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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
KYOTO, YAMATAI--The Star Army of Yamatai, through its Materiel Acquisitions Division, a part of Star Army Logistics, announced today it was seeking a bids for a new model of firefighting truck that could be used by Star Army Emergency Services. Nito Heisho Ahn Ha-neul (안 하늘), the spokesperson for the Materiel Acquisitions Division, told the press, "We are opening this to all Yamataian manufacturers and are hoping to see innovative proposals from corporations such as Origin Industries, Osman Heavy Industries, and similar Yamataian vehicle producers." At present, there is no standard fire apparatus for Star Army Emergency Services, which has had to make due with commercially purchased solutions, imports, or, more often, jerry-rigged...
It is with the heaviest of hearts that I announce today that I will not continue my campaign for Imperial Premier. My family told me from the start that it was foolish to think that I could run for such a position with no experience and no history of service. Nevertheless, I proceeded onward and received support from my nephew and from the Bellflower Party. Today, I prove my family right and brought dishonour to those who backed me. If there was anyone who supported me, I apologize to you. And if you care to send me your correspondence, I will apologize to you personally in reply. If you are asking why, and I understand if you are not, it is that something has been weighing on me since the start of my campaign. I felt the utmost...
Tami 18日 8月 YE 44 Dazzling rays of light splayed out in the crisp air that ebbed into the deep clefts of the canyon that the Yamataian viewers of the news program were privy to. Rectangles of light emanated from white zesuaium openings in the red rocked rift that sloped between either of the green topped sides of the canyon. Just a few hangars large enough for a carrier were carved into the cliff on one side of the valley, betraying the huge underground complex with their dispersal throughout the canyon's side. Though a forested planet, the green of Tami was less piercing and sharp had it been Springtime and lush. Instead the trees and foliage were a muted color, betraying the cold they were enduring in the cusp between Autumnal...
1st Nepleslian Red Census Results
Fujiko IV Red Sands City YE 44.9.1 On Monday, the Fujiko Development Corporation released the results of its first tri-annual population census. Likely the very first organized effort by the Nepleslian Reds to identify their population, it naturally conflicted with the more "freedom-minded" among them. There were reports of small riots breaking out in some settlements of Fujiko IV and Ukmirt II when the census recorders arrived to gather data. Local militias had to be used to calm down the individuals long enough to be reasoned with. The primary function of the census is to determine the exact population composition of the Fujiko, Rufusland, and Ukmirt systems to tailor marketing. But the real gem within the census data is the show...
UX3-III 44.8.15 Baroness Soon Bardoon, governor of the independent, neutral trade colony of Sood Zadra after the collapse of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia, made a stunning surprise announcement today that she would be running for Imperial Premier of the Yamatai Star Empire in the upcoming election as an independent candidate. While it is not clear whether or not she is eligible, the Baroness points to the the pertinent sections in the Constitution of Yamatai and other applicable statutes notably having no requirement of Yamataian citizenship for the position. Regardless, it would be a long shot indeed for a Kuvexian to garner any votes, despite Baroness Bardoon's insistence that she "had nothing to do with the war."