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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Newer Fleets Make Progress Ketsurui Military Sector - The Second, Third, and Fourth Fleets each today received a Iori-class Star Fortress from the First Expeditionary Fleet, which had four surviving Iori Star Fortresses (of its original five) and four newer Zodiac Star Fortresses. The move gave each of the newly rebuilt standard fleets a mobile base and shipyard to call their own, while leaving the First Expeditionary with five Star Fortresses (1 Iori, the Ketsurui Star Fortress and 4 Zodiac [Cosmos, Gemini, Scorpio, Virgo]). Two Chujo, one from the First Fleet and one from the First Expeditionary Fleet, were promoted to command the Second Fleet and Third Fleet. In command of Second Fleet is Taisho Fensalir Kelrina, former commander...
[SANDRA] Virtute Acquiritur Honos
Virtute Acquiritur Honos Kyoto, Yamatai - Empress Himiko decided on a new motto for the Yamataian Government today; "Virtute Acquiritur Honos," Latin for "Honor is Acquired by Virtue," was chosen because it represents the new Empress's commitment to overcoming the darker points of Yamatai's past by pushing forward and upward with improvements and cooperation, and by taking more ethical responsibility. The motto will also serve as the motto for the Empress's personal starship, the space yacht Honor.
[SANDRA] Older Fleets Downsized
Older Fleets Downsized Fleet Depot Nataria - The Star Army of Yamatai moved 198,000 Ayame Cruisers, 142,000 Yui Scouts, and 200,000 Irim Gunships out of the Central Yamatai Defense Fleet today by order of Empress Himiko, a 97.8% reduction in fleet size. 1,000,000 Irim Gunships and 198,000 Ayame Cruisers were designated to be scrapped; the recovered materials will be used to build space stations, planetary facilities, and modern military vessels, while the supplies the scrapped ships carried will be used to help the public and the needy, as well as fund government projects through sales. Himiko wants to show the rest of the universe that Yamatai will no longer be a galactic bully by downsizing the Star Army to a "reasonable, primarily...
[SANDRA] Empress Begins Sweeping Reforms
Empress Begins Sweeping Reforms Kyoto, Yamatai- Empress Himiko today announced her plan to strengthen Yamatai by improving life for all Yamataian citizens and by improving foreign relations. The Empress issued the following list of decrees: By YE 31, 1. All forms of slavery within Yamatai will end. 2. Torture will no longer be used for punishment or interrogation. 3. The Star Army will no longer be able to target innocent civilians of other nations.
Imperial Power Returns to Ketsurui Kyoto, Yamatai - In a Surprising move, former Empress Yui, after being given the power to decide the new Empress by Katsuko, chose Ketsurui Himiko as Empress of Yamatai, rather than choosing herself or her sister, former Empress Yuumi. Himiko has not yet set a date for an address to the nation, but immediately gave some imperial orders: Himiko also announced plans to help the Freespacers by setting up regular shipments of food and water to them.