was founded. It also...