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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Central Uesureya, Yamatai -- At the weekly press conference today, the Star Army responded to questions responded to questions regarding a viral video that has had over 120 million views on Yamatube. The video, apparently taken from an internal security camera from the Star Army Central Fleet Depot's vast underground storage facilities, shows a lone low-ranking logistics soldier stacking large barrels of pressurized liquid on a high shelf. When the soldier attempts to fill the middle shelf, he bumps it, and one of the barrels from the high shelf is knocked free by the jolt, falling over 20 meters and immediately bursting open and drenching everything in the area. The video then cuts to a clip of dozens of soldiers extensively cleaning...
Kyoto, Yamatai--The Senate of Yamatai passed a law that set up the imminent election for the position of Imperial Premier of Yamatai, the key figure who oversees the senate, foreign relations, and most of the government of the Yamatai Star Empire. The position has been vacant since the departure of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko last year. The major twist is that after Senator Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako submitted it, the law was changed due to feedback from other senators. The change meant it was passed with an added requirement that at least three valid candidates by available for voters to choose from. Previously, due to the dropout of Kinoshita Fusako, Senator Anslen Volontany was set to win by default due to a lack of competition. Now...
Shortly after the stroke of midnight on the eve of YE 45, denizens at the local music club The Furious Sound were stunned when there was a minor cave-in beneath the stage. No injuries were reported, beyond what normally happens in mosh pits. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the club had only a single exit, a scavenged airlock that broke during the disturbance, locking the crowds inside until a pair of Kodians, one inside and one outside, tore the outer door open to let everyone out. Despite the incident, the club was open again within an hour, albeit with the stage cordoned off. Acting manager J'dompal Gruk'mirr was quick to reassure patrons that "everything is safe, drinks are half price, just don't go near the stage."...
YINN A great day for Technology and new Corporation support! Ye 44 was proving to be a great year for technology, this reporter discovered, as the Daikoku Agriculture ships came out this year, as have Hoverboards, among a great deal of new technology created by the Norians of Tsenlan. It appears, however, a new corporation has formed SachiTech, a company created by the Tech Savant Itatski Sachiko. This company is well known to the entire sector at large as it, and its leader Itatski-san has created the ever-useful Tech Scanner, a tool used by technicians and Engineers, the Virtual Home sleep, a useful device capable of allowing us to sleep using ships that don’t have conventional beds. Recently, Itatski-San has also had a hand in...
Gashmere City, Gashmere - In a shocking act of violence, a chemical attack has struck Gashmere City, the capital of Gashmere. The attack, which occurred in the early hours of the morning, resulted in more than five thousand deaths and tens of thousands of injuries. Gashmere is home of the Kodians. It has been part of the Yamatai Star Empire since shortly after being discovered by the YSS Nozomi in YE 27 and is governed by the General Assembly of Gashmere. Gashmere has a population of over 2.507 billion. The chemical agent was delivered via a series of bombs placed in key locations throughout the city. The bombs were detonated remotely, releasing a cloud of toxic gas that spread throughout the city. Emergency services were overwhelmed...