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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
SANDRA - PEARL Scouring the Aftermath of the Tempests
Scouring the Aftermath of the Tempests Yamazaki Masaki - Reporter Footage from - FANTASTIC Media Drones Task Force One has deployed behind the First Expeditionary Fleet's Tokyo Expeditionary Battlegroup to the Jun System. The Jun System was liberated by the 1XF in YE 43 and was left in ruin. PEARL's Task Force one has been tasked with filtering through the debris of starships lost in the system, as well as the remains of the Star Army Manufacturing facility that was located on the second planet for possible Soul Transfer backups and Soul Savior pods. PEARL's Director, Taisho Anzai Saya informed us in a press release that PEAL is also hoping to find the remains or backups of POWs from the Second Mishhuvurthyar War as well, as that Jun...
Both the locals and Tourist inhabitants of Jiyuu 3 were subjected to a new experience today, as two members of the noble Motoyoshi Clan had gotten on [a href=XM3-48 (Extreme class Hover Board) on Star Army Space Roleplay]Hoverboards[/a] and began a race. This was done using a course that seemingly appeared out of the sea. From what witnesses and our own cameras showed the members themselves were the Clan Matriarch whom is also a member of the Ketsurui clan, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, and the Seventh princess Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yue, also known as Azure of Midnight Infinity. Crowds were wowed at the speed, the grace in which the two Motoyoshis moved. They were especially impressed with The Seventh princess’s helicopter trick. But it...
Kyoto, Yamatai--Following successful negotiations at the International Relations Conference of YE 44 on Pisces Station, the Abwehran Star Empire and Yamatai Star Empire have entered an agreement for the Abwehran Star Empire to become part of greater Yamatai, and for the Jaspis system to permanently become territory of the YSE. Jaspis, which is already located deep within Yamataian space, is the homeworld of the Abwehran species, who are heavyworlders bearing a strong resemblance to humans, with the exception of their males having four arms. They have two main cultures, surfacers and nightwalkers, and have been in contact with Yamatai for nearly 20 years as peaceful neighbors. The merging of the ASE into Yamatai is seen my many as a...
Fujiko System, Fujiko IV Shenhong City Yesterday the Ryu Keiretsu announced the opening of their forcefield domed city of Shenhong as open for business. With its octagon shaped perimeter sporting Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing designed "Protector" shield towers along the perimeter and halfway between them at the central spire in the middle, it has 69.7 square kilometers of available space to develop light industrial, commercial, and residential spaces. The shielding is needed to counter the heavy atmospheric pressure encountered in the warmer foothills of Mount Cool without the wear of cybersuits. While shield failure will not result in suffocation, the huge pressure difference will create severe hurricane levels of winds...
Kyoto, Yamatai Star Empire YINN Reporter - Miura Ayame Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Tetsuya held a press conference today to mark the birth of a new political party in mainstream Yamataian politics. The Bellflower Party, named after the symbol of Yamatai itself, is running on a platform of pro-imperial views, bringing highlight to the preservation of core values, veterans issues, expansion of the empire as well as restoration of regions affected by the Kuvexian war, promises are to be the traditionalist contender into today's politics. The party used the opportunity of the press conference to endorse Kinoshita Fusako as their candidate for the office of Imperial Premier. "Kinoshita Fusako represents everything that this party stands for, and we...